Archduke Carl-Christian, Pss Marie Astrid (née Luxembourg) and Family, 2003- 2021

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Feb 10, 2003
United States
Hi! Does anybody have any new and recent pictures of her and her family? Would love to see what her children look like... Thanks!

Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg visits Rwandan health centres

Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg currently on a three-day working visit to Rwanda, visited Luxembourg Government funded health centres in Kigali and Rwamagana.

In Kigali, Princess Marie-Astrid opened an ultra modern medical facility together with President Paul Kagame. The medical facility which is funded by the Luxembourg government, is dedicated to HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. It is composed of laboratories, counselling centres and an information and communication centre.

Princess Marie-Astrid later visited Rwamagana Hospital which was constructed with assistance from Luxembourg. Princess Marie-Astrid also visited the Rwamagana Nursing School were she lay a foundation stone for an extension to the school.

Earlier in the day, Princess Marie-Astrid met and held talks with the First Lady of Rwanda, Madame Jeanette Kagame. The delegation accompanying Princess Marie-Astrid also held talks with the Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. Kaberuka, the Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Rwabuhihi and the Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture, Hon. Ngarambe. .

As an unmarried princess she wore those Bandeau tiaras.

On her wedding day she wore the same tiara as her sister Margaretha and her sister-in-law Maria Teresa did.


Princess Marie-Astrid

Her Royal Highness Princess Marie Astrid, the eldest daughter of Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte, was born at Betzdorf Castle on 17 February 1954.

The Princess studied in Luxembourg and Belgium. She gained her diploma as a state-registered nurse in 1974 and completed her education in 1977 with a nursing certificate in tropical medicine from the Prince Léopold Institute.

She has been president of the Red Cross of Luxembourg Youth since 1970.

The Princess has been married to His Imperial and Royal Highness Charles Christian of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Archduke of Austria, since 6 February 1982.

Five children were born out of this marriage:

Princess Marie-Christine (b. 31 July 1983)
Prince Imre (b. 8 December 1985)
Prince Christophe (b. 2 February 1988)
Prince Alexander (b. 26 September 1990)
Princess Gabriella (b. 26 March 1994)

(So her children do have titles...)

Her full title: Princess Marie Astrid Charlotte Léopoldine Wilhelmine Ingeborg Antonia Elisabeth Anne Alberte

Her husband is also a Belgium noble-- his title: Prince of Habsburg-Lorraine and Serene Highness (19 Aug 1983).
Princess Marie-Astrid's eldest daughter, Princess Marie-Christine, is going to turn 20 next month. The picture that shows Marie-Astrid's family shows the most recent picture of the Princess and I think she is beautiful! She looks a lot like her mother did when she was younger.

I think people keep focusing on people like Princess Madeleine and Charlotte for Princes like William or Felipe...and we forget that there are plenty of other princesses out there! In addition, there are Marie-Christine's cousins. Princess Margaretha's eldest shall be 17 and Prince Jean's eldest shall be 16. I'm not saying that anything will happen between the Luxembourg Princesses and other Princes of the world (or that Princes need to marry royalty)...but its a possibility! :innocent: :p
Hey! Thanks so much for the pics and info about this beautiful princess. Really, really enjoyed viewing the pictures! Thanks!!!!
Hello Magazine

Princess Marie-Astrid and Archduke Carl Christian of Austria-Este


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The children of Marie-Asstrid have a lot of titles:

His/Her Imperial and Royal Highness Prince(ss) Imperial and Archduke(chess) of Austria, Prince(ss) Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince(ss) de Habsburg-Lorraine
How is Archduke Carl Christian related to Archduke Lorenz (hubby of Princess Astrid of Belgium)? And how did they become princes/ss of Hungary and Bohemia? Thanks!
Anybody can tell me where does Princess Marie Astrid live ?

Originally posted by lynn@Jan 5th, 2004 - 3:09 am
How is Archduke Carl Christian related to Archduke Lorenz (hubby of Princess Astrid of Belgium)?  And how did they become princes/ss of Hungary and Bohemia? Thanks!
Lorenz and Carl-Christian are first cousins. Their fathers are brothers.

They are entitle to bear the titles because the Austrian emperor was also King of Hungary and Bohemia.

