Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A lovely gallery from Royalista:
Princess Josephine shows off her broken arm | Royalista!

We love each and every one of the four precious children, such a personality all four have already, but it was Josephine who stole the show this time :D Her exuberant and fearless personality and expression is hilarious as she sees the parade of 300 horses and riders and not least dozens of flower bouquets coming towards her :D


And adorable Vincent who we know also loooove flowers:


Gallery from
Modtagelse af Gråsten Ringriderforenings optog - Kongehuset

With this nice picture of Bella gracefully receiving flower bouquet:

And a funny serie of pics of Christian for fun taking the flower bouquet from little sister ;)


From CP Mary Message Board:

"Heard in the village:"

- Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary and their four children all get tennis training twice a week during their stay at Gråsten.

- Crown Price Frederik was Saturday afternoon out rowing on the Castle Lake with his eldest son Prince Christian.

- As usual, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary and their four children have been on a cozy one-day visit to Legoland.
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love this picture of Josephine greeting the horse, no fear in this little girl : D

Isabella is a beautiful girl, love how in the back Vincent is showing Frederik his flowers

very cute family

nice reading about their activities out and about, and nice that we dont get pictures all the time. the family can go out an about in peace
From CP Mary Message Board:

"Heard in the village:"

- Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary and their four children all get tennis training twice a week during their stay at Gråsten.
Not Frederik and Mary...Only the kids. ;)
A lovely gallery from Royalista:
Princess Josephine shows off her broken arm | Royalista!

We love each and every one of the four precious children, such a personality all four have already, but it was Josephine who stole the show this time :D Her exuberant personality and expression is hilarious as she sees the parade of 300 horses and riders and not least dozens of flower bouquets coming towards her :D What a cutie she is.


And adorable Vincent who we know also loooove flowers:
Princess Josephine shows off her broken arm | Royalista


Gallery from
Modtagelse af Gråsten Ringriderforenings optog - Kongehuset

With this nice picture of Bella gracefully receiving flower bouquet:

And a funny serie of pics of Christian for fun taking the flower bouquet from little sister ;)


From CP Mary Message Board:

"Heard in the village:"

- Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary and their four children all get tennis training twice a week during their stay at Gråsten.

- Crown Price Frederik was Saturday afternoon out rowing on the Castle Lake with his eldest son Prince Christian.

- As usual, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary and their four children have been on a cozy one-day visit to Legoland.

love this picture of Josephine greeting the horse, no fear in this little girl : D

Isabella is a beautiful girl, love how in the back Vincent is showing Frederik his flowers

very cute family

nice reading about their activities out and about, and nice that we dont get pictures all the time. the family can go out an about in peace
Great photos. Josephine is such the little Princess on walkabout already. The photo where Fredrik was explaining that there would be no more flowers was cute too. This is such an All Creatures Great and Small event.

A Danish woman Gitte posted yesterday this picture on Facebook and it has so far recieved more than 18.000 likes. She don't mentiones where it is taken, but it looks like it could be at the Dybbøl Historic Museum which the Crown Prince Family visited last Friday (a perfect plage for a family outing btw) :)

"A big thanks to the Crown Prince for taking the time to have a picture taken with my sister who has Down Syndrome. That moment will she live on for a very long time."
A bit late, but this is :wub: No words. :D
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Thanks for all the wonderful photos and links. It is always a joy to see this lovely family they put a smile on your face and brighten the day.

Love the photos of the walk home, Christian seems to have grown inches in the last few months.
Thanks for all the wonderful photos and links. It is always a joy to see this lovely family they put a smile on your face and brighten the day.

Love the photos of the walk home, Christian seems to have grown inches in the last few months.


Yes, here a nice look of how tall Christian now is compared to mother Mary, and she is even wears high heels. He certainly isn't a little boy anymore. In a few months he can celebrate his first round birthday - 10 years. How time flies!


