Engagement of Princess Theodora of Greece and Matthew Kumar - November 16, 2018

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
This is not official, but I totally believe it is certain: first because the people who have said it are close to the designer of the dress, to members of the Orthodox Church, even to the Royal Family... but also, it was said that it would be the September 18, and I think that this is not possible, because the 18th is Wednesday, moving around the city would be very complicated and difficult to organize that wedding, but the 28th is Saturday, the end of September, there are fewer tourists and fewer movements. In the city, it is easier to manage a wedding like this. By the way, the after party will be at the Hotel Grande Bretagna, according to the Greek press
This is not official, but I totally believe it is certain: first because the people who have said it are close to the designer of the dress, to members of the Orthodox Church, even to the Royal Family... but also, it was said that it would be the September 18, and I think that this is not possible, because the 18th is Wednesday, moving around the city would be very complicated5 and difficult to organize that wedding, but the 28th is Saturday, the end of September, there are fewer tourists and fewer movements. In the city, it is easier to manage a wedding like this. By the way, the after party will be at the Hotel Grande Bretagna, according to the Greek press
I really want this to be true. I cannot remember a Royal engagement that was this long. I remember how happy Theodora was when it was first announced.

The Grand Bretagne is the most magnificent hotel in Athens. 😊
This is not official, but I totally believe it is certain: first because the people who have said it are close to the designer of the dress, to members of the Orthodox Church, even to the Royal Family... but also, it was said that it would be the September 18, and I think that this is not possible, because the 18th is Wednesday, moving around the city would be very complicated and difficult to organize that wedding, but the 28th is Saturday, the end of September, there are fewer tourists and fewer movements. In the city, it is easier to manage a wedding like this. By the way, the after party will be at the Hotel Grande Bretagna, according to the Greek press
Yeah, sure. People "close to the designer" have reported the date for this wedding every year for the past four years. I'll believe the date when I see pictures of the bride.
I would love to see Theodora and Matthew getting married at that date😊
I really want this to be true. I cannot remember a Royal engagement that was this long. I remember how happy Theodora was when it was first announced.

The Grand Bretagne is the most magnificent hotel in Athens. 😊

I definitely feel like this might be one of the longest Royal engagements? I remember Princess Olga had a 3 year engagement with Prince Aimone and that was remarked on at the time.
I admit that I don't remember an engagement that long...since 2018, 6 years, and she still hasn't gotten married. It is true that in the middle there has been a pandemic, but even her brother Filippos demonstrated that a wedding could be held in Greece..., as he did in 2021. I hope that on September 28 it wouldbe celebrated,

I would not rule out the suspension hahah:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I've been looking into his case a bit more and if I understand correctly, he was first put on probation but his license was not suspended because it was his first offense and the client wasn't harmed - but he had to meet certain requirements. He did not meet those requirements (among other things submitting a quarterly report and completing both the State Bar Ethics School as well as the State Bar Client Trust Accounting School and passing both tests; an additional (uncommon) requirement is that he also needs to complete the e-learning course entitled "California Rules of Professional Conduct and State Bar Act Overview).

The pattern of not responding to requests and making promises that he doesn't deliver on has been set from the very start (as in: starting when the first signs of misconduct were identified in September 2022 - the problematic financial transfers took place between January and July of that same year). This was seen as a aggravation as it shows failure to Cooperate with the State Bar.

So, while the initial offense was problematic, it seems the way he is dealing with it (non-compliance and non-communication), is creating the mess he is in. Had he complied with the State Bar, his year of probation would have been over by now and he would have been allowed to practice during that time period.

In addition, there were additional commingling cases in 2023! So, he even continued the behavior he was disciplined for... which in technical terms means, he continued to violate Rules of Professional Conduct, rule 1.15(c). This (in combination with again complete silence on his end) seems to have been what caused him to be temporarily suspended per 11 November 2023. Only in February of this year, he seemed to have been in touch to avoid being completely disbarred without trial (the basis would have been his non-response and therefore acceptance of all the presented evidence).

