Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, Current Events Part 1: September 2015 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A few more details:

Martin Jørgensen (MJ) has not paid a single DKK to Alexandra since he signed an IOU seven years ago, to pay off as much as he was able to.
Hence the reason Alexandra went to court.

However, the court appearance appears to have consequences for MJ, he has (been) resigned from a very well paid job at Rekom, the bar chain.
Rekom will not comment as this is a about an employee.

That means MJ now has no income - and since he rented his flat by Rekom, presumably soon no place to live either.

But how can he get away with not paying anything at all to Alexandra?
It's a simple and relatively often used ploy, experts say: You simply spend your entire salary each time you get paid.
The Court of the Bailiff cannot demand of someone that you rearrange your economy in order to pay off a debt, so a common solution for people who will not pay off their debt is the one outline above.

And as MJ has has his well paid job for a couple of years and he has been spending it all, he must have thrown money around all over the place, and naturally Alexandra must have heard about that. - Quite a provocation, I'd say!

The ironic thing is that had MJ done his best to pay off his debt by paying say one million DKK, which IMO would have been realistic given his salary, he could very well have been able to reach a settlement with Alexandra reducing his debt considerably.

The other interesting thing is that he has (been) resigned from Rekom.
I do wonder if MJ told his friend, Adam Falbert, who owns Rekom, that he was paying off on his debt to Alexandra?
Another thing is that even though you are very wealthy and own a successful bar chain, being tainted by association with a known/re-exposed/unreformed hustler is perhaps not that desirable.
Not least because Alexandra has friends as well.
And also because the tax-services may take in interest in Rekom, to learn whether the owner has been personally involved in a shady business, that is to help MJ not paying anything to Alexandra.
And finally, many rich people prefer to live a live outside the searchlights of the press.
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Isn't there the option to take money straight from his salary to pay of his debt? Of course, in that case they would need to establish what he needs to live and the rest of it can go straight from emploer to Alexandra in this case.
Isn't there the option to take money straight from his salary to pay of his debt? Of course, in that case they would need to establish what he needs to live and the rest of it can go straight from emploer to Alexandra in this case.

Yes, if you owe money to the state or municipality.

Admittedly I've never been in that situation but I imagine you can appeal the decision of having a part of your salary detracted if you can prove that it makes it impossible for you to live a reasonable life.
Just as a bailiff can't impound your bed, TV, computer, toys for your children, necessary clothes and shoes, basic furnitures, basic kitchen appliances and utensils and so on.
:previous: Yes, but you will also have to provide them with a very extensive budget proving that you literally won't be able to pay your bills every month if you must pay off on your debt.

A shame MJ isn't forced to do the same. I wonder how much of his income is spent on bare necessities...
:previous: Not much, I imagine!
Unless we call eating caviar every evening and only wearing your socks and shirts once a necessity. :D

A salary of 50.000 DKK a month (somewhere in the order of 8.500 $) was pretty high for someone who was used for branding but who only had work experience and training as a photographer, and very limited, if any, education within communication, marketing or PR.
Adam Falbert must have been a very good friend of MJ. (And pretty naïve as well IMO.)

Anyway, here is a quote by Alexandra's press advisor and close friend (She apparently also double's as Alexandra's secretary), Helle von Wildenrath Løvgreen, after the ruling at the bailiff court, in regards to Alexandra getting money back from MJ:
"It doesn't look particularly good, you might say. There is no will/intention. (From MJ to pay back.) He just doesn't want to. When we talk about amounts (rates), it's after all not because he can't - he just doesn't want to."

She added:
"It is this moral compass that is missing. That was what shined through in all other actions. (Things he did.) He simply didn't have it."
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Very sad day for them all. Nikolai looks a bit silly with those large sunglasses on.
Sad day. In the video you can see Nikolai had no sunglasses on as they enter the church. Both grandsons look emotional. And if Nikolai wants to wear sunglasses as he leaves the service (he looks like he may be teary/crying) that's his prerogative and not for anyone not in his place to judge. Gosh, I hope I didn't look silly the day I buried my grandmother since I also had sunglasses on.
Condolences to Alexandra, Nikolai and Felix on losing their beloved mother and grandmother:sad:
How sad, but at least their granny got to live a very long life, that shouldn't be taken for granted.

