General News about Joachim, Marie and Family 3: January 2011 - July 2014

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General News about Joachim, Marie, and Family Part 3
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Happy posting!:flowers:

Royal House of Denmark Moderators
iceflower, JessRulz & dazzling
Hope they're enjoying themselves. Does Joachim have a tan???;)
Joachim coming home from a vacation in Miami to attend the danish potato conference of the year.:flowers:

Ekstra Bladet - Her gemte Jokke sig

Translating from BT, Pernille Christensen and Sola Sørensen:

Joachim lack of maternity visits: - We can not be everywhere
Potato king Prince Joachim met the press Tuesday for the first time since he became double uncle to Fredes and Marys twins

Tuesday it was again a workday for Prince Joachim after the holiday in Miami with his little family.

For reasons unknown, Jokke had taken the family to Danish Potato Council Annual Meeting at Egeskov Castle. Prince Joachim is the patron of the council.

And it was indeed anything but the small buried potatoes which were discussed when the Prince with Princess Mary and son Prince Henry met the press.

'Can not be everywhere'
It was not surprisingly the family circumstances, which the press would hear about.

And of course, the question of why the small family of three had not chosen a maternity visit to his brother, sister in law and their two newborn twins at Rigshospitalet before a trip to America, was asked.

- We have such a hard program, so we can not be everywhere, came the reply from potato king.

The tough program in the first days of 2011 included many a shopping trip to Ocean Drive, South Beach in Miami. Here some Danish tourists met a sunglass dressed Joachim under the palms with Prince Henrik in stroller, with Marie by his side.

ALSO READ: Here Jokke hid himself

Beautiful, sweet and cutie
Joachim has since returning seen the twins, and the uncle is more thrilled with his new nephew and niece than grandfather.

- Yes, we've seen the twins, they are so beautiful. Beautiful, sweet and cutie, he told "
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Summary of article in Billed Bladet #03, 2011.
De er nuser - They are cutesy.
Written by Henrik salling. (*)

Well, Joachim, la Marie and bette Henrik went to Egeskov Castle on the island of Funen. Here Joachim was to attend, as patron, Denmarks Potato Councils Yearly Meeting.
Potatoes are produced at Schackenborg Manor and potatoes are an important agricultiral product in Denmark.
Anyway, the family wet met by the owners of Egeskov castle, Michael and Caroline Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille. (**)
Bette Henrik looked in his usual pussled way at the strange adults, who were performing a song and dance act in front of his parents. At least according to the pics in the article. Anyway, he would soon be playing with the hosts almost four year old daughter.

Of course the journalist didn't go all the way to Funen, just to talk about potatoes! Twins was the topic!

Joachim confided to us: "Now, we did know about the birth beforehand, so we were basically not waiting for the news".
The twins were born while J&M were on vacation in Miami, Florida: (***) "That's why we were among the first to congratulate".

Q: How were you told?
"Over the phone during our vacation and we are very happy on behalf of my brother and the Crown Princess".

Q: Have they visited the twins?
"Yes. We saw them right after we came home and they are so sweet. They are cutesy".

About going on holiday right now, Joachim said: "We all have a busy everyday life and we are all slaves of everything being planned. So we also took the luxury of planning our holiday".

How about having twins themselves?
"Now, let's just cool it", Joachim laughed.

While daddy Joachim was attending a meeting about potatoes, our Marie and bette Henrik had a cosy time at the castle, presumably with Caroline Ahlefeldt.

(*) Who specialise in the fair Marie. Now he appears to have been completely smitten by bette Henrik's eyes. That sort of balance things, I guess. Trine Larsen, the other BB reporter, who specialise in J&M, have a tendency to go completely ga-ga over Felix' blue eyes.

(**) I believe the nobel name of Bille goes back to medieval times.

