Diana can't be faulted!! Are you kidding me? Have you read some of the posts over the last few years in this and other Diana threads? !!!
Neither Sarah nor Kate love(d) dancing as Diana did. Neither (especially Sarah) are/were particularly graceful, in the way that dancers who have trained in ballet for years and years are. Diana was still taking lessons in her years as Prss of Wales.
I think we're forgetting here what sort of an evening it was. The Friends of Covent Garden let their hair down at these annual events. It was an evening in which, as one person described it, 'singers turn up and dance and dancers sing' It was an evening for people who were supporters, financial and otherwise, of Covent Garden all year round, an opportunity to have fun.
I notice there is no outrage here about a Prince getting up and singing about ice cream, a man who isn't and wasn't a trained singer, or about Charles and Diana doing a Romeo and Juliet skit. Or about Charles in his university days grabbing a woman and running off stage shouting "I must give myself airs/heirs". Sidesplittingly amusing? Dignified? The sort of behaviour expected from a prince of the blood Royal? Double standards, much?
Yet Diana, who had years of ballet and other dance training dances gracefully around the stage for a short time with a male ballet dancer known to both her and Charles, and there a chorus of disapproval on this thread!
The skit was short, it wasn't sexual, she wasn't gyrating around a pole, it was a fun evening and the audience was blown away.