Engagement of Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett: June 7, 2022

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

They did actually.
It was mentioned in at least one interview in the early stages of their relationship.
Durek was a pharaoh in ancient Egypt - didn't specify which one though. And there were after all quite a few!
And ML was - naturally - his queen. And considering the preoccupation of the pharaohs regarding their divine bloodline, very likely also his sister or half-sister...
Wonder if they thought about that?

These two will try every trick in the book to try and circumnavigate the restrictions laid out in regards to using ML's royal background and at some point the NRF will have to/be forced to take decisive actions and basically strip ML of her title. Alternatively cut her off. I.e. "banishing her from the court."
There may come a point, and that may come suddenly, where the political and/or public pressure or even outrage reach such a level that it spills over to the NRF. That is they become directly tainted by association. And that is IMO likely to happen early on in Haakon's reign.
For two reasons:
1) ML her her shaman will try and push the envelope as far as at all possible early on in Haakon's reign.
2) King Harald has an immense personal credit, so I think the Norwegians will tolerate much more simply out of personal respect for King Harald.
But Haakon as a new king will not have had time to build up a similar public credit and he may not start out by having anything resembling the personal respect and even veneration that King Harald has. So the public pressure/expectation of Haakon to do something about ML at least, will be high.

I agree. The lines are already crossed time and time again and the King does nothing. Haakon will have to deal with this, who knows what other stuff they'll come up with.

An illegal alcohol sale with a Princess and special monograms... this is only the beginning.
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Why is Martha Louise reading and responding to the comments section of a newspaper article?

Why is it that all these royals who leave RFs seem so thin skinned yet claim to not be bothered by the media in equal measures.

Honestly, at this point I'm not sure what else Harald can do. I mean yes, strip ML of her succession rights because we are all worried about the Sham Man getting anywhere near the throne - but that is quite unlikely given their is a seemingly healthy heir and a healthy older and younger child of the heir and Harald seems to be refusing to even think about it. Is it that if that were to happen his granddaughters might also be excluded? If so I understand him not doing it, if not I understand it less.

On a day to day basis would taking ML out of the line of succession, or stripping ML of her Princess title actually do anything? Will it suddenly stop all the crazy antics, the illegal gin selling, the faux royal monogram, the commenting on media articles defensively and without thought? No it won't, it will just give ML and the Sham Man ammunition to say the RF and Norway is even more racist than thought.

Out of interest - is a morganatic marriage an option? One where its clear Sham Man has no rights or advantages because of the marriage?
I am generally quite open to certain aspects of "new age" thinking; in my view it is helpful to explore various ways of thinking about the world. The more I read about ML and Verrett, however, the more I see that Verrett is a con man (especially since he has a history of law-breaking) and ML has, to put it mildly, gone off the deep end. I feel some sympathy for ML's family; generally when a family member has mental health issues, the other family members should try to stay as connected as possible, even if they don't accept the person's view of reality. I don't know how this is going to end--I just hope they don't wreak too much havoc within the Norwegian Royal Family and I hope ML doesn't drag her children down with her.

That's an incredibly disrespectful thing to say about Harald and the NRF and shows complete ignorance of not only Russian history but current Norwegian events as well.

Verrett has no influence on the NRF, state decisions, or the workings of the monarchy. Just on the isolated ML.

There's a big difference between loving your family and being incompetent. Harald's the former, not the latter. And Haakon would never do that, anyway.

1. We are all joining the people in Norway as we watch a train wreck in the making.

2. Re my knowledge of Russian history, I'll let that one pass because I do respect your opinion and comments. :flowers: Let's get the temperature down a notch.

But if it helps to clarify I'm not that ignorant just because I used a comparison point between the Shaman Durek today and the Mad Priest Rasputin in early 19th century. It's just an analogy.
Re my "complete ignorance of not only Russian history but current Norwegian events as well..." I recall the first Russian book (translated to Spanish) I read as a kid possibly age 8-10 (?) was Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter. It was from my grandmother's library; she had the full collection of books from Encyclopedia Salvat that included novels and short stories. She made me read it after seen the Dino de Laurentis movie The Tempest loosely based on that story of the civil war times between Catherine the Great and Pugachov. Agnes Morehead, Endora from Bewitched, played the captain's wife who ruled over the fort being attacked by the antagonist. And that was a start on reading more and more about Russia's history and this was the 1960s and 1970s. You had to pick up a book or buy a history magazine to know about other countries and we had in Spain a magazine called Historia y Vida that had articles about monarchies, genealogy, etc. I still have a few that traveled with me to the USA in the 1980s.

