Marius Borg Høiby News & Current Events Part 1: December 2023 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Shouldn't parents have an interest in whom their children are friends with, and who they might meet, or should they not follow their (grown) childrens social media at all?
If they want to, yes, but they have no obligation to do so. I know many parents who do not follow social media of adult children. In my culture, that is not even unusual, but I understand it might be in some other cultures.

The Court staff, however, would presumably have a professional obligation to keep tabs on him if he posed a security risk.

But, then again, if there were issues, the Court staff would be expected to discuss them with the Crown Prince at least, so the family would know about them anyway.

Going back to the original point, I can't imagine a scenario where absolutely no one would know about the drug use, or the association with criminals, or even the incidents of violence against his girlfriends. And if they knew, were they just negligent or were they active enablers who covered up for Marius?
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Shouldn't parents have an interest in whom their children are friends with, and who they might meet, or should they not follow their (grown) childrens social media at all?
Marius is 27. It's not up to his parents and stepfather to keep an eye on what he does online, but as member of the Royal family the secret service should, in my opinion, keep an eye on who he associates with and who he brings to his home as long as it's on royal property.
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Shouldn't parents have an interest in whom their children are friends with, and who they might meet, or should they not follow their (grown) childrens social media at all?
My children are 39 and 37. I follow them on social media. I couldn't tell you who is listed as their "friends". I have never looked.
The security issue perplexes me as well.
The security police can routinely find out whether some of Marius friends have a criminal record or is associating strange people.
And given that Marius at least for extended periods lived at Skaugum and certainly has a place at his disposal at the estate, that would constitute a potential security risk. Not only a security risk, which in itself may be fairly limited, why would career criminals bother with stealing from what is a royal summer cottage, that would be an instant fail. But more importantly because Marius friends was and is a PR disaster waiting to happen. - I can see the headline: Four kilos of cocaine found hidden away at Skaugum! - or Marius associating known drug dealers. Is Skaugum a pusher-nest!
You see my point?

It is simply impossible to me to imagine the security police would not inform the NRF.
So if Haakon and Mette Marit refuse to listen to the warnings from the police, then the duty of the police is to go to King Harald. If he too refuse to listen, the duty of the police is to go to the government. In every monarchy one of the jobs of a government is to protect the royal family, if need be also from themselves.
So did the security police not check Marius associates? Associates who no doubt stayed or at least visited Skaugum, probably on a number of occasions.
If the security police did check Marius friends, are we really to believe they told no one?
And if the security police told someone, who did they tell? The Minister of Justice surely, who is also the ultimate head of the police and naturally the PM as well. And as there have been several PMs and Ministers of Justice for the past ten years, are we to believe that none of them reacted? Or worse that all of them ordered the police not to say a word?!?
You'll surely agree with me that this sounds totally improbable.
So we must assume the court was informed. Who was informed then?
The Chief of Court surely.
The NRF chief legal advisor too we must assume.
- And both said nothing to the NRF members?!?
Can we truly believe that the NRF was kept in the dark?
And that leads to the unpleasant conclusion that certainly Mette Marit and Haakon was informed - and ignored that info. After all who would be the least bit concerned about having known criminals and drug dealers around your adolescent son and daughter... I mean what could possibly go wrong?
It also leads to the just as unpleasant conclusion that King Harald was either informed and did nothing. Or ordered to the security police to back off. Or said that's up to his son and daughter-in-law to deal with.

And that leads to my final rhetorical question: Have they all gone collectively insane within the NRF?!?

Good grief! I can't even believe I'm writing this!

Unfortunately my question is bold is reinforced by this:
If they knew that Marius had anger issues, a history of abuse and at the very least must have suspected that he was abusive, was associating unfortunate people, that he underwent therapy - there are indications pointing towards that - then what did they do? Why didn't they keep an eye on Marius? Why didn't they go to extra lengths to protect the girlfriends of Marius, some of whom they would have known well (Snekkestad in particular) and who potentially could become their daughter-in-law. Were they just passive?!?
What the H did they do?!? - Sit in a circle singing Kumbayah? And telling Marius: It's okay to be angry Marius. We are sometimes a little bit angry too. You know what, Marius. The next time you feel angry and want to beat up your girlfriend a little bit, you just sit down in a lotus position and listen to whale-songs, while thinking happy thoughts.
If this wasn't so serious it would be a joke!

On a personal note I'm torn between utter disbelief, astonishment, deep disappointment, frustration and anger.

