Annual Photo Shoots & Holidays At Gråsten Slot: 2003, 2005-2023

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I didn't know there was a church at Graasten! Has any significant royal event baptism, wedding, etc ever taken place there?!
:previous: Yes, she is beautiful.
And a little dream of mine would be to send her on an extended tour of the Pacific. But that won't be possible until M&F become the regent couple.

Imagine Dannebrog sailing under Sydney Harbor Bridge. Under the Golden Bridge. Past the Arizona Memorial. Into Vancouver.
Being moored in Tokyo Bay and off Singapore. Off the Galapagos.
Sailing into the bays and fjords of South Island in New Zealand.
And being designed to sail in the Arctic, she can even sail to the shore of Antarctica.

It will be expensive, but no more expensive than having two warships patrolling the coast of Somalia for six months. And that is done routinely.

I really like your itinerary. She would look lovely in all those places especially with magical sunsets and her lights on.
It must be a pleasure to be a sailor on board.
I didn't know there was a church at Graasten! Has any significant royal event baptism, wedding, etc ever taken place there?!
In 1998 Princess Alexandra zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg married Count Jefferson of Pfeil and Klein-Ellguth in the Castle Church.
I am always so impressed how loving and caring this family is when out in public and I honestly believe they are the same at home behind closed doors. Mary and Frederik seems like such strong yet loving parents who know just where the children are headed in life and what they need to do. I love the picture of Mary with her arm around Isabella, and my she is almost as tall as her mother....good grief where did time go here.......:lol:
I agree about this family. :flowers: Mary (and Fred) have done an outstanding job of raising very grounded children in the face of the cameras. I wish people would take note of how tactile this family is in front of the cameras, because there is another royal family (hint: starts with an Sp ;) ) that gets dinged for touching. If ever children need reassurance it is before that bank of gawking cameras and staring crowds (no matter how well meaning). It is just an abnormal situation for children and the more they feel in the cocoon of the familial embrace (and touching helps maintain that safety) the more buoyed the child's spirit can be. Just the way I see it. :flowers:
I agree about this family. :flowers: Mary (and Fred) have done an outstanding job of raising very grounded children in the face of the cameras. I wish people would take note of how tactile this family is in front of the cameras, because there is another royal family (hint: starts with an Sp ;) ) that gets dinged for touching. If ever children need reassurance it is before that bank of gawking cameras and staring crowds (no matter how well meaning). It is just an abnormal situation for children and the more they feel in the cocoon of the familial embrace (and touching helps maintain that safety) the more buoyed the child's spirit can be. Just the way I see it. :flowers:

There are different ways of being tactile :flowers: This one comes off as at ease and loving; the Sp-version at times comes off as controlling (and not always age-appropriate).
Thanks polyesco; that's such a beautiful photo of Frederik and Isabella, so much love!
I've always thought she favoured her father more but in this photo Isabella looks a lot like Mary.
The photos of the queen and Princess Benedikte attending Sunday Service on July 29th were my favourite photos and we got see inside the chapel.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #31, 2018.
Written by Trine Larsen.

As you know a new antependium for Gråsten Palace Church was unveiled a couple of weeks.
The antependium which QMII has been working on for two years is to replace the previous antependium that was made by Queen Ingrid and which has seen continuous use since WWII.
QMII has spend 250 hours embroidering the new antependium.

It's no secret that Gråsten has a special place in her heart and attending church every Sunday, and sometimes inbetween in adult years, she has often sat and looked at her mother's work.
She said at the unveiling: "I have for so many years been delighted with the work my mother embroidered when she was pretty young and had come her and had gotten a special feeling for Gråsten and Southern Jutland. (Queen Ingrid was very fond of Southern Jutland, and the feeling was mutual.)
In a dark time (1943) she also embroidered a text into it, which pointed towards what everybody wanted back then."
The text on the old antependium read: Ære være Gud i det højeste. Og fred på Jorden - Which I think can be translated to something like this: Glory/praise be to God in the Highest. And peace on Earth. - Perhaps Faster B can help? ?
The antependium has for all these years been in use. The fabric has even been changed and the embroidery transferred to a new, but that's also a long time ago... Now it has come to the end of the line."

But it won't be completely discarded. The old antependium will be placed in a montre and exhibited in the church later this year.

The parish council had considered various option for replacing the old antependium and it was here Benedikte came in.
Back in 2017 QMII made and presented an antependium for the Lutheran church in Wittenberg, so Benedikte suggested that she made one for Gråsten as well.
QMII explained:
It was a great pleasure for me to try and make something that could again be connected to the church here.
But I chose to use other colors and other methods, because I can embroider with gold (threads) as my mother could. But I would like to use a color my mother was very fond of... and what I had in mind with the flowers are flowers who have always been of great significance to my mother.
The lilies is both an old symbol in regards to the church, but they were also in my mother's bridal bouquet, because they reminded her of her mother, whom she lost when she was very little.
The blue flowers, especially delphinum is among the flowers my mother was most fond of and which I'm also enormously fond of and which we are very delighted to have here and in other gardens I have the pleasure of being involved with.
And then there is of course the Gråsten-apples. It is perhaps a little unusual to use the apple in a church in that way, but the apple has after all a very old connection with our Bible and the concept about what an apple CAN be is not just negative. That's why I thought it was worth bringing it together on an antependium where we can also follow the ornamentation of the church with these arkantus leaves which intertwine so merrily all around."

