A few more details are emerging from the Euroman interview.
A couple of details from an article in Billed Bladet #29, 2012.
Written by Niels Burgos.
Christian has not yet been told that he is destined to become king, M&F have decided to wait about telling him that until he one day ask that question himself.
Christian is aware that farmor Margrethe is Queen.
He has asked why he has no surname and M&F has replied that he instead have more middle names. (Than usual).
Frederik was told that he was going to be king at an Easter lunch (*) at Marselisborg in 1979, when he was eleven. That was at the same time Joachim was told he was to inherit Schackenborg. (**)
Frederik's guide and mentor in respect to his future role (and other subjects as well) was Queen Ingrid who answered his many questions.
Sometimes Frederik and Christian cycle the 7.8 kilometres to school from Amalienborg.
(*) An Easter Lunch here in DK is the big cold smorgasboard with schnapps and other delights of life. We don't have Easter eggs all over the garden, or more correctly looking for Easter eggs is very modern, istead we have yellow Easter chickens spread all over the table, With similar yellow chickens on the table cloth and tissues.
A typically decorated table:
(**) I recall how that was completely surreal to Frederik. That Joachim was to inherit a manor, that he could grasp. But that he, Frederik, was to inherit a whole country that was beyond his comprehension. "What was I to do with a whole country"?
Another bit of trivia. According to the DRF expert in BB, Jon Bloch Skipper, Mary is an avid reader. Among her favourite books are The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolles, Music and Silence by Rose Tremain and The Fairytale of My Life, by H.C. Andersen, whom she has now read in Danish as well.
- Well, we should perhaps take such lists with pinch of salt. I don't think Mary is much different from the rest of us in the sense that if we were to mention some favourite books we would be likely to mention the more heavy and perhaps intellectual books first, even if we on a day to day basis prefer to read Donald Duck and a western series like Bill & Ben or Jim & Jeff....