The police confirm: Chose not to search Skaugum
VG has got access to the police log that was written in connection with the arrest of Borg Høiby on 4 August.
At 13.47, the police logged the following: "The lawyer on duty decides to arrest and search".
VG asked police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli about what is involved in this.
- This means that the police lawyer decided to arrest Borg Høiby and search. The decision included his mobile phone and it was arrested and seized.
Was it only the mobile phone that the lawyer decided to search?
- Yes, that is correct.
Taxt Røstadli doesn't want to comment on any findings from the search of the mobile phone. Why the police did not choose to search his home in Skaugum?
- It was not considered necessary or proportionate in that situation.
Was intoxication suspected?
- No, not at that time.
I flere uker har politiet ikke villet svare på om de gjennomførte ransaking av Marius Borg Høibys bolig på Skaugum. Nå bekrefter de at det ikke ble gjort.
Karianne Vilde Spetalen writes in her message that Marius is not on the guest list of their wedding (and obviously means that he never has been or she just wants a peaceful wedding without a lot of press).
- I see there has been a lot of speculation about the guest list. Marius Borg Høiby is not on the guest list for our wedding, and the fact that guests have threatened to withdraw is not true. Now we ask for calm from the press.
Karianne Vilde Spetalen bekrefter overfor Dagbladet at Marius Borg Høiby ikke er på gjestelista til kjendisbryllupet lørdag.
The police now confirm to Se og Hør that they are investigating whether he is fit to drive:
- Marius Borg Høiby retains his driving licence. However, we can confirm that we are investigating his fitness to hold a driving licence, cf. Section 34 of the Road Traffic Act, says police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli at the Oslo police district.
Mette-Marits sønn har innrømmet rusproblemer over tid - og kokainmisbruk. Nå undersøker politiet om han er skikket til å kjøre bil.
The police confirm that it may be relevant to question other members of the royal family.
- There is an ongoing assessment of whether there is a need for it, but it is too early to say anything about that, says Henriette Taxt Røstadli, police inspector in the Oslo police district, to Dagbladet.
The police will not comment on whether any members of the royal family, including the crown prince couple, have been in dialogue with the police about the case.
Does questioning, for example, the crown princess pose any practical or legal challenges?
- If it becomes relevant, we will take it when the time comes.
Communications manager Guri Varpe in an email:
- We refer to the Crown Prince's statements on Monday that we have confidence that the police and the judiciary will handle the case in an orderly and professional manner.
Politiet gjør en fortløpende vurdering av behovet for å avhøre medlemmer av kongefamilien, i etterforskningen mot Mette-Marits sønn Marius Borg Høiby.
The cases of Marius have been transferred to the section for sexual offenses and violence in close relationships. Dagbladet has this confirmed by the police in Oslo.
- Marius Borg Høiby's cases, where three women have the status of offended, have been transferred in accordance with internal routine to the section for sexual offenses and violence in close relationships, and are further investigated there. The charge against him has not changed, says police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli to Dagbladet.
Lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen is an assistant lawyer for the woman in her 20s.
- I am aware of the change of prosecutor and that the case has been moved to another department. I assume that this reflects the seriousness of the case.
Sakene til Marius Borg Høiby er overført til avsnitt for seksuallovbrudd og vold i nære relasjoner. - Speiler sakens alvorlighetsgrad, sier den fornærmede kvinnens bistandsadvokat.