Felix got the better genes of each of his parents, what an angelic face.
What a sad day for them all. Ido feel really quite sorry for Alexandra having now buried both her parents.

I'm a little surprised Joachim didn't attend - not at all criticising him or making a judgement but I had a feeling he did attend her father's funeral (or I've made that up)
It was nice to see that Joachim and Marie sent a wreath to funeral.
It was her mother's funeral - and he (and Marie) did send a wreath - as did queen Margrethe.

Yes. I was replying to the previous post about Joachim attending the funeral of Alexandra's father.

In a previous post, I stated that Joachim and Marie, along with the Queen, sent wreaths.
Some update on Alexandra and her ex, from BT:

He has spoken out in regards to their break-up:
"I have been unfaithful, which I deeply regret. I apologize unreservedly to Alexandra, who I love passionately and respect highly and to her two sons who I'm immensely fond of.

In connection with the break, Alexandra's secretary explained:
"Countess Alexandra have been made aware of some facts, which the Countess strongly distance herself from and (she) has as such reacted right away. Also even though she is grieving after the death of her mother."

However, Alexandra (and Felix) is still involved in Nikolai Peitersen's business. Alexandra's secretary says:
"That's running along two different set of tracks. One because they were sweethearts, the other because it's a good investment."

- Hmmm... I wonder if they'll end up together again?
A little juicy trivia:
This is the woman Alexandra's ex had an affair (or one-night-stand, whatever) with.

Mai Manniche, jewellery designer. Some of you may know her work?


AFAIK she belongs to the same Copenhagener segment Alexandra is a part of (and so are some of our Marie's friends BTW), they may even know each other personally.
Whether Alexandra or members of the DRF have worn some of Manniche's design is something I will leave to our resident experts to answer.
There is an update on Martin Jørgensen.

As you know he ended up in court where he declared himself insolvent and as such unable to pay off even a symbolic amount on his debt to Alexandra.
He lost his (very wellpaid!) job and a couple of months ago he lost the apartment he was renting.

So has Martin Jørgensen finally got himself a job? Seen the errors of his ways? Decided to do the right thing and pay off what he can on his debt?
Well, if you believe any of the above I've got a mermaid for sale. :D

No, he has officially moved his address to Italy, Firenze/Florence to be exact.
And there it will for all practical purposes be impossible for Alexandra to drag him to court let alone get any money out of him.

Not that it was easy in Denmark, because the Danish legislation regarding making people paying their debt is laughable. As long as you are able to use cash, rent and lease stuff and spend all your money (on paper) from paycheck to paycheck you can get away with not paying anything to your creditors - unless your creditor happens to be the state - the state can grab what money they can before you get paid anything by anyone.
- I must confess I didn't know this was possible, because stupid as I am, I pay my bills and my debt.
And that's what Martin Jørgensen was doing. Exploiting every loophole.
But it may be that he is considering Copenhagen a hostile environment to work in now. Too many know him, and Alexandra (and the DRF) has too many influential friends. And he has probably been blacklisted by a lot of people by now. Anyway, the scenery and weather in Italy is so much better.

As an attractive looking man, and not too old, and no doubt very charming when he want's to, I guess he will be able to find other victims to fleece.

- I do wonder if Alexandra sometimes think: If she and Joachim had really, seriously committed themselves to try and work out their differences, perhaps it might have been the better alternative?
After all they still do have a very good personal relationship.
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You can have a good relationship with someone in spite of being divorced, though — or because you are no longer married to that person. ?

Alex liked being a princess, from everything I can see, so it seems like it really was the personal side she decided wasn't worth it.

I hope Jokke is not "the one that got away" for her, but at this point she might need to assess why she seems to have a bit of a pattern in her post-DRF relationships.
Healthy co-parenting is something to be celebrated. But in no means a reason to think a marriage should stick out.

Many people get along better once divorced.Once they stop having to live together and try being together, they can just work on being friends. And put their kids best interest at heart. When you can focus on your own paths and on other relationships, your own relationship works.

Joachim is happily married with Marie and their two kids.

Alexandra needs to find happiness post DRF.
The latest according to BT - sorry can't link right now - is that the court has declared that Martin Jørgensen is no longer exempt from paying off his debt to Alexandra. I.e. he cannot document that his expenses are so high that he can't pay off on his debt. (Or perhaps he simply didn't show up in court.)
That also means Alexandra can go after him in order to seize what assets he may have - and that she intends to do, according to BT.

