Countdown to Princess Letizia's delivery - Preparations

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agm said:

Thanks for the links. The vaticinacions (!!!) of Octavio Acebes are muy funny.

The birth is for very sooner time, the futur Infanta will be a beautiful, wealthy naughty girl!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: - as Letizia before her marriage- and the third children of the Princes, who will be a boy, willn't a King bacause the constitucion will be change .... not now at all. Oh, I forgot, I beleive that Octavio Acebes had said that the birth will be difficil for the Princess but I'm not sur of his words!!!!
Just funny details about Octavio Acebes: after the Leonor's birth he said about Leonor that she will be very" terrible" and naugthy girl, against the protocol but he said the same thing about her regn.

He had said effectivly that the Princes will have a new baby quiet 15 months after the Leonor birth.... but a boy, Leonot staying at head of the Bourbon House.

And he stay on his position for the third children, but just before the Leonor birth, it was a boy; now we know that the new Infanta is a girl, he will be... a boy. But don't be anxious Leonor stay the heiress and the constitution will be change... one day!
With all that press I think we wil be certain to find out when Princess Letizia is in labor:flowers:
I hope she'll be able to get into the hospital without a hundred cameras trained on her!

I can't wait to see the new infantita and find out her name.
According to Paloma Garcia Pelayo said(one of the journalists who wrote a book about Letizia), the princess will be admitted in the Ruber clinic tomorrow Friday.
Lena T said:
I hope she'll be able to get into the hospital without a hundred cameras trained on her!

I can't wait to see the new infantita and find out her name.

It's nice that we will hear the name as soon as the birth will be announced (and don't have to wait like in the Netherlands or Denmark ;))
According to Paloma Garcia Pelayo said(one of the journalists who wrote a book about Letizia), the princess will be admitted in the Ruber clinic tomorrow Friday.
Thanks for this interesting info, Lauritas!:flowers:
Does that mean the birth is programmed, or just that Letizia will spend the last days of her pregnancy (i.e.waiting for the labour to begin) in the hospital?
The prince has said that nothing is programmed; that the girl will be born when the nature says. :flowers:
ladybelline said:
Thanks for this interesting info, Lauritas!:flowers:
Does that mean the birth is programmed, or just that Letizia will spend the last days of her pregnancy (i.e.waiting for the labour to begin) in the hospital?

Sorry ladybelline but the only thing that I know is what this journalist said,I do not know nothing else.
The prince has said today that the birth is not programmed so perhaps this information is not completely valid .In any case we will see it tomorrow:)
ladybelline said:
Thanks for this interesting info, Lauritas!:flowers:
Does that mean the birth is programmed, or just that Letizia will spend the last days of her pregnancy (i.e.waiting for the labour to begin) in the hospital?
No, these are only gossips ;) Even Felipe himself said today that "there is nothing programmed" and they will wait till the nature decides :rolleyes: As a matter of fact, everything was left in little Infantita's hands.:lol:
planetcher said:
Is that the only way that the Princes could go in Ruber? I'm guessing that's the main entrance, right? I know for a fact that hospitals have other entrances and exits you can take.
I remember that in Leonor's case we could see a blue van of Casa Real arriving to the hospital but to the other entrance, not the main one.
I cannot wait for the arrival of the new Infanta. I bet she will be as cute as her older sister!!!!
The Beckhams also had their third child there:flowers: Its a popular place!

I'm away this weekend so maybe won't be here if the new Infanta arrives in the next few days. I have a feeling it won't be this week but I could be wrong. :flowers:
Paloma Garcia Pelayo is a pink press journalist, the book she and another tabloid journalist wrote on Letizia right after the engagement was said to be full of errors according to Felipe. She is not the reliable source. April 20th is said to be Erika's birthday. If the new infanta wants to come out tomorrow, she will. But I don't see any reason why the Princes want to program the C-section on Erika's birthday or name this girl Erika no matter how much Letizia loved her sister.
Was it like this for Leonor's birth? I mean there just seems to be so much more anticipation and reports(whether accurate or not), everything seems to be happening so differently this time. But maybe it's just me thinking that way.
donnaK said:
Paloma Garcia Pelayo is a pink press journalist, the book she and another tabloid journalist wrote on Letizia right after the engagement was said to be full of errors according to Felipe. She is not the reliable source. April 20th is said to be Erika's birthday. If the new infanta wants to come out tomorrow, she will. But I don't see any reason why the Princes want to program the C-section on Erika's birthday or name this girl Erika no matter how much Letizia loved her sister.
Sure. Besides, the Kings and Felipe are having a quite important act tomorrow, the annual dinner with the writers, so I would find it quite strange if any possible c-section was programmed for the same day.
planetcher said:
Is that the only way that the Princes could go in Ruber? I'm guessing that's the main entrance, right? I know for a fact that hospitals have other entrances and exits you can take.