Gallery from
Princess Mary poses at a parade with her adorable family

Gallery from Se&Hør:
Se billederne: Prinsesse Josephine stjal showet | SE og HØR

A private person has posted a picture of the Crown Prince family when they privately visited Legoland last Thursday. As you can see they are sailing in the boat with other Danes. That's so much their style.

Fantastic that you in Denmark can get so close to our country's Crown Prince Family ����❤�� - here: Legoland Billund.
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All great pics thanks to everyone for posting the links. Yes young Christian is growing so fast as all children do. I am falling for Vincent tho. I just adore this little lad. And I love the way the family walk off arm in arm after the riding parade, then the kids wonder off and M&F remain with their arms around each other. A lot of love and affection in this family and it is lovely to see.
Trivia based on an article in Billed Bladet #30, 2015.
Written by the Ulrik Ulriksen.

Actually I'm not sure the venerable Ulrik Ulriksen was actually there, it seems more based on what the BB photographer told him.

There were some 300 riders in the procession towards Gråsten Manor, from various ring-rider association. On top of that there were more than 100 local children on decorated bicycles and three marching bands. The whole show lasted half an hour.

The twins were initially a little hesitant when a rider came close to deliver a bouquet.
The riding center located at the stables of the manor are I believe rented by a local riding organization and it was while visiting the center Josephine fell and broke her arm. And it is around here M&F's horses stand while at Gråsten. Isabella appears to have gotten to know several of the local girls, because she knew some of the girls who came with flowers by name. So presumably she has been doing some hanging around at the center.

Anyway, Josephine in particular quickly realized there was no danger from the riders and elbowed her way to the front and happily accepted the flowers the nice people gave her. That is, her family also got flowers, and at some point Josephine voiced her protests. It really is unfair that she only received say 80 % of the bouquets! So mom and dad had to explain to her that she should have a little patience she would get more flowers. - Yeah, okay. - "Now, I'd like some flowers too". Mary: "You will have more flowers".
When the largest of the marching band came, an all girl band BTW, Josephine started to march on the place and swing her arms.

However, one of the annoying thing about being a kidsister is that you have older siblings. Especially if they are in the shape of on older brother who likes to tease you be holding on to the bouquet you are showing him. But Josephine seems to be used to Christian and his antics because she hardly looked annoyed and mother didn't even have to intervene.

Vincent appreciated the flowers, he managed to get too, but he is a boy, and he was standing on the far side from the photographers and he is a less shall we say elbowing person than his twin sister, so he didn't get as much attention...

When the whole thing ended, the family strolled back to the manor. Mary and Christian with their arms around each other, and Bella and Frederik close together. - A typical dad's little girl and mother's little boy.

But M&F and the children have also have been around while in Southern Jutland. We already know they visited the redoubts around Dybbøl.
But they also visited Legoland and here they were photographed by a Trine Juul Jensen who appears to have sold the pics to BB. Trine Juul Jensen says: "My daughters still talk about how fatastic it was that the Crown Princely Couple were in Legoland on exactly the same day as us".
Actually M&F were there, almost unnoticed, with Ellen Hillingsøe, her husband Christoffer Carstenskiold and their two children. - But they are not shown in the article, perhaps because the picture of M&F strictly speaking is a breach of the Danish laws of privacy. (*)
M&F and family also went to science center Universe that belongs to the Danfoss company. But that is more about how things work - so it's a place you can easily persuade uncles and older brothers to come along to. :p

If you think you can handle more of M&F and their children, you'll find some here in this folder:

(*) The Danish laws on privacy are very strict.
For example you are not allowed to take a picture of me and my family in say Legoland without my consent, if the picture is directly focused on us. That is defined on how much space my family take up in a photo depending on an X number of %.
You are however free to photograph my family and me if it's a larger scene, where we just happens to be a small part of it. Say walking on a lane along with a hundred other guests.
But if you crop the photo only to show my family and then publish it without my consent you are in breach of the law.
In this case I imagine BB called the court and asked whether it was OK to publish the photo by Trine Juul Jensen. Because BB otherwise never use such private photos.
It looks like Christian is going to tower over both his parents before long. Not surprising when you consider the height on both sides of his family.
Thanks Muhler :flowers:

Yes, F&M and children have could keep their holiday's excursions private and without photographers. Thankfully. When the Crown Prince Family Tuesday the 14th July were on a nice family excursion to the Danfoss Universe a local photographer from Gråsten town spotted them, though. On a lovely and warm summer day Frederik and Mary and their children were seen strolling around in the park with a handcart and packed lunches while trying all the fun activities.

