Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events 2 : Dec.2005 - May 2006

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paca said:
You are absolutely right in stating that as long as she has her son, she won't have to worry about a thing (I wonder though what she will do once he turns 18 and PA doesn't have to give a dime anymore - at least not to her he could give it directly to his son). As to the Grimaldis accepting him, I think that really depends on how PAs future is like and if ad whom he is going to marry. If he finds a good wife who will have the kids interest at heart, things might be easier ( I still hope that once he has a stable family life he will take custody and bring him up in peace and quiet with the rest of whatever children he is going to have). If of course he will chose one that would like to rather ignore the poor child and is only interested in her own offsprings benefit, than he might have real problems later in life, when he understands what is going on around him. Let's hope for the best.
Sounds like something I would write and agree it will all depend on the woman Albert marries as to what her agenda is and how far she can push it on Albert himself. He wanted to protect Alexandre from the press to have as normal a life as possible but Nicole chose not to due to her own agenda just keep watching what she does. Before anyone asks I can't be more specific.
Sounds like something I would write and agree it will all depend on the woman Albert marries as to what her agenda is and how far she can push it on Albert himself.

What about Nicole's behavior? If I married Albert and Nicole went on a campaign to smear me and made nasty comments I would get ticked at her and maybe would not want Alexandre around if only because he would remind me of Nicole. Furthermore, with rumors of Nicole wanting to get Alexandre on the throne of Monaco, if I had kids I would get very jealous on the behalf of my children and their rights. So in my view it would depend on how Nicole behaves. Furthermore, I think that any wife of Albert's should not be expected to be perfectly happy with the arrangement.

If he finds a good wife who will have the kids interest at heart, things might be easier

Harsh as I may sound, it is not the job of his wife to make Alexandre's life easier. Nor would it be her requirement to make sure Alexandre has everything he needs. It is Albert's job.

(I wonder though what she will do once he turns 18 and PA doesn't have to give a dime anymore

Nicole continues to live with Alexandre and be the mother in law from hell to any female he marries. :rolleyes:
Tzu An said:
What about Nicole's behavior? If I married Albert and Nicole went on a campaign to smear me and made nasty comments I would get ticked at her and maybe would not want Alexandre around if only because he would remind me of Nicole. Furthermore, with rumors of Nicole wanting to get Alexandre on the throne of Monaco, if I had kids I would get very jealous on the behalf of my children and their rights. So in my view it would depend on how Nicole behaves. Furthermore, I think that any wife of Albert's should not be expected to be perfectly happy with the arrangement.
First of all I think it needs to be a strong woman, because there will be some sort of campaign from one side or the other anyways. I also think it would help if she had a child herself, because in that case she will uderstand more easily that there is always a difference between the child and the parent ad the child is never responsible for the mistakes of their parent. Also I am not sure whether it is so desirable to be the heir to the throne. It is a tough job and even tougher when your talents lie elsewhere. And I believe that nowadays every loving mother would rather see their child grow up happily and develop its own talents and passions rather then fighting over a throne. Of course if that is what has to happen, then it might be acceptable and maybe the child might like it, but if not, I'd rather keep it with the Indians, where the noble women can decide that their son will not become chief if the think it is better for the son ad the nation.

Harsh as I may sound, it is not the job of his wife to make Alexandre's life easier. Nor would it be her requirement to make sure Alexandre has everything he needs. It is Albert's job.
Of course it is not her job, but in most families it is still the women who "runs" the family and a woman who is jealous of Alex's existence and would love to have PA not spend any time with him, can make things extremely difficult for father and son to develop any sort of relationship. Whereas an understanding and supportive woman might help and encourage it. And she would understand, that there is always enough love left in a father for all his children, as it is the case with the mother, thus her children with him wold not miss out on anything by PA having a good relationship with his eldest son.

