Sheikh Nasser of Bahrain & Sheikha Sheikha bint Mohd Al Maktoum - Sep28 & Oct 2,2009

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Jul 18, 2004
Sheikh Nasser of Bahrain & Sheikha Sheikha bint Mohd Al Maktoum - Sep28 & Oct 2,2009

Sheikh Nasser bin Hamed Al Khalifa & Sheikh Sheikha bin Mohd bin Rashed Al Maktoum, October 2, 2009
wow ,I did not know that they marry outside the family
The invitation
*Pictures taken by me from the invitation I received today


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wooow the invitation is nice
Wow! You must be really lucky to attend this wedding Dazzling!
The invites are beautiful. Its funny because my cousins wedding invitation was not exactly but semi close to that. It had Bismillah popping out and its was lavendar as was her wedding though
btw congratulations to both of them i hope they will have a wonderfull day at the second of october.. Enjoy the wedding Dazzling
Oct 2nd is the actual wedding for both of them?? i think one gets married 1st then another...??? (confused)
congrat's to both of them. They deserve each other.

It's going to be a big wedding, lucky Dazzling.
Congratulations to the couple!
I assume that the wedding is going to be a very private family affair and no photos will be released.
By the way, the invitation looks intricate.
Oct 2nd is the actual wedding for both of them?? i think one gets married 1st then another...??? (confused)

True, a really small party where only close family of the groom and the bride attened, usually takes place on the mens lunch later that day as a dinner.

Pictures of the weddings wont be released by any of the public or guests since cameras and mobile phones with cameras arent allowed at weddings (they are taken away as you enter, on the card they leave a small note as well and most weddings in the UAE unless they allow it). We might get a few picture on the interior of the wedding or ballroom.
Will a professional photographer be invited to take photos for a wedding album of some kind?
So the 2nd of October is the actual wedding day? I had heard that it would be the engagement day.. weird.

Wow Dazzling, I hope you enjoy the wedding, but if you don't mind me asking.. do you know the family? How come you are invited? Your so lucky! :)
Dazzling, you are very lucky! Do you know the bride and groom?

That invitation is one of the most beautiful wedding invitations I have ever seen. Is the first photo a carrier bag for the invitation?
Will a professional photographer be invited to take photos for a wedding album of some kind?

Yes, usually there are private photographers and people who take videos as well, they do not take any pictures of the guests unless the guests do ask but then unless they are very close friends they wont get the picture. Pictures stay very private unless either one wants to publish.

Dazzling, you are very lucky! Do you know the bride and groom?

That invitation is one of the most beautiful wedding invitations I have ever seen. Is the first photo a carrier bag for the invitation?

First photo is the bag carrier, its quite simple but very artistic.

I know the bride's family, I also know some relatives of the groom. I might not say much simply because I do respect their private lives.

So the 2nd of October is the actual wedding day? I had heard that it would be the engagement day.. weird.

The actual wedding day is I think September 28 (thats when the groom signs the wedding book) and when the small private wedding takes place.
October 2 is the wedding where all family and friends are invited to. I think you can call that the actual wedding.
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I wish them a happy life. Does anybody know, how long they have been engaged?
I wish them a happy life. Does anybody know, how long they have been engaged?

About 2 or so years, they were both quite young when they engaged.
There was no engagement ceremony, just talk between the two families.
I know the bride's family, I also know some relatives of the groom. I might not say much simply because I do respect their private lives.

Wow dazzling that is so cool that you know the brides side... Is that why you know so much or is it because you do your research?

Its funny, because when we were in Abu Dhabi, we were pretty tight with the Abu Dhabi ruling family, not gonna say if we still are or not. I am not going to say much more because just like you I respect their private lives as well. I thought that was pretty cool so I had to share it with you lol. :)

Thanks for putting the cards pics up and giving us the info
Wow dazzling that is so cool that you know the brides side... Is that why you know so much or is it because you do your research?

Its funny, because when we were in Abu Dhabi, we were pretty tight with the Abu Dhabi ruling family, not gonna say if we still are or not. I am not going to say much more because just like you I respect their private lives as well. I thought that was pretty cool so I had to share it with you lol. :)

Thanks for putting the cards pics up and giving us the info

If you research about them you'll not find much at all especially about the ladies and daughters (this goes for most royal families in the Gulf), if you dont know the right people you wont get the right information.
Ive known them for years, know people who know them.

Hope I can share future inviation's here. Once I get the men's invitation, ill sure share it with all :flowers:
Thank you for posting the invitation dazzling.

Personally I don't like the design, it's quite ostentatious and tacky imho.

Thanks for posting Salma :flowers:
I was abit suprised when I sew the invitation, usually for the mens its just a bag with a nice size envelope abit bigger than A4 with an invitation in it. The envelope and card are usually from very high quality paper.
This time it was a box, such ideas are left for the brides invitations :)
Well, its a nice change
sheikha sheikha she is young first 17 years old.any pictures of sheikha sheikha?2 october is weeding?
It's almost 1 here in Dubai! It's Sheikha Sheikha and Sheikh Nassers Nikkah day!!! I can't wait for Fridays celebration...
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