Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
TV 2 writes that Karianne Vilde Spetalen, long-time friend of Marius, and Kristian Spetalen are getting married again this weekend in Tuscany (they got married already in December). Whether that is where Marius is going has not been confirmed.
He is taking a suit with him, so that seems a reasonable explanation - and much better than the general 'he travelled on my advice' - as why would a lawyer suggest he leave the country in the middle of this high-media interest process?!
TV 2 writes that Karianne Vilde Spetalen, long-time friend of Marius, and Kristian Spetalen are getting married again this weekend in Tuscany (they got married already in December). Whether that is where Marius is going has not been confirmed.
It might have been wiser to decline, because this is a story outside Norway as well, and I think it's sure to say that photographers and journalists will be present at this wedding to the extent they can. It may very well be an unwelcome detraction on an otherwise happy day.
It might have been wiser to decline, because this is a story outside Norway as well, and I think it's sure to say that photographers and journalists will be present at this wedding to the extent they can. It may very well be an unwelcome detraction on an otherwise happy day.

Several sources tell NRK that Høiby is in Italy to attend a wedding. His lawyer, Øyvind Bratlien, rejects this.
- He is not going to the wedding. He needs peace, he writes in an SMS.
Bratlien also says that Høiby traveled on his advice.
The lawyer does not want to say anything more about what his client accused of violence is going to do abroad.
Ina Strømstad is a district court judge at Oslo District Court and in the judges' media group.
She says that the main rule is that accused persons in criminal cases do not have travel restrictions.
- If the police fear that an accused will evade prosecution, e.g. by traveling abroad, the accused may be required to report, the passport may be confiscated, or the police may request a court order for detention.

Couldn't he find peace in Norway?
In this time and age, everything comes to light. I sincerely hope that he does indeed NOT attend the wedding, because if does despite his lawyer's denial of his supposed attendance, I fear for the Crown Prince's mental and cardiovascular health!
If serious charges are brought against Marius, what incentive could be used to encourage him to come back to Norway? Would he do it out of the goodness of his heart? Would his lawyer encourage him to do it? Would his parents do it, threatening to cut him off if he refuses? Will it get to the point where the Norwegian and Italian governments will have to work together to extradite Marius back to Norway? Does Norway and Italy have an extradition treaty?

I can't see anything good coming out of Marius, an accused domestic abuser in an active case who has great wealth and privilege, fleeing the country.
I think if he is out of the country to find peace of mind I think he will return when its time for questioning or court appearances etc. With all this intense media scrutiny for his behavior it may be too much for him mentally to handle and before anyone says anything yes his victims are under immense mental strain too. My concern is with what is clearly mental and drug related issues he doesn't do anything foolish.
If serious charges are brought against Marius, what incentive could be used to encourage him to come back to Norway? Would he do it out of the goodness of his heart? Would his lawyer encourage him to do it? Would his parents do it, threatening to cut him off if he refuses? Will it get to the point where the Norwegian and Italian governments will have to work together to extradite Marius back to Norway? Does Norway and Italy have an extradition treaty?

I can't see anything good coming out of Marius, an accused domestic abuser in an active case who has great wealth and privilege, fleeing the country.
IMO that shouldn't be any particular problem. A matter for Interpol I suppose and the the Italians would simply arrest him and he would face a few days in jail until the paperwork has been cleared and then he'd be taken on a flight back to Norway.
Even if he went outside Europe I can't imagine many countries who would want to keep him. He's a Norwegian national, has no money, no status, he's not persecuted so no asylum, skill and knowledge wise he has no value and he is an annoyance to have around.
Not even the Foreign Legion would have him BTW- they do check criminal records nowadays.
Perhaps he could try North Korea, but he might find the scenery a tad depressing.

It would of course be hugely embarrassing for the NRF if he refused to come home or tried to seek asylum, but the end result for Marius at least would be the same.
I think if he is out of the country to find peace of mind I think he will return when its time for questioning or court appearances etc. With all this intense media scrutiny for his behavior it may be too much for him mentally to handle and before anyone says anything yes his victims are under immense mental strain too. My concern is with what is clearly mental and drug related issues he doesn't do anything foolish.

Yes, realistically Marius isn’t a flight risk and if he hasn’t been required to surrender his passport I think it’s understandable that he and his family might want him away from the media attention in Norway, both for his own mental health and, from his family’s perspective, as a way of keeping him contained pending further questioning and the case against him moving forward. Haakon and MM have his sister’s wedding and its immediate aftermath to get through, it’s a bad idea for Marius to go with them, for a few reasons, and they may want him away from his usual environment (clubs, friends, girlfriends) while they’re occupied by the wedding.