His reason for the lack of communication (which as I noticed before, was a pattern started in 2022, not in 2023, and which created a third case only last month) was that he had an accident in August of last year... He refers to a 'family function' on August 24 in Berleburg (so, at his fiancée's aunt's/cousin's place). The next day he had an accident requiring hospitalization for 4 weeks. He claims that in the following months he had very limited access to his email 'as not to hinder my recuperation'.

He returned to LA only in December (so, almost 4 months later!) and says that only than (after 19 December, his first day in office) he became 'fully aware' of the 'default' (read: suspension). He states that "As of January 2024, my mental capacity in dealing with the termination of clients, loss of income, and all the effects of no longer being able to practice law as a way of living left me completely incapacitated. I was unable to grapple with the facts of my present situation." Only on February 12 he had a conversation with the Supervising Attorney and filed the motion to set aside the default a week later.

The state bar specifically states that the strongly prefer to resolve issues on matters (instead of technicalities like non-response I presume), -therefore- they do not oppose the lifting of the default/suspension but they do mention that Matthew did not provide a reasonable explanation for his delay in contacting the state bar between Dec 19 and Feb 12 - and only did reach out after the state bar had made several attempts again to reach him because of the Feb 11 deadline (if he did not respond by that day, the process for disbarment would be set into motion).

So, in the first week of June the trial will take place in which the issues will be discussed based on merit.

N.B. I was trying to find out what the 'family function' might have been. The christening of Gustav Albrecht took place on the 26th, not on the 24th. Princess Theodora was present as godmother, Matthew wasn't pictured. If he was seriously injured the day before, that must have put a damper on the day of the baptism.
Looks like the June 4 trial never happened. Instead they appear to be having a "voluntary settlement" conference on June 10. I imagine that will determine his status and whether he remains suspended.

Just to clarify on the comment he made about his injury, in a motion he filed on February 21, 2024, Kumar said: "On August 24, 2023, I was in Berleberg, Germany, for a family function. On August 25, 2023, I was unexpectedly and severely injured, which required immediate hospitalization via ambulance to the local hospital. The next day I was transferred to the University of Marberg Hospital, Standort Marburg, for emergency surgery. Due to my medical condition, I was unable to travel to the United States until stable. I remained in the hospital until September 20, 2023. Due to circumstances and necessities surrounding my care, it was decided that I should stay in Berleberg, Germany for the remainder of my recovery with family and the physician's [sic] already treating me.

"During that time, I did not have access to any physical mail being delivered to my office. Additionally, the access to email was very limited so as not to hinder my recuperation. During this time I was unaware of any mailings and emails that may have been received. All legal case work that I was previously responsible for was being handled by other attorney's [sic] and I had no access until I returned back [sic]."

He goes on: "On or about December 14, 2023 I returned back to Los Angeles, California and returned to my office December 19, 2023. I then saw the mailings and became fully aware of the default being entered and my ineligibility to practice law at that time.

"As of January 2024 my mental capacity in dealing with the termination of clients, loss of income, and all the effects of not being able to practice law as a way of living left me completely incapacitated. I was unable to grapple with the facts of my present situation."
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Just curious -- where did you see the information about his injury being at a family function? In the May 24, 2024, suspension, I noticed that it mentioned he was injured while out of the country between July 2023 and December 2023, but I didn't see anything with all the details you mentioned. (Not doubting you, but I'm curious what document they are in.)

I wonder how his trial this week went.
It was in one of the court documents that contained Matthew's full declaration for not responding in time.

I went back to find the specific document for you: the document is called 'SBC-23-O-30864 - Motion' (which according to the stamp was filed on Feb 21, 2024).
It was in one of the court documents that contained Matthew's full declaration for not responding in time.

I went back to find the specific document for you: the document is called 'SBC-23-O-30864 - Motion' (which according to the stamp was filed on Feb 21, 2024).
Yes, thanks! Our posts crossed and I found it and amended my post. (See above.) Sorry to make you look it up again, but I really appreciate your effort!

Reading about the three suits against Matthew Kumar, I feel for the guy. It sounds like an instance of bad judgment led to a snowballing problem with his license. I hope he's able to straighten it out.

