Queen Juliana of the Netherlands Jewels

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Nov 8, 2002
lets see what photos we can find of her in tiara necklaceses


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please tell us more about queen Juliana jewllery


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Two Tiaras

Two Tiaras... one sapphire, and one emerald.
pics from Corbis


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Queen Beatrix looks so much her mother, Queen Juliana!
Marianne was so kind to post this image at the GREMB, and I will post it here, the grandest parure in the posession of the house of Orange-Nassau. The present Queen never wore the tiara. The big diamond on top is called the Stuart diamond or Holland diamond and was a gift of Stadholder Willem III (King Willem III of GB) to his wife, Queen Mary II .
Since it's not worn nowadays it's hard to find a good picture of the Stuart, or Holland, diamond tiara. Here's a small pic, courtesy Corbis. The Stuart diamond is huge.

Queen Juliana: Stuart (or Holland) Diamond Tiara

The diamond is huge! What a pity Beatrix never wore it (she gets headaches fromthe weight of tiara's), I hope they still own it.

Here another picture of Juliana witht he same tiara, the necklace is also part of the parure. The enormous bracelet was a gift of the Dutch Indies to Juliana upon her wedding. The bow-brooch might be suitable for Mabel ;)

The image originally come from www.hetgeheugenvannederland.nl

Here a picture of Juliana with Queen Emma's sapphire parure & the bracelet of the Dutch Indies (from the same site):


I believe Juliana wore the necklace as a tiara once. Beatrix never wore the necklace, and the brooch only once or twice. Note that after her wedding to Bernhard Juliana starts wearing earrings. Before that she usually didn't as he mother, Queen Wilhelmina considered it 'to Hollywood'.
Two pics from Corbis.

Queen Emma's Grand Parure (diamonds & sapphires)

UK Coronation Ball 1937; small colour pic showing tiara & necklace

Thanks Warren, the tiara reminds me a bit of a gothic catherdral actually. The bracelets Juliana is wearing on your first picture were a part of the Amsterdam-parure, a gift from the city of Amsterdam to Wilhelmina (the tiara and necklace were broken up and used to make earrings and brooches for her 4 granddaughters). The pendant Juliana is wearing on the 2nd picture is usually used as a brooch by the present Queen.
Now more 'Stuart glitter' when the Windsor claimant came on a statevisit in 1959:




And here Juliana is wearing the rose-cut diamond bandeau (whih dates back to the times of the stadholders as well) and a necklace which was a gift of King Willem III, to his daughter, Queen Wilhelmina. Maxima wore this necklace as a tiara twice. Beatrix wore this necklace only once or twice during her reign. I remember seeing it during her british statevisit, accompanied by the Wurttemburg pearl diademe. Pay attention to the shower of Diamond stars (which continued on her back) and the enormous brooch, which was a weddinggift to Queen Emma. The bracelet of the Dutch Indies is showing as well.


Now, the belgian king could also count on some dressing up, the same jewels as on the above picture. Irene is wearring parts of her Peacock-Ruby parure and Beatrix wears the Aquamarine parure, which was a gift to Juliana by her parents, Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Hendrik (born Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin) for her 18th birthday.



I am hoping Maxima can take the dust of many of these jewels again, as the present Queen seems to live under the impression that 'less is more'.

(pictures from www.hetgeheugenvannederland.nl)
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Another pic of the elusive Stuart Diamond Tiara (New Crown Parure) in an effort to show the tiara's massive size. Cropped from a larger photo, courtesy Corbis.

Queen Juliana 1948: Stuart Diamond Tiara

Here the Stuart tiara in its old form, as the Old Crownparure, worn by Queen Emma (nee Princess of Waldeck-Pyrmont):

copyright on the 1st picture has expired, 2nd one: Corbis


Here her granddaughter in another picture, wearing the new version:

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Here a good view on the Melliero Ruby parure, originally made for Queen Emma (and the original plan was to use spaahire's instead of Rubies). Laurentien recently wore the necklace, Maxima has worn the smaller brooch once. The present Queen never used the necklace or the devant corsage (big brooch in front).

Pic: from Corbis

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Juliana wearring the ears of wheat tiara (only 6 of the 10 ears) and a nice necklace, originally made for Queen Wilhelmina. This necklace was worn as circlet on the head once, at an engagement in the US, attended by Eleonor Roosevelt (not a succes IMO). Maxima wore the necklace at the wedding of Martha-Louise in Trondheim, but the sapphire's were replaced by diamonds. Queen Beatrix never wore the necklace.

Now, what do you think Dame Edna would be more jealous of, the jewels or the glasses?

