Crown Princess Mary's Work for Women's Rights (+Women Deliver Conference) 2015 - 2021

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:previous: excellent Mary
"This is not only women's case. It's about human rights, and that it is beneficial to all - not only the woman herself - but also her family and her community, says the Crown Princess to TV 2"
BT has an article: Se billederne: Kronprinsesse Mary besøger uroplaget afrikansk land

With photos:
Here Mary and the Foreign Minister, Christian Jensen, meet a couple of new parents with their one day old baby.
Arriving at the village, Mary is offered to wash her hands, before meeting the chief.
Here talking to the chief of the village. In this village a school for husbands has been set up.
Footballs are being handed out. The illustrations on the balls depicts the seventeen world-goals in regards to human rights, development, equality and so on.
Here they are at the local health-clinic.
Mary was presented with a goat, which seemed to find Mary's pants a very convenient place to rub the horns against. The goat was brought back with the delegation. And just like in Ethiopia I guess it will eventually be donated to a family somewhere else.
Infant mortality is high in Burkina Faso, which is why the clinics make a difference and also the schools for men, informing them about caring for the mother's health and about family-planning.
Thanks Muhler :)

Good pictures of CP Mary and Kristian Jensen meeting with President Roch Marc Christian Kabore last evening:

Patron Crown Princess Mary of Denmark discusses reprohealth with women & girls

"The President of Burkina Faso, Roch Marc Christian Kabore S.E.M. received in audience the evening of April 27, 2016 in Ouagadougou, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark who led a strong delegation."
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It's great that Mary was able to do this visit after being postponed. The people seem to appreciate it.

The Foreign Minister seems to be a pleasant fellow - you can tell he likes babies. In the picture with the chickens, you can just tell he's thinking ''now what am I going to do with two chickens?'' I think the goat would be easier to deal with. :lol:
The visit has been very well covered by the press.

Today the delegation visited a shelter for witches. 250 witches to be exact.
Witchcraft and sorcery is very real in that part of African and certainly not only in remote and rural areas.
And being labelled as a witch is dangerous! It's not only being a total outcast they risk but being killed as well. So once you get the stamp of being a witch, you'd better leave in a hurry and forget about coming back.
Witches are blamed for unusual events, illness, deaths, sick animals, the water going foul and so on.
One way to determine whether a person or rather to find a witch is to chop off the head of a chicken and let it run, and if it drops dead in front of a person with the legs in the air, that person is a witch. And since the gods, God or spirits have spoken that cannot be contested.

A person who is a witch is totally alone. The family turns their back on in this case the woman, the children are kept well away from the witch, which is a logic move. You have no friends, even the local authorities may be reluctant to protect you - they most likely believe in witches too.
And if you are alone... well, suffice to say you are unlikely ever to be let back into your society again.

The Foreign Minister, Christian Jensen, was visibly shocked. Because it is basically a human sacrifice, even if the witch is left alive or alone.

And yes, Midwestmom. The Foreign Minister is actually a pretty decent guy. A little dull perhaps but at least he has a moral compass. Unfortunately, one might say, he isn't ruthless and brutal enough to become the party leader, which IMO is a pity. So he is unlikely ever to take over the Liberal party. He had his chance but couldn't go in for the final kill.


ADDED: Here is a BB video from the visit to the shelter and also to a hospital earlier in the day:
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Thanks :)

This visit has indeed got very good coverage in the press. It is also a important topic.

A new BB video from today:

VIDEO: Kronprinsesse Mary: - Jeg så smerten i deres øjne | BILLED-BLADET

Today Mary and the Minister have visited a hospital and a crisis shelter.

Mary tells that the women in the shelter had suffered from fistula - she told that the women not said that much, but that she could see their pain in the eyes.

But there was also time to dancing, smiling and joy. And Mary masters the African rhythms and dances when she in the beginning of the video are seen swinging her hips with the local women :D She has also tried that dance some times now on her visits to Africa.


Pictures from today:


Mary must has left Africa now and be on her way home or land soon in Denmark.
She has official events already tomorrow back home in Denmark.

Pictures from HelloMagazine:
Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark is in west Africa.