Nicole continues to live with Alexandre and be the mother in law from hell to any female he marries. :rolleyes:
:D :D That I sincerely doubt. She'd probably tour all the TV shows around the globe who are willing to have her and tell her story (that no one wants to hear) and probably write her memoirs (that no one wants to read) in order to make a living.
paca said:
First of all I think it needs to be a strong woman, because there will be some sort of campaign from one side or the other anyways. I also think it would help if she had a child herself, because in that case she will uderstand more easily that there is always a difference between the child and the parent ad the child is never responsible for the mistakes of their parent.

I disagree with you on the point of only someone having a child would understand. Having a child of her own might in some ways make things more difficult as Nicole would probably view PA's spending time with her child rather than his own as a cause for more kvetching to Paris Match.

paca said:
... a woman who is jealous of Alex's existence and would love to have PA not spend any time with him, can make things extremely difficult for father and son to develop any sort of relationship. Whereas an understanding and supportive woman might help and encourage it.

This is true. You can't blame the child for his/her parent(s) carelessness/maliciousness. Any woman who loves PA, truly loves him, would encourage that relationship. Love isn't finite.

:D :D
paca said:
That I sincerely doubt. She'd probably tour all the TV shows around the globe who are willing to have her and tell her story (that no one wants to hear) and probably write her memoirs (that no one wants to read) in order to make a living.

Nicole will never let her son go unless and until she finds another man to support her. Yes, she will no doubt rehash how terrible her life has been since PA abandonned her at different moments but I think her 15 minutes of fame are already over. People have moved on to the next issue...
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has nicole been in the new lately? i was just wondering
semisquare said:
has nicole been in the new lately? i was just wondering
I read she has a gag order on her she can't talk anymore.
If that's true, then thank goodness.

If that is so, I hope it includes that she cannot continue to send out pictures of the little boy. He needs his privacy, imo. I tthink he sould be able to grow up without such public intrusions into his life, unless and until he decides that it is what he wants, but that's just my opinion.
Lillia said:
If that's true, then thank goodness.

If that is so, I hope it includes that she cannot continue to send out pictures of the little boy. He needs his privacy, imo. I tthink he sould be able to grow up without such public intrusions into his life, unless and until he decides that it is what he wants, but that's just my opinion.
Hi stranger and I agree with you.
wow, with gag orders do they give u money or are u told to keep your mouth shut? and i love to talk so a gag order would be awful
I've just discovered this thread and only know the basics so bear with me. Nicole Coste has a son fathered by Prince Albert. She receives generous child support from him and can afford a nanny for her one child while she has no job except to trash the Grimaldis. Albert also gave her a nice home for herself and Alexandre to live in. So far correct? Then why is she making a fool out of herself and inhibiting Alexandre from developing as normal a relationship with his father that they can? I'm sure Albert loves his child, it's pretty much inhumane not to (no matter who the mother is), but if Nicole keeps on acting like this it will be very hard for him to get to know his son.
The Grimaldis have a knack for choosing the wrong partners: Caroline with Junot, Stephanie with...pretty much everybody... and now Albert with Nicole; and they wonder why the press and papparazzi follow them so much:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I hope Alexandre gets a chance to know his father, who seems to be very nice and I also hope that one day Albert would sue for full custody and win and takes Alex to the Palais so he wouldn't have to see his mother again, it sounds cruel, but the real cruelty is from Nicole towards her son.

I think there's a picture of Nicole in the dictionary under the entry "golddigger"
I think some ppl are judging Nicole a bit too harshly. Is she a golddigger? Perhaps. But how can we possibly base whether or not she is a good mother on a few pics where she doesn't hold eye contact with her son?

She's young and isn't thinking clearly, but how many of us would go a little crazy if we were caught up in a romance with a royal?
crisiñaki said:
The Grimaldis have a knack for choosing the wrong partners: Caroline with Junot, Stephanie with...pretty much everybody... and now Albert with Nicole; and they wonder why the press and papparazzi follow them so much:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I hope Alexandre gets a chance to know his father, who seems to be very nice and I also hope that one day Albert would sue for full custody and win and takes Alex to the Palais so he wouldn't have to see his mother again, it sounds cruel, but the real cruelty is from Nicole towards her son.

