There are no pics of Edward actually hitting the dogs or they would have been on the cover.
Really, we would never have guessed.
A little news flash here for anyone not aware of how the British press or the Animal Cruelty Groups works in the UK. A little message went out on Christmas demanding pics of the royals hunting and they got it.
And where was this information posted Claire, these are the normal hunt the royals shooting pics we get every year (at least here), this time however.....
First little note - these were not Edward's dogs as many of the stories would have you believe.
Again where is this information posted.
They were therefore strange dogs to Edward and it is unlikely that Edward would have known how they would have acted.
My goodness, it gets worse, the man tries to hit someone elses dogs!
A friend of mine who works for the RSPCA thinks this is the funniest crap that the animal cruelty people come up with.
That must be why the RSPCA has launched an official investigation!
You know those that think that it is not alright for people to shot foxes but totally alright to them to dig up dead grandmothers to prove points.
They were animal activists not members of the RSPCA, PETA, Animal Aid or The LACS, all of whom have condemned the apparent actions of Edward. I also don't think the RSPCA or any organisation has said they don't approve of shooting a fox if it is causing trouble, they do however condemn hunting with hounds!
he says - what else was Edward to do to remove to fighting dogs to each other
Read the reports Claire, it has been stated time and again (which your friends clearly didn't know) that the dogs were not fighting each other,
And for those of you wondering I have been told that letting the dog get away with the pheasant in order to eat it would have resulted in the dog getting seriously ill and possibly dying.
Oh please, not a dog owner then, perhaps I had better bury my dog after all he did eat that blooming pheasant in the garden a week before christmas!
It must be a little like the tale of a Yorkshire Terrier killing a Great Dane, (it choked to death on it)! What does your friend think they used to eat in the wild?
The Queen should just let the RSPCA look at all the dogs on the estate they are a sure bunch better treated then the majority of dogs in the UK and have the matter said and done.
Experience of the RF and the RSPCA or police investigations shows that even if the dogs back had been broken, the RSPCA would be silent!