BT article focusing on Frederik's and Mary's two last days important visits - in Irac and Burkina Faso:
Royal kamp på to fronter: Kronprins Frederik besøgte de danske styrker i Irak
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:previous: nice article from BT that highlights both trips. Different but equally important.

Im sure they both will be glad when both are safety back in Denmark together. And they both have a busy Friday, Mary has an event with her Scholarships and Frederik at two events at the Rock Museum and Technical University .
New article from BB telling us Mary invited an African woman and man to Denmark next month when the Women Deliver Conference will take place:

Mary and Minister Kristian Jensen asked the young about their future plans and wishes.

In this regard, a young man named Fidele Bonaventure stood up and said he wanted to improve his skills in the areas that had to do with some of the topics to be discussed at the large Women Deliver conference in Copenhagen in May.

Bonaventure pointed out that he deeply desired to attend the conference, and after a short reflection Crown Princess Mary invited him to Copenhagen to participate in the world's largest women's conference - so he can travel back home to Burkina Faso and tell his young peers about how and why it is so important to fight for women's rights.

Kronprinsesse Mary inviterede ung afrikaner til konference i København | BILLED-BLADET
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #18, 2016.
Written by our man in Africa, Ulrik Ulriksen.

With a population of some 17 million of which almost half are fourteen years old or younger Burkina Faso is in need of help and DK has approved a relief funding of one billion DKK over the next five years.
So the red carpet was rolled out when Mary and the Foreign Minister arrived. The visit lasted some 48 hours.

First a maternal hospital. Fistulas and complications are common in Burkina Faso and so is death among women giving birth, not to mention infant mortality.
In the capital of Ouagadougou the delegation visited fifteen year old new mother, Moniratou. She got pregnant when she was fourteen which is by no means unusual in Burkina Faso and now she lives with her two month old daughter with her grandparents and aunt. With the baby in her arms Mary had a chat with the mother.
She also met a very nervous Manoyda who presented Mary with flowers. Manoyda is a patient at the hospital and she needed a gentle touch and a few soothing words to be at ease.
Especially a meeting with a fistula patient made a big impression on Mary. - Such sufferers risk becoming outcasts. They smell...

But the delegation also visited the Delwende center. A refuge for 238 women who have been accused of witchcraft. It doesn't take much to be accused of being a witch. Only giving birth to girls is enough.
Mary said afterwards: "Witchcraft is not something I've heard much about before. It shocking how wide-spread it is - not only in Burkina Faso but also in many other countries - but it's based on ignorance".
If you are labelled a witch it's goodbye to your family, children, friends and network. You are out! And if you are out in Burkina Faso, especially as a woman, your life is pretty bleak!

On the second day the delegation went far away from the capital, to the village of Kamse.
Here Mary first had a chat with the village chief, before talking with the women in the village. In the meantime the Foreign Minister played soccer with other children, using some donated footballs.
As is custom Mary was presented with a present, in the shape of a goat. (The foreign Minister got some chickens). She accepted the present: "So kind it is. It sure is well-behaved".
The goat has ended up in a shelter for children in the capital.

While in the countryside they also visited a local health-clinic in Korsimoro. And here a local toddler found a nice place to stay: In the arms of Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen.

Then it was off to another village, Kamse. Where there is a school for husbands. Baiscally informing them about the prudence of looking after their pregnant wives and the benefits of getting her to a clinic for check-ups and when giving births. That is run with success by a local organization, Mwangaza Action. And here Mary and the Foreign Minister were presented with locally made leather briefcases.
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Thanks Muhler :flowers:

"Had the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs gone on his own to Burkina Faso, there'd hardly be any media coverage at all.

However, since Crown Princess Mary is going, the press is there and the focus is on women's rights!

That really shows the difference Crown Princess Mary can make. And she knows.

Thumbs up, Crown Princess Mary! :)"


Lot's of coverage on Mary's visit in Burkina Faso and the Women Deliver conference which Mary is patron of and Mary is VERY VERY involved in. Maybe one of her biggest project:


"The Danish Crown Princess has just been to Burkina Faso in order to focus on women and girls' rights or lack of it - not just in the West African country, but worldwide."

You can see the whole interview with Crown Princess Mary and DR1's feature from 21 Sunday here:!/


DR will sho a new documentary with Mary on her visit to Burkina Faso and Senegal.

