General Discussion about Royal Residences 2: Sep 2022 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I've always assumed Birkhall is in effect (and seen by the current RF) as the "dower house" of Balmoral so its would always go to either the Dower or the heir.

There isn’t a hard and fast rule. Staff have had it in the past. With Charles unlikely to move into the big house however it seems unlikely that Balmoral will continue to be used in the way it has been in the past.
Maybe the rf will retain the estate but do something else with the castle? Not sure what exactly. It must cost an awful lot to run.

It's a lovely part of the world all the same & there's various other properties on the estate for members of the rf to stay. So Id' be surprised if the rf didn't keep holidaying there. The King certainly seems to stay a long time & Birkhall looks a lot cosier than Balmoral.
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Visitors over the years to Wilderness House in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace to see Grand Duchess Xenia of Russia included her numerous children, in particular her daughter Irina and Felix, Irina's husband.
Maybe the rf will retain the estate but do something else with the castle? Not sure what exactly. It must cost an awful lot to run.

It's a lovely part of the world all the same & there's various other properties on the estate for members of the rf to stay. So Id' be surprised if the rf didn't keep holidaying there. The King certainly seems to stay a long time & Birkhall looks a lot cosier than Balmoral.

I think it's wrong that King Charles and Prince William have so many homes between them. There is a place in Wales and a place on the Scilly Isles; plus Balmoral Castle; Birkhall; Highgrove House; Sandringham House; Windsor Castle; Buckingham Palace and Clarence House.
I presume King Charles will move into Buckingham Palace after the renovations are complete and that the Prince and Princess of Wales will move into Clarence House. Also, if Highgrove House belongs to the Duchy of Cornwall, would it not go to Prince William now?
I think it's wrong that King Charles and Prince William have so many homes between them. There is a place in Wales and a place on the Scilly Isles; plus Balmoral Castle; Birkhall; Highgrove House; Sandringham House; Windsor Castle; Buckingham Palace and Clarence House.
I presume King Charles will move into Buckingham Palace after the renovations are complete and that the Prince and Princess of Wales will move into Clarence House. Also, if Highgrove House belongs to the Duchy of Cornwall, would it not go to Prince William now?

The place in the Scilly Isles is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall and is let out as holiday lets. Catherine, William and the children have used it from time to time, but the property is available to let at other times.

Here is how I think the properties will end up being used:

> BP: By the King & Queen after the completion of the renovation, which is a few years away. It will continue to be the "office" in the interim.

> Clarence House: By the King & Queen till the completion of the renovation. Perhaps as a museum or as offices till George is able to take it on.

> Windsor: I think the Wales family will live there full time. The King & Queen will also maintain an apartment there, and visit occasionally.

> Highgrove: Owned by the Duchy, but will probably be leased to the King

> Birkhall: By the King & Queen

> Balmoral Castle: Probably become a museum

> Llwynywermod: Owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, the Wales family will probably visit a few times a year. MOst of the property is available as a holiday let

> Anmer: The Wales family

> Sandringham House: Not quite sure what they will do with the house.
I think Sandringham is the one that will stay the most the same - I can see Charles using it for Christmas with the family - whoever that may include and staying for a while like the late Queen use to (though maybe not as late). I know he use to go to Birkhall but now Sandringham is his I don't see as much a need for doing that. Likewise Camilla use to leave early to see her own family but maybe they will now visit as well. Charles has taken over the farming on the estate and I imagine he will want to visit more than at Christmas to see how that is going.
It is already open to the public for much of the rest of the year, more rooms open than Balmoral.
Why do people act as if the BRF own all of the properties, they don’t, some of those properties are simply ones they’ve always had access to just like the new prime minister will have access to Chequers but not own it as private property.
Why do people act as if the BRF own all of the properties, they don’t, some of those properties are simply ones they’ve always had access to just like the new prime minister will have access to Chequers but not own it as private property.

I think people know that. They only own Sandringham and Balmoral. I think the point is some of them…Buck House and Kensington could possibly be more full time be open. Kensington in particular. Go full Hampton Court. No need for royal to live in palace anymore. Sandringham and Balmoral Gardens would earn a pretty penny. Unfortunately there are many homes in London that people wouldn’t have much interest in.
I think people know that. They only own Sandringham and Balmoral. I think the point is some of them…Buck House and Kensington could possibly be more full time be open. Kensington in particular. Go full Hampton Court. No need for royal to live in palace anymore. Sandringham and Balmoral Gardens would earn a pretty penny. Unfortunately there are many homes in London that people wouldn’t have much interest in.
Kensington palace is a residential palace or at least one that has working royals living there plus exhibitions and other events happen there when royals aren’t in residence. Buckingham palace is currently going through long-term repairs and restoration. “No need for a royal to live in a palace anymore”? I hope you are being sarcastic
I think people know that. They only own Sandringham and Balmoral. I think the point is some of them…Buck House and Kensington could possibly be more full time be open. Kensington in particular. Go full Hampton Court. No need for royal to live in palace anymore. Sandringham and Balmoral Gardens would earn a pretty penny. Unfortunately there are many homes in London that people wouldn’t have much interest in.

Kensington Palace has always been a residence for the royal family. And I agree that it should stay that way. But I think that part of the palace is worth visiting.
Kensington palace is a residential palace or at least one that has working royals living there plus exhibitions and other events happen there when royals aren’t in residence. Buckingham palace is currently going through long-term repairs and restoration. “No need for a royal to live in a palace anymore”? I hope you are being sarcastic

Kensington Palace is permanently open to the public, whether the royals are in residence or not.

