Charlotte Casiraghi pictures part III

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I run out of adjectives to describe how beautiful that girl is...that red gown is simply AMAZING!!
She looks fantastic!!! In that 2nd picture she looks like she's thinking "ya I'm gorgeous and you know it that's you're always taking my pics." haha Charlotte definitely won the genetic lottery.
I agree, she's very beautiful :flowers: The gown is stunning and especially the secound pic is really cute!
Charlotte looks beautiful and fresh.:flowers:
I'm happy to see her in a red dress, she is perfect here!:previous:
woooooooooooooow charlotte!!!
i don´t know what to say!!!
Magnifique!!!! She looks stunning in that red dress - hair up, or down!
Wow! 2008? I've never seen them before! She definitely looks stunning!
Man, it's not fair, she's just gorgeous.
I've found this little pic, I don't know the date.
Charlotte looks wonderful, but I don't like her shoes.
Charlotte is natural and beautiful.:previous:
airport photos: shoes are hideous but otherwise I like what she's wearing and she looks pretty.

party photos: red dress is beautiful but her extremely skinny body looks totally wrong for a sultry dress like that. Also, her head looks way too big (because she's ridiculously skinny). Tip: when you start looking like a chupa-chups you know you need to put on some weight.

bikini pictures: EAT SOMETHING GIRL! You had a beautiful body a couple of years ago and now it's ugly. You're not toned, you look like a skeleton and it's not pretty. At all.
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:previous::ohmy: First Andrea and now Charlotte. What is it with the skinny-people bashing around here?! Just as some are naturally disposed to be plump others are naturally disposed to be thin. Would anyone speak so of someone who was overweight? It is worse for your health overall to be overweight than underweight (and very few can have the happy medium of physical perfection) and just as I wouldn't make negative comments about someone carrying a few extra pounds around or tell them to shut their pie-hole once and a while I would never make negative comments about someone being on the thin side or yell at them to eat something. There are people who are dangerously overweight just as there are those who are dangerously thin but Charlotte is certainly not one of them. She is not boney or skeletal or anorexic looking. She's just thin. And that's fine. ...okay, I've vented. :whistling:
:monacostandard: :monacoflag:
I agree completely with what you're saying:previous:. It's really unfair how it's perfectly acceptable to scoff at a thin person (some people are so bold they will say mean things to your face!) but not someone who's overweight. It should not be alright to talk down to someone on either side of the spectrum.

That said, Charlotte is noticeably thinner. But I don't think it's a problem. Her abs are killer, which means she's working out. She was this same size as a teenager when she was regularly competing. I know I'm probably the only person who thinks this, but I liked her body best from summer '06 to winter '08. She wasn't heavy, but she was full, she had curves, hips and a chest. But everybody seems to be shrinking these days.:whistling:

Now, Andrea is a different story. He has really changed. I don't know if it's the cigarettes and all the drinking, but whereas he was the cutest brother, Pierre has surpassed him easily.
What is it with the skinny-people bashing around here?! Just as some are naturally disposed to be plump others are naturally disposed to be thin.

You made an interesting point. They are people who are naturally skinny. Not everyone who is skinny is an anorexic or has health problems. But I am pretty sure Charlotte is not one of this persons. She has the same body type that Caroline has, and Caroline is not naturally skinny.
Charlotte looks much more natural and healthy with a few more kilos.
An example of a naturally thin person? Take Beatrice Borromeo. She is a model, she is thin, but she looks healthy. You can see that she is a natural thin girl and she is perfect and beautiful the way she is.
Another example of a healthy thin person? Alice Dellal. She can be skinny, but look at her thighs. She's got flesh!
Charlotte is not naturally that thin. She only looked like that for a period, when she was around 16, and she did have eating disorders and looked emaciated and sick.
When a woman is naturally skinny her weight doesn't fluctuate as much as Charlotte's weight does. Take Keira Knightly. She's always skinny, you don't see her one summer looking a little bit plump to the point of people speculating about her being pregnant, and the next summer you can count her ribs. She is always skinny because she is like that. Being skinny is natural for her.