I'm 63 going to 64 now, I can be absent minded at times but to be having a "complete ignorance of not only Russian history..." is a bit tough pill to swallow. :cry:

3. Re Verret's impact as I see it, this is for me as bad PR as the situation we had in Spain with the shenanigans of the former king and his entourage. I'll leave it there but I'm glad Felipe took over the wheel and stopped Spain's monarchy to be so disrespected. I trust when the time comes, his friend Haakon will do the same.

In summary, we are all commenting as we see the events happening. I wish my opinion about ML was different, but we all have friends and relatives in our lives that don't seem to listen to advice and take warnings as a challenge to dig themselves deeper into trouble.

She will survive this, but I assume it will take her years to open her eyes and ask the questions on all those crimes, domestic violence and prison time he did here in the USA.
Let's hope for the best but sorry that I call things out as I see them, and this marriage is not going to end well.
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Out of interest - is a morganatic marriage an option? One where its clear Sham Man has no rights or advantages because of the marriage?

Other than the legal right to become Norway's first gentleman if something happens to his niece and nephew to be and the social advantage of being immediate family to the king (both points which you addressed in your post), which rights or advantages do you have in mind as possibly being conferred on him by the marriage? (It has already been announced that he will not have a title or carry out royal duties.)
Posts about the Danish Royal Family and replies to them have been removed as off-topic.
1. We are all joining the people in Norway as we watch a train wreck in the making.

2. Re my knowledge of Russian history, I'll let that one pass because I do respect your opinion and comments. :flowers: Let's get the temperature down a notch.

But if it helps to clarify I'm not that ignorant just because I used a comparison point between the Shaman Durek today and the Mad Priest Rasputin in early 19th century. It's just an analogy.
Forgive me for calling your knowledge of Russian history into question, but you also seemed to have missed the point Rasputin told Nicholas II not to enter into WWI as it would "drown the country in her own blood". So much for Father Grigoriy calling all the shots.

I also think it's quite wrong and a massive overreach to state that Harald is incompetent as a monarch and needs to be deposed simply because his daughter is self-absorbed and of questionable judgement. Very differently to pre-revolutionary Russia, there is no one in Norway who would agree.

Furthermore, while most of us (including myself) would like to imagine Haakon will be firmer with his sister, it's not necessarily the way it's going to work out (Haakon's been on the shyer, gentler side for most of his life) -- so just expecting him to treat ML differently simply because he's not Harald may not be realistic.
1. Sure

2. I don't recall calling Harald "an incompetent" anything nor I recall saying 'needs to be deposed".

3. Sure.

I'm not looking for an argument. I just comment as we all do, and from my perspective, what I read about this wedding event between a princess of Norway, daughter of a reigning king and one day sister of another one and hopefully in good health aunt/grand aunt of a future queen.

She's getting married to one of zillions of California's notorious crowd of celebrity cons 'life coaches' but, in his case, he carries so many arrests and incarcerations here in the USA is like us see all warnings and red flags and know how this is going to end up with her. I hope I don't see the day that everyone here comments 'I told you!' when Durek's true nature, known to Court Judges in California, comes afloat.

And I'm not going to engage since I do respect your opinion as a fellow RFs member and more so when you comment from your perspective on how you see this trainwreck in the making. And I won't reply to any further bait post challenge. That's just not me in here.

Peace now and :flowers: sorry if my previous posts and comments are different from how you see it from your point of view. And I like that, this would be a boring place if everyone agreed with one another.
2. I don't recall calling Harald "an incompetent" anything nor I recall saying 'needs to be deposed".
I'm hoping her brother takes over soon and declares their dad not competent since he has allowed this situation not just to be out of control but fully embarrass the institution of the monarchy. We are not in 1912 Russia's Court, this is 2024 Norway and Durek has taken over the family decisions.

Fine. I'm done as well.

Feel free to disclaim what you said. Just don't be surprised when someone takes you seriously in the manner of this forum and responds.
I’m on a tour of Norway, and the NRF has come up. King Harald and Queen Sonia-very nice. Haakon- he’s fine. Martha Louise- controversial and the black sheep. She and the Shaman got compared to Harry and Meghan by the tour guide. Wasn’t complimentary. It was interesting to hear the local perspective- or a local perspective anyway.
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