Pic from Corbis

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Now, a couple of pictures of Juliana's daughter Irene. She didn't wear that many jewels, so an entire thread for her would be a waste. On the first picture she is wearring a tiara from the Bourbon-Parma family (which was stolen) and the necklace & pendant were a loan from her mother.

Both pictures from corbis


On this picture she is wearring the Peackock Ruby parure, which was a gift from Queen Wilhelmina, before they put the jewels in a foundation. I fear the worst for this parure, as it hasn't been seen since the 70-ties and even Irene's daughter didn't wear it during her wedding. The necklace was worn by Juliana during her enthornement.

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In a couple of posts I referred to the broken up Amsterdam parure, here two pictures of a young & beautiful Queen Wilhelmina wearing it. The set was a gift of the city of Amsterdam to the Queen (I believe for her enthronement, she got the golden state carriage from the city for her wedding -or the other way around). The design isn't a winner, but a poster on the Benelux royals MB recently showed that if you leave the top part of, the tiara would have been very nice indeed. Juliana never wore this, though she and Beatrix frequently wore the bracelets (see post 10 by Warren). With the stones they made a number of earrings and brooches for the 4 granddaughters of Wilhelmina.



copyright has expired on these two pictures.
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A pic from GettyImages of a glittering Juliana.

Queen Juliana: Mellerio Ruby Parure

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Wow! WOW!!:) Marengo & Warren - what a treat you both have given us today with all these pictures & background info on Juliana's (& Irene's) jewels! I think you two could write a book on the subject! Thank you!

Ps. Marengo - I love your comment about Juliana's Dame Edna glasses - you gave me the best laugh of the day!
Marengo said:
The diamond is huge! What a pity Beatrix never wore it (she gets headaches fromthe weight of tiara's), I hope they still own it.

Beatrix has never worn the Stuart (or Holland) diamond tiara?? It is a shame since it is such a grand piece.

I know it's not fun having a headache, but you would think it would be a small price to pay on her part, if it brought pleasure to so many people to see her wear it once or twice.;) Maybe there's another reason why she has never worn it.
The tiara hasn't been seen since the early 70-ties when Juliana wore it for the last time (I believe on her state visit to the UK, though I am not sure).

Some posters on the message boards suggested that Beatrix never wore it while her mother was alive, to honour her mother as head of the family, but I doubt that.

Beatrix has a lot of migraine attacks, according to her son in an interview they gave in the 80-ties (the bigger the headache, the bigger the smile he commented), so I assume these diamonds are to heavy. Given her distaste for necklaces (and heavy jewelry in general), making it a necklace wan't an option either. Like with the other jewels which are collecting dust in the vaults, gfor this set we have to put our hopes on Maxima as well (though she can never wear it while Beatrix is still reigning), and assume the piece isn't sold.

From Ursula's magnificent site (and Corbis):

In post 16 I am talking about a necklace Juliana once put on her head when she visited eleonor roosevelt, here it is:


She wore it at the belgian state visit as well, but as a necklace:


both pictures from Corbis

Queen Juliana wearing the Mellerio Ruby Parure tiara. The strings of the tiara cause optimal movement to the diamonds so that it does glitz in the extreme.

Queen Juliana loved this tiara and wore it often, she wore also the necklace together with the stomacher as a small parure without tiara

Source Royal-Magazin.
Here a link to Ursula's site with a magnificent colour picture of Juliana wearing the crown-parure with the bracelet of the dutch indies. She changed the tiara of the crownparure for the diamond bandeau.


Check out the site btw, it is magnificent!
Juliana's jewelry just looked incredible!
The huge parures looked so good on her! Actually I cannot imagine Maxima wearing them once... :rolleyes:
It's a shame that Beatrix cannot wear those stunning pieces (her headache problem);)..
I think Maxima will wear the diamonds, in a more fashionable way
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Well, good people, I stand by my earlier unkind comments about the jewels of the House of Orange Nassau. Some of them are of course magnificent and others should be taken apart and start over. I for one have always been enormously fond of the Stuart parure which is massive, magnificent and wonderful. Queen Mary would have loved it. I think it regrettable that it is not now worn but others are sheer horrors. That Queen Emma sapphire thingamajig is just simply horrible. Then there is the emerald thing with that rock sticking out of the top. and the poor seven story toy of Queen Wilhelmina. It is amazing. Put Queen Elizabeth and her elegance up against most of the jewels and they just fade away. Which is such a pity as many of the gems themselves are magnificent. I hate to be the party poorper and rain on everybody's parade. But I guess the heat has gone to the feeble remnants of my brain and stewed them. Cheers.
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