If pictures come out of Marius partying his way through Italy, that’s bad, but if the family has responsible friends there who can provide him with a quiet place to stay out of trouble, and he’s willing to go, I think getting him out of the country for a time isn’t a horrible idea.
Several sources tell NRK that Høiby is in Italy to attend a wedding. His lawyer, Øyvind Bratlien, rejects this.
- He is not going to the wedding. He needs peace, he writes in an SMS.
Bratlien also says that Høiby traveled on his advice.
The lawyer does not want to say anything more about what his client accused of violence is going to do abroad.
Ina Strømstad is a district court judge at Oslo District Court and in the judges' media group.
She says that the main rule is that accused persons in criminal cases do not have travel restrictions.
- If the police fear that an accused will evade prosecution, e.g. by traveling abroad, the accused may be required to report, the passport may be confiscated, or the police may request a court order for detention.

Couldn't he find peace in Norway?

One scenario which could explain the discrepancy between the "sources'" and the lawyer's statements: It could be that Marius, before his assault on his girlfriend, already made arrangements to travel to Italy for his friend's wedding (which would fit with the claim that his absence from his stepaunt's wedding was already planned before recent events), but his lawyer has now advised Marius that appearing in public at his friend's wedding is unwise though going ahead with his already booked trip to Italy is fine.
I wonder if he is traveling with private security guards. If he really does have mental illnesses, having him alone someplace may not be the best plan. Maybe some close friends with wise counsel will be able to talk with him.
Did Mette-Marit, Haakon and Marius really think that Marius could travel to Italy without the press finding it out? Surely VG got a tip from someone at the airport in Norway.

Se og Hør: When it became known that Marius had also been invited to the Spetalen wedding, several of the guests allegedly protested and threatened to drop the wedding. They didn't want to celebrate or to be associated with Marius who is being investigated and admitted drug use and violence. The guests also feared that a lot Norwegian press would come to Italy to take photos, and they did not want to be pictured at a party with Marius. Parts of the bride and groom's family must also have reacted strongly when they learned that Marius was on the guest list. The bride and groom must have felt compelled to withdraw the invitation to Marius.
Marius is now in Pisa with a friend, and unsure what to do next. Several Norwegian media are in place in Italy to try to get Marius to speak.

So it's not easy for Marius get to rest and have peace in Italy.
Se og Hør: When it became known that Marius had also been invited to the Spetalen wedding, several of the guests allegedly protested and threatened to drop the wedding. They didn't want to celebrate or to be associated with Marius who is being investigated and admitted drug use and violence. The guests also feared that a lot Norwegian press would come to Italy to take photos, and they did not want to be pictured at a party with Marius. Parts of the bride and groom's family must also have reacted strongly when they learned that Marius was on the guest list. The bride and groom must have felt compelled to withdraw the invitation to Marius.
Marius is now in Pisa with a friend, and unsure what to do next. Several Norwegian media are in place in Italy to try to get Marius to speak.

So it's not easy for Marius get to rest and have peace in Italy.

It seems the story that Marius Borg Høiby's non-attendance at Princess Märtha Louise's wedding was already planned before recent events was true. This also explains why they did not want to explain why his absence was already planned, as they must have hoped he could still travel to the wedding under the radar.

Unfortunately, it is not surprising that some guests have reacted in this manner. But it is ridiculous to argue that attending the same wedding as Marius is a celebration of him or of drugs and violence. The guests already have a mutual friend with Marius (the bride), so by their own logic, they are already celebrating him.

The guests are free to decide whether they wish to attend the wedding, but pressuring the bride is a different matter. If she truly is a good friend of Marius, then it should have been her own decision whether to continue the friendship.