I think there's a picture of Nicole in the dictionary under the entry "golddigger"

What makes me so sad about the entire situation is that there is a child that could eventually be used as a pawn. My sincerest hope is that Alexandre will be allowed to grow up in peace with support (material and emotional) from all parents biological and other.

I have a feeling that PA would never try to take full custody as long as Nicole wasn't endangering the child in any way. A court battle would thrust Alexandre into the spotlight and undermine any gravitas as a head of state that Albert would be trying to cultivate. He will probably be treated by Albert's legitimate family, should he have one, as a cousin more than a sibling. Alexandre is set for life; he will probably have a trust fund that he will slowly gain control of as his 20's and 30's progress (with a corporate trustee, I imagine) and right now, as he is recognized by PA, he has equal rights to his father's fortune as any legitimate heir would have.

I think Kanye West wrote a song that fits Nicole, crisinaki. :D
I don't think that NC is a gold-digger. I think that what she had between her and Albert is very personal, that is why Prince Albert has never really reveal their relationship to the public. But I think, if she hadn't done the Paris Match interview, Prince Albert would've married her anytime soon.. Maybe that's the biggest mistake she has done. Anyway, that's just my opinion, I didn't mean to offend anyone.
suPeRgiRL! said:
I don't think that NC is a gold-digger. I think that what she had between her and Albert is very personal, that is why Prince Albert has never really reveal their relationship to the public. But I think, if she hadn't done the Paris Match interview, Prince Albert would've married her anytime soon.. Maybe that's the biggest mistake she has done. Anyway, that's just my opinion, I didn't mean to offend anyone.
He would not have married her. Their relationship was over even before their son was born. And when he found out that she was pregnant, he was NOT happy about it, also because he knew that he would have a very difficult time to have a normal relationship with his son. And he wanted better for his child. He encourage an abortion, but NC refused. Personally I don't blame her and no matter what people might say about the fathers rights, IMO ultimately it is the woman who has to live with that decision for the rest of her life and especially if you want or have children it is difficult to justify why this particular one should be denied the right to live. So I am with her on keeping the baby, but not when it comes to the circumstances around it. But as I stated in another thread, they both handled the situation very badly ad now find themselves in opposing corners and their kids gets torn between them, whereas as parents they should be both in one corner: Their childs. I hope they'll work it out eventually.
I agree with you -it was Nicole's decision to make to keep the baby--She has to live with it.
But I am really saddened by her choice to tell Paris Match about the abortion debate. No child should ever have to know that abortion was considered after he was conceived.. I'm sorry Nicole chose to publish the posibility of abortion.
I believe she said she would have done it (abortion), but too much time had elapsed and it wasn't legal anymore..... I'm so sorry Alexander will know this-due to her explicit interview with Paris Match. I wish that she had shown more discretion for the sake of that precious little boy....:(
I can't believe as women, we as putting down another woman because of her decision to not abort her baby! Some of us think that abortion is wrong. We're not all trying to trap a man if we keep a baby that he doesn't want to keep!

Let's put more of the blame on Albert for still sleeping with someone that he supposedly didn't love.

If PA did in fact tell her to abort HIS baby, them he is really low in my opinion. NOT Nicole.
And another thing, if Nicole wasn't black, I believe she would have more supporters. If she was white or had more European features a la Halle Berry, everyone would be talking about how "victimized" she was. There, I said it.
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BurberryBrit said:
If PA did in fact tell her to abort HIS baby, them he is really low in my opinion. NOT Nicole.
Very good statement Burberry!!The fact that the abortion option was even discussed publically is beyond me. They should have kept that to themselves.
BurberryBrit said:
I think some ppl are judging Nicole a bit too harshly. Is she a golddigger? Perhaps. But how can we possibly base whether or not she is a good mother on a few pics where she doesn't hold eye contact with her son?

