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  1. Kellydofc

    The Duke & Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 5: June-July 2021

    Didn't the Windsors do this when Elizabeth had her coronation? The party bit, not the notice to the papers.
  2. Kellydofc

    Birth of Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor: June 4, 2021

    […]I feel bad for Archie and Lili because they're the ones who will pay the price for what H & M are doing and be cut off from the rest of the family through no fault of their own.
  3. Kellydofc

    Birth of Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor: June 4, 2021

    Because the rest of the family isn't foolish and they're not going to say anything bad about Harry or Meghan to the press. They know how to be circumspect and keep family drama behind closed doors. If only the Sussexes were half as politic.
  4. Kellydofc

    Birth of Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor: June 4, 2021

    It is private in that only close friends and family members are allowed to call HM that. We might all know the nickname but I doubt any of us would dare call the Queen Lilibet to her face that is what makes it private.
  5. Kellydofc

    Birth of Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor: June 4, 2021

    Well, for one, they've spent months trashing the entire BRF and the system so at this point I'd feel a little bit iffy about even Elizabeth. But a nickname is much more intimate than someone's formal given name, especially when that person is a public figure. I would NEVER dream of referring...
  6. Kellydofc

    Birth of Lilibet “Lili” Diana Mountbatten-Windsor: June 4, 2021

    Glad baby and mother are well but I admit the name feels like a huge grab for attention or to keep a place in granny's will. It also seems like a slap in the face to the Queen after all the stunts they've pulled the last two-three years. I wish I could think the name was well intentioned but I...
  7. Kellydofc

    State Opening of Parliament 1: 2002-2022

    Oh that pulls at my heart. I know the choice was deliberate on HM's part. A way to include Philip when he's not there.??
  8. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    I'm not surprised Charles needs to be alone. He looked absolutely gutted on Saturday. No matter how much you think you're prepared, you're never really ready for someone you love to die.
  9. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    I was really hoping Louise would inherit the ponies and carriage.
  10. Kellydofc

    The Future of the British Monarchy 1: 2018 - 2022

    I don't think Charlotte and Louis having a limited role would be about Harry but about the overall trend of smaller monarchies. I think that's probably where it was going anyway.
  11. Kellydofc

    The Future of the British Monarchy 1: 2018 - 2022

    I'm sure scenario one has been discussed no matter how unlikely it is. Especially when Charles got Covid. I don't think any of the Cambridge kids children beyond George's children will be offered titles. And I rather suspect that they, Charlotte and Louis, will have rather limited roles...
  12. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    They really should figure out a way to include YouTube views. I'm know many people, including myself, watched that way.
  13. Kellydofc

    The Duke & Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 4: April-June 2021

    The original story did apparently reference Diana, I believe Philip said Diana was a look at the photographers person, but I do think it sadly applies to H & M as well.
  14. Kellydofc

    The Duke & Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 4: April-June 2021

    Like you, the leaking of the information of the wreath's details leaves me feeling cold. It just seems very self serving. I can't help thinking of a story I heard about Prince Philip. Where he told Catherine, when she married William, not to look at photographers at events. That they weren't...
  15. Kellydofc

    The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh: Old Pictures and Videos

    Philip was so very handsome as a young man. I always forget about all that curly hair he had.
  16. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    I hadn't noticed until you said and it is a gut punch.
  17. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    It really should. They were all so obviously upset today. I hope no one ever thinks them unfeeling again just because they don't sob hysterically in public. Not everyone is comfortable doing that. I'm certainly not but that doesn't mean those people don't feel things just as deeply. I think we...
  18. Kellydofc

    The Duchess of Cambridge's Daytime Fashion Part 29: October 2020 - July 2021

    Catherine looked very elegant today.
  19. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    They were all marvelous. Having buried several people I love I can't even being to imagine how difficult it must be to have to mourn and say goodbye someone you love dearly with thousands of people watching. They all did it so beautifully even as you could see the sorrow and heartbreak on their...
  20. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    The Patriarchs – An Elegy A poem by the Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, to mark the passing of The Duke of Edinburgh. The weather in the window this morning is snow, unseasonal singular flakes, a slow winter’s final shiver. On such an occasion to presume to eulogise one man is to pipe up...
  21. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    This is been such a sad day. Logically you know Prince Philip and the Queen can't live forever but on an emotional level, you're just never quite prepared are you? They've been such constants for so long. I'm glad Prince Philip got the funeral he wanted and I hope he knows how much he'll be...
  22. Kellydofc

    The Funeral of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

    I can't help but think the Queen looks like she's aged a decade in the last week. And both Charles and William look heartbroken. Philip clearly meant so much to that entire family. The loss of him has obviously been devastating.
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