However, the last we heard of him was that he had gone to Milano in Italy, presumably in the hope of hustling through an existence there, so Alexandra will have to first locate him, then take actions through Italian courts. So I wonder if she will ever see any money at all.
No matter, she has made things more difficult for him, if she and her layers chase him from country to country.

I think he has finally run out of friends in DK, so should he return he may very well face a very modest life and he may be forced - and this is truly horrific - to work!

It's a Greek tragedy. Because Martin Jørgensen will grow older too and thus become less and less attractive to new potential victims. And as he IMO lack the intelligence to become a successful conman, he may end up in poverty in a cheap boarding house somewhere like so many gigolos before him.
There is an update on Martin Jørgensen.

As you know he ended up in court where he declared himself insolvent and as such unable to pay off even a symbolic amount on his debt to Alexandra.
He lost his (very wellpaid!) job and a couple of months ago he lost the apartment he was renting.


- I do wonder if Alexandra sometimes think: If she and Joachim had really, seriously committed themselves to try and work out their differences, perhaps it might have been the better alternative?
After all they still do have a very good personal relationship.

I guess it depends on what the difficulties in the marriage were and over what period of time they occurred. A specific issue in an otherwise decent relationship is easier to fix than an overall difference in personalities, values, worldview, etc.

Joachim may have found happiness in his second marriage but it’s with a woman who doesn’t seem to have much in common with Alexandra. His relationship with Marie may just be naturally easier than the one he had with Alexandra, OR Marie may be willing to make sacrifices to keep the marriage going in a way that Alexandra wasn’t.

I do sometimes think that both Joachim and Alexandra could have had fewer bumps in their professional and financial situations, and their public reputations, had they stayed together - they were a very effective partnership as members of the DRF for years. Whether that sort of stability is worth staying in a challenging personal relationship is another question.
I guess it depends on what the difficulties in the marriage were and over what period of time they occurred. A specific issue in an otherwise decent relationship is easier to fix than an overall difference in personalities, values, worldview, etc.

Joachim may have found happiness in his second marriage but it’s with a woman who doesn’t seem to have much in common with Alexandra. His relationship with Marie may just be naturally easier than the one he had with Alexandra, OR Marie may be willing to make sacrifices to keep the marriage going in a way that Alexandra wasn’t.

I do sometimes think that both Joachim and Alexandra could have had fewer bumps in their professional and financial situations, and their public reputations, had they stayed together - they were a very effective partnership as members of the DRF for years. Whether that sort of stability is worth staying in a challenging personal relationship is another question.

I think Joachim and Alexandra had too similar personalities. Marie's personality seems to complement Joachim's a lot more and although we have seen instances of her strong-willed nature, I think she is more nurturing toward Joachim than what Alexandra was.
Countess Popularity

With all the changes in the Danish monarchy is Alexandra still popular with the public?
Countess Alexandra is turning 60 and on that occasion she has given a pretty personal interview to BB:

Not least about her relationship with the businessman Nicolai Peitersen, which ended very abruptly as you may recall. The reason was that he was having an affair with a DK socialite Mai Manniche.
Around that time Alexandra's mother died, so she was pretty vulnerable. Not least as it since emerged that Nicolai Peitersen had several affairs running at the same time - busy man!
Well, Alexandra has gotten over it and ostensibly she's ready for a third wedding should a suitable suitor emerge.

But back to Nicolai Peitersen and not least his affair with Mai Manniche. I'm not qualified to judge whether she's a sociopath or something like that, but at the time she was pretty open about the affair, she wanted him and went for him, because... well, why not?
So it is with considerable unrestricted glee that I learn from the article that Mai Manniche too got cheated on. She too was unaware of the indefatigable Nicolai Peitersen's affairs...

Well, I've heard about small fish being eaten by bigger fish, but I realize now that little sociopaths (for a lack of better word) get cheated by bigger sociopaths. :lol:
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I've always been fond of Countess Alexandra and think she played her role as a princess perfectly but I do wonder why she's let herself become tabloid fodder and put on the same BB speed dial list as the Rosenborg sisters and other celebrities.
Countess Alexandra celebrated her 60th birthday with her sisters and friends in Copenhagen today and was interviewed by Billed-Bladet:

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