General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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Gosh Frederik, you’ve been photographed with Australian Prime Ministers in the past … Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard … and now you have a very well-known Australian TV personality being quoted as calling you a “dirty dog”. (Not actually on TV at least, but still.)

Guess no Australian politician will stand alongside you in the future and risk upsetting the female vote here. No more official visits on that level.
Gosh Frederik, you’ve been photographed with Australian Prime Ministers in the past … Tony Abbott, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard … and now you have a very well-known Australian TV personality being quoted as calling you a “dirty dog”. (Not actually on TV at least, but still.)

Guess no Australian politician will stand alongside you in the future and risk upsetting the female vote here. No more official visits on that level.

There was a literally no proof he's done anything wrong yet he's already been tried and hung.
A question I haven't seen brought up yet: what would be the consequences if the alleged affair is true? HRH The Crown Prince of Denmark isn't going to lose either his position or his wife because she's has too much invested both emotionally and politically to be reactionary to a dalliance. He may lose some reputation, but that will heal over time, especially if he remains as hardworking as he always has been. He may garner the disappointment of his mother and children, but that can heal too.

To give an earlier example, Charles III married his long-time mistress, and nearly 20 years later he and Queen Camilla are deeply beloved throughout their realms(...)

I don't know about that. I recken that to many, the legacy of Charles III will be forever marred by the public nature of his affair.

Personally, I'm very interested to see a new popularity poll. Frederik topped the one made earlier this year but I'd bet good money that Mary has superseded him and even that QMII won back her place in front of him too.

Even regardless of the nature of his relationship with Casanova, I've seen a lot of Danes question what on earth this man was doing on a mini-vacation in Madrid midweek. Has he really not got anything better to do with his days? That's bound to hurt his reputation as well.
Even regardless of the nature of his relationship with Casanova, I've seen a lot of Danes question what on earth this man was doing on a mini-vacation in Madrid midweek. Has he really not got anything better to do with his days? That's bound to hurt his reputation as well.

That is the first thing that popped into my head too! Where do they find the time!? I get that they have a small army of assistants etc, but still! And right before a State Visit too!
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There are a lot of people still on Team Diana when it comes to Charles. Frederik seems to think that if he just goes on with life as normal people will forget and move on also....I just don't think so.
I agree with the comment above...why is the Crown Prince's sex life any of the State's business? Not saying this is true or not. Simply that it is a private matter between Fred and Mary.

And despite's Mary's engagement interview where she declared "I will not tolerate infidelity" she is probably sensible enough 20 years on to realize that her options are limited. She is the future queen and mother of the king. Hopefully she will continue to hold her head high and try to maintain her dignity and that of the Royal House.

Half of all marriages end in divorce. Couples- both men and women- engage in affairs. It is the way it is. I refuse to believe that people are naive enough to believe Royals don't fool around as well.:whistling:

To be brutally honest, I am not surprised if CP Frederick has a private life outside his marriage. I AM surprised that he is dumb enough to get caught (if he has).

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Didn't he promise his wife to be faithful to her when they married in front of the whole nation, including a church ceremony? He made it more than something private when they got married; at that point he made public promises (that had state consequences, such as that any children they would have would be in line to the throne) that he should keep.

Moreover, in the past (and even nowadays) out-of-wedlock children did cause trouble in various monarchies. So, I don't agree that fidelity issues are just 'private issues' between spouses.
Didn't he promise his wife to be faithful to her when they married in front of the whole nation, including a church ceremony? He made it more than something private when they got married; at that point he made public promises (that had state consequences, such as that any children they would have would be in line to the throne) that he should keep.

Moreover, in the past (and even nowadays) out-of-wedlock children did cause trouble in various monarchies. So, I don't agree that fidelity issues are just 'private issues' between spouses.
Good points
There was a literally no proof he's done anything wrong yet he's already been tried and hung.

The fact that you may not have seen the proof, photos or do not know her behaviour well, doesn’t mean it’s not obvious for the rest of the world.

There is proof he slept at her place,
What we don’t know is if he slept on the couch or her kid’s bedrooms. 3-bedroom flat. Well, always Casanova’s morals in question. She thrives on this affairs of hers.
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The fact that you may not have seen the proof, photos or do not know her behaviour well, doesn’t mean it’s not obvious for the rest of the world.

There is proof he slept at her place,
What we don’t know is if she slept on the couch or her kid’s bedrooms. Well, again Casanova. She thrives on this affairs of hers.

