General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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The photographers found them leaving Retiro Park in the afternoon (supposedly, as she told Hola, they had been to the Thyssen Museum before) and followed them to Genoveva's house. There they waited until around 9 p.m. when a car picked them up to take them to the restaurant, they followed them and remained in the restaurant until 1 a.m. When they returned to Genoveva's house, they also followed them. They stood guard all night and at 8.28 a.m. Frederick left the house.

Yes, but if Frederik's luggage was already in the apartment so he changed, and G makes no mention of volunteering to host him, only to show him around, he must have arrived...who knows when.

Also, I realize it's Spain, but is a four-hour dinner with only one other person, with whom you don't seem to be particularly friendly (there is no mention of other people joining them) really that normal?
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Also, I realize it's Spain, but is a four-hour dinner with only one other person, with whom you don't seem to be particularly friendly (there is no mention of other people joining them) really that normal?

It is a dinner with a flamenco show.

I repeat, the magazine and the photographers limit themselves to commenting on the facts and images (the photographers also clarify that with current cameras they record the time), at no point do they analyze their relationship... and from there each one has done its interpretation, and that is within freedom of expression. Genoveva's threat with the lawyers makes no sense.
Dinners in Europe takes time! Hours. Expect two-three hours for a normal dinner with friends in Europe.


Okay, I know people do incredibly stupid things all the time.
And that people have affairs, fall in love, seek excitement, have one night stands or are vulnerable and fall into a pit all the time.

There is of course also a degree of wishful thinking on my behalf, naturally. On many levels, the foremost being that I don't want to see M&F's marriage being in danger.

I have followed M&F for many years now and from what I have learned and seen, one of the traits I like best about Frederik is that he has always come across as a devoted family man.

Anyway, I would actually have been more worried if Frederik had not brought his suitcase, but had left the Casanova home in the same clothes he wore when he entered.
You don't bring your suitcase for a passionate on the spur one night stand, when you already life in a hotel in town.
Plan a passionate one night stand - bringing your suitcase along? - Nah.
Also, I didn't see a spark of passion in the photos.

Also, while one person can be stupid enough to think that no one will notice little me having an affair here in Madrid, while we incidentally walk around half the city. I don't believe two people can be that stupid. Especially if one of them is local, a well-know socialite and with (allegedly) experience in these matters. Who on top of that is used to having the press following her.
You'd think she'd arrange the whole thing to be a little more discreet.

Then there is the bad-Casanova scenario: Where the wicked Casanova has set the whole thing up to use Frederik's body, add another mark on her bedpost and wreck his marriage perhaps with the intention of getting attention.
Okay, that would suggest that Frederik has no spine whatsoever and he just gave in to Casanova. (Perhaps they even sang: Baby it's Cold Outside.)
Chances are that he would resist such an advance and run out the door as fast as possible.

So all in all, I genuinely don't believe in an affair in whatever form.

- However, there is one thing I will pay close attention to: Mary.
Mary has a tendency to be girlish around Frederik and the do have a problem keeping their hands off each other.
So, if Mary suddenly vanish out of sight for some weeks.
Suddenly turn up in Australia.
Become more cold towards Frederik.
Stop touching him. (In the worst case scenario, Frederik is much more likely to show a lot of affection towards Mary.)
Especially the next time they are on a trip together.
Then I will seriously begin to worry!
Because I cannot see Mary call Frederik a naughty boy and then forgive and forget just like that.

And in that case, as I have said to another member, Mary will forgive Frederik long before I do!
I would consider that a betrayal on so many levels.
Against Mary, who has after all trusted him and followed him to DK and settled into a very difficult role.
Against his children. Not least Christian. It won't exactly make it easier for Christian to find the right one.
Against his country.
Against the monarchy. It won't exactly make the DRF more popular!
Against his royal peers. He betrayed someone they clearly see as a close friend. And he doesn't make it easier for their children.
And also against the Danes and other nationalities who saw Frederik (and Mary) as a rolemodel.

In such a (IMO highly hypothetical) situation, I don't think Mary will divorce Frederik. She will grit her teeth and go on, because she has invested 20 years of her life in the role she has now and she has four children, not least Christian. They might even work it out, should this be the case.
As for the Danes. It took King Charles 30 years to rebuild his reputation. From a marriage that was already broken. I'm not sure Frederik will be able to manage that.
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If you refer to him as Frederik, you should refer to her as Genoveva which is her first name, Casanova is her last name. Genoveva is single and although she is famous, she is not a person with a public responsibility... she can walk wherever she wants and with whoever she wants. It is not her who should be given the responsibility...
If you refer to him as Frederik, you should refer to her as Genoveva which is her first name, Casanova is her last name. Genoveva is single and although she is famous, she is not a person with a public responsibility... she can walk wherever she wants and with whoever she wants. It is not her who should be given the responsibility...