The NRF, with Mette Marit and Haakon taking center stage, not only totally failed to help and protect but seemingly also abandoned three young women at least. Snekkestad, Haukland and this third woman. And others? When will a fourth, fifth, sixth woman step forward?

So Mette Marit called this third victim and offered we what must presume her sympathy. Well hurrah. How about Mette Marit had called her before and asked: How are you? Everything good between you and Marius? Tell us if Marius temper gets out of control. Did she do that? Despite Marius history.

Okay, some would say Mette Marit has plenty on her plate right now, with her illness. And King Harald is old and frail and it would be understandable if things were played down in order not top upset him.
But, don't they have friends? Aren't there anyone who could keep an eye on Marius and look out for his girlfriends?

This might offend some, so be it: That Ingrid has turned out to be a by all accounts sensible, good natured, admirable and nice young lady is more despite her family, than because of it.

What a mess!
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I think it's unlikely that the police who protect the Royal Family did not realize Marius associated with such criminals and did not inform the Royal Family about it.

I don't think Mette-Marit and Haakon are to blame that Marius turned out this way, but some boundaries need to be put into place - and probably should have been put into place a long time ago. The bare minimum that needs to be demanded of Marius (yes, demanded, not asked anymore) if he wants to live on or visit the Skaugum estate is that he
a) gets mental treatment for his violent behaviour
b) does not associate with criminals
c) does not bring drugs on the estate or around his siblings
And that's the bare minimum really.
While needed, it seems unreasonable to put such expectations on Marius when at the same time ML is allowed to marry a convicted felon who served jail time for several offenses and has shown to still be unreliable. So, the message Marius implicitly received is that all is fine and the king will support his choices no matter what.
While needed, it seems unreasonable to put such expectations on Marius when at the same time ML is allowed to marry a convicted felon who served jail time for several offenses and has shown to still be unreliable. So, the message Marius implicitly received is that all is fine and the king will support his choices no matter what.
On Marius perhaps. He is still an adult though, so he is at least responsible for his actions.

But if you know your son has issues, isn't it also your duty to help, support and protect your potential daughter-in-law - who could any day be the mother of your grandchild - that only takes one burst condom... - especially if you are in a superior position in regards to the girlfriend but also her family.
It was QMII who at the wedding between King Frederik and Queen Mary said to Queen Mary: "May we always be worthy of your trust.
The NRF were not worthy of certainly Snekkestad's trust.
All of this mess has reinforced my opinion that when Marius in 2017 went public with his decision to withdraw from public life it would have been the perfect time to remove him from the official Royal family. That he wasn't is a bit baffling and had it been done it would have been much easier for the Royal family to damage control this. It would also have removed the possibility for the press to justify their coverage of the case with the fact that he's a member of the royal family.
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While needed, it seems unreasonable to put such expectations on Marius when at the same time ML is allowed to marry a convicted felon who served jail time for several offenses and has shown to still be unreliable. So, the message Marius implicitly received is that all is fine and the king will support his choices no matter what.
In ML's case, as I replied in "The Future of the Norwegian monarchy" forum, the fault lies in my opinion with the government, who should have advised the King to deny consent to her marriage. I suppose the prime minister may have feared some political backlash, such as a possible implication of racism, but that is just speculation on my part.

In Marius' case, the responsibility to keep tabs on him lies primarily with the Royal Court staff including the security police. I agree with Muhler that it would become an issue to be dealt with by the government only if the Court staff and the security police raised a red flag and neither the Crown Prince, nor ultimately the King were responsive thereto.

Honestly, I prefer to think that Marius' issues were never brought to the King's attention directly. I feel like that the buck stopped, so to speak, with the Crown Princely couple and that is why the while situation doesn't look good for them.
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All of this mess has reinforced my opinion that when Marius in 2017 went public with his decision to withdraw from public life it would have been the perfect time to remove him from the official Royal family. That he wasn't is a bit baffling and had it been done it would have been much easier for the Royal family to damage control this. It would also have removed the possibility for the press to justify their coverage of the case with the fact that he's a member of the royal family.
In my opinion he should never have been classified as member of the Royal Family, but rather as a member of the Crown Princely Family.
While needed, it seems unreasonable to put such expectations on Marius when at the same time ML is allowed to marry a convicted felon who served jail time for several offenses and has shown to still be unreliable. So, the message Marius implicitly received is that all is fine and the king will support his choices no matter what.

I think King Harald has got a kind approach of talking everything out as a family, finding compromise and not forcing anyone to obey... With 99% of people that would be healthy communication and work out very well. But with people like the shaman and Marius it does not work, because they don't listen to anyone.