So why has she run away instead of brazening it out in Madrid? Just being overly-dramatic?

Every couple who stands at the altar makes the same (or similar) vows. And they (mostly) mean it when they say it.

But humans are weak, fallible, beings. We often fail even when we begin with the best of intentions. And in the 21st century, with the influence of the Church, and traditional moraity at an all time low...and people being more "me" centered and less willing to remain in unsatisfactory relationships.. divorce has become more accepted.

But for a Royal couple a lot more is on the line. You can't simply throw in the towel because someone fell short. Look at the catastrophe that ensued in the Charles/Diana divorce...psychologically wounded children, a titillated press and public..and the prestige of the House of Windsor has never quite recovered.

Royals have affairs just like everyone else...always have. Just in the last decade alone there have been rumors and revelations about William and Kate, Albert and Charlene, Albert and Paola,Haakon and Mette-Marit, Gustav and Sylvia, even Victoria and Daniel.

We shouldn't even discuss the previous generation. It would take way too much time.

You simply cannot force people not to stray. Period.

I guess my question marital infidelity a good reason to destroy a family and possibly destabilize the institution of the Monarchy itself? If the answer is "yes"...then why?

Because if so there would be no more reigning Royal families in existence.

I love reading about couples who honor their marital vows and remain true to the end. It's why Baudouin and Fabiola are my #goals Royal love story. But I also know that couples like that are the exception and not the rule.

As I've gotten older I have come to accept that relationships between humans are complex and messy. All relationships are full of disappointments, adjustments, compromises.

I say let go of the fairy tale fantasies we have about these Royal couples and face the fact that they are as flawed as the rest of us.
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[ . . . ]
Personally, I'm very interested to see a new popularity poll. Frederik topped the one made earlier this year but I'd bet good money that Mary has superseded him and even that QMII won back her place in front of him too.

Even regardless of the nature of his relationship with Casanova, I've seen a lot of Danes question what on earth this man was doing on a mini-vacation in Madrid midweek. Has he really not got anything better to do with his days? That's bound to hurt his reputation as well.

That is the first thing that popped into my head too! Where do they find the time!? I get that they have a small army of assistants etc, but still! And right before a State Visit too!
Time? When did the Danish Royal Family's working hours go 24/7, 365 days a year? It is an absolute nonsense to even raise the subject just as I was curious when I viewed the "evidential photographs" at how they keep snapping away at either Frederik or Casanova standing by various doors on their own, walking along the street either with one or the other in frame and those with both. A novice body language expert would be hard pushed to find anything remotely romantic or intimate in them.

My other question was, is it normal for Frederik to travel internationally without a single PET officer? Are they alone or are there others deliberately omitted from the shots.

Any way I look at it I don't see smouldering passion . . . in point of fact they both looked a litte chilly, but then it would seem that they do have a shared passion for art which is, after all, what the meeting was all about.
So why has she run away instead of brazening it out in Madrid? Just being overly-dramatic?

I’m in Madrid, so I recognise the street and the area well. He comes out in her street with luggage in hand all alone no security and the sleepover is 100% obvious.

Her affairs in Spain have been very similar, and cyclical, she would date important men and deny it - It was confirmed by those men or caught on photographs, then again denial, or in the lines of what she said this time- it’s not what it seems…

She is not being overdramatic, she’s embarrassed, how to explain why a married prince slept at hers. No security the flat doesn’t have space for bodyguards.

But since her affairs keep happening and she has no other job, I assume she needs it and that’s what keeps her alive.

so she tried to justify it with a story about a man that had covid and later another that they had been friends for long. And had to flee because there are more photos coming.
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Every couple who stands at the altar makes the same (or similar) vows. And they (mostly) mean it when they say it.

But humans are weak, fallible, beings. We often fail even when we begin with the best of intentions. And in the 21st century, with the influence of the Church, and traditional moraity at an all time low...and people being more "me" centered and less willing to remain in unsatisfactory relationships.. divorce has become more accepted.

But for a Royal couple a lot more is on the line. You can't simply throw in the towel because someone fell short. Look at the catastrophe that ensued in the Charles/Diana divorce...psychologically wounded children, a titillated press and public..and the prestige of the House of Windsor has never quite recovered.

Royals have affairs just like everyone else...always have. Just in the last decade alone there have been rumors and revelations about William and Kate, Albert and Charlene, Albert and Paola,Haakon and Mette-Marit, Gustav and Sylvia, even Victoria and Daniel.