(Also interesting that Marius's longtime friend is an influencer and sometime reality show participant. Together with his choice of girlfriends, it seems like part of a much commented on pattern of close relationships with rather "public" people even after choosing a private life for himself.)
So it's not easy for Marius get to rest and have peace in Italy.
Exactly! Marius shouldn't have rest and peace anywhere until his case has been prosecuted, adjudication, and sentenced. At 27 it's a bit late to learn behavior skills he should have learned 20 years ago. Hopefully the courts will step in and incarcerate Marius making it at least one violent abuser safer for women. As far as the wedding party, why worry about Marius attending when the groom himself has his own behavioral issues!
Perhaps you are right, calming Marius, perhaps detox him from his drugs and anger. I just keep thinking about his victims and the violence he inflicted. If Marius is left unchecked lives could be at risk and that is scary.
I agree with Tatiana Maria that pressure shouldn’t be put on the couple to disinvite Marius. Guests may not like him to be there but we have all been to weddings where sometimes there is someone invited whose behavior/ personality we don’t like. The public is aware of his behavior and the press is going to follow and people don’t want to be seen at the same venue as him. To me it’s far fetched to think being at a wedding is condoning his behavior. I think it’s more about the optics.
The police confirm that they knew that Marius was going to travel to Italy despite the fact that he is charged with violence, threats and vandalism.
- The police were aware that the suspect was going to Italy. There were and are not planned any new hearings during the period he has been away, writes the Oslo police district in a press release.
Blood samples were taken from Marius when he was arrested, and these have now been analysed.
- We have received answers to the blood tests, and we will present them to him.
How so and why? I would think that a restful, peaceful prosecution, adjudication and sentencing would be fairer than a non-restful, non-peaceful one.
Maybe it is better to be away from his criminal friends for various reasons. No access to new drugs, also he must be quite furious about the "friends" who sold those pictures to "Bild". Considering his violent behavior/character and possibly wanting to take revenge could put him into even more trouble in Norway.
For the NRF it's better to have him out of their way until after the wedding which is a challenge for itself.

One thing though puzzles me, if he has issues with mental illness and drug abuse, why is he not in some in-patient clinic to get help and calm down? It would be a better place to get his peace. Maybe it was suggested to him and he refused.
The truly sad part about family members and friends who have to deal with a loved ones addiction/mental issues is that the person needs to want help or to be in recovery. You can want it for them but its up to them to take those steps.
If Marius was considered a threat to others or himself I would like to think that he would be in some kind of detention. whether it was jail or a mental or rehab facility. Of course Marius could check himself into a treatment or rehab facility, but that could delay the investigation, and you best believe that someone somewhere will accuse him and others of squirreling him away in order to obstruct the process. To me if he truly needs some kind of in-patient treatment, it should be sought even if that will likely open a new round of stories and commentary.

It was stated that he is traveling with a companion, I wonder if that person is a minder and/or sober coach I am also wondering if the reason he was in the drunk tank for so long was to get him to some kind of mental and / or chemical stability.
Nettavisen tells that the owner of the scooter is a TV profile. The woman is featured in a program on TV 2 this autumn and she has also appeared on several NRK programmes.
According to available information, the scooter was wanted by the Oslo police district on 1 August. This was three days before Høiby attacked his then girlfriend.

The latest police press release also clarifies that the person who accused Marius Borg Høiby of stealing her scooter gave it to him for repairs in August 2023. (Marius works as a motorcycle maintenance and repair professional.) She repeatedly asked him for its return before finally reporting it to the police. The case is being investigated as illegal possession of immovable property. (Hopefully taking over a year for a repair job isn't typical of his business.)

The press release also emphasizes, regarding Snekkestad and Haukland, that it is often necessary to clarify events occurring over a period of time in cases relating to violence in close relationships. Thus it is not unusual for questioning to be carried out over several days.

The press release also says that the police need time for their investigation of several incidents which happened over a period of time, and ask for calm.

A summary of the Penal Code violations involved in the investigation of Marius Borg Høiby, as announced by the police:

Charges planned:

- Physical assault (Section 271). Punishable by a fine or up to 1 year of imprisonment.
- Vandalism (Section 351). Punishable by a fine or up to 1 year of imprisonment.
- Threats (Section 263). Punishable by a fine or up to 1 year of imprisonment.

Under investigation:

- Abuse in close relationships (Section 282). Punishable by up to 6 years of imprisonment and a restraining order.
- Possession violation (Section 345). Punishable by a fine.

The police confirm: Chose not to search Skaugum
VG has got access to the police log that was written in connection with the arrest of Borg Høiby on 4 August.
At 13.47, the police logged the following: "The lawyer on duty decides to arrest and search".
VG asked police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli about what is involved in this.
- This means that the police lawyer decided to arrest Borg Høiby and search. The decision included his mobile phone and it was arrested and seized.
Was it only the mobile phone that the lawyer decided to search?
- Yes, that is correct.
Taxt Røstadli doesn't want to comment on any findings from the search of the mobile phone. Why the police did not choose to search his home in Skaugum?
- It was not considered necessary or proportionate in that situation.
Was intoxication suspected?
- No, not at that time.

Karianne Vilde Spetalen writes in her message that Marius is not on the guest list of their wedding (and obviously means that he never has been or she just wants a peaceful wedding without a lot of press).
- I see there has been a lot of speculation about the guest list. Marius Borg Høiby is not on the guest list for our wedding, and the fact that guests have threatened to withdraw is not true. Now we ask for calm from the press.

