I liked watching the christening, it had a warm; sentimental feel to it (though I often think that the SRF's family events are like this).
Alexander is a lovely baby, and appears to be rather bonny, too. I loved the interactions between him and his cousin Oscar, it was sweet to see such a connection - it reminded me a little of Jacques and Gabriella at their christening in Monaco. It was also rather heartwarming to see Carl Philip smiling down at his son when Alexander was playing with the sleeves of his jacket.
I actually thought that Leonore was more well behaved than usual, she seemed calmer and almost more reserved. She appeared to sit/stand at her chair most of the time (I watched the christening twice) and only wriggled/walked of a couple off times. She's often the most energetic out of the Swedish children, IMO. This is what I observed though!
I also liked the music, particularly the piece used when Carl Philip and Sofia came in. Does the choir belong to a school or the church? I'm just wondering because I used to be in my local church's choir and I wore a jumper similar to the ones the young choristers were wearing, but they also look sort of similar to state school primary uniforms here in Britain.
Also, are there any photos of Alexander in the royal cradle?