We shouldn't even discuss the previous generation. It would take way too much time.

You simply cannot force people not to stray. Period.

I guess my question marital infidelity a good reason to destroy a family and possibly destabilize the institution of the Monarchy itself? If the answer is "yes"...then why?

Because if so there would be no more reigning Royal families in existence.

I love reading about couples who honor their marital vows and remain true to the end. It's why Baudouin and Fabiola are my #goals Royal love story. But I also know that couples like that are the exception and not the rule.

As I've gotten older I have come to accept that relationships between humans are complex and messy. All relationships are full of disappointments, adjustments, compromises.

I say let go of the fairy tale fantasies we have about these Royal couples and face the fact that they are as flawed as the rest of us.

How sad it is when people start to view fidelity in marriage as an exception while affairs being accepted as a norm (what's the point of marriage then?)

Putting royals in common folks' standard feels like an oxymoron. They are what they are, in their position, because their lineage makes them "special" compare to us common folks. Wouldn't it too much to expect them to hold a higher moral standards than us peasants? As in, with their position, set themselves as example how to lead their lives to certain codes of*moral*conduct.

Maybe it's just me being old-fashioned, but as I grow older,I realize that everything comes with price. Some positions come with restrictions. And in my opinion, royals are in position of privilege and those privileges surely come with responsibilities which include expectations to conduct themselves in certain ways.
:previous: It IS sad yukari, I agree.

But it's also reality. And Royals have something very important in common with "peasants". They are flesh and blood humans.

I will wait patiently while you come up with a period of time in human history when Royals were good, upstanding individuals who lived upright moral lives, never strayed from the marital bed, and set a good example for all the common folk.:cool:
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:previous: It IS sad yukari, I agree.

But it's also reality. And Royals have something very important in common with "peasants". They are flesh and blood humans.

I will wait patiently while you come up with a period of time in human history when Royals were good, upstanding individuals who never strayed from the marital bed, and set a good example for all the common folk.:cool:

Well, considering there's also time when royals can just throw people to the dungeon as they please, would today's people be okay if they do it now? For a younger brother to kill his older brother to seize the throne?

If today's royals are suppose to treat their staff with respect, human to human, instead of someone lower than them like how their predecessors treated their servants, why can't they be expected to treat their spouses better than their predecessors? Surely people should strive to be better than their predecessors, right?
Innocent or not, Her Majesty will rip him a new one over this bad press.
I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, until we know for certain that this story and timeline has any truth to it.
To be brutally honest, I am not surprised if CP Frederick has a private life outside his marriage. I AM surprised that he is dumb enough to get caught (if he has).


There have been occasional suspicions about Frederik's "private life" from time to time, but, at least in public, he and Mary have always tried to project this "perfect family life" image, not least at very high profile international events such as Frederik's 50th birthday and their own son's 18th birthday. And, if there was any infidelity, the Danish press at least didn't seem to be interested in following up on it. As someone else said, Denmark is a small country, so any affair would be difficult to hide.

So either it is something many people know about, but don't report on to protect the Crown (not unlike Juan Carlos in the past), or Frederik is indeed innocent.

Well, considering there's also time when royals can just throw people to the dungeon as they please, would today's people be okay if they do it now? For a younger brother to kill his older brother to seize the throne?

If today's royals are suppose to treat their staff with respect, human to human, instead of someone lower than them like how their predecessors treated their servants, why can't they be expected to treat their spouses better than their predecessors? Surely people should strive to be better than their predecessors, right?

I think it is unfair to judge Mary on what she would or would not do if her husband cheated on her and that became public knowledge. We have no way to know either how she would react.

What I think some members have been arguing is that royal marriages are inherently unequal. Frederik is the heir by birthright. That position is secured by the Danish Succession to the Throne Act and the Danish Constitution Act (which incorporates the latter), no matter what happens to his marriage. If the couple splits, it is Mary who will take the fall. She may keep her HRH (as Alexandra did), as long as she doesn't remarry, and she will probably be given a pension and, most likely, a residence, but she will never be queen. Considering that she gave up her Australian and British citzenships and has invested nearly the past 20 years of her life in the sole job of being the Crown Princess of Denmark, she might think twice about losing that job if or when push came to shove.

Having said that, Mary belongs to a different generation of women than Queen Sofia or even Diana, a generation in which women are more or less expected not to tolerate infidelity. As I said, her reaction, if this hypothetical scenario came to pass, is in fact unpredictible and it is not up to us to judge her one way or the other, or tell her what she should or should not do.
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To me, anyways, there seem to be so many strange layers to this story.

