I was in doubt as to whether this was even worth posting here, but the I thought, if this is the most serious criticism M&F are getting, they (and QMII) can sleep soundly at night.
It's a comment by Eva Agnete Selsing, who wrote a comment in the conservative (and very pro-DRF) newspaper Berlingske.
(I can't link directly because that requires a subscription and I see no reason whatsoever to subscribe to Copenhagener newspaper.)
In here she wacks M&F on the head, saying they endanger the institution by associating with left-wing artists and singers.
She critisize that the CP-Couple's culture awards have gone to artists, whom she believe doesn't deserve it. And who she believe attempt to degrade sound society values.
She believe such awards should go to people who in her opinion are more suited.
She is also against M&F getting involved in climate-issues. That is a political subject which M&F should stay very clear at.
Selsing is also very much against Mary being patron for Copenhagen Pride 2021. The views of a number of people involved in the Copenhagen Pride are against her own convictions.
- It would be much better if Mary became patron for family (values) or persecuted Christians, believe Selsing.
Okay, I smiled while writing this.
I must confess I have never heard about Selsing before. She is, according to the BT article, a right-wing philosopher.
And to sum up her Selsing's criticism: She is against M&F supporting something, she is against.
But she is perfectly happy for M&F supporting something she is in favor of...
Let's start with the cultural awards. Yes, M&F know many artists, many of whom are indeed left-wingers or at least critical of the society.
That M&F know such people is healthy I think. I would be very concerned if M&F only associated with people from a certain political and society background.
Yes, quite a few artists who are critical of the society and the system have received awards from M&F. That's IMO pretty unavoidable, since that is the traditional role for artists - anytime.
And while there are artist who adhere to a conservative and dare I say Christian outlook, I can't recall anyone significant these years.
The climate issue is very much on the agenda here in DK these years! Also politically. A climate-friendly policy is very much supported by all parties in the Parliament and as representatives for DK, it is the role of the DRF to help promote that policy. Apart from that environmentally sound solutions are a major export for DK. Also something the DRF is traditionally very much involved in.
So apart from Selsing, M&F enjoy full political and public backing.
Then there is the Copenhagen Pride. Well, gender-identity is also very much on the agenda and while you can think what you want about that it is nevertheless also something where people, perhaps to a limited extent in DK, but certainly very much abroad, are subjected to oppression, imprisonment and even live in fear of their lives. And the political parties overall support people's right to have a sexual orientation that differs from the norm, as long as it doesn't harm someone else. So Mary in this case is in line with the Parliament and I dare say the vast majority of the Danish population.
As for M&F staying clear pf politics: Well, expressing support for Christian minorities that are undeniable being persecuted in various places on the globe, that could hardly be more political!
- So in conclusion: While Selsing may dislike, disapprove and fear that M&F by this are eroding the institution of the DRF, I will claim she belongs to a tiny majority in this regard.
And again: If this is the worst that is thrown against M&F, they have little to fear.