Death of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte: January 10, 2005

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Royal Highness
Oct 31, 2003
There is an announcement on the Glittering Royal Events Message Board that the Grand Duchess has died.
god rest her soul and may she rest in peace.
I just heard. May she rest in peace. My condolences to her family.
I'm truly sorry to hear this - my condolences to her family and the people of Luxembourg. God rest her soul.
May she rest in peace and my condolences to her family.

In the 77 years of her life she had done so many good things as President of Luxembourg Red Cross and other dedications for charity!

We will never forget her!:(

Here is another link from RTL Tele Lëtzebuerg where I had this very sad news heard for the first time:
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May she rest in peace! She will be buried satursday.
should we start a photos thread for the late grand duchess where we can post photos of her from the past and from the latest years
Josefine said:
should we start a photos thread for the late grand duchess where we can post photos of her from the past and from the latest years
That is a great idea! It would be a tribute to her ^___^ So we can always remember her beauty and generosity and the great Grand Duchess she was ^___^
Josefine said:
should we start a photos thread for the late grand duchess where we can post photos of her from the past and from the latest years
Yes, because I have found great pics of her whole life on the site of the newspaper Luxembourg Wort.:eek:

And certainly other members have great pics of her too, they want to share with us.
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Sad News

I learned today that SAR Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte has passed away. She was 77 years of age, and died of lung cancer. All the info is in this message, which, I'm sorry to tell you, is in German. She was a great lady, strong and spirited and with a great deal of charachter, so bow your heads in her memory.


Joséphine-Charlotte verstorben

Die 77-Jährige wurde seit Monaten wegen Krebs behandelt

Letzte Aktualisierung: 10-01-2005 12:44

Staatsminister Jean-Claude Juncker: "Ein großer Verlust"

In der Nacht zum Montag ist Großherzogin Joséphine-Charlotte im Alter von 77 Jahren verstorben. Ihr Gesundheitszustand hatte sich am Sonntag zunehmend verschlechtert.
Die Regierung hat eine offizielle Staatstrauer bis zum Samstag erklärt. Während dieser Zeit sollen die Fahnen an öffentlichen Gebäuden auf Halbmast gehisst werden. Der großherzogliche Hof verhängte eine sechs-wöchige Trauer. Die offizielle Trauerfeier soll am Samstag morgen stattfinden.
Die 77-Jährige war seit 2003 wegen eines Lungentumors in Behandlung. Damals war die offizielle Feier zur Goldenen Hochzeit von Großherzog Jean und Großherzogin Joséphine-Charlotte wegen der Behandlung abgesagt worden. Der Gesundheitszustand der Großherzogin hatte sich später jedoch gebessert, so dass sie im Dezember 2003 und im Januar 2004 wieder in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten konnte.
Jean-Claude Juncker: Ableben ist großer Verlust
Premierminister Jean-Claude Juncker sprach in einer offiziellen Beileidsbekundung von einem "großen Verlust für das Land". Großherzogin Joséphine-Charlotte habe das Land über Jahrzehnte mit großer Würde und Erhabenheit vertreten.
Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Marie José Marguerite Astrid wurde am 11. Oktober 1927 in Brüssel geboren. Die Tochter von Prinz Leopold von Belgien, dem späteren König Lepold III., und Prinzessin Astrid von Schweden wuchs in der Residenz von Stuyvenberg auf.
Nach der Landung der alliierten Truppen in der Normandie wurde König Leopold von Belgien am 7. Juni 1944 mit seiner Tochter nach Deutschland deportiert.
Soziales Engagement
Nach der Befreiung am 7. Mai 1945 lässt sich die Familie in der Nähe von Genf nieder. Dort besucht Prinzessin Joséphine-Charlotte unter anderem die Vorlesungen über Kinderpsychologie von Professor Piaget. Nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Belgien interessiert sich die Prinzessin vor allem für soziale Belange sowie für Kunst.
Am 9. April 1953 heiratet Joséphine-Charlotte den damaligen Erbgroßherzog von Luxemburg, Prinz Jean. Aus der Ehe gehen fünf Kinder hervor: Prinzessin Marie-Astrid, Prinz Henri, Prinz Jean, Prinzessin Margaretha und Prinz Guillaume.
Nach der Thronübernahme durch Großherzog Jean am 12. November 1964 setzte Großherzogin Joséphine-Charlotte ihr Engagement für soziale Belange fort. Seit 1964 war sie Präsidentin des Roten Kreuzes. Seit 1990 leitete sie als "Chef Guide" die "Guides"-Vereinigungen des Großherzogtums.
Wie es in einer Pressemitteilung des Hofmarschallamtes verlautet, können diejenigen, die der Verstorbenen eine letzte Ehererbietung erweisen wollen, dies mit einer Spende für die Dienste des Roten Kreuzes (Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise CCP IBAN LU 52 1111 0000 1111 0000, mention "Hommage à Son Altesse Royale la Grande -Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte") tun.



How very sad. May her family find the strength to deal with this great loss.
The Death of Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte of Luxembourg

It was announces that she the GD passed away this morning. May she rest in peace...
Truly sad news. I send my sincere condolences to her two countries, Belgium and Luxembourg, her husband Grand Duke Jean, and their whole families. May the Grand Duchess rest in peace.
I got this from government lux. site.