She's young and isn't thinking clearly, but how many of us would go a little crazy if we were caught up in a romance with a royal?
First she is not some young girl not thinking clearly, she is in her 30's which makes her old enough to have known better she had 2 other children she knew what she was doing. Apparently you haven't read the stories of things she pulled to keep Albert's attention. She was a desperate woman believing he was in love with Alicia Warlick who he was publicly dating for some time. The victims of her actions was Albert and his son who she made visitation difficult for them to be together.

I made a promise to someone to behave myself on this issue so my fingers are now off the keyboard again. Paca lives there and sure she heard many stories she could share about Nicole if she wanted.
BurberryBrit said:
I can't believe as women, we as putting down another woman because of her decision to not abort her baby! Some of us think that abortion is wrong. We're not all trying to trap a man if we keep a baby that he doesn't want to keep!

Let's put more of the blame on Albert for still sleeping with someone that he supposedly didn't love.

If PA did in fact tell her to abort HIS baby, them he is really low in my opinion. NOT Nicole.

I would totally agree with you if Nicole hadn't been the first to suggest an abortion, and hadn't spoken about this very very private matter with the press (I can't even imagine how painful it will be for the kid to know that both his mother and father at different times didn't want him; that's something that can happen in life but a kid should never know about).

As Nicole said, she wanted to have an abortion, and Al wanted her to keep the baby; after hearing his opinion she changed her mind, but then also Al changed his, and at that point she refused to have an abortion...

The blame on Al for sleeping casually for years with a woman he didn't care about remains, as remains the blame for not using protections.

JMO, based on what they both declared, I cannot know if it is the true,


ETA: Albert is no victim here, as Nicole is no victim either; only the kid is as he doesn't seem to have very caring or mature parents...
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Grace said:
I would totally agree with you if Nicole hadn't been the first to suggest an abortion, and hadn't spoken about this very very private matter with the press (I can't even imagine how painful it will be for the kid to know that both his mother and father at different times didn't want him; that's something that can happen in life but a kid should never know about).

As Nicole said, she wanted to have an abortion, and Al wanted her to keep the baby; after hearing his opinion she changed her mind, but then also Al changed his, and at that point she refused to have an abortion...

The blame on Al for sleeping casually for years with a woman he didn't care about remains, as remains the blame for not using protections.

JMO, based on what they both declared, I cannot know if it is the true,


ETA: Albert is no victim here, as Nicole is no victim either; only the kid is as he doesn't seem to have very caring or mature parents...

It appears that they are BOTH pretty messed up. Poor Alexandre. . .:(
I have to agree with Lady M...NC's actions were those of a woman who was trying to hold on to someone/win back someone's affections. For her plan to have succeeded this was at least 2-6 weeks in the making in order for everything to work right. Why there are issues now is that NC violated PA's sense of trust: which would happen to anyone. In most instances like this, things never work out in the long-run and a child is made to suffer.

NC's decision to go public with the abortion discussion is another violation of trust. She didn't hurt PA she also hurt her son b/c when he gets old enough to read the article (and don't think someone won't be cruel enough to send it to him), it's going to be a point of contention between father and son. NC was trying to make herself look like a victim with that discussion but if she had thought about everything she had said earlier, it just didn't work. Shows her naivete in doing her own PR.

Like Lady M, I am removing my fingers from the keyboard...
pinklady1991 said:
What makes me so sad about the entire situation is that there is a child that could eventually be used as a pawn. My sincerest hope is that Alexandre will be allowed to grow up in peace with support (material and emotional) from all parents biological and other.