His injury sounds really bad. I wonder what happened. I'm sure that was also stressful for Theodora, not to mention Gustav and Carina.

(And poor Queen Anne-Marie. First Queen Elizabeth dies. Then King Constantine goes through his last illness and dies. Then Matthew has his accident. Around the time he returned to LA, Pavlos had his eye problems. Then Queen Margrethe abdicated. Then Nicolaos divorced. And that's only what we know is going on in her life!)
In short, the penalty Matthew faces is the loss of his license to practice in California. It is obvious that he does not have much interest in maintaining it, because otherwise, he would have responded to the State Bar , and he has not done so, which aggravates the loss of his license. But this can also have an explanation, it is possible that Matthew has decided to change the course of his life, and pursue another profession...or after of his wedding, he and Theodora could have thought abandoned USA to live in europe....
I have been thinking about Theodora and Matthew's entire engagement process,;);) from 2018 , and I have realized that we don't know anything about the engagement ring, I don't remember seeing a photo of the engagement ring.
As a reminder, Matthew's disciplinary issues with the California Bar began in April 2023 with 3 counts of willful violation of "rules of professional conduct" for comminging personal funds with client funds. What was probation is now looking like disbarment. The court hearing settlement conference scheduled for June 10, @ 11am has been taken off calendar without reschedule.

I hope the best for Princess Theodora and wish her well. If her wedding with Matthew Kumar is meant to be and he is truly a good guy fallen on tough times I wish the best for both of them.
In short, the penalty Matthew faces is the loss of his license to practice in California. It is obvious that he does not have much interest in maintaining it, because otherwise, he would have responded to the State Bar , and he has not done so, which aggravates the loss of his license. But this can also have an explanation, it is possible that Matthew has decided to change the course of his life, and pursue another profession...or after of his wedding, he and Theodora could have thought abandoned USA to live in europe....

I think that's unfair. In his court filing, Kumar explained that he was so upset at the thought of losing the ability to practice law in California that he could barely function. It sounds to me like he didn't follow regulations about how he handled some accounts (but did not do any harm to anyone), then got caught in Europe after a severe injury, which prevented him from responding to the court.

If he didn't want to practice law, he could have resigned from his law firm. Letting this matter lapse has had professional and financial penalties for him.

As a reminder, Matthew's disciplinary issues with the California Bar began in April 2023 with 3 counts of willful violation of "rules of professional conduct" for comminging personal funds with client funds. What was probation is now looking like disbarment. The court hearing settlement conference scheduled for June 10, @ 11am has been taken off calendar without reschedule.

I hope the best for Princess Theodora and wish her well. If her wedding with Matthew Kumar is meant to be and he is truly a good guy fallen on tough times I wish the best for both of them.

I'd urge you to be careful about how you describe this. I don't see any references to "counts" against him -- there were no charges filed in any of these matters. In the April 2023 stipulation, Kumar agreed that he had commingled funds, failed to move the money promptly, and failed to respond to the State Bar's inquiries. Those are not "counts" -- they are "conclusions of law" in the stipulation.

It's also very important to note that there were no criminal investigations involved in this nor were there any charges filed against him at any time. In fact, the stipulation notes the many people who attested to his good character.
No one has said these are criminal but each incident is listed on the State Bar Court documents as a "count".

It would help if you read the actual State Bar Court documents. I've downloaded the court documents, it specifies exactly what happened regarding the funds.
Apparently documents too large to attach. You can find them. here:Smart Search - State Bar Court Portal
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In one of the documents (in which the state bar agrees with continuing the case itself instead of moving to disbarment), it is mentioned that Matthew did not provide a good explanation for his lack of communication for close to two months after he said he became aware of the grave consequences of his previous inaction. So, at least the State Bar does look less favorably upon his reason for not dealing with the matter within the time limit provided (the whole process seems quite lenient giving him opportunity upon opportunity to make things right).

Moreover, from the start he has 'not cooperated with the state bar' (which was one of the aggravating circumstances/contributing to the multiple acts of wrongdoing), he still has not met the conditions of his initial probation; and his non-response also continued in recent months... So, while I agree that it seems he doesn't want to be disbarred (otherwise he would not have suddenly come out of the woods in the week after they started the process to do so), from the very start of this process, he has shown little initiative to ensure that things were resolved but instead employed a (futile) tactic of avoidance.