They were in the company of one of Mary's oldest friends from Australia, Hamish Campbell and his wife and their two sons in the same age as F&M's children. (They have very likely stayed on Gråsten for a week or more) Great Mary still so often see her friends from Australia. Also F&M's close friends Peter and Caroline Heering and their two girls, Emilie and Rose (going in schoolclass with Christian and Bella) were along on the excursion.

Vincent had a blast trying all the fun things, but it was also lovely to relax and cuddle on the mother's back:

Josephine had just two days before broke her arm so older brother Christian took good care of little sister :wub:
(F&M are very good to recycling the children's clothes and here Josephine in Isabellas old dress. )
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Lovely pictures. Thanks for posting. It's great to see the CP-family having family time. Although I like seeing it, I'm glad there is the option for the RF to have privacy when having family time.
This is wonderful, and with their closest friends . Such an active family and im sure the kids had a blast.
that picture of Josephine with big brother Christian is really cute!

pictures of the family back on their bikes heading to riding lessons

Isabella is beautiful

Nice to see Frederik let Mary borrow his bike

He was pushing the twins this time

This is from today - this morning - all cycling back home after riding lessons at Gråsten Riding School. How happy I am to see Josephine is along and doesn't at all seems to has been scared of horses after her fall. Great. She's a cool little lady.
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Poor Josephine, I see in the photo of her in the dress with tied straps that she has some bad bruises on her arm near where the cast starts

This is from today - this morning - all cycling back home after riding lessons at Gråsten Riding School. How happy I am to see Josephine is along and doesn't at all seems to has been scared of horses after her fall. Great. She's a cool little lady.

Yes. she is one tough little cookie. this look is a look of determination
but loved the cuddle with big brother Christian

great that the family could have some time with their friends and their children

How big Christian and Isabella are, and they look cool with their riding gear and bikes
I looks like Countess Ingrid is there with them. As a granddaughter of Princess Benedikte she probably got infected with the horse-bug as well ;)
It's my feeling that Frederik, Mary and all four children cycles to the Gråsten Riding School every day while they're in Gråsten. A horse happy family. I'm very happy to see Josephine is along. She is obviously not scared by horse after her fall. Great.

We often see Vincent and Josephine in their older siblings former clothes.
Another example from this summer.
Isabella 2011:
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gallery from the CP family summer vacation
Some from the Grasten riders, from horseback riding and from the Danfoss universe
Eksklusive billeder: Kæmpe galleri fra kronprinsfamiliens skønne sommerferie - Herognu

this one is super cute.
and we see that Josephine did not let a little broken arm stop her, Christian looks like a great big brother

Vincent and Frederik

great on horseback Frederik and Mary

and Cristian and Isabella
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Thank you for the lovely pictures, Roskilde. All the children appear very interested in being outside, and staying active. Josephine is a little trooper, not letting a broken arm stop her.

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Does anyone know why Ziggy was not in the summer photo shoot? I've become so accustomed to seeing him with the family.
Does anyone know why Ziggy was not in the summer photo shoot? I've become so accustomed to seeing him with the family.

Ziggy, who BTW is a very mature lady, was very much present at Gråsten.

