Damage control or not clearly she makes Prince Albert very,
very happy.
In the end, it doesn't really matter if she reads Kipling or Judy Blume, if she has a high school education or two Ph.D's. If Albert is happy with Charlene, enjoys her company, and if he's in love with her, well, what are you going to do? Write him a letter and tell him to break up with her because you, and/or others, don't like her? Yeah... that will work.
She hasn't really done anything blasphemious that would deem her completely and utterly unsuitable and thus the entire planet will explode... so what's the problem?
Voicing your opinion is fine as well as having varying opinions (which, btw, I appreciate and prefer to read discussion boards), but some of these rants are becoming quite old. Ever heard of beating a dead horse? Yeah, it's beyond that now.