In that case you have got to be more forceful. It is good that King Harald and CP Haakon are such kind men, but at the same time don't let people walk all over you! Not even your children!

Likewise it can be good to be tolerant of different people, but all this criminal behaviour is where it really crosses over into unacceptable territory.

The shaman is obviously a completely unacceptable person to marry into a royal family and will cause the NRF nothing but trouble and scandals for years to come. But now we can see that perhaps so will Marius. These 2 (with some help from Märtha Louise) are bringing the NRF from an approval rating of over 80% - which many monarchies could only dream of - to the point where if they don't handle these things better, there might be no throne left for Ingrid.
It does raises questions about what did his maternal family/the royal family know and what didn’t they know ? And perhaps what was deliberately hidden from them to not upset The Crown Princess who everyone knows is chronically ill and maybe also The King ?

It is easy to think ”ofcourse people will tell Mette-Marit as she is his mother”… But she is also The Crown Princess of Norway and it is no secret that many people still to this day are frightened of royals or walks on their toes and sweet-talks around royals…. I’m sure every royal court has that issue among their staff members still to this day…. A royal title often changes the people around you… Often to the worse

And where is the paternal family in all this ? Have Marius still contact with his father at all ?

Personally i think his family knows far from everything… For the simple reason that he hasn’t told them everything and has got good help to keep them in the dark…. If he has as longtime issues with alcohol and substance dependency as my stomach-feeling says based on what has emerged in the most recent days, then i am not surprised at all if his family and the royal court knew far from everything… Because people with that kind of problems are the best in the world to keep everyone around them in the dark about the true extent of their problems… Especially their loved ones
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What the H did they do?!?
Maybe sent him to the therapy Marius mentioned in that statement?

I do wonder whether those therapists didn't see the guy is a danger to society? If he was in therapy these professionals carry a lot more responsibility than the police, Royal Court or even his (step-)parents, it's their job, after all. Mentally ill people can have it down to an art to hide their issues from their next-of-kin. So, I wouldn't be surprised if the Crown Princess or his (step-)fathers or siblings didn't realize anything.


I have to say, as someone, who suffers from several mental health issues, I have a hard time condemning him entirely. I know, that fighting against them can be as futile as a blind person's attempt to see. Sometimes you then need people, who are able to protect you from yourself. And, in some cases, others, too.

In any case, I hope the women will be able to find peace of mind, overcome this nightmare and be able to lead happy lives from here on out.

best wishes Michiru
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Juliane Snekkestad, Marius Borg Høiby's ex-girlfriend, has engaged a lawyer. She writes that in a text message to Nettavisen. Lawyer Petter Grødem represents Snekkestad.

Juliane Snekkestad has been questioned by the police, her lawyer Petter Grødem tells
- She was interviewed this afternoon and told what she wants to say to the police. Then the police can do their work in this case. I pray that the media can, to the greatest extent possible, let her and her family rest at this time now.

Juliane's mother Nina Snekkestad has spoken to Daily Mail (DM's journalist Nick Craven is in Norway).
This association with organized crime is hardly surprising at this point, but I am still bewildered how the NRF and their security service did not seem to intervene. Maybe they were ignorant of it, but that doesn't make it any better, either. As long as Marius is a member of the family and also lives with them, the powers at be have to make sure that he is not causing harm to himself, his partners and the institution of monarchy. I am curious if we learn more about the role of the Crown Princely couple, whether they were trying to help Marius in vain, if they were turning a blind eye to his behaviour, or were even complicit in trying to cover it all up and keep the facade of the happy family up.
I can certainly believe that security personnel were aware of Marius' association with criminals.
Given that Marius' own father has a criminal background, I suspect that there have been procedures in place since Marius was a minor to allow Marius to have access to certain people but not jeopardize the NRF. It may be as simple as the now adult Marius can associate with whomever he pleases but he cannot bring his friends and acquaintances on to royal properties unless they have been fully vetted, or perhaps, Marius can have friends at his abode on Skaugum but there is still some kind of protective perimeter around the areas his parents and siblings frequent.

