Frederik, Mary and Family on Summer Holidays: 2005-2008, 2012-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
thanks Muhler. It nice to read that Billedbladet respected Mary's wishes although they must be upset that another magazine got the exclusive.
:previous: You are welcome.

It is, but then I've seen before that such a curtesy is paid back later.

I imagine. and i look forward to the BB exclusive pics or story later ;)
Vincent and Josephine look so grown up now! They're really cute.

Ziggy seems to be settling gracefully into middle age. :)
Yes Ziggy looks to me a bit old...her hair is not so shinny has it use to be...
Vincent and Josephine look so grown up now! They're really cute.

Ziggy seems to be settling gracefully into middle age. :)

yes, ziggy must be about 10 years soon. How many years do a normal dog lives? i cant imaging a frederik&mary family without ziggy but she looks still very fresh and young (and got a lot of running tours with mary or frederik) ;)
A Google map of Tisvilde, where they are on vacation. It's a wooded area with lots of summer cottages:

They have been observed going to the local baker to get fresh bread for the breakfast. (That's one of the great things about a holiday! It's Sunday every day and you stroll to the local baker in the morning to get some freshly baked bread
- aaand in the afternoon you stroll to the same baker to get some pastry for the evening coffee. :D )
So that's what real Danish pastry looks like, pretty close to what we call Danish here.
Thanks for the map, it looks close to Fredensborg castle, isn't that where they used to live?
So that's what real Danish pastry looks like, pretty close to what we call Danish here.
Thanks for the map, it looks close to Fredensborg castle, isn't that where they used to live?

Yes, only about an hours drive or so from Amalienborg and some twenty minuttes or so from Fredensborg.

Well, since we have no pics of Mary going to the bakers, lets have a cultural introduction to that most essential thing in DK: bread and pastries. - Which, oddly enough, seems to be one of the first things foreigners coming to DK learn to master...

Getting up in the morning Mary jumps on the bike and go to the bakers. Here she orders 20 mixed "rundstykker = round pieces" and 10 mixed "morgensnegle = morning snails". (There are countless versions of them and one snail equals 25 % of an adult mans daily intake of calories).
Once back in the summer cottage, Mary will munch through two "rundstykker", with cheese or jam or just plain butter, before going to the dessert, a "snegl".

In the afternoon some visitors drop by and Mary pops down to the bakers, to get something for the guests. She orders "Wienerbrød = Danish". And while there she'll have some "småkager = cookies" as well:

When the guests are gone it's about time for dinner, but it's hot and we are on holiday and..., so Mary is on her bike again, this time ordering two "franskbrød = white bread" still warm from the oven.
Back home she'll have some four loafs or so with "leverpostej = liver pate with slices of bacon or alternatively creamy cheese, both almost melting on the bread.

Having eaten this light meal... Mary agrees with others that they want something light for the evening coffee, while having a cosy time. So she embarks on another pilgrimage to the bakers where she orders "flødekager = cream cakes".ødekager.JPG With strawberries, because it is after all summer and strawberries don't fatten.

- By the end of this week Mary will have gained seven kilos, but enjoyed it. :)
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Ah now we know why she is running all the time. ; ) For some reason now I am hungry for pastries for some reason. Thanks for giving us this lession I always enjoy your posts Muhler.
yes, ziggy must be about 10 years soon. How many years do a normal dog lives? i cant imaging a frederik&mary family without ziggy but she looks still very fresh and young (and got a lot of running tours with mary or frederik) ;)

My border collie lived till he was 17 years so I imagine Ziggy has a few good years left in him yet. :)
i love your posts muhler :) this one makes me smile alot. i wonder where mary&frederik and children are in these days? maybe still in tisvilde it is still a fantastic weather here in denmark! :) they cant been far away from denmark if they are going to celebrate haakon and mettemarit in norway tomorrow.

and muhler, i saw that billedebladet last week had a big coverage of their holiday in tisvilde, did they wrote something that we haven't already read in the online articles? thanks :)
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Yummy!! So just to confirm then: if I keep up cycling and cross-training everyday I can eat ALL those amazing Danish Pastries?! I think I'd commute to Denmark every morning if I could just to go to the bakers!
Great picks and so lovely to see the family all together and enjoying the fine weather!
Yummy!! So just to confirm then: if I keep up cycling and cross-training everyday I can eat ALL those amazing Danish Pastries?! I think I'd commute to Denmark every morning if I could just to go to the bakers!
Great picks and so lovely to see the family all together and enjoying the fine weather!

My pleasure all of you. :)

To answer your question: :p
If you are an adult inactive man, you can have one snegl, one piece of wienerbrød and one flødekage a day - and that's it!:ermm:
If you are very physically active, you can throw in three rundstykker, with jam.

- I know, because I'm still on a diet. The weight watchers. It works incidentally. About 25 kilos since last July. Slowly but surely, after some ajustments to suit me. Now there's 15 kilos to go.
There are even AC meetings in the cities. - Anonymous Chubbies - "Hi, I'm Muhler. I'm a calorie addict too". :)
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My pleasure all of you. :)

To answer your question: :p
If you are an adult inactive man, you can have one snegl, one piece of wienerbrød and one flødekage a day - and that's it!:ermm:
If you are very physically active, you can throw in three rundstykker, with jam.