I too wondered why we didn't see her during the official photo shoot. But perhaps she was tied somewhere due to the dachshunds and Ziggy not being, shall we say, in agreement about who is in charge?
I dont think Ziggy has ever been included in the summer photo session has she?
i think the dachshunds are in charge lol
I think she is there but perhaps Ziggy the Border Collie, the herding dog, is keeping and eye on her "flock of sheep" from a distance ;)

This photo is taken in connection with the Gråsten photo session in 2012
GALLERI: Et kongeligt hundeliv | Billed Bladet
I dont think Ziggy has ever been included in the summer photo session has she?
i think the dachshunds are in charge lol

love how the family was able to see the parade in private just like any other family

I think you are right, Polyesco. :lol:

And I too like to see M&F with children being allowed to be an ordinary family.

Billed Bladet this week naturally covers the vacation at Gråsten. I'll get back to that tomorrow.
There is also a large interview with the Regent Couple that is worth translating, more on that later as well.

However, there is not much concrete news in BB. Except Mary being quoted for saying: "Here are lots of opportunities for activities" when on the cycle to the nearby riding center.
And there are probably more opportunities even than at Fredensborg perhaps.
They can swim, in the swimming pool or at the sea.
They can go riding.
There are more quiet lanes, where they cycle.
They can pop across the border to Germany.
Go kayaking.
There are several family oriented amusement parks within an hour by car.
The park is large, so plenty of room for children (and dogs) to run around.
Gråsten Manor is large as well with lots of rooms and corridors to explore and hide.
There are interesting machines, like diggers daddy can impress the children with.
Frederik (and Hamish) can cycle into the baker in Gråsten town every morning - and afternoon - and evening - after fresh bread and pastry without causing a stir.

And on that note let us have a look at the all time holiday favorite: fresh bread and pastry. :D

In the morning the menfolks are obliged to pedal to the local bakers for "rundstykker" and "morgensnegle".
Cut in half and with a thick layer of real butter.
Still lukewarm from the oven.
Sometimes with cheese or jam.
You'd be surprised at how your otherwise very calorie-conscious wife can wolf down one bun after the other - as if she was pregnant!
Milk or juice is served alongside the buns.

Naturally no breakfast would be complete without morgensnegle = morning-snails, which is a pastry. There are countless variants.
Usually enjoyed with coffee. And because it's holiday you'll have two snails, right? :D
(One snail covers one seventh of a well build adult mans daily calorie intake).

After a wholesome lunch you begin to feel peckish in the mid afternoon, so you all stroll to the baker to have a freshly baked white bread, of which there are countless variants as well:ød.jpg
Still warm from the oven naturally.
You use the rest of the butter from the morning, that almost melt on the bred. Cheese, jam, chocolate, Nutella means that, to your mild surprise, all the bread has vanish before you've finished your third cup of coffee. :ohmy:
It is summer after all, so you spoil yourself with something light, say a "flødeskumskage = whipped-cream-cake".ødemedaljer.jpg
Refreshing on a hot day - or otherwise...

After the dinner, you go for a stroll, and the womenfolks "persude" you to go to the baker one more time, while they go home and make some coffee.
What could be better for the evening coffee than a "kringle", right?
Again there are countless variants, easily one for each evening and the pastries in Southern Jutland in particular are very good indeed!

And the next day, the whole thing starts again, unless of course someone comes visiting or there is something to celebrate. In which case Frederik will mount the iron horse again and embark on his journey to the baker after a layered cake. It is after all summer and there is no reason to make a song and dance act of the whole thing, right? So something simple will suffice. Perhaps with strawberries, that's refreshing.

As we all know, food eaten during a holiday doesn't fatten - until next week.
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Thank you for all the gorgeous pictures and commentary! My mouth is watering and I think I have gained five pounds just looking!
Thank you for all the gorgeous pictures and commentary! My mouth is watering and I think I have gained five pounds just looking!

These pictures are making me want to go to the bakery, and I'm trying to behave, and avoid anything that remotely resembles desert, unless it's fresh fruit :bang: :D.

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These pictures are making me want to go to the bakery, and I'm trying to behave, and avoid anything that remotely resembles desert, unless it's fresh fruit :bang: :D.

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Imagine being Celiac and looking at all that...whimper!!

Dad and I did enjoy looking at it all. To the point he feels we should pack and head over for a visit. :D

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