Crown Princess Victoria Jewellery 2: June 2005-December 2015

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The six rosettes / 'button' tiara was far better positioned in CP Victoria's hairdo at the Nobel Awards 2007; it sat too high with the ugly base showing too much this year.
I'm not certain if the combination with part of the amethyst parure was a good match.
Victoria wore the smaller one of the two brooches this parure has, probably because the shoulder ruffles would have fought too much with the large brooch, and she left off the central pendant of the necklace - although her shape of décolleté would have been ideal for it. IMHO, the necklace has a decidedly unfinished feel to it without its pendant.

(Belonging to the different respective thread about this topic, but anyway:
With its strong color and historic symbolism of half-mourning, CP Victoria is certainly not going to choose the amethyst tiara as her wedding tiara. I think it did not look good on her anyway most of the times she wore it - the circlet is difficult to place right.)
At least the ugly base is now covered in dark brown velvet. The look was much worse with the light grey velvet it used to have. It is a general problem that Victorias hairdos usually don't cover the base of the tiaras. There are few tiaras around that look nice with the hair pulled back straight. The hair should be a bit puffed up in the front so that the tiara can sink in. And for the amethyst tiara the hair would need some volume all around, because it is a fairly wide circle. Imo it would look better on Victoria if the circlet would be slightly narrower.
I'm glad that CP didn't choose amethyst tiara. For me it could be too much purple. Six bottoms tiara (not my favorite to be honest) looks really good. But I'm absolutely impressive by the amethyst necklace, earrings and the small brooch :wub: and I'm waiting for tonight gala...
I agree with Boris, the Amethyst necklace looked unfinished without the pendant drop attached to it. Crown Princess Victoria's Dress was ideal for a V-Shaped Necklace, but she edited it out to a fault, IMO. The Amethyst set seems to have some gold setting to it, and there lies the problem with the set being worn with the Button tiara wich is set in silver metal.

However, I really liked the 6 button tiara itself tonight, and think it's never looked better on Victoria. I liked the softness of her hair, and the high placement. The earrings were perfect for her tonight. I thought Victoria looked more "Queenly" than the Queen herself.

Last night Victoria wore the cut-steel tiara at the gala dinner and she looked stunning, imo. The colour and detailing on her light brown dress were perfectly hamonizing with the tiara, completing an empire-inspired look. I somehow missed a neckless, but am not sure which one would have been right for this outfit.
The cut steel tiara is part of a parure with matching earrings and choker necklace, so this Napoleonic set would have been a good choice to wear with the Empire style dress.
The necklace is rather cumbersome though and, in contrast to the tiara, not that beautiful; in all these years, Queen Silvia has worn the complete parure only twice. Still, I hope we will see the whole set worn again one day.
The steel cut tiara was perfect for Crown Princess Victoria's dress, which had a real Napoleonic feel to it. I too would love to see the entie parure worn. It seems as if the Queen is the only one in the family confident enough to carry it off.
Whole look is perfect, indeed 'empire style'. I would like to see a necklace, but maybe it will be 'too much'..
I would like to see a photo of the choker to make my decision if it was wrong not to wear it. The dress has a lot of detail and maybe the earrings and tiara were enough. Does anyone have a photo of the choker? I think the tiara is beautiful. Is there a story to the whole grouping of these jewels?:);):)
I would like to see a photo of the choker to make my decision if it was wrong not to wear it. The dress has a lot of detail and maybe the earrings and tiara were enough. Does anyone have a photo of the choker? I think the tiara is beautiful. Is there a story to the whole grouping of these jewels?:);):)
Oh yes, there is quite some story connected to this set... already posted frequently here, but why not repeat it.
Originally Napoleonic and probably belonging to Queen Josefina (Empress Joséphine's granddaughter), it was considered to be lost, until Queen Silvia found it by sheer accident in some remote cupboard at Stockholm Palace.
There is actually no pictorial record of any Swedish Queen wearing it before, so it might have been mislaid or forgotten.
That was after all a blessing, because in the second half of the 19th century, cut steel lost its novelty value, became unfashionable and much cheaper, which led to most cut steel jewelry pieces being broken up or re-set.
Queen Silvia had the set restored after her lucky find, and wore the tiara for the first time in 1979.
Below, she's wearing the complete set (tiara, choker necklace, and earrings) in 2007 - unfortunately the colors come out too blue-ish here, they should be much warmer, but it's the closest pic I could find.

