Some days far away of my ADSL, and far away of this estupendous event.
First of all many, many thanks for all the pics and videos - in particularly, tanks to Ana_R for her pics even if, I don't why I can't succeed to open all the shots, about one on two -
Then what a true happyness to see the Princes of Aturias, the Queen, the Princes's fathers so enjoyed by this ceremony. For those who need to make critcics, remember it's a very pleasant ceremony, it's a fest because it's a new christian, and the Archibishop, so severe habitually, was very enjoy for this lived girl....
It's a total no-sens - and a little strange one - to criticize the Leonor's behaviour because if the Princes has decided to link their little girl in precize place, she has a nanny to take car of her. In my opinion - and it's a very good decision - the Princes has want to give an image of their little girl, free exactly as she is, so sweet, so funny, very curious and quiet intrepid.
Remember for the Leonor's christening theInfanta's Cristina were mischievous, quiet disturbing the ceremony playing with the pile....
I hope for this so charming little Infanta to go on like that, giving happyness to her fathers and grand fathers.
The Kings of Spain, may be are happy fathers, but sure are extremely happy grad fathers. What so estupendous are all the grand children of the Kings, all are extremly handsome, with character and not the same. What do you want more for fathers and grand fathers in thelife with theirs children and grand children, the health, the good development and the beauty.
Please, as all we know the life is somtime the best way to learn the discipline and a young so mischievous and marvellous little girl has all the time to learn a little bite how you have to do to be an very psycho rigid Infanta.
Yes, it seems that the King don't like very much this kind of ceremony, it's no the first time; but if you are looking at the videos, you can see how he was near of Leonor, trying to catch her hand and having a little smile in front the decided character of his grand child so funny. But, I'm sure that the King is very proud too for all his grand children as it can be sonormal because they are all absolutly estupendous!
Just a detail, look how the king is watching at the little Sofia - on the pics gav by Ana_R ), it's a true grand father.
It was a so sympathetic ceremony, bringing happyness for every body that I don't understand the critics - I don't qualified them - mad becase so and so!