In connection with the Woman Deliver Conference in Copenhagen in May, DR1 and DR2 will show a number of documentaries focusing on women's conditions and gender equality. One of them a documentary about Crown Princess Mary's visit to Burkina Faso and the visit to Senegal last year

DR-fokus p? kvinders vilk?r og ligestilling

"Wednesday, May 18,
At DR1. 20:30:

Crown Princess Mary's Mission

Crown Princess Mary has been a champion of women's equality and works to ensure women's rights worldwide. As patron of the United Nations Population Fund, she works both among the rulers of the world and take on missions in the world's poorest countries. This documentary takes you with the Crown Princess in the field when she visits the impoverished West African country of Burkina Faso, where she will support work to give women the right to decide over their own bodies. Viewers also get a glimpse of the Crown Princess trip last fall to Senegal, where she took part in the fight against circumcision - a painful tradition that disables the majority of women in some African and Asian countries. In the documentary she talks about her commitment to women's rights - a struggle that may seem hopeless, but which, however, is progress."
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More of the works behind the scenes - Mary has - but we never see or hear much about:

I thought this interview with Danish Katja Iversen, CEO of Women Deliver was interesting.
It also tells that there has been many unofficial meetings for Mary leading up to the Women Deliver conference next week.

Work meetings that could and should have been on the official calendar! I simply don't understand why on earth the DRF court don't bother to adding the many meetings F&M has the year round to the official royal calendar! Why not? Would it hurt anyone? I know F&M already are the DRF's members with the most official events a year, but still... To add their meetings, work behind the scenes etc. will only encourage the DRF's popularity even more.

"Hello Katja, good to see you"

"Crown Princess Mary slows down in her targeted walk into the hall in the House of Industry, where several hundred spectators are waiting for the Crown Princess Mary."

"She gives Katja Iversen a hug and smile before she and Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen and the Confederation of Danish Industries Managing. Director, Karsten Dybvad, hurry on to the Assembly which will discuss the UN's 17 global development goals."

"Katja Iversen is not just anyone. She is on first name terms with Crown Princess Mary and leaders from global organizations like the UN and small grassroots organizations in the poorest parts of the world."

"Somewhere between conference calls and flights Katja Iversen has found room for a short visit to Copenhagen. Among others to greet some of the participants at the conference on the UN global goals, do a series of interviews, and negotiate the last things in place before the conference.

"And there is also time to greet Crown Princess Mary, who is patron of the Women Deliver Conference and therefore has had many meetings with Katja Iversen."


A year ago, former minister Mogens Jensen appointed a conference committee

Kvindekonference-komite mødes med Kronprinsessen

"Today begins the work of the committee, Minister of Trade and Development Cooperation Mogens Jensen states in connection with Denmark's hosting of the world's largest women's conference, Women Deliver, in 2016.

HRH The Crown Princess, who has been appointed patron of the conference, will follow the meetings of the committee."


Thanks to the CPMary unofficial messsage board :flowers:

To the admins: Maybe we should open a new seperate thread to the Women Deliever conference in Copenhagen next week (16-19 May)? Mary is the host and patron and will have a full program during the week :)
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The magazine edition of BB has a feature on Mary hosting the Women Deliver event next week.

We'll get to that eventually, but there is one little detail that I, without mentioning Polyesco, know will interest some of you here.
Frederik will get a little role in the whole show as well.
As a part of the social events that is meant to shake together the participants, Frederik will lead the morning workout next Thursday at 07.45.
In the evening there will be a big party in Tivoli - and my guess is that Frederik will take part in that as well.
who are the participants
(Sorry for the weird post, was interrupted. Here we go again).

5.000 women, including Queen Maxima, Princess Sarah Zaid, Princess Mabel, Annie Lennox.
The Danish Foreign Minister will give a speech. So will the PM Lars Løkke - and that's great, they can have a nap or check Facebook while he's on the rostrum.
This is IMO one of Frederik's and Mary's very biggest strengths:

Their pride and their support for each other.

As you may know Crown Princess Mary and Denmark will be host for the world's largest women's conference 'Women Deliver' in Copenhagen next week. Crown Princess Mary has been with from the very early beginning... She is deeply involved. She is host and patron. And it's perhaps one of her biggest tasks!

