Dutch Summer Photo Sessions: 2013-2022

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think the problem was more twitter, tumblr, Dutch news websites etc. People would search for an unflatttering camera still and put a nasty text under it. Usually anonimously of course.

It is indeed a novelty for the royal children. I certainly do hope that they do not read too much of it. At this age a thick skin usually isn't all that developed yet.
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I suppose you have a point there indeed, the awkward puberty years ;). In Amalia's case perhaps another factor is that in April -after king's day- she became the victim of an online bully campaign, which focussed on her looks and most specifically her weight. I do not believe the same thing happened now, fortunately.

:sad: I was unaware of the bullying that took place after King's Day. How awful for her and her family. Her family can try to shield her from this abuse, but it's likely she will know about it. Nearly every person on the planet will deal with awkward puberty years, but few will have to do so on the international stage. Her godmother CP Victoria had to deal with similar criticism in the pre-Internet age and the result was a serious eating disorder.

Unfortunately it is going to happen again.

You know about some of the sites out there! And they are about adult royals, who must be assumed to have thicker skin and better being able to deal with such behavior.

I honestly don't know the answer to best dealing with such things.
But I don't think the best solution is to shield the children and to give in to their unhappiness about being photographed.
I guess for better or worse royal children have to learn to develop a thicker hide before everybody else.

And with the current generation of royal children growing up in an age where everyone has a camera at hand, we must expect up to several instances where they already in their early teens will be photographed in intimate situations. And that these pictures will be made by other teens and as such end up on the Net within seconds. And from where they are likely to be spread before actions can be taken.
(And no, I'm not talking about sexual situations but all kinds of intimate situations we wouldn't like to see published either).
Despite all precautions and despite all instructions to their friends, we must expect someone at some point taking and uploading such a photo of a royal teen. If for no other reason than simple thoughtlessness.
I understand what you mean by "intimate" situations Muhler. Just the photographing the simple act of one of these teens eating and/or drinking and posting the picture could result in so many ugly comments.

You do have a point that the young heirs will have to prepare themselves for these moments because they cannot live their lives in a bubble.
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I understand what you mean by "intimate" situations Muhler. Just the photographing the simple act of one of these teens eating and/or drinking and posting the picture could result in so many ugly comments.

You do have a point that the young heirs will have to prepare themselves for these moments because they cannot live their lives in a bubble.


The worst bit is the breach of trust. The feeling of being betrayed by one or more friends. That can really change people.
I have never heard of bullying in connection with the Princesses. The Sorghvliet Gymnasium, Amalia's school, seems a good, small-scale and safe school. She has bodyguards by the way. Internet-bullying, ach... I think Amalia is a strongwilled and determined lady and will learn to develop a thick skin.
If the reports about bullying towards Amalia are true, it's very sad to hear. As someone who has been bullied for 9 years, I know how it feels to be on the receiving end. I hope that WA and Maxima have attempted to hide the bullying messages from Amalia, but in 2016 it's quite difficult to be completely unaware of nasty comments being made towards you on social media. Amalia is a pretty young lady and I hope she will not let these comments bother her if she is aware of them.
I suspect Royal families have strong parental computer blocks in place. Not only for bullying but children don't need to see the bile spread around against their parents, family and govt and then weirdos trying to befriend them, as well as keeping away from the usual bad stuff on the net.

At school Amalia would not be bullied but Just the opposite.... Kids will be trying to be her BFF and stick close. I bet she is pack leader even.
I don't think even at school Amalia is likely safe. Kids her age will care little about position and money. They will see it as another reason she is 'different'. Sadly enough for kids at that age, that is reason enough to pick on kids. I doubt she is the first royal teased at school. I know pirncess Aiko has missed school as she was bullied badly in school.
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I have never heard of bullying in connection with the Princesses. The Sorghvliet Gymnasium, Amalia's school, seems a good, small-scale and safe school. She has bodyguards by the way. Internet-bullying, ach... I think Amalia is a strongwilled and determined lady and will learn to develop a thick skin.

I do not know what happens at school, but I am quite sure that the bodyguards can do little against bullying in class.

The cyberbullying after kings day was mentioned in most press and happened mainly on twitter, where people spoke about 'prinses Obesia' and made other nasty comments.

Prinses als pispaal - RTL Nieuws
I missed that completely, apparently it was in the news and now it is out of the news again. But -sadly- it is the nature of things. I have a smart TV with various apps. While watching an event (like the European Championships Football but also King's Day) I can switch on a twitter feed to see what others think...

Uh oh... :ermm: :sad: :ohmy: :eek: :bang:

No matter the injury of Cristiano Ronaldo, the bodies of the Williams-sisters or the looks of Queen Máxima, a whole diarrhea of (negative) comments is trying to make me depressed anyway.

Best thing is never ever to switch on Twitter.
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I do not know what happens at school, but I am quite sure that the bodyguards can do little against bullying in class.

The cyberbullying after kings day was mentioned in most press and happened mainly on twitter, where people spoke about 'prinses Obesia' and made other nasty comments.

Prinses als pispaal - RTL Nieuws

Unless Amaila was being physically attacked, I doubt that her bodyguards could do much. It would be up to her teachers and the administration to stop any bullying while at school.

"Prinses Obesia"...that's so unnecessary.

"Prinses Obesia"...that's so unnecessary.