So let's have a closer look at the details.
The old antependium, with a peace-dove in the center embroidered with gold-threads.
The akantus leaves flank the center motif of the antependium:
Inbetween the akantus leaves are three little marguerittes, symbolizing QMII, Queen Anne-Marie and Princes Benedikte. Above them are Gråsten-apples and Delphinum, the favorite flower of Queen Ingrid.
There are also French lilies and a reminder of Queen Ingrid and Prince Henrik.
The center motif and The Spring of Life.
Thank you for sharing this Muhler :flowers:

Billed-bladet shared a video of the Queen speaking at the service at Grasten about the antependium. I was going to post it on here to see if any of you kind Danish posters would translate for me but I think this does it all ?

I'll post the link anyway:
dronning margrethe fortæller om sit antependium | BILLED-BLADET Play

The choice of colour was interesting as in the Church of England we have different liturgical colours for different seasons of the church which include the altar dressings. Thanks to another forum I found out that in the Danish church the priests will wear different liturgical colours according to the season but this isn't necessarily applied to the altars etc.

I'm not having a very good time health wise at the moment so I'm doing more lurking than posting just now :sad:
Thanks, :flowers:

Yes, the speech is quoted faithfully in the article, so not much to add there.

A little remark though, the gown, or whatever you call it, worn by the priest is made from heavy and very warm wool. And that's great in an old village church during winter - and tolerable during a normal Danish summer. But during this summer...
As you know priests don't sweat, they perspire - a lot!

Some have gone to the lengths of placing cooling blocks, fresh from the freezer, in pockets under the gown.
There is now a petition to the Ministry of Churches of issuing priests with a summer-gown, in case this exceptionally hot summer happens more often in the future.
- I'm sure FasterB can fill in the gaps. ?

Get well soon, LibrarianDaisy, your input are very appreciated all over TRF. :flowers:
Muhler, thank you for posting the article about the new antepedium (or frontal, as it would be called here) that QM made. It's lovely. Also nice to know that the one made by her mother will be displayed.

About clerical garments - they can be uncomfortable. I think 'summer weight' is a good idea. Apparently, Denmark is not as air conditioned as some other places. In my church, the choir, organist, and lay ministers wear a 2-piece garment summer and winter. It's like the ones worn in the Church of England, consisting of a cassock (long robe) and cotta (the white overlay). Although the church is air conditioned, the altar area can get warm, due to the layout of the building. I hope the European heat wave will be of short duration.
Thanks Muhler for the pics! The antependium is stunning! QM is so talented and creative. I can only imagine her as a Broadway costume designer if she hadn't been Queen. We might have even seen some of her work on Game of Thrones!! I digress! Great job Your Majesty.
There was a security issue, while M&F were are Gråsten:

It happened on 13th July at around 21.30.
According to the police spokes-woman, Helle Lundberg:
A married couple climbed over a gate, clearly marked "no entry" and locked. They had learned that there were some cherry-trees in the park in front of the manor, and for whatever reason they decided to get some cherries and pick them from the trees at Gråsten.
They were detained, questioned by the police and released. They are now charged with unlawful entry/trespassing - which in DK is a breach of the penal code.
The incident was without drama and so was their arrest.

- Some people decide to put their brains on sleep-mode!
Since they didn't do anything but entering the property I guess they will be let of with a fine. - And of course a stain on their records for the next five years.

At 21.30 it's still light, certainly light enough to see someone moving about the park clearly. And I'm almost certain what gate it is. It's facing a public road, sometimes M&F have come out of the gate to look at processions and what not. Behind it is the part of the park, where the photo shoot used to take place.


More details:

It was actually Christian who spotted the intruders, while he was playing in the garden with his siblings.
He went to one of the guardsmen who sounded the alarn. The guards turned out rifle in hand and apprehended the intruders.
Who BTW were 28 and 29 years old.

As no one knew how many intruders there were, the whole park was searched.
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:previous: Thank you Muhler.
It's sweet that Christian spotted the intruders and rightfully immediately alerted the security guards. He's always seemed like a very kind and thoughtful boy.
28 and 29 years old! I don't believe there working brain cells kick into gear until aged 30, in regards to consequences.
At least not here in my country.
Thanks, Polyesco.

The weather is pretty lousy these days. Rainy and cold.
But by Tuesday, it should get warm again - and the children will get away from their Playstations I imagine. ?
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Thanks, Polyesco.

The weather is pretty lousy these days. Rainy and cold.
But by Tuesday, it should get warm again - and the children will get away from their Playstations I imagine. ?

Nice.:flowers: we had some warm weather too but not too hot yet.
Isabella horseback riding with a friend
She looks/smiles just like Frederik
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Cute photo!

If the CP family won't be there to receive the horse parade this year, I wonder if they will arrange for another photo opportunity at some other activity at Gråsten this year?
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