Yes, there is another entrance, at least, the entrance of urgencies, but they must also go in front of the reporters:ermm: , you can see it partly in the right of the photo (underneath the Ruber word ).:flowers:
I went back and looked at the thread where Leonor was on her way. And there were some pics of an SUV pulled up right next to Ruber Clinic and it was real dark around the vehicle. Even though there were no photos of Letizia going into the hospital and I hope there aren't any this time either there were still photos of and SUV. So I expect that we will probably get some similar pics of a car/SUV pulled up real close to the building in a spot where it is a little hard to get a good pic. Kind of surprised though that there is no underground parking garage for hospital staff. Not sure about in Spain but underground parking garages are very popular here in America and with something so anticipated as this event I'm sure an underground parking garage would be used here if such an anticipated event were to happen(I'm sure very high profile celebs would purposely choose a hospital that had an underground parking garage). That way it would be easy to block the media off from the garage.
Maybe the entering to the hospital will be made in a semi-secret way to avoid too much paparazzies (which I think will be the better, for a pregnant woman wouldn't like to have hundred of persons jumping around her just to see her prominen belly...:rolleyes: ); but once she'll have her baby girl, she'll be able to left the hospital in a more public way. (At least, I hope so! :D )

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It's strange that Prince Filipe said to the press that "nothing is shedule, he baby comes when nature says so"! Strange because Letizia had a cesarian with leonor so this time, almoust for sure, she must have again a cesarian, and cesarians should be shcedule with the Doctor. If she could not had a natural birth the last time, this time it will be the same, there is no need to be in pain so mucht time!! AND OF COURSE also because she had a cesarian only 18 months ago, this is the main reason to have a cesarian again for sure!! So things should be schedule by now, in my opinion!
Paty said:
Some Spanish journalits are saying right now that Prinnces Letizia will be addmited in the Hospital Ruber at friday.:cool:

Does It will be today?:rolleyes:

God I´m sooo imapatience!:flowers:
Yes I think things are schedule, IMO they are because if Princess Letizia is going to do a cesarina they must know the day! I cannot understand why prince Filipe hide this!!
biboquinhas said:
Yes I think things are schedule, IMO they are because if Princess Letizia is going to do a cesarina they must know the day! I cannot understand why prince Filipe hide this!!

We don´t know if the things are schedule and we don´t know either when the princess will be admitted in the Hospital nor if the prince has hidden something. So bioquinhas… take it easy,don´t unnerve! (it is an advice;) )
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Since when if you have Caesarean a following one it has to be a Caesarean one programmed? Now it is that the prince lies? :mad:
CRIS said:
Since when if you have Caesarean a following one it has to be a Caesarean one programmed? Now it is that the prince lies? :mad:
Yes CRIS it has to be a Caesarean she had a Caesarean just 18 months ago, for sure she will have it again, truste me!!!!!Yes IMO the Prince knows and he doesn't want to say!!!But almoust everything we say here regarding Prince and Princess of Asturias are only assumptions, and not only these but almoust everything we say here!:cool:
I am not going to say nothing else because here it seems that the prince is the one that hides and if it is the opposite; they already say that nothing of the princes can be said, because they are attacked to them. :rolleyes:
Didn't Princess Mathilde have a natural labour after a c-section with Elisabeth? The 2nd c-section is quite probably, but surely not a must. Besides, the process of welcoming the baby to this world is a very personal and intimate moment and Felipe surely doesn't feel too comfortable talking about it with the journalists. Moreover, nobody should force him to confess to everything.

Apart from this, Letizia and her daughter are in the hands of the professionals who are surely conscious what's the best for both of them :rolleyes:
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