No need to say it or twitter it but I am sure almost everyone looking to the Princess will think "hm... she has her daddy's genes...". She is the Princess of Orange, the future Queen of the Netherlands no one asked for but have to accept (and pay) and yes, then people feel they are entitled to have an opinion about her...
Well, the Oranjes were never small or dainty people physically, in that aspect they are like most dutch people :lol: and Amalia takes after her dad and ancestors in that aspect.
I'm sure the girls learn to deal with social media from an early age, because let's face it, the things that are occassionally written even on TRF (which is monitored) are staggering, let alone open boards like twitter...
Well, the Oranjes were never small or dainty people physically, in that aspect they are like most dutch people :lol: and Amalia takes after her dad and ancestors in that aspect.
I'm sure the girls learn to deal with social media from an early age, because let's face it, the things that are occassionally written even on TRF (which is monitored) are staggering, let alone open boards like twitter...

Now you mention it.
If I were to describe an archetypical Dutch girl it would be Alexia.
Blondish, freckles, fair-skinned and a glimpse in the eyes. - All she needs are wooden shoes and braids and she could appear in any tourist brochure about the Netherlands.
imo Alexia is the one who looks most like her mom ;)
(I don't think she'd put up with braids in her hair, i could just see her with a "i'm not amused" look :lol:)

But Maxima is tall too (maybe just a tad bid less "well filled", as it is called in my family, than the Oranjes), so all three of these girls are surely going to be among the tallest european royals when they are adults
I have the idea that Princess Amalia will become a beauty. I have seen so many Dutch teenage / adolescent girls changing in quite attractive young ladies. When you see class-albums from girls in the "brugklas" (the first year) and then see the same girls when they leave the Gymnasium 6 years later... the difference is often beyond belief.

"Prinses Obesia"...that's so unnecessary.

It is, but she'll have to learn to live with it. As a public figure, let alone in the very privileged position the princesses are in, you cannot stop people from having an opinion about you. WA still has to live with the 'Prins Pilsje' from 30 years ago.

I can easily understand that the girls don't enjoy the photoshoot but again, they will have to deal with the press for the rest of their lives, some more, some less, for various reasons. Alexia seems to be the most exciting of the 3 meaning she resembles Maxima the most and will be most interesting for photographers, Amalia will be Queen, that's different.
No need to say it or twitter it but I am sure almost everyone looking to the Princess will think "hm... she has her daddy's genes...". She is the Princess of Orange, the future Queen of the Netherlands no one asked for but have to accept (and pay) and yes, then people feel they are entitled to have an opinion about her...

That is true Duc, but I would hope that people would take into consideration that she's an adolescent so it will be a few years until she reaches her adult height/weight. I'm inclined to think that in the future she will have her parents' taller than average height.
Indeed she and her sisters have to learn to live with it. However, these early teenage years may not be the best years to be exposed to the open sewer system on social media and I certainly hope she won't see/read the worst. She did not choose to be born in this position.

When a co-student made a remark that princess Juliana's legs weren't exactly thin, the princess replied that they had a lot of weight to carry: 'the entire house of Orange is resting on them'. Let's hope that the crown princess will take after her great-grandmother in that respect and will take such comments lightly. The princess seems clever, cheerful, sociable and sensible, which IMHO is far more important for her future role. IMHO it is not thr role of a royal to be a beauty queen and wear Parisian haute couture all the time. This could actually degrade the monarchy.
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Nasty remarks about anyone's shape, face, chin is really a reflection on the person making them, not the receiver. Unless they have the temperament of Princess Anne in her youth, who could tell reporters and anyone else off in the bat of an eye, young royals just must develop a thick skin. Awful to admit but true. People will always be nasty and use words that are unnecessary when proving a point. One can say arms are athletic and toned not mannish and unfeminine like they did to Michelle Obama, etc. It is the wording that makes the sender sound jealous and vindictive and would hurt the feeling of the receiver [if they gave a fig]. I personally think that the three Dutch Princesses will do just fine as they are loved by family and citizens alike. My young favorite of the three is the youngest as I love the sweet glint in her eyes and also she looks comfortable in herself at such a young age in that situation. I will personally follow her life in years to come and just feel she will come up aces and most levelheaded.

What a nice, traditional Dutch setting! :)

They are posing at the Kagerplassen (The Kaag Lakes). I used to go sailing on these lakes quite often in the past. The corridor where they are posing (Spriet) is the worst part for a sailboat as it is narrow and usually not too much wind. It is located close to Huys te Warmont, which used to belong to the counts of Wassenaer and later to a branch of the Limburg-Stirum family. The castle is now divided in apartments. The former minister of Justice lives in one of them.

Nice that they found a different location than the usual beach/dunes or Horsten. But let's hope that next year's photographs can be taken at the new gardens of Huis ten Bosch.

A video:
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i love the informal setting they chose! the dutch princesses are looking every day more grown up. i can't wait to see them out and about performing their own royal agendas.
I like the casual nature of the photo session - nothing seems forced or overdone.
The three girls are really growing up. They look lovely. Amalia seems like she's going to be a very tall girl.
Amalia is very tall! The family looks great! Here's to a great summer ahead!
What a lovely family photo session.The princesses look goregious in casual.
What a beautiful family. The girls are very pretty and Willy and Max are adorable together. Love these photos.
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