I have no idea, *if* Frederik is stepping out on Mary. I just think in this day and age with him WELL AWARE of relentless and vicious Paparazzi and their prey, " Royals and Celebrities " he OWED it to his Family, Position, and Denmark to conduct himself in a more professional and responsible manner. Just stay at a Hotel, that he didn't, just blew this up needlessly.

Even * if *so, he should have been more discreet, in any case he has shown an appalling lack of judgment in staying over Geneveva Cassanova's House, when according to reports, he was supposed to stay at a Hotel.

Another thing that I find curious, Frederick was supposedly going to stay at a safe, secure, Hotel. Did he just blow off his Security ? Where were they ?

WITH everything going on in the World, which is currently very dangerous, and very unstable, I find that he acts so blase, unconcerned, about potential risks from bad People that could kidnap or murder him so reckless. What a trophy that would be. The future King of Denmark, a hostage.

Again, I think Frederik acted like a complete fool here. For a few reasons. And this friend of his, Geneveva seemed to be pouring gasoline on the fire instead of quenching it. Not just sending the gossip mill into overdrive either, AND needlessly putting a spotlight on his marriage.

Personally I think Frederik, and others, as a future Ruler during these perilous times has to act more responsibility, about the dangers out there. Just LAST year, The Netherlands Princess Catherine Amelia's was supposedly being targeted by criminal gangs, and her own Security was greatly beefed up.

Too many repercussions happen in History from a whim, something that doesn't seem *big*, when happening, but has giant reverberations.
Princess Diana, in leaving the safe -secure Ritz Hotel at 1 am that set the disaster that then unfolded into play, certainly comes to my mind....

I hope the fallout from this Scandal does wake Prince Frederik up. Again, to my eyes, there was not just the personal angle, but his position as a future King's safety too.
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To me, anyways, there seem to be so many strange layers to this story.

I have no idea, *if* Frederik is stepping out on Mary. I just think in this day and age with him WELL AWARE of relentless and vicious Paparazzi and their prey, " Royals and Celebrities " he OWED it to his Family, Position, and Denmark to conduct himself in a more professional and responsible manner. Just stay at a Hotel, that he didn't, just blew this up needlessly.

Even * if *so, he should have been more discreet, in any case he has shown an appalling lack of judgment in staying over Geneveva Cassanova's House, when according to reports, he was supposed to stay at a Hotel.

Another thing that I find curious, Frederick was supposedly going to stay at a safe, secure, Hotel. Did he just blow off his Security ? Where were they ?

WITH everything going on in the World, which is currently very dangerous, and very unstable, I find that he acts so blase, unconcerned, about potential risks from bad People that could kidnap or murder him so reckless. What a trophy that would be. The future King of Denmark, a hostage.

Again, I think Frederik acted like a complete fool here. For a few reasons. And this friend of his, Geneveva seemed to be pouring gasoline on the fire instead of quenching it. Not just sending the gossip mill into overdrive either, AND needlessly putting a spotlight on his marriage.

Personally I think Frederik, and others, as a future Ruler during these perilous times has to act more responsibility, about the dangers out there. Just LAST year, The Netherlands Princess Catherine Amelia's was supposedly being targeted by criminal gangs, and her own Security was greatly beefed up.

Too many repercussions happen in History from a whim, something that doesn't seem *big*, when happening, but has giant reverberations.
Princess Diana, in leaving the safe -secure Ritz Hotel at 1 am that set the disaster that then unfolded into play, certainly comes to my mind....

I hope the fallout from this Scandal does wake Prince Frederik up. Again, to my eyes, there was not just the personal angle, but his position as a future King's safety too.

In fact, his security team is at fault too for allowing him to sneak out without protection if that is what really happened. They seem to have acted unprofessionally.

Of course there have been issues with Quran burnings in Denmark and Denmark's involvement in the war in Afghanistan that may represent an additional risk to the DRF, but, thankfully for Frederik, with all due respect to his official status, the Crown Prince of Denmark is probably not the most sought target of "bad people" out there.
In fact, his security team is at fault too for allowing him to sneak out without protection if that is what really happened. They seem to have acted unprofessionally.

The security service responds to orders from the royal house or the government, they are not responsible for anything, if they are given orders they follow them.