Absolutely, I'm not the one to defend Genoveva but the one who has a responsibility towards his family and should be careful with every single step he takes as future head of State, is Frederik, not Genoveva.

Frederik is NOT a victim. He's a silly 55 year old man. The only people I feel sorry about are Mary and her teenage children.
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But, even if this was just an innocent visit with a friend (and it is looking more and more like a set-up to me)

But who would set him up, and for what purpose? Blackmail doesn't work when the press have the pictures. GC does not appear to be welcoming the attention.

The only thought would be someone wanting to expose Frederik, not frame him.
If you refer to him as Frederik, you should refer to her as Genoveva which is her first name, Casanova is her last name. Genoveva is single and although she is famous, she is not a person with a public responsibility... she can walk wherever she wants and with whoever she wants. It is not her who should be given the responsibility...

Frederik hasn't got a last name.
Genoveva Casanova has.
Questioned by the journalists present, Crown Prince Frederico made absolutely no comments to the journalists present about his visit to Madrid.

The director of the magazine Lecturas says: “Someone from Queen Letizia contacted us hours before we distributed this news to let us know that the Queen was very interested in knowing the content of those photos that were posted on the page.”

All the pictures:

BT has been in contact with the Danish royal house.

Here's what the royal household's communications department said at noon on Wednesday:

“We do not comment on rumors and innuendo.”

Well, they don't look very much in love, Frederic seems to be very tired. I don't think that there is something romantic between them. And the woman was also in Copenhagen, I can imagine, that they know eachother already with Mary. ... Hopefully...:flowers:
Frederik's suitcase... Ok, he has staff, or somebody from the Danish embassy brought the suitcase...

But it makes him look pretty guilty!
If they were having an affair, they wouldn't be going out to public events where anyone could see them. But Frederik should have had more sense than to be seen out with another woman.
If they were having an affair, they wouldn't be going out to public events where anyone could see them. But Frederik should have had more sense than to be seen out with another woman.

Exactly! You wouldn't be so obvious.

I have been watching this thread over the past 24-48 hours, and the banter and discussion has been interesting - in a good way. I do not believe for a that Frederik is having, or had an affair. And I don not think for a moment Mary had no idea where he was staying whilst in Madrid. The fact is that in 2023, almost 2024, most people cannot or do not believe an adult man and woman can have a pure plutonic relationship. I know they can - I work with mostly men, and one of my most closest friends in this world is male. Do I feel any romantic inkling - NO WAY! Does he for me - NO WAY! We have travelled together, and not once did either of our respective partners believe there was anything more than friendship. Would I stay at his place if he lived outside of my country - HELL YES! Would my husband care? Not an ounce. Would his wife? - nope!

We have no idea who Frederik and Mary's truly inner circle are - especially those outside of Copenhagen/Denmark. For all we know, they could have been friends for a while.

However, in saying that, many a men have been foolish. I hope not - Frederik and Mary are one of my favourite Royal couples, but I have seen so many couples with the facade of love, affection and happiness...
The whole story is strange and took everyone by surprise.
Interestingly, Paloma Barrientos, deputy director of Vanitatis, assured on a television program that, according to Genoveva's version, Frederik from Denmark did not enter her house.
Whatever it was, the Royal House of Denmark, to calm things down, should come and give an explanation.
I hope everything is fine between Frederik and Mary, one of my favorite royal couples, who have always seemed very close.
Whatever it was, the Royal House of Denmark, to calm things down, should come and give an explanation.

They will never give an explanation. They don't have to, and technically it's no one else's business.

However, if there is some kind of sane, cogent, exonerating explanation for Fred's expedition in Madrid, then I wouldn't be surprised if it got discreetly dispensed via "sources" to the Danish (or further) press.

Edit: All I can think, other than Frederik being stupid (and a double Gemini sun/moon = inconstant, for what it's worth), this whole thing either being baffling or sadly what it looks like, and of course sorry for Mary and the kids who shouldn't have to deal with any of this, is:

"You want to look innocent in the eyes of the world? Stay in a hotel."
"You want to have an affair in a foreign country? Also stay in a hotel."
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I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that there was no affair. But:

-- Frederik was stupid to stay at the home of an unmarried woman, especially when they played a game of leaving the building at different times -- it's a walk of shame. Even if this is something totally innocent that wouldn't raise eyebrows among "normal people," he should understand the press and the optics by now.

