Crown Princess Mary and The Mary Foundation : 2007 - 2024

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"HRH The Crown Princess was today hosted by @mary_fonden at a workshop on social norms. Participants were some of the fund's close partners, and to make every wiser had The Crown Princess invited Professor Ben Cislaghi from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to stand for the workshop. Ben Cislaghi is an expert in the influence of social norms on, among other things, human health.
Today's workshop took place in Frederik VIII's Palace at Amalienborg."
Why has the wallpaper been "blurred"?

The effect is not that bad, actually.
With four lively children at home, that's a game she is no doubt familiar with.
That looks like a kind of role-play in dealing with some situation.
Mary on Saturday will be putting on her running shoes : D
"The Crown Princess participates in the Mary Foundation and Save the Child's Free for Bullying Child Relay.
In Free of Bullying The Children's Relay participates children aged 0-13 on a one kilometer long route. The stake has been held since 2007 with the purpose of showing that a relay, like the fight against bullying, requires cooperation."

Today, getting her starting numbers
Mary on Saturday will be putting on her running shoes : D
"The Crown Princess participates in the Mary Foundation and Save the Child's Free for Bullying Child Relay.
In Free of Bullying The Children's Relay participates children aged 0-13 on a one kilometer long route. The stake has been held since 2007 with the purpose of showing that a relay, like the fight against bullying, requires cooperation."

Today, getting her starting numbers

CP Mary today

By the Palace
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Thanks, Eya & Iceflower. :flowers:

So she ran 4x4 km. Presumably in order to run with (and talk to during the warm ups) as many children as possible.
More than 2000 children practipated alone in Copenhagen.
A lovely event our Crown Princess has created with the Mary Foundation!
My children and I have practipated many years.
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Today, Mary and The Mary Foundation attend the theater performance "DANNER - a Countess of the People"
"Great celebration of the 40th anniversary of the occupation of Dannerhuset with a fascinating performance on Countess Danner - superbly delivered by Theater degree. HRH The Crown Princess was present with great support for the important efforts for battered women"

she looks gorgeous!
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #36, 2019.
Written by Ulrik Ulriksen.

As is evident from Iceflower's post above :flowers: Mary went to the Danner House as part of her focus on domestic abuse and abuse between partners, not least when it involves children.
The Danner house:
Is from 1873 and it was AFAIK the first official shelter in Denmark for women who suffered from domestic abuse - and their children.
Aimed specifically at women from the working class in Copenhagen it was very much needed! Domestic abuse and wife-beating was common on a scale that is fortunately difficult to understand today. Fueled even more by rampant alcohol abuse and poverty.
In that context Mary saw a theatrical performance being played out, reconstructing the life of a working class woman from back then - rarely a walk in a rosegarden!

The Danner House, run and owned by the Danner Foundation was founded by Countess Louise Danner, who was Frederik VII's mistress and ended up being married to his left hand. Meaning that any children they might have had were not in the Line of Succession. That was on the insistence of the brand new democratic government and democratic Parliament back in 1850.
Louise Danner came from a very modest background, to put it mildly! And her relationship with the king was back then a pretty big scandal, but he loved her and insisted on being married to her and in the end he got his way, but Countess Danner, as she was titled, was of course very much shunned by the society.
Her life was a most interesting story in her own right and she never forgot where she came from. She knew first hand what domestic abuse was and how rampant it was in the lowers classes of the society and how helpless women from these classes were. So she founded a shelter for abused women.
It was right from the start hopelessly inadequate, but it was a beginning and it brought focus on a social issue overlooked by the media let alone the higher classes back then. (Domestic abuse in the higher classes was very much a factor as well, but the women there usually had at least a family to offer support and a place to go, should it become intolerable.)

The Danner foundation is still around, and now there a both municipal shelters as well as shelters run by charities.
Last year 59 women and 56 children found shelter with the Danner Foundation.

It is both a sad but also encouraging fact, that the majority of women seeking shelters today are immigrants. Sad because they suffer domestic abuse on such a relatively high level, and encouraging because they have learned that there are places to go, places to find advise and counseling so that they may escape and abusive husband.

Among those Mary met there was the Minister for (gender and otherwise) Equality Mogens Jensen, whom she knows very well and has worked with several times years back when he was Minister for Development.

And here is this week's issue of BB.
I am, alas, a little bit behind in regards to scanning and summarizing articles, so bear with me, I'm only human. ;)

Mary participated in the conference "Nordic women against violence" at the Scandic Hotel in Copenhagen this afternoon, September 20:

** ppe gallery **

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As usual a very good speech that Mary gave.