Only one member of the royal family lives there currently and that is Michael of Kent. The rest live in houses/cottages.

No I see no reason for it to be the home of royals any longer. They can live in houses. It can be used for offices and open more extensively to the public. That is pretty much what they do now anyway now Wills and Kate moved out.

As we speak now none of them do live in palaces. I see no trouble with that. There are only three anyway…and Windsor obviously…but that too doesn’t need to be lived in. They can live in the grounds and use it for work.

I don’t think there is anything so great living in these huge places. They have apartments within them and it’s more like living within an enclosed town with offices and loads of staff. I am sure they are all much happier with their private, relatively massive, cottages and houses anyway.
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Kensington Palace has always been a residence for the royal family. And I agree that it should stay that way. But I think that part of the palace is worth visiting.

It’s actually amazing and depending on the rotating exhibitions a really good day out.
I saw the King met the Greek PM at Windsor today and Charles seems to be using Windsor more than was suggested by some. Without getting into our own thought son what he should use when...have we spotted any patterns in the use of residences by the new King yet? Seems to me he is using Windsor on all sorts of days / times with no pattern but others might have noticed more logic to it?
Obviously it is very early on into the new reign, so we've not seen much of the long anticipated RRR (royal residential reshuffle), but what changes, if any, are we likely to see in the coming year?
What is the current residence of the Prince and Princess of Wales in Windsor? Is there any photo?
Adelaide Cottage. It is about 10 min walk from Windsor Castle in the private grounds of the Windsor Estate.

There aren't many pictures of it as it is in a closed off area so not widely photographed, especially beyond the hedge line.

the best view probably goes from Google maps so very distorted but gives a better overview of the property. In this image its the white property, the red one (which is Adelaide Lodge) is said by some to be derelict and not used but IMO that seems a little uncertain.,380&ssl=1

On the discussion of Windor, I noticed the RF website is advertising for a few posts based there - a gardener, a Housekeeping Assistant post (possibly at Windsor or BP) and one or two others before this week. It certainly doesn't seem that it is going to be abandoned anytime soon.
I've been keeping a very informal record of which residencies Charles has been using as noted in the Court Circular since becoming King and by and large it seems he isn't using BP often on a Monday and Tuesday and is using Windsor Castle or CH instead. Windsor is still getting used at least once a week - often more as Anne or William are dong investitures there even if Charles isn't using it so it is still getting used twice a week which is how often it use to be used before her late Majesty moved there more permanently)
Obviously we don't know what he is doing at weekends as it isn't noted (except when at Balmoral Estate - including Birkhall - or Sandringham when divine service is noted in the CC) Fridays seem to be an out and about day often so he could be flying to Highgrove after then returning to Windsor at start of the week.
I've been keeping a very informal record of which residencies Charles has been using as noted in the Court Circular since becoming King and by and large it seems he isn't using BP often on a Monday and Tuesday and is using Windsor Castle or CH instead. Windsor is still getting used at least once a week - often more as Anne or William are dong investitures there even if Charles isn't using it so it is still getting used twice a week which is how often it use to be used before her late Majesty moved there more permanently)
Obviously we don't know what he is doing at weekends as it isn't noted (except when at Balmoral Estate - including Birkhall - or Sandringham when divine service is noted in the CC) Fridays seem to be an out and about day often so he could be flying to Highgrove after then returning to Windsor at start of the week.

The King seems to be in Sandringham quite a lot these days. Perhaps he is spending time getting the gardens and the organic beef farms into shape.
I suspect he quite enjoys getting stuck into reforming the estate in organic ways, he has been doing it for a few years now. The late Queen use to stay at Sandringham until at least after 6th February (her father's accession) so Charles could be following that pattern and using Sandringham as his weekend home in the same time as the Queen would have been in residence.
it seems he isn't using BP often on a Monday and Tuesday and is using Windsor Castle or CH instead.
Isn't BP still under a big renovation? Probably, that's the reason he's using it less as he's still in CH when he's in London.
Yes 100% likely the reason. It is probably easier to have set days when the palace is in use and days when it isn't for the purpose of doing the restoration work.
The long awaited great RRR (royal residential reshuffle) has begun!

So it looks like Royal Lodge will be freed up. It seems a real shame for this great house to leave the family after so many decades but apart from possibly William and his family, there just aren't snough royals to utilise so many properties any longer.
The long awaited great RRR (royal residential reshuffle) has begun!

So it looks like Royal Lodge will be freed up. It seems a real shame for this great house to leave the family after so many decades but apart from possibly William and his family, there just aren't snough royals to utilise so many properties any longer.

It is possible that William and Kate might move into Royal Lodge in the future. Adelaide Cottage is too small for their rank.
It makes sense for William and Catherine to move into Royal Lodge and for Prince Andrew to move into Adelaide Cottage. A Royal swap of homes or sort.
It makes sense for William and Catherine to move into Royal Lodge and for Prince Andrew to move into Adelaide Cottage. A Royal swap of homes or sort.

This would make sense. It would mean losing FF though. Also the Wales family would have moved house a considerable number of times if they move again, which isn't good for the children.
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If the Wales family move into Royal Lodge they will have three very large residences at their disposal, Anmer, the apartment at KP, and Royal Lodge. How many large houses does one family need in 21st century Britain?

And it would be terrible optics for British citizens struggling with mortgages, rate hikes, and increasing homelessness due to the cost of living.
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