I am therefore very delighthed (but not at all surprised) to see in the DRF royal calendar that Frederik will accompany Mary when she officially opens 'The Women Deliver' conference on Monday :wub:

H.K.H. Kronprinsessen forestår åbningen af Women Deliver Conference 2016 | Kongehuset - Forside

:previous: Its no surprise at all that Frederik is a huge support for Mary and as we have seen, very proud of her. (as well as Mary being a huge support for Frederik)

Cant wait for the conference. Mary has worked a lot on this.

Frederik will also have an event on his own in connection with the conference on the 18th
"HRH The Crown Prince participates in DIF / IOC side event in conjunction with the Women Deliver Conference"

I agree. :flowers: They are the real-deal, and a pleasure to watch.

While we're talking about it...

I'm only gets further confirmed in my opinion. I can see that Mary will also accompany Frederik to his event at the Women Deliver conference :)

"HRH Crown Prince Frederik speaks at DIF IOC side event in conjunction with the Women Deliver conference. HRH The Crown Princess Mary is present."

H.K.H. Kronprinsen taler i DIF/IOC side event i forbindelse med Women Deliver konferencen | Kongehuset - Forside
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(Sorry for the weird post, was interrupted. Here we go again).

5.000 women, including Queen Maxima, Princess Sarah Zaid, Princess Mabel, Annie Lennox.
The Danish Foreign Minister will give a speech. So will the PM Lars Løkke - and that's great, they can have a nap or check Facebook while he's on the rostrum.

wow, this is some great royal representation - well done on the netherlands in particular! both maxima and mabel are deeply involved with economic gender equality and women rights, so it's great to see them both coming to the conference through their own social pursuits.

i am very excited to see maxima in one of the panels and that mabel will be moderating another one! will it be possible to live stream the event?
:previous: I'm almost certain there will be some sort of live coverage. Perhaps you can find some of your answers here: Women Deliver » Conferences » 2016 Conference


Mary's visit to Burkina Faso will, very appropriately, be shown on DR1 Wednesday next week. That means you should be able to watch it outside DK.


Summary of article in Billed Bladet #19, 2016.
Written by Ulrik Ulriksen.

Who was talking to Mary about her visit to Burkina Faso and how that will influence and be incorporated into the Women Deliver conference.

"I will definitely use my experiences from the field-work in connection with the conference Women Deliver. In what context I will use them, I don't know. But I will definitely use the experiences here from Burkina Faso for example. There is hope. There are investments from the government and and initiatives on grass-root level, so it's a good story. If you can create results here in Burkina Faso, then you can create results elsewhere as well.
Women Deliver is a conference where experiences are to be shared, so that we can learn from each other and become better at adapting the projects which have been fruitful. In that way the experiences can have significance for other countries.
There are many stories and impressions I could take with me from here, but all of it must be used to create action. Women Deliver must be about doing something. About action.
But it takes time. It's a long and strenuous struggle but we can see that there is more focus from the international community. To be directing focus on women is not only the right thing to do. It's also the wise thing to do - to ensure the rights of girls and women.
When women and girls have equal opportunities in relation to men and when they have equal access to health care, political representation, business-opportunities, education, then they not only lift themselves but the whole community. The hope is that we transfer what we promise on a very high level, so that it matters for the girls way out in the small Burkina villages.
It very much makes the same strong impression on me. Each story is personal and is just as valuable as other stories I've been told.
Of course some stories are more harsh than others, but each story is worth listening to.
It's always important that the woman is allowed to have a voice, to tell what she dream about and wish for. But yes, there are many harsh stories that I've heard over many years now and they affect me just as much as the first time I visited Uganda many years ago".


It's not all misery, oppression, ignorance and war south of Sahara.