The settlement / stipulation was signed on May 20 by both Matthew and the state bar's representative - and approved on May 21 by the settlement court (note that the previous one was rejected) is the agreement / stipulation and includes some relevant information:

20. Nevertheless, upon his return in December 2023, respondent did not comply with the above conditions of his probation, nor did he take steps to make-up for overdue requirements until after the filing of the Notice of Disciplinary Charges on April 11, 2024.

21. By failing to comply with the conditions attached to his disciplinary probation, respondent willfully violated Business and Professions Code, section 6068(k).

So, if I understand it correctly, Matthew admitted that he willfully violated the Business Professions Code (in doing so also acknowledging that his initial reasoning was lacking), will receive an actual suspension of 90 days - while remaining on probation for a full year; and I am sure he now understands, that they will see to it that he meets all the requirements of that probation or there will be consequences.
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These are all good points Somebody. Thank you.

I just read all 41 pages of the actual suspension case document, which has been stayed. You did a nice job, Somebody, of encapsulating the important parts. So, 90 day suspension, 1 year probation with conditions. Matthew is a very lucky guy.
The conditions are largely the same as in his earlier probation as he still didn't fulfill those - they include among others lots of training regarding professional conduct and ethics as well as quarterly reports to the probation officer.

But indeed, the state bar and court seem rather lenient in the agrrement and approval thereof. I assume that the fact that no harm was done to his clients was important - but his non-compliance resulted in an actual suspension and all will remain on record for any future missteps. All in all, based on the original case which showed very unprofessional behavior as well as how he handled his probation case, I would imagine people being rather hesitant in using his professional services.
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The wedding will take place on September 28th at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens. More information about the wedding will be released later, royal family spokeswoman Ivi Macris told BILLED-BLADET.

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Well, with this confirmation from Ivi Marcri, we can say that September 28th becomes OFFICIAL. Until now all the sources about the date came from people close to the Designer of the wedding dress, now we can say that it comes from the Greek Royal House.
Well, with this confirmation from Ivi Marcri, we can say that September 28th becomes OFFICIAL. Until now all the sources about the date came from people close to the Designer of the wedding dress, now we can say that it comes from the Greek Royal House.
Exactly, now it's official!
Its good that we now have a date and that it will be in Greece too!
Hurray! A Royal wedding I can look forward to.😉
Since Matthew has been around so long and (according to photos) on very good terms with other Royal family members I hope we will see a good turnout in Athens on September 28th.
I don't think the royal turn out will have much to do with Matthew - but Theodora is the cousin of both the king of Denmark and the king of Spain (as well as of the Fürst of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg), so a pretty large royal turn out may be expected.
With Christian off to Africa later this month. It will be interesting to see who gets picked to remain behind in Denmark during Theodora’s wedding. My guess would be Mary so both her aunts and cousin(s) can attend.

For Joachim it would be quite a long journey and he might have work obligations, so I’m not sure he can make it but to ask him to make the trip to Denmark so other family members can attend seems illogical.
I hope that members of the royal houses of Spain and Denmark will attend Theodora's wedding, however, I believe that Theodora is the member of the Greek royal family who has distanced herself the most from royalty, she has not cultivated friendships with members of royalty, which is why I have doubts about the rest of the guests......
She is still a cousin of the kings of Spain and Denmark and did attend the cousins-get-together in Denmark last year. So, I do expect her aunts and cousins to attend. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dutch king and queen are also in attendance as they've cultivated their relationship with some of the Greek royals over the last few years since Greece is the location of their holiday home.
I hope that members of the royal houses of Spain and Denmark will attend Theodora's wedding, however, I believe that Theodora is the member of the Greek royal family who has distanced herself the most from royalty, she has not cultivated friendships with members of royalty, which is why I have doubts about the rest of the guests......
She may be distant and detached but a wedding is a gathering of relatives most bride and groom had little association with. When the parents are royals connected to everyone in Europe, I hope it will be planned as a big family event.
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