I will point to two details she mentioned:
That 5 % of all women in DK experience physical or psychological abuse from their partner during a year.
That according to a study by the Forensic Institute at Aarhus University 56 % of the women killed in the period from 1992-2016 were killed by their partner. That amounts to 300 women in total killed.
In comparison 37 men were killed by their partner in the same period.

- I can add that the murder rate in DK per year is around 29-54 persons killed and dropping. 2017 was a bad year though, with 55 murdered.
The average is around 50 murdered a year and has been so for the past 40 years.
1997 was the worst year in recent times with 66 murdered.
The percentage of murder cases solved by the police is in the 90's.
The vast majority (some 80 %) are people who are in some way connected. I.e. friends, family, spouses or gang members and other criminals.
The murder of a partner, among addicts and criminals constitute the majority - in that order.
Children, tragically, constitute a relatively high number of the murder victims. Almost exclusively in connection with a domestic dispute where a person basically wipes out his family and then commits suicide. The overwhelming majority of the murderers here being men.
Other murders of children are fortunately very rare.

- These figures include murders in the whole realm, including the Faeroe Islands (where such a thing is extremely rare) and Greenland, where murders, often in connection with alcohol abuse, is proportionally considerably higher than in the rest of the realm.
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It sure is!

And this has been well-covered by the press.
Here is a good article from Jyllands Posten:

Mary visited Frydenhøj School in Hvidover - a suburb to Copenhagen.
here she visited school children who took part in the annual media-competition.
The topic being: "Death, surely that's something we talk about." - Implying of course that we, and perhaps children in particular, don't.

Three of the largest newspapers in DK are behind this competition, hence the good coverage... Including Jyllands Posten.
But also an organization aimed at helping and informing children and young who grieve.

But at this school today, the atmosphere was electric!
"She's coming!"
Mary walked down corridors packed with children, waving flags and cheering her, some girls had even dressed up like princesses. A smiling Mary is presented with several drawings.

She enters the classroom of 7A and here things calm down and they get down to business.
Mary talks about her grief when she lost her mother, and how those around her didn't feel like talking about it.
Marys says: "Death is very much a taboo in our society. At the same time it's one of the most natural things in life.
Two out of three children in grief never or rarely talk with someone about how they feel. That's very sad.
You can well understand why it's difficult, because you don't want to make the person who has lost someone sad, if you mention it, but you can really be a help by asking into the feelings."

The class has been divided into a domestic, foreign and cultural editorial offices.
They have been tasked with writing about a suicide-forest in Japan (spooky subject!), cancer, the death penalty, true crime and formulate a plan for dealing with deaths at the school.
In January the best paper/class will be declared the winner.

One of those tasked with writing up a plan for dealing with deaths at the school is twelve year old Hashim Rasul.
"My subject is grief at the school and how the teachers and the school deal with students who have lost someone. I have been talking with the school-psychologist and a girl from our class who lost her mother when she was eight."
The school gave the girl a number of cards, she could use when she felt like it. In one of them it read that she would like to leave the class.
"But I'd like to change that a little, because it only says that you can leave on your own and I believe it's important that someone go along, so you are not alone, but have someone to talk to and share your feelings with."
A thirteen year old girl, Karoline Fæster Andersen, has chosen to focus on suicide and how a friend of her mother committed suicide. Her mother felt it helped her a lot by going to a clairvoyant. The mother found an inner calm that way."

Mary is impressed and she talks about how she and her own family deal with death. (Grandpapa and the Holck children!) "We try to be open about it, so that they dare ask questions about death and show concern for other who have lost someone."

The manager of the grief-association mentioned above, Preben Engelbrekt, explains that the first year is the worst and that friends often misjudge how long a grief lasts.
"Basically those left behind grieve the rest of their lives, but for many the first year is really difficult, and during that the surroundings believe you have moved on."
And he offers a piece of advice:
"You typically say to those left behind: You can always call. But you should say: I will contact you. - Because there are basically none among those left behind who call their network."
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"The Crown Princess was today with us when we held workshop on how we can best make a difference for exposed children and young people in Greenland.
At the workshop we presented a new mapping of actors and bets in Greenland. We need an overview if we are to be better at creating the framework for a safer and harmonious child and youth life in Greenland.
Too Many Greenland Children and young people are now growing up in a home with violence, sexual abuse, alcohol abuse and other social problems. And far too many struggle with mental vulnerability and abuse.

We hope that map will be able to support dialogue, cooperation and improved efforts in the future - and thus also a better future for Greenland Children and young people. Thank you Martha Abelsen, the Greenland Minister of health, social affairs and justice area and the many representatives of Ngos, funds and public organisations who participated today and contributed with your input."
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