On the other hand, Charlotte's weight fluctuates quite a lot, as usually happens with people who try to be bellow their natural weight. Mind you, I don't think that Charlotte has a tendency to be fat, but she has a tendency to be normal.

To me, Charlotte looks as someone who tries to be exageratelly thin, like Eugenie, whose head looks as big as Charlotte's. (the head is a very good clue. Naturally thin people are proportionated, they don't look as if they had gigantic heads).

And all this "she is riding" excuse is just bollocks. I am a rider since I was 7, I've compited for many years and I know many profesional riders, and horse riders don't have that kind of body.

This is a naturally thin Charlotte:

This is unnatural:

All these points of views are interesting. Nevertheless, I think the following.

Most of people, have some weight fluctuation. For a period following to excess of work, stress, love hapiness, or stomach problems, we can earn or loose 2 or three kilograms! It does not mean that we become anorexic or boulimik.
What is the change for Charlotte all these years?? For me according to the two pictures posted by Trepstep, max 3 kilograms more or less. She is not extremely tall, so the diference is immediately shown.
What is the big deal for a girl the last 6 years to earn or to loose 3 kg?? It does not make her abnormal or sick!

And do not forget that she started riding competition again, and she is obliged to pay attention on her weight.the horse can not jump with an elephant on it's back!
I don't think she is skinny. Yes, she is thin but I see more muscles appearing then I see bones sticking through.
What is the big deal for a girl the last 6 years to earn or to loose 3 kg?? It does not make her abnormal or sick!

I'm sorry but I don't agree with you. The difference between this 2 photos is of more than 3 kilos. It at least 6 kilos. Of course, a 6 kilos fluctuation is normal, but I really think that the reason why her weight fluctuates so much is because she tries to be bellow her natural weight and her body tries to come back to its natural weight.
People who are naturally very skinny because the have a quick methabolism don't have this kind of weight fluctuations. As i said, think of Keira Knightly or Alice Dellal.

And do not forget that she started riding competition again, and she is obliged to pay attention on her weight.the horse can not jump with an elephant on it's back!

I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense at all. Charlotte is not a jockey. The weight of a rider is not that important in show jumping competitions. The best jumpers in the world are not skinny and some of them are tall and athletic men. Take Dado Miranda, Athina's boyfriend. He is a top level rider and he must be 1'90 and more than 90 kg. Have you seen John Whitaker's body? Showjumping is not the racecourse! Horses win the Olympics with 90 kg. riders on their back!

Of course I am not in Charlotte's head, and neither is none of us so we can just speculate. I don't think she is sick or has an eating disorder either. But from what I see in the pictures I am pretty sure that she tries to be thinner than her body wants to be in order to be fashionable...

Also, and since this is a matter of taste, everyone has an opinion, I don't think is pretty. The red dres was amazing, and Beatrice Borromeo would had been breathtaking in it. Charlotte didn't look nice. A sexy dress asks for a womanly body.
Okay, its time to move on.

This is a picture thread for Charlotte, not a thread to debate about how skinny she is. Everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion about her appearance but there is no need to go back and forth. This is one debate that will never get resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

You are certainly welcome to continue the debate via PM.

Thank you.

Monaco Forums Moderator
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Yes sugarbaby318, that was the pic i was talking about:flowers:
Charlotte looks wonderful, but I don't like her shoes.
Charlotte is natural and beautiful.:previous:
I agree. I don't like her shoes either in that photo. But, she does look great there.

Beautiful photos, Lover! I like them a lot.
I think this is the best one of Charlotte:
I like the red dress a lot!

I also love the white outfit here:
Well Charlotte is young and beautiful, blessed with good DNA, and obviously great metabolism.....What's the saying?

"you can never be TOO thin or TOO rich"!!!- Charlotte proves that point, imo.
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