Their full titles in German are:

Kaiserliche® Prinz(essin) und Erzherzog(in) von Österreich, Königliche® Prinz(essin) von Ungarn und Böhmen

in English it means:

Imperial Prince(ss) and Archduke (Archduchess) of Austria, Royal Princ(ess) of Hungary and Bohemia

The Tuscany branch of the house also bears the title of a "Prinz(essin) von Toskana".
the eldest daughter of Maria-Astrid a few years ago


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Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg and Family

Portrait of Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg who is due to celebrate her 50th birthday on February 17, 2004. (Corbis)
Marie-Astrid at 50

Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg, who is due to celebrate her 50th birthday on February 17, 2004, with her husband, Christian (Archduke of Austria).
Marie-Astrid and husband Christian

Marie-Christine, the eldest daughter of Princess Marie-Astrid, pictured with her mother and sister, Gabriella.
Marie-Astrid, Marie-Christine and Gabriella, 1

Marie-Astrid, Marie-Christine and Gabriella, 2

Marie-Christine, the eldest daughter of Princess Marie-Astrid, pictured with her mother.
Marie-Astrid and Marie-Christine

Marie-Christine (aged 20) is the eldest daughter of Princess Marie-Astrid.

Princess Marie-Astrid checks Gabriella's homework (her youngest daughter, born in 1994).
Marie-Astrid and Gabriella

Members of the Luxembourg Royal family gather for a group photo include (front row): Princess Marie-Astrid, children, Alexander and Gabriella. Back row: Imre (son), Marie-Christine (daughter), Christophe (son) and her husband, Christian (Archduke of Austria).
Marie-Astrid, family, 1

Members of the Luxembourg Royal family gather for a group photo include (L-R) Imre (son), Marie-Christine (daughter), Christophe and Gabriella (children), husband Christian (Archduke of Austria), Marie-Astrid and Alexander (son).
Marie-Astrid, family, 2

Members of the Luxembourg Royal family gather for a group photo include (L-R) Christian (Archduke of Austria), children Christophe, Marie-Christine, Gabriella, Alexander, Imre and Princess Marie-Astrid.
Marie-Astrid, family, 3

Members of the Luxembourg Royal family gather for a group photo, include (L-R) Christian (Archduke of Austria), Marie-Astrid's children, Gabriella, Christophe, Alexander, Imre, Princess Marie-Astrid and her eldest daughter, Marie-Christine.
Marie-Astrid, family, 4

Gabriella, the youngest daughter of Marie-Astrid, born on March 26, 1994, pictured with her pet rabbit.
I got this article from POINT DE VUE, I was wondering if anybody could translate it for me. My translator doesn't do a very good job.

--Discrets, ils preferent les soirees familiales dans leur havre de paix suisse aux diners de la jet-set. Et s'ils descendent volontiers les pistes de ski des stations alentour, il n'empeche que Marie-Astrid de Luxembourg et Christian de Habsbourg veillent avec un soin jaloux a separer leurs engagements publics de leur vie privee. Quand certaines familles royales se dechirent, eux incarnent encore cette image d'Epinal attachee aux princes d'autrefois. Un respect du passe qu'ils refusent pourtant de recouvrir d'un voile de nostalgie. Dirigeant d'une firme d'audit financiere, Christian entend avant tout preserver le capital confiance qu'il entretient avec sa progeniture, quitte a partager avec eux le bivouac au fin fond du Colorado et de l'Utah. Les voyages, dit-on, forment la jeunesse. Aussi les princes ont-ils tenu a emmener leurs cinq enfants a la decouverte du Botswana et de l'Afrique du Sud, histoire de leur montrer que tout un chacun dans le monde ne partage pas leurs privileges. Une lecon pleinement assimilee pas l'ainee, Marie-Christine. Etudiante en sciences economiques et politiques a l'Universite de Louvain, la jeune polyglotte (francais, anglais, allemand et espagnol) a deja effectue une saison de benevolat humanitaire dans le sud du Chili. Son frere, Imre, s'apprete a passer sa maturite, ce baccalaureat version suisse qu'il prepare entre deux matchs de foot avec son pere et ses freres, Christoph et Alexander. Mais comme decidement, pour le petit-fils des derniers empereurs d'Autriche, Charles et Zita, la famille est sacree, il aime retrouver sa nombreuse et tres royale parente a travers l'Europe, de Belgique au Liechtenstein en passant par l'Autriche et le Luxembourg. Alors qu'il s'apprete, le 17 fevrier, a feter ses cinquante ans quelques mois seulement apres ceux de son epouse, l'archiduc continue a jourer les artisans du bonheur conjugal. Et puisqu'apres vingt-deux ans, ils s'aiment comme au premier jour, ils s'accordent chaque annee une ultime edition de leur lune de miel. Une escapade a deux dont la destination ce printemps encore releve presque du secret d'Etat. Amour, amour, amour...
Marie - Chistine looks like her mother when she was younger.
There is a picture of her at the Spanish wedding that just happened. :)
Marie Christine is quite attractive. Very beautiful just like her mother. That Gabriella is adorable. Such blonde hair. She will grow up to be beautiful too. Of coures, Marie-Astrid is a gorgeous 50 year old as well. I love the stops. They were cool. Marie-Astrid reminds me of someone but I can´t remember who.
Marie-Astrid Von Habsburg and her husband Christian Von Habsburg share a word April 7, 2001 at a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Luxemburg, one of the events hosted by the Duchess and Grand-Duke of this country for royals from all over Europe,