I believe that Mette-Marit and Haakon knew about Marius substance and certainly mental health issues and could have themselves been witnesses or victims. There was something said by the lawyer / spokesperson of Marius's latest victim that stuck out to me, and I will qualify this by stating that I am reading English language versions, plus I could just have misunderstood, but my understanding is that what happened this past weekend was the first time that Marius was violent towards this partner, and yes it was off-the-charts horrific. This, and a comment by his ex Juliane, leads me to suspect that Marius has some kind of episodic mental illness, which undoubtedly gets ramped up if a drug like cocaine is taken. Where Mette-Marit and Haakon come in is that they may have, either directly or indirectly, used their resources to enable and coddle Marius, but at the same time they can be using their resources to get Marius help, which as an adult he has to do most of the heavy lifting, and the correct therapy has not been found. It must be challenging for the people who know that their loved one has mental health and substance issues, and then a new person enters the picture, to navigate what to disclose, when to disclose and who does the disclosing. Although ironically this problem may have been solved when it comes to future partners because Marius issues and bad acts are now in the public domain.

I don't know if Marius will be incarcerated for what he did, but if he is not, I hope that he gets a lengthy probation, 3-5 years, where during that timeframe he is regularly drug tested, gets therapy, required to comply with taking medication and have no contact with anyone he has been violent towards. Hopefully during that time he will find the "right normal" where he does not re-offend.
Nettavisen's Ørjan Greiff Johnsen at his comment among other things:
A monarchy in deep, self-inflicted crisis
The royal family's handling of the case has been a demonstration of how it should not be done.
Haakon's statement: it can be interpreted as meaning that he believes the matter wouldn't have been so serious if the police hadn't been involved.
A royal who really got it wrong was Mette-Marit. She contacted the victim. It is possible that her intentions were the very best; that she apologized on behalf of her son, that she only wanted to show care. Or was she trying to influence the victim? (..)

This is great commentary article.
Was it a grave matter because the police are involved or because of the actions of abuse itself. The actions of abuse that have also taken place against two other girlfriends as well.
One girlfriend that was close to the family for 4 years.

This ia mess that has been going on for years now, but only now the police are involved. It was clear from even light Social Media reading that Marius was having a "special" lifestyle.
Did they really not see who he was hanging out with? come on, the guy lives on your property.
I guess the main question is what they were supposed to do. They may have been concerned about his behavior but they cannot control him. They could kick him out of Skaugum but might have been worried that he would go further off track in that case. So, it might have been a well-thought-out decision to remain as close as possible to limit the damage. Or alternatively they might not have taken it seriously (because they didn’t see the signs or ignored them) and shielded him from any consequences as much as possible.
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I guess the main question is what they were supposed to do. They may have been concerned about his behavior but they cannot control him. They could kick him out of Skaugum but might have been worried that he would go further off track in that case. So, it might have been a well-thought through decision to remain as close as possible to limit the damage. Or alternatively they might not have taken it seriously (because they didn’t see the signs or ignored them) and shielded him from any consequences as much as possible.
That is indeed a very good question.
Because I have been trying to think what I would have done had it been my son who was abusive and had an addiction and associated the wrong people.
And if it was my daughter who was subjected to domestic abuse.
The honest answer to both is of course: I don't know.
I have a pretty good idea about how I would react if my daughter was abused though.
But if my son was an abuser, that's more difficult. The extreme reactions would go from total denial to beating him up and cutting him off. But it's more likely it would somewhere in-between these extremes. I certainly know what I hope I would do.

The other question I have asked myself is: Would it be possible that I/we (my wife too naturally) would be completely in the dark about our son having an addiction and abusing our (hopefully future) daughter-in-law. The answer is that it would of course be possible. But even without help from security police I find it very unlikely that he would be able to hide that from us, unless we chose to close our eyes. It helps of course that we know her parents by now. So it's at least four pairs of eyes keeping an eye on them.

The third question is: Would it be possible for our son, once confronted, to pull wool over our eyes, and basically drag us around by our noses? Absolutely. No one are as blind as those who don't want to see. And who wants to see their children having turned out bad?

So is King Harald guilty in this? Yes, he is guilty of being a kind man. A loving father and grandfather. Of being non-confrontational and of being too indulgent.
I'm leaving Queen Sonia out of this, because I know too little of the family dynamics within the NRF to speculate.
Is Haakon guilty? Yes, he too is guilty of being kind and non-confrontational, probably a bit naive as well and in not wanting to hurt his wife, and of not wanting to be a stern stepdad to Marius.
Is Mette Marit guilty? Yes, she is guilty of being a very protective mother of Marius, including I strongly suspect of not allowing anyone else but her to correct Marius. She is also guilty of being forgiving, for being blind, for believing and trusting her son, for caring first and foremost for her son at the cost of abandoning his girlfriends. And she is guilty of being absentminded due to her illness.