I have a feeling that PA would never try to take full custody as long as Nicole wasn't endangering the child in any way. A court battle would thrust Alexandre into the spotlight and undermine any gravitas as a head of state that Albert would be trying to cultivate. He will probably be treated by Albert's legitimate family, should he have one, as a cousin more than a sibling. Alexandre is set for life; he will probably have a trust fund that he will slowly gain control of as his 20's and 30's progress (with a corporate trustee, I imagine) and right now, as he is recognized by PA, he has equal rights to his father's fortune as any legitimate heir would have.

I think Kanye West wrote a song that fits Nicole, crisinaki. :D

I agree, but who is kayne west and what are the words in this song?
Lillia said:
I agree, but who is kayne west and what are the words in this song?

Kanye West is an American rap artist and the song is called "Golddigger."
pinklady1991 said:
I have to agree with Lady M...NC's actions were those of a woman who was trying to hold on to someone/win back someone's affections. For her plan to have succeeded this was at least 2-6 weeks in the making in order for everything to work right. Why there are issues now is that NC violated PA's sense of trust: which would happen to anyone. In most instances like this, things never work out in the long-run and a child is made to suffer.

NC's decision to go public with the abortion discussion is another violation of trust. She didn't hurt PA she also hurt her son b/c when he gets old enough to read the article (and don't think someone won't be cruel enough to send it to him), it's going to be a point of contention between father and son. NC was trying to make herself look like a victim with that discussion but if she had thought about everything she had said earlier, it just didn't work. Shows her naivete in doing her own PR.

Like Lady M, I am removing my fingers from the keyboard...

I agree, her decision to go public on the intimacies of their relationship was a complete violation of trust, even though they were not together anymore. And she was already being supported handsomely by him, as she said anyway. Never wanted for anything then, and has not wanted for anything since (except attention).

The only reason why they were together, according to her, was physical. In the long run, relationships based on physicality do not have much to survive on and when things get complicated, the worst of people can come out because the basis is not solid. Like it did in that case, which is now very old. They all behaved badly, imo.

Me too, I quit this conversation too
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I got tired did this the lazy way. CAPTION: Nicole Coste and Albert's lawyer Thierry Lacoste in Paris. Prince Albert, who became ruler of Monaco after his father, Prince Ranier, died in April, will publicly recognize on July 7, 2005 paternity of his son Alexandre with the Togolese flight attendant, Nicole Coste,33, according the French weekly L'Express published in Paris on July 3, 2005. Coste revealed she met Albert on a French flight from Paris to Nice in July 1997, and gave birth to Alexandre in August 2003. Albert's lawyer Thierry Lacoste has confirmed that DNA tests have been carried out - and prove the royal is the father. According to the weekly, Prince Albert had allready signed a document at a Parisian Notary Public where he states his committements to his son. A luxury villa at Villefranche-sur Mer, very close to Monaco, is under restoration where half of the property belongs to Alexandre and the other half to a Monaco company. Nicole Coste receives 10 000 euros per month from Prince Albert, she drives a BMW supplied by Prince's council and isprotected by a body-guard while strolling in Paris. Prince Albert will be inaugurated as the ruler of Monaco with a ceremony on July 12, 2005
Follow the link above to newscom and type in Nicole Coste and you will get pages of photo's of her and Alexandre.
Did anyone post this? If so I missed it.
She sues the French weekly Gala and Italian weekly Chi for publishing pictures this week allegedly showing her with a boyfriend. Coste says that the person on the pictures published is not her.
If the pics posted are those I saw, it was definitely her, with a guy, walking around MC with a covered stroller, or are there new pics around? Going to check the newstands tomorrow,

Grace said:
If the pics posted are those I saw, it was definitely her, with a guy, walking around MC with a covered stroller, or are there new pics around? Going to check the newstands tomorrow,

No it was attached to the photo's on Newcom of her holiday at Christmas. I didn't see the photo's you are talking about. I wonder why we haven't yet seen her other children in any photo's. In some of those I saw today she was looking directly into the camera and smiled. Alexandre seemed to know they were there. They were under freelance.
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