(***) There is no mentioning of Ibiza, Spain in the article.
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Thank you Muhler. From what I've read about most royal families all trips (for business or pleasure) must be planned well in advance and coordinated with other royal family members agendas. I can tell you know that I would not want to be the one who needs to coordinate the state/official visits, meetings, speeches, openings that make up a year of royal activities.
Thank you for the translation Muhler, I can understand the way you post your translations. :flowers:
Translating from BT, Pernille Christensen and Sola Sørensen:

Joachim lack of maternity visits: - We can not be everywhere
Potato king Prince Joachim met the press Tuesday for the first time since he became double uncle to Fredes and Marys twins

Tuesday it was again a workday for Prince Joachim after the holiday in Miami with his little family.

For reasons unknown, Jokke had taken the family to Danish Potato Council Annual Meeting at Egeskov Castle. Prince Joachim is the patron of the council.

And it was indeed anything but the small buried potatoes which were discussed when the Prince with Princess Mary and son Prince Henry met the press.

'Can not be everywhere'
It was not surprisingly the family circumstances, which the press would hear about.

And of course, the question of why the small family of three had not chosen a maternity visit to his brother, sister in law and their two newborn twins at Rigshospitalet before a trip to America, was asked.

- We have such a hard program, so we can not be everywhere, came the reply from potato king.

The tough program in the first days of 2011 included many a shopping trip to Ocean Drive, South Beach in Miami. Here some Danish tourists met a sunglass dressed Joachim under the palms with Prince Henrik in stroller, with Marie by his side.

ALSO READ: Here Jokke hid himself

Beautiful, sweet and cutie
Joachim has since returning seen the twins, and the uncle is more thrilled with his new nephew and niece than grandfather.

- Yes, we've seen the twins, they are so beautiful. Beautiful, sweet and cutie, he told "

Thanks Benedikte for also tranlating news about the DRF :flowers: It gives a different view from the great translations Muhler :flowers: makes. I don't have the time to translate and I am not as skilled as the two of you, so I am greatfull for the two of you making the job done. As a dane I don't need the translations. But I do think posters from other countryes now have the opportunity to get a more differantiated view.
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Thanks Benedikte for also tranlating news about the DRF :flowers: It gives a different view from the great translations Muhler :flowers: makes. I don't have the time to translate and I am not as skilled as the two of you, so I am greatfull for the two of you making the job done. As a dane I don't need the translations. But I do think posters from other countryes now have the opportunity to get a more differantiated view.

Thanks. :flowers: You are welcome.:lol:

But it would be great if more of the danes could find the time to translate:lol:
Thanks Benedikte for also tranlating news about the DRF :flowers: It gives a different view from the great translations Muhler :flowers: makes.

Where is the difference? Why does Benedikte convey a different view from Muhler? Does that mean only one of them is really to believe? And which one?

I'm a bit confused....:flowers:
I would like to know the difference betwen there writing too.
Why there are differente view's?
The difference is that Muhler besides from translating also make his own subjective and very often amusing comments in connection to parts of his translations. He gives a personal tuch to his translations and thereby also transfere his own views into the post with the translation. He alwayes does that by using "*" and in that way making it is easily recognisable.

Benedikte's translations are compleatly objective. She does not write anything but what is written in the article.

IMO there is nothing wrong in any of the two wayes of translating. As for whom is to belived the most - Benedikte or Muhler? IMO oppinion this question has got nothing to do with either Benedikte or Muhler. They are not responsible for what is written in the articles they translate.
The difference is that Muhler besides from translating also make his own subjective and very often amusing comments in connection to parts of his translations. He gives a personal tuch to his translations and thereby also transfere his own views into the post with the translation. He alwayes does that by using "*" and in that way making it is easily recognisable.

Benedikte's translations are compleatly objective. She does not write anything but what is written in the article.

IMO there is nothing wrong in any of the two wayes of translating. As for whom is to belived the most - Benedikte or Muhler? IMO oppinion this question has got nothing to do with either Benedikte or Muhler. They are not responsible for what is written in the articles they translate.

Okay, I see. I personally like Muhler's comments very much but then I have such a soft, soft spot for Joachim the gentleman, la belle Marie and Bette Henrik....
The difference is that Muhler besides from translating also make his own subjective and very often amusing comments in connection to parts of his translations. He gives a personal tuch to his translations and thereby also transfere his own views into the post with the translation. He alwayes does that by using "*" and in that way making it is easily recognisable.