The complete cut steel set with choker, earrings and tiara, worn by Queen Silvia in 2007:

Close up (in bad colors):
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Thanks for posting pictures of the complete parure. Actually, I'm quite glad that Victoria didn't wear this choker necklace. Compared with the tiara it apears chunky and lacks detailing and lustre. But the earrings might have been nice, even if they also lack a certain lustre (at least in these pictures). The diamond earrings looked somehow odd with the rest of her outfit, as they didn't repeat the warm golden tone which connected tiara and dress.
What does not come across in pictures is the enormous sparkle of the cut steel tiara (and the choker, I assume), because instead of catching the light like diamonds, the highly polished, tiny steel facets reflect the light.
But in the TV footage of Princess Christina wearing the tiara for this year’s Nobel ceremony, you could see how much it glitters with the slightest movement in real life.

Anyway, CP Victoria does not seem to like chokers at all – I don’t think I have ever seen her wearing one.
:previous:The same happens with diamonds and other stones: the sparkle only really comes across when seen in movement. When seeing the footage from the awards ceremony and dinner, I was stunned by the sparkle of the diamonds, especially of the six button tiara. It looked so much better in movement. But on the photos of the cut steel parure there seems to be much more light reflecting from the tiara than from the choker and earrings. The tiara clearly is the "star" of the parure.
As for chokers: personally I hate to wear them (ok, I never had the chance to wear a diamond version), but the make me feel like choking, nomen est omen. Not everyone feels comfortable with them.
:previous: You're quite right TD, but I love her pearls! The bracelets look nice as well.:flowers:
Love the pearl earrings, not sure about the necklace.
The 'pearl' earrings & necklace set is costume jewelry, of which CP Victoria has been wearing far too much recently; her stylist probably likes fake jewels.
The bold masculine bracelet is not my taste but is also worn by Daniel Westling, so it has a sentimental meaning. The other trinket bracelets hopefully have one as well, because it would explain why she wears them at all - they don't match anything and look more like something a little girl might like.
I continue to find it regrettable that CP Victoria hardly ever wears some nice, own and real pieces of jewelry for daywear.
the green earings she wore at one of the engaments reception do you think they were real emeralds.
and the small earings at the engagment were they real?
Finally! Her hair looks lovely... and I love the brooch in her hair. Her necklace appears to be the real thing and it is beautiful. I do believe that this is the nicest photo I have seen of CP Victoria.
No royals look "cheap" they are royal and wherever they are and however they are dressed they are royal.
I have a particular dislike for the button tiara but I admit that on CP Victoria it looks very nice indeed and on Princess Lilian, the same, or similar one looks magnificent.
Royals are royals and can get away with any style with no problem at all, I am afraid that common folk can´t. The Swedish royal family has, a magnificent collection of jewellery, especially tiaras, perhaps CP Victoria just likes a change, if you have a lot of extremely valuable jewellery you can indulge yourself and wear false and no one should think the worse of you for this.
I have to disagree, being royal is a get of jail free card. Any one can look cheap, even royals. The problem isn't that she wear something that is fake, but the type of fake jewelry she wears. If its a 'fun peice' then its no problem, but if its a more serious type then that's when you can run into some problems. But in MO, she doesn't look cheap, just ridiculous at times.:rolleyes:
You took the words right out of my mouth, Noor! It is simple, yet elegant.
You took the words right out of my mouth, Noor! It is simple, yet elegant.

I love it did QM give it to her or is it her nickname? I love hoe CVP whole offit goes togther
You can call it a 'nickname' I suppose. The Queen's name, 'Margrethe' means 'daisy' in English. :flowers: Yes, Udyusa, I believe Victoria found the best way to honour the Queen today, on her 70th birthday.
Instead of a tiara Victoria had a lovely brooch at her hairdo yesterday:
Fotobanka CTK
Still a better photo of the brooch at Victoria´s hair:
A couple of close up photos of the brooch in Victoria´s hair:
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I liked both the brooch and the pendant from last night. She looked so fresh and beautiful!
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