Look, it has already begun all over Britain, this tiring of the pomp, expense, and drama of the monarchy. And, aside from that, what do they really put back? The monarchy itself, I believe, is not the tourist draw, as tourists come to see buildings and objects, not other figures. And, aside from that, it's outrageous that even in this day, the people are seen as nothing other than subjects to a monarch. To me, that is antiquated and offensive, as it is the people who are the ultimate authority, the ultimate power, or at least they should be. If there is to be a monarch in Britain in the future, I believe the British will want that monarch to severr ties with the church (as it breeds blurring of the line between church and state), clearly outline the monarch's powers, take away the right to royal veto, separate the monarch wholly from the affairs of state, and declare the monarch subordinate to the people (as of yet, the monarch is only branded equal to parliament, no mention of the people is made). Many people cease to realize that the monarchy has no defined role in Britain, as there is no written British constitution- only a set of laws and etc. Now, if people think that my finding this a bit strange and unsavory is offensive, then, excuse-moi, pardon my rebellious American tongue.