Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 1: June 2015 - May 2016

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Jan 29, 2005
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Let's start with her wedding dress:

Full view ~ Close up

I thought she looked beautiful, and I loved her makeup too. Some have said that her dress is reminiscent of the Duchess of Cambridge's, but personally I don't see that connection.
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I was sure earlier if I actually liked the dress...I do like it...the back and train are lovely...I think what I don't like is the bodice...something about the way it's constructed is off to me.

Loved the veil and the rest!

Like it. It does remind me of Catherine's wedding dress a little. Catherine's is still the best royal wedding dress of all time, IMO.
Absolutely love the dress, it's stunning! She looked beautiful.
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The wedding dress is amazing simple and perfect.
Princess Sofia's Fashion & Style, Part 1: June 2015 -

It's a nice dress. She wears it well. I like it better from the waist up. Something about the skirt doesn't quite work for me.

Her bouquet is beautiful.

The only real similarity between her dress and Kate's that I see are the lace sleeves.
Princess Sofia's dress is now one of my favourites - it was perfect for the occasion with the right proportions in terms of train length and the amount of lace. I like the way the material flowed when she walked and the overall silhouette was lovely. I can see absolutely no similarities whatsoever with anyone else's dress, but if anyone's it would be similar to Princess Madeleine's dress.
I don't see a similarity to Madeleine's. Madeline's was stunning imo. This one is nice, but stunning doesn't come to mind for me. Again something about the seems flat maybe? Can't put my finger on it.
I like Sofia's dress better than Kate's but I like most recent Royal wedding gowns better than the DoC's.:sad:

The bustle on the back of Kate's was the best part of what was, for me, a very mundane Royal wedding dress.

Sofia's was simpler, but very pretty. I didn't understand her shoes at all. Beige/flesh toned shoes with a white bridal gown??:ohmy:

I agree that Princess Madeleine was the most stunning Swedish Royal bride ever, even though I liked Victoria's dress better than hers.
After looking at close-up photos, I'm not fond of Sofia's dress. It's nice, but not very interesting - I've seen that particular style many times. I also don't think the quality of the lace was that great. On the plus side, I thought her hair looked fantastic, loved the tiara and veil and thought she looked very happy.
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To all comparing the wedding dress of Princess Sofia and The Duchess of Cambridge:

There is another lookalike wedding gown: Princess Anita of Oranje-Nassau, van Vollenhoven's dress was also such a look-a-like.
Very pretty. The Swedes know how to do tiara hair like no one else, and Princess Sofia's was no exception. I actually like top of this better than the DoC. I like the softer, wide neckline as opposed to Kate's very angular one. It's not terribly original, but very pretty. Veil is gorgeous and her tiara was just perfect. Very well done.
I like the dress alot. It's simple and the details of the top are very lovely. The bouquet was really beuatiful. I also really liked the hairdo. :flowers:
I like it, from what we can see. But with the tiara, it's getting a little prom-y now.
The wedding dress was really beautiful! I didn't expect is so simple but it suited Sofia! My first suspicions of a A- line dress came to me when I saw her dress at the pre-wedding dinner...
the wedding dress was lovely but...just like Kate's dress, it was almoust a copy...but I like it...

Can't see the full gown but it does look like it was beautiful. I wish Sofia had removed the tiara for the after party because as another poster said it screams "Prom Queen"!:whistling:

But on the other hand...if I owned such a lovely new tiara I'd probably sleep and shower in it!:lol:

Everyone keeps saying she copied Kate with her bridal gown, but it's KATE who copied Isabella Rossellini's dress in the first place. Just Google it. Even the bride was surprised.

The only reason people don't discuss it more is because Isabella isn't famous.
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I tried to look up Isabella's dress but couldn't find it , maybe you could post it.
Everyone keeps saying she copied Kate with her bridal gown, but it's KATE who copied Isabella Rossellini's dress in the first place. Just Google it. Even the bride was surprised.

The only reason people don't discuss it more is because Isabella isn't famous.

I've Googled Kate and Isabella Rosellini and wedding dress and can't find anything. I hadn't heard about this before. Do you have a link? I LOVE looking at wedding dresses!
I'm sure Isabella's dress was a copy of someone else's. :lol: There is only so much you can do with lace and satin. Unless you want to go all out and add bows and tons of extra fabric (like Diana's, Mabel's, etc.), most wedding dresses will resemble another one.

I did think the top half of Sofia's dress slightly resembled Kate's (and Kate's slightly resembled someone else's). It's not a knock on either, it's just hard to have an original dress.

I wish there was a full view of Sofia's after party gown, but from what I can see, I really like it. In fact, I think I actually like it better than her wedding dress.

ETA: I can't find any photos of Isabella's dress either.
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I really did like Kate's dress. Other than the top (and it's not the same either) I don't see a ton of similarity between Kate's and Sofia's dresses. IMO, Kate's was better made and had a better quality of lace. Something about the top of Sofia's dress is just 'off' to me...I like the rest of it though.

I have no idea what this Isabella person is so stunned to see a similar dress. Afterall Princess Grace did something similar long before she did it.

Isabella is a woman married to minor Italian royalty. She did not seem to appreciate all the oohing and ahhing over what was actually a very basic(but well executed) design for Kate Middleton's wedding gown just because the bride was more famous than she was. She basically wore that dress before Kate did.

The DoC's gown is considered iconic for reasons I don't understand. It was a lovely dress but hardly ground-breaking, different or exceptional.
Actually, if there was any copying going on, it would have been the designers copying other designers.
:previous:Totally ladongas.

It was Kate Burton of Alexander McQueen who was unoriginal. But the DoC's dress- even though strikingly similar to Princess Isabella's-did seem to have far superior material and craftsmanship.
Of the 3 gowns, the DoC wins it for me in the waist down category. The bustle, the fold of the fabric was beautiful. She also wins it for the lace. Of course, it was designed and made specifically for that wedding, so... the quality is amazing.

Princess Sofia wins it for the neckline and sleeves for me as they have a softer look to it. She also wins it for hair and the length of her veil. I personally wish the DoC had a longer veil so we could have seen the detail of the back of her dress more.

Princess Sofia's gown was lovely, but I really didn't see anything that made it stand out as something "royal" (except of course, for the tiara).
The only dress Sarah Burton copy for Kate dress was Princess Margaret, w/ the lace.
Isabella dress look cheap
One could say Grace dress wasn't iconic either since people have been wearing lace wedding dress for years before she got married. Even one of her sister wore one.
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