-- Frederik also showed poor judgment by associating with a woman with a scandalous reputation. She may be completely blameless for all I know -- I've never heard of her before -- but if she has this reputation floating around her, he should take that into consideration before hanging around with her. It may sound harsh or unfair, but as a future head of state, Frederik has to have higher standards. (Why? Look at Prince Andrew.)
I want to believe that Frederick doesn't commit infidelity. But some comments here make me wonder, what constitutes as affair/cheating? Because I get the impression from some comments that it's only counted if there's feeling involved, so it's like if he stayed the night and something did happen but it's only one-off then it's okay (they don't look lovey-dovey anyway).

It's a calculated move by the magazine to publish it now. With the State Visit, there's guarantee that the couple will be in public so there'll be potential additional articles like body languages and stuff. Mary did look tense, but it can be simply because she's pissed at Fred for putting them in this situation, and not because he cheated. Even Felipe and Letizia looked uncomfortable at some points (it's a publication from their country after all). Really, Frederick should know better.

I generally think it's bad style to tattle about royals' private lives (and IIRC the rumours that went around about William were categorically banished from these forums, so I don't see why this is any different :ermm:).

The reality is that we don't know how they choose to lead their private lives – nor should they be obligated to tell us. Open relationships do exist. Men and women can "just" be friends (begs the question: Would Lecturas be making the same hullaballoo had Frederik been seen with a man?)

Additionally, unless significantly more revealing photos come out, these are almost laughingly demure. That being said, of course it's mind-numbingly idiotic of Frederik to put himself in a situation that so obviously invites people to speculate about his private life in the first place.


Yes, royals have rights for privacy, but as public figures, they should know better than to put themselves in a situation which can lead to scandal.

There's nothing other than Twitter chit-chat over William's rumoured affair; no photos, videos, leaked conversation, literally nothing; but many have taken it as truth. In Fred's case, there are time-stamped photographs and IMO, GV's denial and the DRF non-denial (we don't comment on private life) only make it worse.

I believe that platonic relationship between men and women is possible without leading to any affair (physical or emotional). With my background in engineering, I have more male friends and colleagues than female ones, hanging out with them (some are married) until midnight is common for me, but I'll never offer to any of them to stay the night at my place while I'm living alone, especially when they have the means to stay at other place. It's easier to prove that something happens than to prove something that didn't happen, so I just don't want to be in that situation.
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I believe that platonic relationship between men and women is possible without leading to any affair (physical or emotional). With my background in engineering, I have more male friends and colleagues than female ones, hanging out with them (some are married) until midnight is common for me, but I'll never offer to any of them to stay the night at my place while I'm living alone, especially when they have the means to stay at other place. It's easier to prove that something happens than to prove something that didn't happen, so I just don't want to be in that situation.

I understand because I believe in platonic affairs. I also live in Madrid and have had many visits from UK friends and a Norwegian friend ( from when i lived there) and they stay here at wonderful hotels. Take the Urban for example a sophisticated five star for peanuts. Genoveva’s is next to the Ritz hotel. Hers is a small flat 150m2 with two bathrooms and three bedrooms (one for each kid and one for herself) Kids now live in the UK so she’s all by herself single and looking for a partner, her words in a recent interview.
Their bored faces? this isn’t new, lost is the excitement of the beginning. She was in Copenhague in early October, and she talked about things that would have required planning. A month at least.

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Frederik and Vincent were at a soccer game last night. Wouldn't you think he would lay low if this story was true? I haven't looked at any pictures (I refuse to do so), is there any chance the pictures were edited or cropped? Who knows it could be a set-up hence the story breaking during Spanish Royal Visit to Denmark.
Is that really important if there is an affair? If there is, it certainly isnt the first one and Mary has made her peace with that a long time ago because in that case, Frederik is who he is and he won't change.
For me the problem is the careless public outing, what shows a lack of respect towards almost everybody involved, wife, family, country, intitution.
My only idea is that Frederik does not care, what makes him a pretty reckless character.
Well it shows that royals are also humans and make mistakes.

He comes in/out of her flat, at times he is the first to enter, as if it was his place. Sleeps there. It’s just the opposite of how royals are expected to behave.
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I don't think anybody here is enjoying this, exactly.

Mostly we're all trying to make sense of it, one way or another.

It is a major royal story and a scandalous one at that. I would think this is the forum to discuss what little we do know.
Absolutely agree Prinsara, it is simply bewildering, Frederik's lack of judgement. I honestly find it sad. To get caught up in something so unnecessary and avoidable. All he had to do was stay at a Hotel.

I wonder what Queen Margarethe makes of all this.

Is Vincent the boy on the left of the Crown Prince? He really seems to enjoy soccer as he is frequently seen at games (or should I say "matches")?

- The photos were taken on October 25.