Frederick was only accompanied by two people from the embassy during the outings, people who did not spend the night at Genoveva's house and who picked him up in the morning. He spent several minutes walking alone on the street waiting for them.

The Spanish press is very surprised because they are used to seeing royal people visiting Spain, and it is normal that in addition to their own security they have Spanish security as backup. Either they did not report Frederik's visit or they gave up protection.

When a few months ago Máxima and Amalia were photographed in Madrid, the news said that they had Dutch and Spanish bodyguards.
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The security service responds to orders from the royal house or the government, they are not responsible for anything, if they are given orders they follow them.

Maybe in Spain, but I doubt the U.S. Secret Service can allow the President of the United States to spend the night alone at a private home even if he orders them to do so. Their mandate is determined by laws and regulations that go beyond the authority of the President, who is not an absolute monarch.
Mbruno, To some, "Crown Prince Frederik is probably not the most sought target of bad People" but Criminals and Terrorists are creatures of opportunities. Pure and simple.

Frederik is more high profile than Princess Catherine Amelia too, AND She WAS targeted.

I would hope that Queen Margarethe is having discussions with Frederik and his Team about all the optics on this. Security, should have been a top concern. It apparently wasnt. Why ? And Frederik needs to step up.

Which I find very disconcerting, troubling to take risks like that, with all that's going on in The World today.
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A question I haven't seen brought up yet: what would be the consequences if the alleged affair is true? HRH The Crown Prince of Denmark isn't going to lose either his position or his wife because she's has too much invested both emotionally and politically to be reactionary to a dalliance. He may lose some reputation, but that will heal over time, especially if he remains as hardworking as he always has been. He may garner the disappointment of his mother and children, but that can heal too.

To give an earlier example, Charles III married his long-time mistress, and nearly 20 years later he and Queen Camilla are deeply beloved throughout their realms.

Ultimately, his infidelity or lack thereof is a private matter between him and his wife. As long as he continues to keep up his duties as crown prince, the public shouldn't be too hard on him.

Post script: Europeans are a lot more trusting of their partners than all of the Americans I know are. Even if they have been married for decades, many partners would be uncomfortable with their significant others staying overnight alone with friends of the opposite sex, and many of those significant others wouldn't do so because they would find it disrespectful to their partners.

That's a very open question.

It depends very much on Mary's reaction and whether the two of them could work it out.
If Mary opts for a divorce or a de facto separation or just their relationship cools visibly, Frederik will be in deep trouble!
Frederik will have to work exceptionally hard and also have to use his people skills to the fullest and even then I doubt he will be able to recover.
Mary is crucial for Frederik, vital.
I dare say that to many Danes Mary is the best monarch we can't have. The second best thing is her as an (influential) queen consort.
Without Mary in the picture or even worse Mary as a competitor, I believe Frederik will struggle.
And the old ghost about suitability will surface again. From back when he was unfavorably compared to Joachim. (Not that Joachim will be involved this time, even though he may have to step in as a kind of mentor for Christian, in the worst case scenario where the relationship between Christian and Frederik go sour as well.)
I think there will be many a prayer openly wishing for QMII to live beyond 100 so that Christian can take over.
In any way Frederik will get a very rough time. Danes are very direct and people will have no qualms about telling him to his face to be ashamed or just quit, when he is out and about.

The best scenario is that he and Mary are open about this and it happened and they are working together to mend things.
Frederik will still get some serious heat, but should they even manage to reconcile and even find their old spark, Frederik will get a more lenient treatment - and Mary will be elevated to saint!

In contrast to King Charles, - who has been working hard to rebuild his reputation from an already loveless marriage that should never have taken place, from a marriage that was already broken down and where both sides must be said to share at least some of the blame, - I can't see Frederik will be able to recover to anywhere the full extent of the standing he has now.

Having said that I still don't believe in an affair. I think (based on his portraits) that Frederik is a very informal guest when visiting his friends, who has no problems sleeping on the couch. Royal or not. And that his friends know that and are used to that.