Right now there is an ongoing project well under way to create a green wall along the southern edge of Sahara. Or rather a green belt, some 20-30 kilometers wide and 9.000 kilometers long. Some of that belt will go through Burkina Faso.
Where it has been established there have been great results already.
Partly because this being such a huge, but still relatively cheap project, it creates jobs, lots of jobs! Partly because it blocks the spread of Sahara to the south. That means increased conditions for agriculture south of the belt, which stimulates the economy.
It also means a lot for the wildlife. Animals which were otherwise gone have quickly reestablished a population in the Green Belt, and that's good for tourism.
But just as importantly, because people can find work and a future along the Green Belt, it has been estimated that some 60 million Africans who might otherwise be tempted to seek their fortune elsewhere, i.e. Europe, are likely to stay where they are. And it will be a lot more difficult for extreme organizations like the Islamists, to recruit disgruntled young men for their cause.
(Sorry for the weird post, was interrupted. Here we go again).

5.000 women, including Queen Maxima, Princess Sarah Zaid, Princess Mabel, Annie Lennox.
The Danish Foreign Minister will give a speech. So will the PM Lars Løkke - and that's great, they can have a nap or check Facebook while he's on the rostrum.

Haakon and Mette-Marit of Nowary will also attend the 16th
"16/05/2016 Women Deliver
Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess attended the Women Deliver - international conference on women's health, Copenhagen."

the program for Mary and the DRF has been published. Many events
Women Deliver 2016 | Kongehuset - Forside

"Women Deliver Conference 2016 is an international conference focusing on girls and women's rights and health.
HRH The Crown Princess is patron of the Women Deliver 2016.

The royal family program
The program is updated regularly.

Sunday, May 15
HRH Crown Princess's program
Reception at the Embassy of Australia Kl. 17:20
The Crown Princess participates in reception at the Australian ambassador prior to the Women Deliver Conference 2016. Crown Princess received by Australia's ambassador to Denmark, Norway and Iceland, Damian Miller, and Australia's ambassador for women and girls, Natasha Stott Despoja.

Monday, May 16
HRH Crown Princess's program
Young Leaders Program Kl. 8.45
Crown Princess arrive together with HRH Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway, who also participate. Crown Princess will as patron a speech at the Young Leaders Program, which aims to develop young leaders' capacity and skills.

Delivering as One - Global Partnerships for Global goals side event Kl. 11:00
The Crown Princess participates in side event Delivering as One - Global Partnerships for Global goals.

Ministers Forum Kl. 12:45
The Crown Princess speaks at a forum for participating Ministers of Women Deliver conference. Ministerial Forum organized by the UN Population Fund UNFPA, the United Nations equality organization UNWOMEN of Foreign Affairs. About 35 ministers from around the world over three days will exchange experiences and discuss how to ensure increased investment in girls and women's rights and health.

Maternity Foundation side event Kl. 14:00
The Crown Princess is present and speaking at the Maternity Foundation side event. The Crown Princess is patron of the Maternity Foundation, a Danish organization that works to reduce mortality among mothers and newborn children in developing countries.

opening ceremony Kl. 16:30
The Crown Princess is responsible for the official opening of the Women Deliver Conference 2016 and, in this connection speak. HRH Crown Prince and HRH Princess Benedikte is present.

Monday, May 16
Crown Prince Couple's program
Conference reception Kl. 18:00
The Crown Prince Couple participate in the Conference reception.

Reception Kl. 19:00
The Crown Prince Couple participates in reception at the Women Deliver.

Tuesday, May 17
HRH Princess Benedikte program
Breakfast meeting Kl. 7.00
Princess Benedikte initiates the patronage of the World Diabetes Foundation's breakfast meeting.

HRH Crown Princess's program
Morning Plenary: A Girl's and Women's Lens on the SDG's Kl. 8.30
The Crown Princess is present at the Morning Plenary: A Girl's and Women's Lens on the SDG's.

Healthy Women, Healthy Economies Kl. 10:30
The Crown Princess participates in Healthy Women, Healthy Economies.

Women empower business Kl. 12:30
Crown Princess gives a speech and inspect an exhibition by various Danish companies have contributed.

Tough talks - a 21th century agenda for SRHR Kl. 13:30
The Crown Princess is present at Tough talks - a 21th century agenda for SRHR.

Opening of UNFPA's photo exhibition Kl. 16:00
Crown Princess gives a speech and subsequently opens the exhibition #childmothers. The exhibition #childmothers focuses on the girls who become mothers before the age of 15 years. Photographer Pieter ten Hoopen and journalist Sofia Pinch Ming Nordenskiöld met children mothers in five countries; Bangladesh, Zambia, Haiti, Jordan (Syria) and Burkina Faso.

