Khagne and hypokhagne... well, in France when you have a secondary school examination qualifying for entry to university and if you are agreed by some school you can prepare examination to entrey very high "universities/schools" 1st year khagne and if you are agreed 2nd year hypokhagne. and then "Ecole Normale Supérieure" /"agrégation its a competitive examination for teaching in lycées and universities. khagne/hypokhagne: studies: philosophy,latin,ancient greec,Thanks for posting this. I can read French fairly well, but what does "en khagne" mean?? I have attempted to look this term up and can't find it anywhere. It's driving me nuts. Thanks to anyone who can help me out with a translation!
literature... I have to say that even few teenagers are in khagne, less are in hypokhagne and only a few of them are in Normale Supérieure. S de Beauvoir, Sartre, L Sedar shengor, g Pompidou, were in Ecole Normale Supérieure...
Charlotte was only in khagne.
If some poster who has a better english wants to explain...