All three of them are guilty of being human.
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I have to believe that both Haakon and Mette Marit were aware of Marius' behavior and associations. They would have to be blind, deaf, and stupid not to know -- JMHO!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the Marius situation is far more dangerous for the family than that of the Shaman -- and, that's a mouthful!

Once again, JMHO!
In terms of his friends/associates- lets not forget Mette Marit hung out with Epstein AFTER his conviction for paying for sexual services from someone under age. She claimed she had no idea about his crimes. That suggests to me that maybe the security services don’t (or certainly didn’t) vet those the RF hang out with as much as we would think or that is is routine for the RF to ignore any such advice.
The security issue perplexes me as well.
The security police can routinely find out whether some of Marius friends have a criminal record or is associating strange people.
And given that Marius at least for extended periods lived at Skaugum and certainly has a place at his disposal at the estate, that would constitute a potential security risk. Not only a security risk, which in itself may be fairly limited, why would career criminals bother with stealing from what is a royal summer cottage, that would be an instant fail. But more importantly because Marius friends was and is a PR disaster waiting to happen. - I can see the headline: Four kilos of cocaine found hidden away at Skaugum! - or Marius associating known drug dealers. Is Skaugum a pusher-nest!
You see my point?

It is simply impossible to me to imagine the security police would not inform the NRF.
So if Haakon and Mette Marit refuse to listen to the warnings from the police, then the duty of the police is to go to King Harald. If he too refuse to listen, the duty of the police is to go to the government. In every monarchy one of the jobs of a government is to protect the royal family, if need be also from themselves.
So did the security police not check Marius associates? Associates who no doubt stayed or at least visited Skaugum, probably on a number of occasions.
If the security police did check Marius friends, are we really to believe they told no one?
And if the security police told someone, who did they tell? The Minister of Justice surely, who is also the ultimate head of the police and naturally the PM as well. And as there have been several PMs and Ministers of Justice for the past ten years, are we to believe that none of them reacted? Or worse that all of them ordered the police not to say a word?!?
You'll surely agree with me that this sounds totally improbable.
So we must assume the court was informed. Who was informed then?
The Chief of Court surely.
The NRF chief legal advisor too we must assume.
- And both said nothing to the NRF members?!?
Can we truly believe that the NRF was kept in the dark?
And that leads to the unpleasant conclusion that certainly Mette Marit and Haakon was informed - and ignored that info. After all who would be the least bit concerned about having known criminals and drug dealers around your adolescent son and daughter... I mean what could possibly go wrong?
It also leads to the just as unpleasant conclusion that King Harald was either informed and did nothing. Or ordered to the security police to back off. Or said that's up to his son and daughter-in-law to deal with.

And that leads to my final rhetorical question: Have they all gone collectively insane within the NRF?!?

Good grief! I can't even believe I'm writing this!

Unfortunately my question is bold is reinforced by this:
If they knew that Marius had anger issues, a history of abuse and at the very least must have suspected that he was abusive, was associating unfortunate people, that he underwent therapy - there are indications pointing towards that - then what did they do? Why didn't they keep an eye on Marius? Why didn't they go to extra lengths to protect the girlfriends of Marius, some of whom they would have known well (Snekkestad in particular) and who potentially could become their daughter-in-law. Were they just passive?!?
What the H did they do?!? - Sit in a circle singing Kumbayah? And telling Marius: It's okay to be angry Marius. We are sometimes a little bit angry too. You know what, Marius. The next time you feel angry and want to beat up your girlfriend a little bit, you just sit down in a lotus position and listen to whale-songs, while thinking happy thoughts.
If this wasn't so serious it would be a joke!

On a personal note I'm torn between utter disbelief, astonishment, deep disappointment, frustration and anger.

The NRF, with Mette Marit and Haakon taking center stage, not only totally failed to help and protect but seemingly also abandoned three young women at least. Snekkestad, Haukland and this third woman. And others? When will a fourth, fifth, sixth woman step forward?

So Mette Marit called this third victim and offered we what must presume her sympathy. Well hurrah. How about Mette Marit had called her before and asked: How are you? Everything good between you and Marius? Tell us if Marius temper gets out of control. Did she do that? Despite Marius history.

Okay, some would say Mette Marit has plenty on her plate right now, with her illness. And King Harald is old and frail and it would be understandable if things were played down in order not top upset him.
But, don't they have friends? Aren't there anyone who could keep an eye on Marius and look out for his girlfriends?