Happy Hour Kl. 17:30
The Crown Princess participates in the presentation of 10 innovative, global sundhedsapp's for girls and women.

Champions Award ICRW Kl. 18:10
Crown Princess gives a speech and presents the prices for Jill Sheffield and Melinda French Gates. International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is an international research institute which among other things aims to reduce inequality between the sexes.

Dinner with UN Foundation of directors Kl. 19:45
The Crown Princess participates in a dinner with UN Foundation of directors.

Wednesday, May 18
HRH Crown Princess's program
Amplify Change side event Kl. 6.50
The Crown Princess speaks at the side event for Amplify Change that works for men and women's sexual rights.

HRH The Crown Prince's program
DIF / IOC side event Kl. 7.50
The Crown Prince, IOC member, speaks at DIF / IOC side event. The Crown Princess is present at the event.

HRH Crown Princess's program
Meeting with Young Leaders with Mary Foundation Kl. 10:00
The Crown Princess participates with Mary Foundation Director Helle Østergaard in meeting with 15 young people together and to talk about the conference, dividends and contributions. The 15 youngsters are all recipients of grants from the Mary Foundation and through the scholarship given the opportunity to participate in Women Deliver. The recipients of the scholarships comes from Burkina Faso, Malawi, Egypt, Kenya, Cuba, Ghana, Uganda, Malaysia, Benin, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka. They are all deeply involved in the work for women's health and rights in their homeland and have most of which also acted as advisers in international contexts.

Making the SDGs work for girls and women: regional perspectives Kl. 10:30
The Crown Princess is present at Making the SDGs work for girls and women: regional perspectives.

Lunch Plenary: Want to end Powerty? Invest in Women's Empowerment Econpmic Kl. 12:00
Crown Princess participating in Lunch Plenary: Want to end Powerty? Invest in Women's Empowerment Econpmic and witnessing here a conversation between Jim Kim and H. M. Queen Maxima of the Netherlands.

Powerful women Kl. 16:30
The Crown Princess is present at powerful women.

cultural Evening Kl. 19:00
The Crown Princess participates in cultural evening.

Thursday, May 19
HRH Crown Princess's program
Look to the future Kl. 8.30
The Crown Princess participates in Look to the Future Part 1: Transformation, Innovation and Partnership.

Closing of Conference Kl. 15:00
Crown Princess participating in the Closing of Conference: Be the Change You Want to See.
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If that's not a top engaged and involved Crown Princess!!

I knew that Mary would participate from the very start to the very finish in the conference. That's how she is. And I think we can thank a certain John and Etta Donaldson for that :wub: But Mary again and again still manages to impress me with her engagement and involvement!

Mary participates from the early morning at 6:30 am to 22.30 pm in the evening every day. It's rarely seen in the royal world.

Mary's huge popularity and respect among people is well deserved. Yesterday I read this comment I think telling a lot. Even people against the mornachy must agree that she does it very well:

"I myself look forward to the abolition of the Monarchy, although it might not happen in my lifetime. That being said, now we have a Royal House we are damn lucky to have Mary, so we get just a little positive out of it. She tries at least to use her influence and position to create positive change in the world. Frederik's life best decision for himself and Denmark was to marry Mary."

The Women Deliver conference is Mary's perhaps biggest task and we know she has been involved from the very start. Former Foreign Minister, Mogens Jensen (who Mary work closely with) called the conference for 'their common child'. And has stated that it is Mary's large work behind the scenes that shall be credited for that Denmark next week can hosts the world's largest women's conference.

Thanks Marika :flowers:

"Great start to Women Deliver. Honour for AUS WD2016 delegates to meet HRH Crown Princess Mary"

BB article and picture:
Kronprinsesse Mary til australsk party | BILLED-BLADET


This reception was a 'sneak peek' start at the Women Deliver conference opening tomorrow. It will be some big and VERY busy days for Mary. As the large and serious media have pointed out today: One of the highlights for Mary as Crown Princess.