Also, while PET will normally follow him around, there are times when he - and other members of the DRF go without PET protection. The details have never been disclosed but I imagine it can be at times where he is under the radar. Like going for a ride on cycle during an unannounced weekend at Trend. I am however surprised that he should go to Spain or any other country, without being followed by PET - or more likely Spanish security.
PET can deny permission for people who are under protection for a specific threat to do certain things - or they pull their protection. But it's a little more fluent in regards to those who have and must have permanent protection. Here I imagine there is sometimes some bargaining taking place.
Had this taken place in Copenhagen, PET would simply wait all night on the street, I'm certain of that.
But what Spanish police may do if Frederik dismiss them is not something I feel I can say anything about.
I don't believe Frederik would be able to sneak into Spain incognito. I.e. unannounced using a "fake" passport (the name Hansen BTW). At the very least PET would inform their Spanish counterpart.
It would equally be improbable for Frederik to sneak off to the airport and fly off to Spain. Because after a few hours at most the officers on duty will wonder where he is and the alarm bells will sound all over the country!
And when they figure out he has boarded a plane for Spain, Spanish security will be alerted. - That's an extremely far out scenario and I only mention it because everything that is not totally improbable is a possibility.
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Maybe in Spain, but I doubt the U.S. Secret Service can allow the President of the United States to spend the night alone at a private home even if he orders them to do so. Their mandate is determined by laws and regulations that go beyond the authority of the President, who is not an absolute monarch.

It's all about security assessment. Frederik is nowhere NEAR as sought after (or as normally guarded) as POTUS, aside from which we have ample demonstrative proof USSS lets Presidents have affairs — that's not their job.

It's not that Frederik ordered them off but that they assessed he was fine there and under no threat. Otherwise they would have had someone camped outside. Simple as that.

...which is actually slightly more damning because how is G known to Danish security enough for them to know she is no threat? Either she's a friend or this has been an ongoing thing, but certainly the "we don't really know each other" story doesn't hold.
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Frederick flew on a private plane and was accompanied while he was on the street by two bodyguards or employees of the Danish Embassy in Madrid.

He is a European citizen and therefore has freedom of movement, it is obvious that the Danish embassy was informed of his trip, another thing is that considering it a private trip, they decided to inform or request security from the Spanish government. In any case there has been irresponsibility on the part of the Danish authorities, because in the embassy or in a hotel there is a certain security, in a private home there is not.

For example, the Belgian royal family travels to Spain every year to walk the Way of St. James, and they always have Belgian and Spanish security and the Civil Guard checks their route and accommodation.

Michelle Obama was in Madrid on a private visit in September and the deployment of American and Spanish security was impressive.

...which is actually slightly more damning because how is G known to Danish security enough for them to know she is no threat? Either she's a friend or this has been an ongoing thing, but certainly the "we don't really know each other" story doesn't hold.

Now that story has changed, it seems that the story of the sick friend from university is losing credibility (even Hola deleted it hours after publishing it), and now they say that they know each other from some exclusive hunts in central Europe, where they meet several times year.
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While I don't share in condemning Geneveva as a troublemaking hussey, seems particularly antiquated to me, I do think this whole thing wouldn't be much of a story if she had just kept quiet.
While I don't share in condemning Geneveva as a troublemaking hussey, seems particularly antiquated to me, I do think this whole thing wouldn't be much of a story if she had just kept quiet.

The Spanish gossip press was not going to let a story like this pass without investigating further, they have already asked her ex-husband and her friends.
Now that story has changed, it seems that the story of the sick friend from university is losing credibility (even Hola deleted it hours after publishing it), and now they say that they know each other from some exclusive hunts in central Europe, where they meet several times year.

You don't tell lies when there's nothing to hide.

And you don't tell lies that get exposed for being lies when you're just hanging out with a friend.

...I am getting a whiff of Edward VIII in all this. Frederik is popular but has seemed to have issues with maturity and self-esteem and with dealing where fate has placed him. Is he possibly so indifferent and self-destructive (and desperate to not have the upcoming job) that he wants to take himself out of the running for the (not-coincidentally) newly-adult Christian?

Or is he really just that stupid?
Now that story has changed, it seems that the story of the sick friend from university is losing credibility (even Hola deleted it hours after publishing it), and now they say that they know each other from some exclusive hunts in central Europe, where they meet several times year.

you cant make this up, all of this is too good to be true for the spanish press and the rest of the world, a socialite called Casanova, goes on hunting trips like the woman who was the downfall of Juan Carlos, she even looks like Corina ... I wonder what else will come to light.
This will be tough on Mary more than anyone else, with the all the scrutiny analyzing every move and body language. If Frederik is actually a cheater Mary will be used to this, but to be this indiscreet is something else.
If he is not a cheater, everyone will think from now on that he actually is a cheater with a poor, suffering wife, like Queen Sofia.
In any case - Mary is the mother of the future King - she will not go anywhere.
But this was the mother of all disservices and will not go away quickly.
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