- I know, because I'm still on a diet. The weight watchers. It works incidentally. About 25 kilos since last July. Slowly but surely, after some ajustments to suit me. Now there's 15 kilos to go.
There are even AC meetings in the cities. - Anonymous Chubbies - "Hi, I'm Muhler. I'm a calorie addict too". :)
Slow is the best way to do it! I've lost about 45 kilos, took about 2 years. And weight watchers is great! They teach you how to eat for a lifetime, not just for a short while! Keep going, you can do it!! So proud of you Muhler!!!
Of course, with all those lovely pastries in Denmark I'd probably gain all of it back in a matter of days! HA! I love good pastries and bread.
for me this is the best place to have your coffe with lagacage! love that, but when i came back from denmark I had 4 kilos over!!!!!
i love lagecage and vinebrod! citronfromage.......(i grow up with citrofromage, farmor, my grandma, use to prepeare llthe time from scratch, wow that was exquisite!)
I admire Mary she lives there and propbbly control herself to all the delicatessen!
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ziggy is adorable! is their a story about they came to have him?
Pictures of Prince Christian on a bike ride on July 10 during their stay in Tisvilde, with a family friend of F&M and his daughter perhaps? (it doesn't look like frederik)

Thanks for the pictures, polyesco :flowers:

Yes it is Jeppe Handwerk (one of Frederik's best, if not the best, friend) and Jeppe's daughter India :)
i have a little question? while i think it is fantastic that our future little king can go cycling with his fathers friend and daughtr without any problems, i do wonder a little about how to do with the security around little christian?
i have a little question? while i think it is fantastic that our future little king can go cycling with his fathers friend and daughtr without any problems, i do wonder a little about how to do with the security around little christian?

With the exception of occasional horse-beheadings and jetset-ragings, Tisvilde is one of the nicest, safest and most peaceful cities in Denmark. We have a very tight-knit community up here and if anyone has tipped off the press about where MF and kids are living/going when they are here, I will dare and say that it's tourists and not the "natives" :cool: That being said, it's totally not unlikely that PET is following Christian from a distance.
Yes, F&M and children have spent their first week of summer vacation in a cottage in Tisvilde with friends (exactly as they do every year.) The magazine was there on a day where Mary went to the beach with Bella, Vincent and Josephine along with Julie Møelsgaard (a very close friend of F&M) Julie is the part of the circle of friends there each summer spend a week in the cottage in Tisvilde. The magazine noted that meanwhile the women took to the beach with the children Frederik went to the local bakery after morning bread and two newspapers. (I do not like paparazzi pictures, but have decided to scan some of them as pictures from their week in Tisvilde end up online each year anyway AND because F&M usually, and thankfully, have the rest of their summer vacation in peace for the press)

Josephine in that striped swimsuit :wub:

Note: This is the morning bread Frederik bought with him home from the bakery. A very typical Danish breakfast which one eats every morning during the summer holiday while you reading the morning newspaper. It's not healthy breakfast, actually not healthy at all. But it tastes good :cool:
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How nice is that. Its nice that they spend some of their vacation every year in Denmark with their friends. and that the press doesnt bug them too much
Love the first picture of Josephine and Julie. :lol:

and I love the danish breakfast ;)
and just like Muhler told us, the men are sent to the local bakery each morning;)
Yes, F&M and children have spent their first week of summer vacation in a cottage in Tisvilde with friends (exactly as they do every year.) The magazine was there on a day where Mary went to the beach with Bella, Vincent and Josephine along with Julie Møelsgaard (a very close friend of F&M) Julie is the part of the circle of friends there each summer spend a week in the cottage in Tisvilde. The magazine noted that meanwhile the women took to the beach with the children Frederik went to the local bakery after morning bread and two newspapers. (I do not like paparazzi pictures, but have decided to scan them as the pictures from their week in Tisvilde each year end up online anyway AND because F&M usually, and thankfully, have the rest of their summer vacation in peace for the press)

Josephine in that striped swimsuit :wub:

Note: This is the morning bread Frederik bought with him home from the bakery. A very typical Danish breakfast which one eats every morning during the summer holiday while you reading the morning newspaper. It's not healthy breakfast, actually not healthy at all. But it tastes good :cool:

:previous: How cute are Vincent and Josephine and I love photographer Mary:) And I agree it's good they get some peace on their summer holiday:flowers:

Seeing those pics of the Breakfast makes me wan't to run to the bakery and get some "boller" (Rúnstykki), we have the same tradition here, exept I think a bit more pastries:lol:
look at vincent, josephine and mary in matching blue/white striped svimsuit/shorts :)

cute photos...tisvilde is a lovely place to spend the summer holiday and the weather is fantastic..sun and 28-30 degrees..
Lovly to seethis family spending some time at the beach with their friends. The little ones in their striped outfits are so cute!
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