Here is a good and in-depth article about Mary's succes as Crown Princess from today in the more serious media:

For making a long sentence short, we can say Crown Princess Mary's efforts can be described with the word - impressive! In very short time she has accomplished amazing things. From the start, she used her unique position to make a difference, and she has lifted the task with both professionalism and passion. Which has resulted in respect.

Few people think about it, but it's not a given that a Crown Princess can establish a fund - which so rapidly grows so big - while avoiding to tangle with the many other players who are in the social sector. But at that point, her strategy to create a framework for new projects and partnerships with other have been clever. The fund is on the way a midwife and partner - and not a competitor.


Perhaps most importantly, Crown Princess Mary gives a strong impression by working so hard for her causes.

In recent weeks - despite preparations for next week's conference - was she and Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen on a visit to Burkina Faso in order to focus on women's and girls' health and rights.

Shortly before leaving for the impoverished West African country, she also participated in the event 'Denmark eat together' in Nørrebrohallen where 400 ordinary Danes attended the communal event. And Mary met up as a surprise. And a few days earlier, she opened the new social and health school in Vesterbro.

These things witnesses the intensity of her work.


It's hard to find anything not good to say about the Crown Prince Couple.

Individually and together, the Crown Princess and Crown Prince have achieved a unique popular support and respect among the Danes, and they seem increasingly ready to take over the job, and who someday will be the focal point for the Danes and endow a more than 1,000-year-old monarchy relevant and clout in a modern society.
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:previous: it indeed was a very good article from Berlingske . About both the impressive work by Mary and on Frederik as well. Indeed they do a wonderful job, both have grown in their roles so much
Thomas Larsen: Mary er ved at redefinere sin rolle som kronprinsesse - Nationalt |

"First, Australian Mary Elizabeth Donaldson married to his chosen one and was one stroke crown princess and future queen of Denmark. Now tones she emerged as an almost royal activist who uses his position to bring attention to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
Should we say the cards, Crown Princess efforts primarily described with the word - impressive. In the short time she has accomplished amazing deal. From the start, she used his unique position to make a difference, and she has lifted the task of both professionalism and passion. Which has extorted the respect in the world.. ..

"The process is in full swing. The Crown Prince has become a treasured frontman for important business promotion and big conferences, like he is playing an increasingly central role in state visits both at home and abroad. He has also become more comfortable in dealing with the media and safe in the difficult art to keep talking - even if the strictly formal speech will never be his favorite form of communication.
Moreover, even the harshest critics can not suppress the crown prince huge force, which is that the Danes would simply love him. A large proportion of the population over the years has followed his wrestle with his destiny and his struggle to find his role, and they have seen how he now emerges as a man who embraces the outside world. And that is an essential quality of a future king." :flowers:
Mary indeed has a very busy week with the Womens Deliver conference. She is the patron and her work calendar clearly shows how she is involved from start to finish .

Today at the reception with the ambassador from Australia and the head of the Australian delegation at the conference . Always with a lovely attitude

:previous: Thanks, Polyesco. :flowers:

It is indeed a very good article, I will write more about it later.

Daily Mail about Mary in Burkina Faso: Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visits labour wards in West Africa to fight for women's sexual and reproductive rights | Daily Mail Online

And Mary at the Australian embassy: Princess Mary dazzles in a JUMPSUIT at the Women Deliver reception in Denmark | Daily Mail Online

First pic of Mary and Mette-Marit at the meeting in Bella Center this morning: Kronprinsesse Mary og kronprinsesse Mette-Marit var morgenfriske i Bella Center | BILLED-BLADET

Right, I'll elaborate on Polyesco's excellent excerpts from an article in the serious and conservative newspaper Berlingske Tidende, written by the political, but also DRF, commentator, Thomas Larsen.

Thomas Larsen: Mary er ved at redefinere sin rolle som kronprinsesse - Nationalt |

He writes about Mary redefining or perhaps rather lifting her role as Crown Princess to a higher level.
Her commitment internationally with Women Deliver and similar organizations not to mention visits abroad putting focus especially on the plight of women being a part of the redefinition of her role and indeed profile.
She has with or involvement and various interviews where she is putting focus on issues regarding women, almost evolved into an "activist-royal".

