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    General Questions About The Ruling Family Of Dubai

    Absolutely agree, Fandesacs2003. Shamsa, even if behaved unresponsably , shouldn't been kept captive for years afterwards. We don't know, what exactly happened, according Latifa's video, Shamsa is kept drugged in high security place. That's horrible. I think Latifa stroke some kind of deal with...
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    General Questions About The Ruling Family Of Dubai

    What's happening with Latifa now? Is she free? I don't know what Shamsa did, but kidnapping her from the streets and lock her away for life is horrible. I don't know, is there anything, what justifies that.
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    Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum (''The Missing Princess'') 2: 2023 -

    Instagram Is there any pictures on Latina’s alleged insta account? I hope she’s safe. Perhaps she stroke a deal with her daddy: he’ll leave her alone, let her live the way she wants, albeit discreetly and give her few millions to keep her afloat, while she’ll be quiet and never talk about him...
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    Jonesandseb, I think Haya won't say anything about Latifa or Shamsa, as she's worried about her own safety and statement like that would only angered sheikh. I have no doubt marriage was a good arragement for both of sides. Let's not forget arranged marriages are common in their culture. There's...
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    But will he open bank guarantee? Can british court force him to do so? He's not british citizen or resident, but HE IS head of state, other country. He has sizeable proprties in UK, but are they big enough to cover all Haya's settlement? Even if they are, it's not easy to seize them it'll be...
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    Will Haya see any of this money? It's a serious question. If sheikh Muhammand bows to no law, why would he respect british court ruling.
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    Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum (''The Missing Princess'') 1: Ending 2022

    I can't see release I can't see Latifa ans Shamsa being released , unless bad conflict will happen. Latifa has already shown she's not afraid to speak. If released, people will ask questions and she'll answer them. It won't be nice talking.
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    Sheikha Hind current events: February 2006-

    But which one? In black outfit or white?
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    Sheikha Hind current events: February 2006-

    Nice, but all taken from Wikipedia. I wish we had more recent information.
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    Al Jalila and Crown Prince Al Jalila is only 12 and Crown Prince in his thirties, already married and with kids. Or I'm thinking about wrong Prince?
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    I was wondering that too. Shamsa, Latifa, Maitha and Majid's mother, Houria, is (was?) Mohammed's long-term wife, while still married to Hind. Latifa called her his wife and said she was unsympathetic towards her daughters ordeals. I find very weird Maitha is karate champion and lives fairly...
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    Jordan allows man to have up to four wives, so her marriage was legal there. Maybe sheikha Hind was still around as she had no option? She’s member of powerful family too, yet perhaps understood better limitations , which were put on her. Maybe she learned to live with it . I hope Haya and her...
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    Divorce For Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid & Princess Haya

    I wonder what Sheikha Hind thinks about this situation? Finding out her husband was marring much younger princess had to be bad enough, but now ? I wonder , does she ever fears for her life?
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