This might offend some, so be it: That Ingrid has turned out to be a by all accounts sensible, good natured, admirable and nice young lady is more despite her family, than because of it.

What a mess!
I agree with everything you're saying @Muhler, but would you really expect the royal house to act regarding Marius when they accepted Haakon marrying a single mother with admitted drug use and known associations with criminals, including Marius' father? (And, more recently, Jeffrey Epstein!?) Or when they accepted that Martha-Louise is marrying a convicted felon and self-proclaimed shaman whose own mother criticizes his character publicly?

Shocking as it is, Marius is not the first person to associate the NRF with these things.
In terms of his friends/associates- lets not forget Mette Marit hung out with Epstein AFTER his conviction for paying for sexual services from someone under age. She claimed she had no idea about his crimes. That suggests to me that maybe the security services don’t (or certainly didn’t) vet those the RF hang out with as much as we would think or that is is routine for the RF to ignore any such advice.
For someone in that position at their age and resources to be oblivious to who they associate with is either dumb and/or very naiive.
This is great commentary article.
Was it a grave matter because the police are involved or because of the actions of abuse itself. The actions of abuse that have also taken place against two other girlfriends as well.
One girlfriend that was close to the family for 4 years.

This ia mess that has been going on for years now, but only now the police are involved. It was clear from even light Social Media reading that Marius was having a "special" lifestyle.
Did they really not see who he was hanging out with? come on, the guy lives on your property.
and most likely, the CP couple are footing the bill for his lifestyle. One would think you'd keep an eye on what he is doing, or are they that rich and he had kind of an open tab at the bar?
While needed, it seems unreasonable to put such expectations on Marius when at the same time ML is allowed to marry a convicted felon who served jail time for several offenses and has shown to still be unreliable. So, the message Marius implicitly received is that all is fine and the king will support his choices no matter what.
This is a really good point. The message seems to be - we love you, do what you want.
I agree with everything you're saying @Muhler, but would you really expect the royal house to act regarding Marius when they accepted Haakon marrying a single mother with admitted drug use and known associations with criminals, including Marius' father? (And, more recently, Jeffrey Epstein!?) Or when they accepted that Martha-Louise is marrying a convicted felon and self-proclaimed shaman whose own mother criticizes his character publicly?

Shocking as it is, Marius is not the first person to associate the NRF with these things.
You really know how to ask pointed questions, eh? :unsure:
Glad I'm not on the defense for the NRF in this matter!

Well, I would have hoped they would have showed better judgement.
The difference is that Marius is a member of the NRF family, not a core member but still a prominent member and that this is a pattern of assault and vandalism. That could very easily have ended up a lot worse.
I really can't truly understand how it must have been for these three women to be on the receiving end of Marius running amok. At least I know I would have had a fighting chance against him, given my size, being a man and my background. These women had no chance against him and they would have known it. It must have been an absolutely terrifying ordeal.
Mette Marit and Haakon let at least two of these women down. They didn't lift a finger for them. Otherwise surely Snekkestad and Haukland would have said so.
Mette Marit can't be a patron for women's rights and abused women, if she at the same time basically let her son get away with being abusive against women. As I pointed out in a previous post, it's a very human thing to prioritize your own flesh and blood, even when they are wrong. It doesn't excuse Mette Marit from also having a responsibility towards the victims of Marius, because that's what they are. And to do her utmost to prevent it from happening again. A stern talk some half-hearted therapy and trusting your son will behave in the future is simply not good enough. Especially not in her position.
Haakon too let Mette Marit down, he also let Marius down, and the victims, his father the King and the NRF as an institution Again it's only human, because most people prefer to avoid a conflict if possible.
Haakon let Matte Marit down as a husband, because you also have an obligation to prevent your spouse from doing something stupid. He didn't.
He let the victims down by not doing anything despite his position and influence.
He let Marius down by not stepping in and putting his foot down for real. Even at the cost of risking a major conflict within the family.
And he let the NRF and his father down by being passive and not dealing with this problem with Marius, or at least asking for help to deal with it. So now it's hurting the NRF and his father's legacy.

Okay, we can all do stupid things in our youth and still turn out good, some actually turn out good because of it. That's Mette Marit for you. Except that she has made a series of poor judgements also while being a CP. That in comparison to Sofia in Sweden, who was considered to be less than ideal for marrying into the SRF. But she hasn't put a foot wrong even once after getting married, so it is possible.
The problem with Mette Marit and her past is that Haakon basically pressured his father into giving his consent. And King Harald himself had embarked on a year long campaign for being allowed to marry Queen Sonia, so I guess he felt it was hypocritical of him to refuse Mette Marit and I supposed he trusted his son's judgement.