Benedikte's translations are compleatly objective. She does not write anything but what is written in the article.

IMO there is nothing wrong in any of the two wayes of translating. As for whom is to belived the most - Benedikte or Muhler? IMO oppinion this question has got nothing to do with either Benedikte or Muhler. They are not responsible for what is written in the articles they translate.
Benedilte is somewhat cynical towards Joachim and Marie when she is able
But not when translating the articles :)

And we really have to be thankful to her for her efforts - both on taking the time to translate and to be neutral when she doesn't really have a liking for those she translates the article about. Thank you very much, Benedikte!!! :flowers::flowers:
I hope that he's made a good recovery. Speaking from my own experience I've never enjoyed those necessary trips to the emergency room with my children.

Thank you, Marika :flowers:

Yeah, no wonder if a first-time mother like Marie, freaked out a bit.

Can any Americans on this forum, tell us about the Children Baptist Hospital in Miami?

The other Danish medias are quoting Se & Hør, and that's the only source so far for this story. Perhaps there will be confirmations from elsewhere at some point.
Because I flatly refuse to buy Se & Hør.
Thank you, Marika :flowers:

Yeah, no wonder if a first-time mother like Marie, freaked out a bit.

Can any Americans on this forum, tell us about the Children Baptist Hospital in Miami?

The other Danish medias are quoting Se & Hør, and that's the only source so far for this story. Perhaps there will be confirmations from elsewhere at some point.
Because I flatly refuse to buy Se & Hør.

What Se & Hør means?
What Se & Hør means?

Oh, that's just the title of the magazine.
Se & Hør simply means See & Hear.

The magazines is pretty old and until less than ten years ago, it was the best and most entertaining gossip magazine in DK.
It was so, because it treated and cooperated with those they wrote about. As such the magazine got a lot of interviews and exclusives and a lot of juicy gossip. - Sometimes they chose not to write about it, i.e. showing respect for their victims, who in return paid back the favour in another way.
That worked fine for many years, because at any given time there is only a limited number of celebs in DK worth writing about. Of those a even smaller number will be around for many years. These celebs are also those who will sell, in the long run.
Then there are the new celebs and the "reality-show" celebs, who will do anything to get some press, but they rarely last.
Okay, less than ten years ago it was decided to give the magazine more of an edge, go closer, expose more, be less critical about what to write and not least how to write the stories.
that appeals to a breed of readers who are less interested in substance and more interested in juicy intimate (some would say nasty as well) details.
The "reality-celebs" are willing to accept that but those celebs who have been round for years will not! So Se & Hør lost the exclusives, lost the interviews, was boycotted and is being sued constantly.
Denmark is simply too small a country and the number of celebs are after all so few that you cannot afford to, pardon me, them off.
Result: Se & Hør is losing readers. Because those readers who want substance are often also those who buy the magazine week after week. While those who are just interested in juicy gossip and the more shallow articles can go on the Net, - for free.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #04, 2011.
Prins Henrik elsker kartofler - Prince Henrik loves potatoes.
Written by Henrik Salling.

The annual meeting in the Danish Potato Council took place for the 13th time at Egeskov Castle. As you know bette Henrik and Princess Marie accompanied Joachim to the meeting, but they did not take part in the meeting themselves. Instead bette Henrik played with, Iselin, the 18 months old daughter of the owners of Egeborg Castle.

Bette Henrik is doing fine in the kindergarten, says Joachim: "I think he is like all other children of that age. Preferably there should be some stimulation from others of similar age. We adults are not enough, even though we try the best we can".

Schackenborg Manor produces 800 tonnes of potatoes a year, so this meeting was actually interesting for Joachim, who added: "We eat many potatoes at home and my youngest son also eat them with delight".

The conference hotel near Schackenborg, which our Marie was supposed to be in charge of has postponed the opening date with one month. To the 1. March. The refurbishing simply hasn't been completed yet.
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