A small biography

Her Royal Highness Princess Joséphine-Charlotte, Ingeborg, Elisabeth, Marie-Josée, Marguerite, Astrid, Princess of Belgium, was born on 11th October 1927 at the Royal Palace, Brussels.


She spent Her childhood at Stuyvenberg with Her parents, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Léopold and Princess Astrid of Sweden, later King and Queen of the Belgians.

She first attended school at the Royal Palace where a class had been organized for Her. At the end of 1940 the Princess entered a boarding school. She continued Her education with private teachers. On 7th June 1944, the day after the Allied Forces landed in Normandy, Princess Joséphine-Charlotte and Her father, King Léopold, were sent to Germany and kept there under house arrest. The Royal Family was freed on 7th May 1945 and settled in Prégny near Geneva.

The Princess continued Her studies at the "Ecole Supérieure de Jeunes Filles" in Genova. Afterwards She followed the lectures on Children's psychology of Professor Piaget at the University of Geneva. When She returned to Belgium the Princess took up Her official duties. At the same time She also devoted Herself to social problems and developed Her interest in the arts.

On 9th April 1953 the Princess married His Royal Highness Prince Jean of Luxembourg.They have 5 children:

  • Princess Marie-Astrid, born 17th February 1954
  • Grand Duke Henri, born 16th April 1955
  • Prince Jean, born 15th May 1957
  • Princess Margaretha, born 15th May 1957
  • Prince Guillaume, born 1 st May 1963
As Hereditary Grand Duchess first, then, since Prince Jean's accession to the throne on 12th November 1964, as Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, She has indefatigably carried out the many and varied duties (particularly of a social and cultural nature) of the Consort.

The Grand Duchess is interested in childhood problems, family and health problems. From 1959 to 1970 She was President of the Luxembourg Youth Red Cross; since 1964 She is President of the Luxembourg Red Cross.

The Grand Duchess' favourite leisure time occupations are gardening and horticulture. She also likes hunting, fishing, skiing and watersports.

Very sad when hearing that.It has just a few days at the beggining of the year but there are already two Royals died: Grand Duchess Josephine Charlotte and Sir Angus Ogilvy.I'm verry sorry for the family.I wish rest the Duchess in peace.
I'm verry sorry when hearing that.It's very sad.I'm really sorry for her family and her country.May rest her in peace.
Mother of Grand Duke Henri dies at age 77

LUXEMBOURG: Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg, the mother of Grand Duke Henri, died Monday after a long battle with lung cancer, the government announced. She was 77.

The court immediately declared a six-week mourning period.

Josephine-Charlotte was married to Grand Duke Jean, who ruled the tiny nation of 450,000 from 1964 until 2000.

"The death of the Grand Duchess is a great loss for the country and its people,'' said Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. "With her husband, Grand Duke Jean, she always made an effort to represent Luxembourg at home and abroad with dignity,'' he added.

Josephine-Charlotte also was the sister of Belgian king Albert II. She is survived by her husband Jean, Grand Duke Henri, Princes Jean and Guillaume and Princesses Marie-Astrid and Margaretha.

The funeral will take place on Saturday, government spokesman Guy Schuller said.

The death comes at a difficult time for the Grand Duchy, just as it has taken over the six-month presidency of the European Union early this month. - AP
For tributing about The Grand Duchess i post some pics of her:

The funeral will take place on Saturday.I read in Google.


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What an absolute shame. She was such a wonderful woman.

May she rest in peace.

And may her husband, children, grandchildren, and all of her family find the strength and comfort they need during this difficult period.
Sad news indeed, may she rest in peace.
she great woman in her life and work hard! and feels sorry for Grand Duke Henri she meets any Royals?

Sara Boyce
May she rest in peace. And I hope that she and Maria-Teresa made peace. This is so sad cuz I felt that she was going to go soon cuz of the cancer
That's so sad! When and where will the funeral be aired on? I'm so upset and can hardly form words.

This is soooo sad! I send my condolences to her family.
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Actualité gouvernementale
Décès de S.A.R. la Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte

Son Altesse Royale la Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte, Princesse de Belgique, est décédée au Château de Fischbach le lundi 10 janvier 2005 à 05.55 heures du matin à l'âge de 77 ans. La Cour grand-ducale a pris le deuil pour une durée de six semaines.

Le gouvernement a proclamé le deuil national à observer jusqu’au samedi 15 janvier 2005 à 18 heures. Durant le deuil national, les drapeaux seront mis en berne sur les bâtiments et lieux publics.

Le 10 janvier, le Premier ministre Jean-Claude Juncker s'est rendu au château de Fischbach et s'est incliné devant la dépouille de Son Altesse Royale la Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte.


My translation (please correct me if I'm wrong):

Her Royal Highness the Grand-Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte, Princess of Belgium, died at Château de Fischbach on Monday 10 January 2005 at 05.55 (in the morning) at the age of 77. The Grand Ducal Court took (??) the mourning period for a duration of six weeks.

The government proclaimed the nation will observe morning until Saturday 15 January 2005 at 6 pm. During the national mourning, the flag will be put at half-mast on the buildings and public places.

The 10 January, the Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker returned to château de Fischbach and bowed before the body of Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte. :(
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