Her deep involvement with the Mary Foundation, putting focus on more individual social issue, like loneliness, is also something she has taken to above average level.
Thomas Larsen says: To put it briefly, you can first and foremost label the effort of the Crown Princess with the word - impressive.
In a short while she has accomplished astonishingly much. From the start she has used her unique position to make a difference and she has lifted the task with both professionalism and passion. Which has led to respect from internationally.

It is not a given thing that a crown princess can establish a foundation, that is thriving (it has an astonishing fortune of 150 million DKK by now) while at the same time has avoided controversy, both in regards to the funding but also the people it is involved with. But also avoiding usurping other organization that are involved in this field. To them the Mary Foundation is not a competitor, but an ally and support.

Thomas Larsen adds:
On top of that it's obvious that the Crown Princess has succeeded in creating an invisible, but important alliance with many politicians who have met her and followed her work at conferences, travels or have had her visiting some of the parliamentarian committees.
It's characteristic that the Crown Princess is consistently praised by the politicians and that also applies to the ministers who have accompanied her on travels around the world.
Perhaps most importantly of all, the Crown Princess creates a strong impression by working so hard for her causes.

Thomas Larsen continue:
But are no tones of key? The answer is: That you have to have an exceptional good hearing in order to hear them. Which is not the same as saying that the Crown Princess should play down potential challenges.
One them is that she is so preoccupied with her international tasks and the development of the Mary Foundation that she must not forget that her role as Crown Princess is more than being a successful and passionate CEO within the social-political and humanitarian field.

To that comes that the odd critic have remarks that she on several occasions have been close to overstepping the boundary which the royals may not cross and which is about talking politics.

To that Thomas Larsen quotes the DRF expert Jes Fabricius Møller from Copenhagen University, who point out that there is a clear division between the politicians and the DRF. The DRF will not speak up about issues where there is a political opposition in the Parliament.
But no parties are in favor of oppressing women, or believe women should not have equal rights - so Mary can and do speak up about these issues.
But there is a political division in regards to say women constituting a set number of persons on boards, so that is not something Mary talks about.

Another issue is Frederik, Thomas Larsen points out.
Another challende is that Crown Princess Mary can become so significant that she is outshining her husband, Crown Prince Frederik.
In the media, at Christiansborg and in the circle close to the DRF it is whispered (if Thomas Larsen says it is whispered, it is) from time to time that the Crown Prince risk being left in the shadow of his wife and that the balance of the formidable team the two of them constitute, can become askew due to the increasingly marked profile of the Crown Princess.
In the comparatively benign and quiet criticism it has been over again that the Crown Prince - after his many great sports-accomplishments - should show a wider outlook and expand his interests to encompass more than the world of sports. That process is well under way. The Crown Prince has become a treasured figurehead in regards to important commercial offensives and large conferences, just as he is playing an increasingly central role at state visits, both at home and abroad.
He has at the same time become more comfortable in the interaction with the media and confident in the difficult role of giving speeches - even though the strictly formal way of speaking will never become his preferred way of communicating.

To that comes that even his most diehard critics cannot surpress the enormous force of the Crown Prince, that is that the Danes are simply fond of him.
A large segment of the people have over the years followed his grappling with his destiny and his struggle to find his role and they have seen how he today emerges as a person who embraces the world around him. And that is a decisive quality in a future king.

The only thing to really point a finger at, according to Thomas Larsen, is that M&F were mis-casted to take part in the recent trip to Saudi Arabia, which in hindsight hardly is something the ministries, politicians or business organizations are particularly proud about.

To sum up:
Individually and together the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince have achieved a unique puplic popularity and the seem increasingly more ready to lift the task, which is about one day being the rallying point for the Danes and link a more than 1.000 year old monarchy with being relevant and having clout in a modern society.
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First morning meeting - Young Leaders Program

Mary and Mette-Marit arriving this morning to the very first meeting at the Women Deliver conference:

Crown Princess Mary holds the keynote speech:

Maternity Foundation side event (begins actually rigth now...)


Next event is the official opening ceremony.

And from here Frederik will participates in the rest of the day and the evening's events :)

Various articles about gender equality in the serious media in connection with the conference:

Ligestilling mellem mænd og kvinder er en guldgrube for økonomien - Globalt |

Udenrigsministeren håber på handlingspræget kvindetopmøde - Nationalt |
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