Billed Bladet is pretty quiet this week in regards to DRF stuff.
However some of the tidbits mentioned is that Mary eight now is busy with the family moving into Amalienborg and that Mary appear to be in charge of the moving and establishing the new home. - That is hardly something that would surprise married men!
But it's now close to be complete. The magazine more than hints that practically everything will be in place when Frederik returns from Dubai in less than a week from now.
The court confirms that Mary has no official engagements for the rest of December.
BIlled Bladet also informs us that Mary, Frederik and their children this weekend, Sunday afternoon in fact, went to the DR1 Koncerthall to attend a Christmas show with Sigurd Barrett, who is very well known among small children in DK.
THe CP familiy did not use the royal lounce but say on the front row. However, 90 minuttes is a long time for small children and Mary left with Isabella at some point. While Christian, who stayed back with Frederik, began to sit a little impatients.
Frederik will leave for Dubai Sunday and return Tuesday. Here he will attend a diabetes conference hosted by MENA, the Middle East & North Africa.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #49, 2010.
Jeg bøjer mig i støvet for jer - I bow down in the dust to you.
Written by Anna Johannesen.
As you know Frederik was recently in Afghanistan to visit the Danish Combat Group (battallion) who is serving there.
Here he gave a speech and said among other things: "I bow down in the dust to the job you do down here. You are clearly the best special forces (*) which Denmark has and you have been out there, where it hurts. I'm proud of the professionalism and calm with which you carry out your job".
After the speech all the soldiers lined of for a handshake from Frederik and for a photo with him.
It all started with the party being flown in to the HQ at Camp Price. The Party consisted of Frederik, Foreign Minister and head of one of the government parties, Lene Espersen, Minister of Defence, Gitte Lillelund Bech and representative of the Defence Staff, colonel Lars Møller. (**)
After having been recieved they all dined at the mess tent, Cook House and then proceeded to the camp KFUM (YMCA), where speeches were held followed by informal chatting.
The next day the three serving Leopard tanks were inspected. (***) Then a recce platoon returned to the base and Frederik had a long chat with them. (****)
They also visited the trauma centre on the base and inspected some heavy weapons and Frederik had a closer look at a sniper rifle.
The visit ended with the party saying hello to B company the Royal Lifeguards (*****), who recently suffered a fatality.
(*) This is one Frederik's sometimes flowery expressions. There are no special forces currently serving (at least not officially) in Afghanistan. Except for some members of the FET agents who provided protection and the odd specialist.
(**) He is an officer I personally hold in very high regard. Albeit from way back in ex-Jugoslavia.
(***) From the Jutland Dragoon Regiment. At any given time a squaron of tanks is serving in Afghanistan, consiting of three operational tanks, one reserve and some support vehicles.
They however primarily support Afghan, British and US forces, as the Upper Geresh Valley where the Danish forces are serving is not ideal tank country. - Since USA is now also deploying main battle tanks in Afganistan, members of this regiment has been send to USA to tell about their experiences. Which is only natural, especially as I believe Canada has withdrawn their tanks.
Before leaving Afghanistan the party met the commander of the NATO forces there, major general Mills.
(****) From the Guards Hussars. Frederik served as a young lieutenant commanding a recce platoon in that regiment.
(*****) The three regiments I've listed are the only combat regiments left in the Danish army, since the reorganisation. They are all permanently represented in Afghanistan, with units rotating in and out.
(As I'm not sure wheter the moderators wish to keep this a seperate topic I decided not to merge this with the previous post).
ADDED: Another article from the Defence site:
This time Frederik visited the OMLT, team IV. - That's a sort of mentor arrangement, between Afghan and coalition officers. In this case officers and NCOs from the Danish air force.