Two from Seeger Press from the Spanish Royal Wedding:


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Marie-Astrid has slimmed down from the last time I've seen a picture of her.
She looks really *Good* now !!!
imho, she has inherited the grace that her mother has ... regal to boot !
Princess Marie Astrid and her children: Info, news and Pics

Photos of Princess Marie Astrid's children I

Princess Marie-Christine and Princess Gabriella are two beautiful princesses. I found photos of them on the web.
The first 5 photos dates from 1994, the 6th from 1995, and the last 4 from February 2004:)


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Photos of Princess Marie Astrid's youth I

Princess Marie-Astrid is for me and for lot of Luxembourgers one of the most beautifull princesses of the world.
I've found images from the youth of that beautiful princess. The most remarkable features of Princess Marie-Astrid are her beautiful blond hair and her lighting blue eyes.
The first photo dates from 1962 (8 years old) where you can see Princess Marie-Astrid with more than shoulder length hair, the second from 1966 (12 year old) on which she wear her beautiful blond hair a little shorter just above her shoulders. The third picture dates from 1970 (16 year old) the periode during which she wear her beautiful hair very long, like the fourth and fifth picture (~1968-1974 but I can mistaken with the dates). I saw a photo on which she has waist length hair and it was very beautiful.:)
It was a rarity at that time to find a princess with such long hair like in the farytales. On the sixth photo you see a Princess Marie-Astrid in 1974 (20 years) after she cut her long blond hair. It was a pity for her lovely hair (she never had long hair again!) On the last photo you see the beautiful Princess Marie-Astrid of the year 1976.
Nevertheless she never had long hair again, Princess Marie-Astrid was and is also now at the age of 50 one of the most beautiful princesses of the world.:eek: Princess Marie-Christine ressembles her a lot (same beautiful hair, same blue eyes, same lovely face).


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Recent photos of the nice family!

Here are the recent photos of Princess Marie-Astrid and her family at the beatification of Emperor Karl I of Austria in October 2004!!!

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I agree....she is one of the prettiest princesses. Especially when she was younger. She is just beautiful! And so are her daughters.
Photos of Princess Marie Astrid's children II

Hello to all, I have found other photos of Princess Marie Astrid and her children. Unfortunately in every message I can make only 10 attachments. That's the reason I post several replies.:(
First of all more photos of the beautiful Princess Marie-Christine::)
The photos 1+2 date from 2000, the photos 3-5 from the year 1997, the 6th from the year 1996, the photos 7-8 from 1995 and the last two from 1995.


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Photos of Princess Marie Astrid's children III

And now the continuation of the photo serial about Princess Marie-Astrid' children(She is Archduchess of Austria):
Princess Marie-Christine 31.7.1983 (so she's now 21)
Prince Imre 8.12.1985 (so he's now 19)
Prince Christophe 2.2.1988 (so he's now 16)
Prince Alexander 26.12.1990 ( so he's now 14)
Princess Gabriella 26.03.1994 (so she's now 10)

On the first 8 photos you see the missing photos taken to the occasion of Princess Marie Astrid's 50th Anniversary, in February 2004! I hope you enjoy these photos!:)






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Photos of Princess Marie Astrid's youth III

To finish I want to show some more photos of beautiful Princess Marie-Astrid who is born the 17.2.1954.:)
The first picutre two pictures show a beautiful little princess at the age 5 or 6, the 3-5 pictures show Princess Marie-Astrid 1966 at the age of twelve, the following three might be take between 1966 and 1970 (she is taller than in the images of 1966, but her hair isn't as long as on one photo I saw of 1970).
The last two shows an actual Archiduchess Marie-Astrid at the age of 50.
I hope you enjoy these photos.:)



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Is she older than her husband? she kinds of look older...i'm assuming that is her husband in the last picture...
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