Frederik and Mary's Introduction and Courtship

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks, Sun Lion. :flowers:

I think I could get used to strolling along the beaches there.
fan of the cpp

Did Frederick ever say what it is about Mary which drew him in, initially?

after 6 b-tiful children, this pair is no doubt the most powerful royal couple in our time , why? check their records as a couple, as a parent, as denmark ambassador, please check it out not to mention raising 4 kids , fred's ability to communicate to the population and mary's role to the danish and to the world .how do i know about this two ,but i've heard their accomplishments , their love story ,to tell you the truth i am a big follower of them now . in my upcoming travel to dk , i wish i can have a glimpse of the couple.BEAUTIFUL love love love them both
Congratulations on your first post, akdole58 :flowers:

Yes, most of the royal couples worldwide are doing a great job adapting and raising their children, considering the special circumstances of their lives.

And several TRF members have actually seen M&F in person when going to DK. So it is possible. ?
Some pictures of Prince Frederik and Mary in dating times.

These photos are from 2001 until before the engagement announcement that took place in late summer 2003.

I hope you like the photos.
In a podcast named Pure Grit, Amber Petty talks about the first meeting between M&F.

Mange siger, at de helt tilfældigt mødtes på The Slip Inn, men det er bullshit, siger Marys nære veninde og brudepige i podcasten til værten McGrath. Mødet var arrangeret af Marys veninde, Beatrice Tarnawski.

"Many say that they met by accident at the Slip Inn, but that's bullshit." Says Mary's close friend and bridesmaid to the (podcast) host McGrath.
The meeting was arranged by Mary's friend, Beatrice Tarnawski.

Sandheden er, at hun kendte en, der kendte nogle spanske kongelige, forklarer Amber som udgangspunktet for aftenen, hvor Frederik og Mary mødte hinanden.
– Hende, som Mary kendte, sagde, at hun ville sætte en gruppe sammen og invitere nogle flere. Og Mary var en af dem, der blev inviteret. SÅ det var en planlagt middag, men det var på The Slip Inn, fordi de gerne ville have noget helt nede på jorden.

"The truth is that she knew someone, who knew some Spanish royals", explains Amber as the basis for the evening where Fredeik and Mary met each other.
- "The one whom Mary knew said that she would put together a group and invite some more. And Mary was among those who were invited. So it was a planned dinner, but it was at Slip Inn because they would like something that was down to earth."

Udover den daværende spanske kronprins Felipe deltog også prins Joachim og prinsesse Märtha Louise.
– Det var en mulighed for, at de alle sammen kunne snakke sammen. Og Mary var faktisk den eneste, der ikke kendte alle ved den middag.

Apart from the then Spanish Crown Prince Felipe, Prince Joachim and Princess Märtha Louise also took part.
- "There was an opportunity for all of them to talk together. And Mary was actually the only one who didn't know everybody else at that dinner."

Beatrice Tarnawski har tidligere fortalt, at de troede, de blot skulle mødes med nogle “spanske prinser” og et “spanske OL-deltagere”, så stor var overraskelsen, da det viste sig at være et helt selskab af unge, europæiske kongelige, de skulle i byen med.

Beatrice Tarnewski has previously told that they thought that they were only to meet some Spanish princess and a (number of or an? Mistake in the text) Spanish Olympic contestants, so it was a big surprise when it turned out to be an entire party of young European Royals, they were dating/going to town with."

Men det var jo ikke sådan, at jeg sagde til ham: “hey, jeg kender lige en pige til dig”. Jeg introducerede dem bare for hinanden, da vi kom til Slip Inn, har Beatrice Tarnawski tidligere fortalt til Jyllands-Posten om, hvordan Frederik og Mary for 20 år siden faldt i snak og forelskede sig.

""But it wasn't like I told him: Hey, I know just a girl for you.
I simply introduced them to each other, when we arrived at Slip Inn." Is what Beatrice Tarnewski has previously told to Jyllands Posten about how Frederik and Mary got talking and fell in love twenty years ago.
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Hey, I wouldn't say no to an evening with that group of royals either. Sounds like a lovely evening.
In a podcast named Pure Grit, Amber Petty talks about the first meeting between M&F.

Mange siger, at de helt tilfældigt mødtes på The Slip Inn, men det er bullshit, siger Marys nære veninde og brudepige i podcasten til værten McGrath. Mødet var arrangeret af Marys veninde, Beatrice Tarnawski.

"Many say that they met by accident at the Slip Inn, but that's bullshit." Says Mary's close friend and bridesmaid to the (podcast) host McGrath.
The meeting was arranged by Mary's friend, Beatrice Tarnawski.

Sandheden er, at hun kendte en, der kendte nogle spanske kongelige, forklarer Amber som udgangspunktet for aftenen, hvor Frederik og Mary mødte hinanden.
– Hende, som Mary kendte, sagde, at hun ville sætte en gruppe sammen og invitere nogle flere. Og Mary var en af dem, der blev inviteret. SÅ det var en planlagt middag, men det var på The Slip Inn, fordi de gerne ville have noget helt nede på jorden.

"The truth is that she knew someone, who knew some Spanish royals", explains Amber as the basis for the evening where Fredeik and Mary met each other.
- "The one whom Mary knew said that she would put together a group and invite some more. And Mary was among those who were invited. So it was a planned dinner, but it was at Slip Inn because they would like something that was down to earth."

Udover den daværende spanske kronprins Felipe deltog også prins Joachim og prinsesse Märtha Louise.
– Det var en mulighed for, at de alle sammen kunne snakke sammen. Og Mary var faktisk den eneste, der ikke kendte alle ved den middag.

Apart from the then Spanish Crown Prince Felipe, Prince Joachim and Princess Märtha Louise also took part.
- "There was an opportunity for all of them to talk together. And Mary was actually the only one who didn't know everybody else at that dinner."

Beatrice Tarnawski har tidligere fortalt, at de troede, de blot skulle mødes med nogle “spanske prinser” og et “spanske OL-deltagere”, så stor var overraskelsen, da det viste sig at være et helt selskab af unge, europæiske kongelige, de skulle i byen med.

Beatrice Tarnewski has previously told that they thought that they were only to meet some Spanish princess and a (number of or an? Mistake in the text) Spanish Olympic contestants, so it was a big surprise when it turned out to be an entire party of young European Royals, they were dating/going to town with."

Men det var jo ikke sådan, at jeg sagde til ham: “hey, jeg kender lige en pige til dig”. Jeg introducerede dem bare for hinanden, da vi kom til Slip Inn, har Beatrice Tarnawski tidligere fortalt til Jyllands-Posten om, hvordan Frederik og Mary for 20 år siden faldt i snak og forelskede sig.

""But it wasn't like I told him: Hey, I know just a girl for you.
I simply introduced them to each other, when we arrived at Slip Inn." Is what Beatrice Tarnewski has previously told to Jyllands Posten about how Frederik and Mary got talking and fell in love twenty years ago.

This story is very interesting. And it is interesting that Felipe of Spain was also there.

This must be the oldest photo of Frederik and Mary together:
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