And that leads us to ML and her shaman who should never be allowed anywhere near the NRF. And that one is something King Harald bear the full responsibility for. That will go down in the history books as his worst mistake of his reign. He is old and frail and perhaps he hasn't got the strength, let alone heart to really go rough on ML, and he may hope that it will turn out well in the end. It's a vain hope of course.

But back to your question. It's basically a long string of poor decisions and misjudgements as well as, we must assume, a refusal to listen to advise.

I believe the NRF will survive this double-crisis, but it will take a lot of very hard work from those dwindling members of the NRF who are not acting as clowns to recover from this, and I'm not sure they can to nearly the same level as today.
And I'm far from certain Haakon and Mette Marit will survive this...

- If more former female associates of Marius turn up with similar or worse stories it gets serious!
If it turns out that the NRF, with Haakon and Mette Marit in the lead repeatedly have ignored warnings and advise it gets really bad!
And if it turns out that they have used their influence try to and cover this up, it gets critical!
It is likely that at some point there will be a public debate as to whether it would be more prudent to simply bypass Haakon.
That's why it's imperative that they deal firmly with Marius once and for all and that they get ML and her Durek under control or kick them out.
Because this is a godsend for republicans in Norway.

Two weeks ago the monarchy in Norway was secure in our lifetime. It isn't anymore.
It sure won't relieve the already considerable pressure on Ingrid.
Her youth was already ending due to the illness of her mother, now she will have to be the one who is mainly responsible for recovering the reputation of the NRF.


It is possible for the NRF to deal with types like Durek and Marius friends.
When Marie was to marry Joachim in DK, her ex in New York offered an explicit video to the Danish media. One of them, IIRC it was Ekstra Bladet, reported him. Shortly after the video was no longer for sale. He explained later to Ekstra Bladet that he got a visit from FBI or someone else from Homeland Security who convinced him that would be a monumentally bad idea to sell that video and would he hand it over, please! So in that case the DRF asked for help by the Danish government who went nasty on the ex. So it is possible.
I wrote a bit about this back when J&M got married either here or on another board.
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You really know how to ask pointed questions, eh? :unsure:
Glad I'm not on the defense for the NRF in this matter!

Well, I would have hoped they would have showed better judgement.
The difference is that Marius is a member of the NRF family, not a core member but still a prominent member and that this is a pattern of assault and vandalism. That could very easily have ended up a lot worse.
I really can't truly understand how it must have been for these three women to be on the receiving end of Marius running amok. At least I know I would have had a fighting chance against him, given my size, being a man and my background. These women had no chance against him and they would have known it. It must have been an absolutely terrifying ordeal.
Mette Marit and Haakon let at least two of these women down. They didn't lift a finger for them. Otherwise surely Snekkestad and Haukland would have said so.
Mette Marit can't be a patron for women's rights and abused women, if she at the same time basically let her son get away with being abusive against women. As I pointed out in a previous post, it's a very human thing to prioritize your own flesh and blood, even when they are wrong. It doesn't excuse Mette Marit from also having a responsibility towards the victims of Marius, because that's what they are. And to do her utmost to prevent it from happening again. A stern talk some half-hearted therapy and trusting your son will behave in the future is simply not good enough. Especially not in her position.
Haakon too let Mette Marit down, he also let Marius down, and the victims, his father the King and the NRF as an institution Again it's only human, because most people prefer to avoid a conflict if possible.
Haakon let Matte Marit down as a husband, because you also have an obligation to prevent your spouse from doing something stupid. He didn't.
He let the victims down by not doing anything despite his position and influence.
He let Marius down by not stepping in and putting his foot down for real. Even at the cost of risking a major conflict within the family.
And he let the NRF and his father down by being passive and not dealing with this problem with Marius, or at least asking for help to deal with it. So now it's hurting the NRF and his father's legacy.

Okay, we can all do stupid things in our youth and still turn out good, some actually turn out good because of it. That's Mette Marit for you. Except that she has made a series of poor judgements also while being a CP. That in comparison to Sofia in Sweden, who was considered to be less than ideal for marrying into the SRF. But she hasn't put a foot wrong even once after getting married, so it is possible.
The problem with Mette Marit and her past is that Haakon basically pressured his father into giving his consent. And King Harald himself had embarked on a year long campaign for being allowed to marry Queen Sonia, so I guess he felt it was hypocritical of him to refuse Mette Marit and I supposed he trusted his son's judgement.