- They are not old friends, according to Genoveva, Frederik was going to visit some university friends in Spain, but one of them fell ill and asked her to accompany him.

- They were at the Thyssen museum, El Retiro, having dinner at a restaurant and at Genoveva's house.

- According to Genoveva, Frederik was in a hotel. According to the photographers, he slept at Genoveva's house, and there are photos of him entering with one outfit and leaving with another, and leaving the house with the suitcase and being picked up by an embassy car.

If Genoveva denies that Frederik spent the night at her house and it is later proven that he actually did, it will only get worse as it will appear that she and Frederik have something to hide. She should be careful then and perhaps just stick with "no comment".

I hope that episode doesn't sour the relationship between the Danish and Spanish royal houses. It is a bit troubling if it is true that Letizia took a personal interest in the incident. The possible affair doesn't concern her and she shouldn't get involved, no matter how strongly she feels about it.
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I can’t believe he considered this ok, to sleep at the apartment of another woman. He has been in the game long enough to know that even if there is no relationship the media are going to have a storm with this. All he had to do was book a hotel. Silly silly man.
If Genoveva denies that Frederik spent the night at her house and it is later proven that he actually did, it will only get worse as it will appear that she and Frederik have something to hide. She should be careful then and perhaps just stick with "no comment".

I hope that episode doesn't sour the relationship between the Danish and Spanish royal houses. It is a bit troubling if it is true that Letizia took a personal interest in the incident. The possible affair doesn't concern her and she shouldn't get involved, no matter how strongly she feels about it.

I'd imagine Letizia's interest revolved around whether or not this would overshadow their State Visit or somehow embroil them in controversy. The SRF is vary weary of any sort of scandal.

I still don't see any issue for a man spending the night at a female friends house. This is 2023 and Europe after all. Geoveva being so quick and loud is concerning however as it just added a whole lot of fuel to some very boring and non-scandalous photos.
I hope that episode doesn't sour the relationship between the Danish and Spanish royal houses. It is a bit troubling if it is true that Letizia took a personal interest in the incident. The possible affair doesn't concern her and she shouldn't get involved, no matter how strongly she feels about it.

First, the Royal Family has sent a statement denying that they had requested information from the magazine... and if they had, it would be normal, because they were in the middle of a State Visit, and they had to know what was happening. The Danish Royal House was probably also very interested.

During the visit there were Spanish journalists who were informed by their colleagues even before the news broke in Spain. They themselves have said that they exchanged the information in the chat group they have with the press department of the Royal House. Those same journalists were the ones who informed the Danes. And all before the magazine was published.
A question I haven't seen brought up yet: what would be the consequences if the alleged affair is true? HRH The Crown Prince of Denmark isn't going to lose either his position or his wife because she's has too much invested both emotionally and politically to be reactionary to a dalliance. He may lose some reputation, but that will heal over time, especially if he remains as hardworking as he always has been. He may garner the disappointment of his mother and children, but that can heal too.

To give an earlier example, Charles III married his long-time mistress, and nearly 20 years later he and Queen Camilla are deeply beloved throughout their realms.

Ultimately, his infidelity or lack thereof is a private matter between him and his wife. As long as he continues to keep up his duties as crown prince, the public shouldn't be too hard on him.

Post script: Europeans are a lot more trusting of their partners than all of the Americans I know are. Even if they have been married for decades, many partners would be uncomfortable with their significant others staying overnight alone with friends of the opposite sex, and many of those significant others wouldn't do so because they would find it disrespectful to their partners.
Is Vincent the boy on the left of the Crown Prince? He really seems to enjoy soccer as he is frequently seen at games (or should I say "matches")?

I was going to say match but it sounds weird. Like saying soccer and not football lol.
Yes, Vincent is the one on the left next to Frederik. He seems to be the fanatic in a soccer loving household.
He has gone with his siblings, with his parents, with his cousin Nikolai, and by himself with other friends.
Yes, but if Frederik's luggage was already in the apartment so he changed, and G makes no mention of volunteering to host him, only to show him around, he must have arrived...who knows when.

Also, I realize it's Spain, but is a four-hour dinner with only one other person, with whom you don't seem to be particularly friendly (there is no mention of other people joining them) really that normal?

Just chiming in to say, yes, four-hour dinners are normal but especially in this restaurant because it's a one-star Michelin restaurant, and the menu de degustacion takes especially long there. Funny to see Corral de la Moreria pop-up in the news because I went there pre-COVID and though the food was good, I remember it took forever for the succeeding courses to arrive. So if things are the same there, a four-hour dinner was inevitable. They can't escape the prepared tasting menu, add to that the flamenco, and the longer than usual service (for a Michelin place), and four hours is actually a pretty reasonable time. :D
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