The police now confirm to Se og Hør that they are investigating whether he is fit to drive:
- Marius Borg Høiby retains his driving licence. However, we can confirm that we are investigating his fitness to hold a driving licence, cf. Section 34 of the Road Traffic Act, says police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli at the Oslo police district.

The police confirm that it may be relevant to question other members of the royal family.
- There is an ongoing assessment of whether there is a need for it, but it is too early to say anything about that, says Henriette Taxt Røstadli, police inspector in the Oslo police district, to Dagbladet.
The police will not comment on whether any members of the royal family, including the crown prince couple, have been in dialogue with the police about the case.
Does questioning, for example, the crown princess pose any practical or legal challenges?
- If it becomes relevant, we will take it when the time comes.
Communications manager Guri Varpe in an email:
- We refer to the Crown Prince's statements on Monday that we have confidence that the police and the judiciary will handle the case in an orderly and professional manner.

The cases of Marius have been transferred to the section for sexual offenses and violence in close relationships. Dagbladet has this confirmed by the police in Oslo.
- Marius Borg Høiby's cases, where three women have the status of offended, have been transferred in accordance with internal routine to the section for sexual offenses and violence in close relationships, and are further investigated there. The charge against him has not changed, says police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli to Dagbladet.
Lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen is an assistant lawyer for the woman in her 20s.
- I am aware of the change of prosecutor and that the case has been moved to another department. I assume that this reflects the seriousness of the case.
Marius was questioned today.
Marius has been questioned in Oslo on Tuesday evening, police inspector Henriette Taxt Røstadli confirms in a short update to the press. She did not want to comment further today.
- He was questioned this afternoon, but he has not finished being questioned. We aim for new interrogations when it suits all parties, says lawyer Bratlien to NRK.
The woman's lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen says her client appreciates that Høiby has now been questioned.
- We are very happy that Høiby has now been questioned. We have waited a long time for that, and my client appreciates it.
What does your client think that it has taken so long to conduct the interview?
- Yes, it has taken a long time, but it is also due to circumstances beyond Høiby's control, as I understand it.
Larsen adds that they will try to plan another questioning of the victim next week.
John Christian Elden, Nora Haukland's lawyer, says they are excited about the content of the questioning.
- We are excited about the content, whether he has taken responsibility, or whether the case continues with witness interviews and evidence gathering that will drag the case out further, he writes in an SMS to NRK.

Here's an article where editors and journalists from various newspapers/medias talk about publishing the Bild photos. Some of them have published the photos, some haven't.
TV 2's royal house expert Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen:
- I think people can see the difference. It does not go to the core of the monarchy as an institution. It will certainly be talked about in the finer salons around Europe's castles, but it is more on a family basis. These images do not harm King Harald and Queen Sonja - or the crown prince couple - in their work as our foremost ambassadors.

I see Schulsrud-Hansen's statement as a little odd now, especially if there will a trial and in it comes information about Mette-Marit's (and Haakon's) actions in possibly covering up what Marius has done.
I don't see this statement odd. Unless Marius has been asked to surrender his passport, Marius and everyone really, have the right to move freely unless a Court say so. Mette and Haakon have not been charged at all in a possible cover up. The optics may not look good for the Royal House but laws apply to them as to everyone else.

I wondered if that would happen.
The first thoughts through my head is that the CP couple has seen a case of abuse or ignored pleas for help by Marius two former girlfriends.
And/or that the CP-couple has interfered on behalf of Marius to prevent these two former girlfriends from reporting Marius.
Or the Police simply wish to know Mette Marit's version of what she said to Marius current girlfriend.

I find it difficult to see the NRF refusing to give testimony and help the police with their inquiries in such a serious and personal case. What and if they will say anything of substance is of course an open question. Or perhaps the NRF legal team can find a way to persuade the police not to question them.
Well if this doesn’t make him look like the stupid spoilt rich kid he is I don’t know what will.

Yes legally he may be able to travel but just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.
If he needs peace - and I get the media is intense but it is for his victims as well and I don’t see then going to a billionaires Italian wedding- head up to your family’s lodge in the woods.

I really do winder what support is in place around Marius. Obviously based on this silly decision not the Royal Court because if their Communication/Press team gave this the okay they are very bad at their jobs. Did he run it past his mother and step farther I wonder? Did they not run it by their advisors? If he has travelled on a diplomatic passport that is just an awful look for Norway- but then if they seem to think their Royal Family are always travelling officially as seems to be said earlier they obviously don’t see their RF in the way many other countries see theirs.
Huh. Norway has SVU, too.

Probably doesn't make this "especially heinous", but who knows. Also probably means they are taking the hardest potential charge (the one with up to 6 years in prison) pretty seriously.
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