And that leads us to ML and her shaman who should never be allowed anywhere near the NRF. And that one is something King Harald bear the full responsibility for. That will go down in the history books as his worst mistake of his reign. He is old and frail and perhaps he hasn't got the strength, let alone heart to really go rough on ML, and he may hope that it will turn out well in the end. It's a vain hope of course.

But back to your question. It's basically a long string of poor decisions and misjudgements as well as, we must assume, a refusal to listen to advise.

I believe the NRF will survive this double-crisis, but it will take a lot of very hard work from those dwindling members of the NRF who are not acting as clowns to recover from this, and I'm not sure they can to nearly the same level as today.
And I'm far from certain Haakon and Mette Marit will survive this...

- If more former female associates of Marius turn up with similar or worse stories it gets serious!
If it turns out that the NRF, with Haakon and Mette Marit in the lead repeatedly have ignored warnings and advise it gets really bad!
And if it turns out that they have used their influence try to and cover this up, it gets critical!
It is likely that at some point there will be a public debate as to whether it would be more prudent to simply bypass Haakon.
That's why it's imperative that they deal firmly with Marius once and for all and that they get ML and her Durek under control or kick them out.
Because this is a godsend for republicans in Norway.

Two weeks ago the monarchy in Norway was secure in our lifetime. It isn't anymore.
It sure won't relieve the already considerable pressure on Ingrid.
Her youth was already ending due to the illness of her mother, now she will have to be the one who is mainly responsible for recovering the reputation of the NRF.


It is possible for the NRF to deal with types like Durek and Marius friends.
When Marie was to marry Joachim in DK, her ex in New York offered an explicit video to the Danish media. One of them, IIRC it was Ekstra Bladet, reported him. Shortly after the video was no longer for sale. He explained later to Ekstra Bladet that he got a visit from FBI or someone else from Homeland Security who convinced him that would be a monumentally bad idea to sell that video and would he hand it over, please! So in that case the DRF asked for help by the Danish government who went nasty on the ex. So it is possible.
I wrote a bit about this back when J&M got married either here or on another board.
I’m really intrigued that you’re not sure H&MM can survive this. Do you mean that Haakon would have to leave the succession or that they would have to divorce? (Or both?) All because of Marius?

It wouldn’t surprise me if MM “went on sabbatical” from royal duties for some time (months? years?) after Marius’ situation gets resolved. That would create some space between Haakon and this situation.

They will also need to announce some measures to demonstrate the family’s commitment to avoiding association with criminals. Drug testing for everyone working or living in the royal residences? Zero tolerance for abusive behavior by anyone connected to the royals personally or professionally? A new program supporting abuse victims? They need something fast.

They have to figure out what to do with Marius after the legal system is finished with him. Welcome him home? Turn their backs on him? No easy solution. Poor Ingrid could still be dealing with the fallout from all this 50 years from now.

Speaking of Ingrid, she’s going to need to keep her reputation spotless, or she’ll be accused of having substance issues like her half-brother. Same with Sverre.

This whole thing is so sad (as I keep saying). May Marius’s exes end up far better off than him, and may Marius get enough help to stop harming others — including his family.

And as for that family — I think there’s an incredible amount we still don’t know to predict the downfall of the NRF, or even what they’re going to do about this yet. It’s not going to resolve as quickly as it came out.
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The NRF could survive this but the problem is who will step in to confront the issue. Haakon is not the king, and the king himself has tolerated with silence ML's relation with this convicted felon I doubt he will say anything about Marius situation.
It's like both men, Haakon and his father the king are in a permanent state of denial of what goes on in their families.
It is possible for the NRF to deal with types like Durek and Marius friends.
When Marie was to marry Joachim in DK, her ex in New York offered an explicit video to the Danish media. One of them, IIRC it was Ekstra Bladet, reported him. Shortly after the video was no longer for sale. He explained later to Ekstra Bladet that he got a visit from FBI or someone else from Homeland Security who convinced him that would be a monumentally bad idea to sell that video and would he hand it over, please! So in that case the DRF asked for help by the Danish government who went nasty on the ex. So it is possible.
I wrote a bit about this back when J&M got married either here or on another board.

In Norway, given that even the Crown Princess speaking to her son's victim has many people exercised, it would surely be an even bigger scandal if it came to light that the Norwegian royal house was leveraging domestic or foreign security services to threaten or bully Marius's or Durek's acquaintances into keeping silent about their activities.
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