Princess Mabel Picture Thread

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Heir Apparent
Jan 14, 2003
In celebration of the official announcement of the engagement/seeking permission of the government, here are a few pictures of the next/new Dutch princess-to-be.

(The following info about Mabel is from the Benelux Royals message board.)

There are both 34 year old. Mabel, grown up in Gooi. She studied economic and politics sciences (Cum laude). At 17.00 there is a short press conference in The Hague.

And here are a few pictures of her. I know these pictures came from a well-photographed Dutch event recently, but I cannot remember when. I just know they're on my computer. :p


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I found this one

October 15, 2002 Delft, Netherlands --- Mabel Wisse Smit, Prince Johan Friso's supposed girlfriend. Johan is Queen Beatrix and Prince Klaus second son. Mabel is the director of the Open Society Institute of Brussels which is one of George Soros institutes ; she witnessed the wedding of Prince Constantin and Princess Laurentien, she was also at the wedding of Prince Willem-Alexander (crown Prince) and Princess Maxima. She also accompanied the family into the Royal tomb with one of the late Prince Klaus sisters.
Attending Willem and Maxima's pre-wedding ball escorted by Willem's cousins.

At Eloise's baptism.

At Claus' funeral with Maurits and Marilene.

And "caught" by the cameras.


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Do you think there will be a wedding?
because of all the trouble now
Posted: Oct 4th, 2003 - 4:37 am

Do you think there will be a wedding?
because of all the trouble now

If your question refers to the "Mafia" connection .... my contribution might be "oops .- so much for one engagement".

In the German web newspaper, Die Welt

It says the following (and the translation goes about as indicated):

"Ist Reserve-Königin Mabel eine ehemalige Mafia-Braut?
Hollands Geheimdienst untersucht Vergangenheit der künftigen Prinzessin - Kronprinz Johan Frisco kann Thronfolgerecht verlieren

von Helmut Hetzel

Is the "reserve Queen Mable" a one-time Mafia bride?
Hollands secret service researches the past of the future princess - (Crown?) Prince Johan Frisco could lose hereditary privileges.

Den Haag - In den niederländischen Medien wird sie bereits als "Gangsterbraut", "Mafia-Liebchen" und "blonde Femme fatale", aber auch als "Reservekönigin" bezeichnet. Die Rede ist von Mabel Wisse Smit, der Verlobten von Prinz Johan Friso der Niederlande. Denn die 35-jährige Blondine hat inzwischen zugegeben, dass sie "zwei bis drei Mal" auf dem Schiff von Mafiaboss Klaas Bruinsma übernachtet und gegessen hat. ,,Mit anderen", wie sie hinzufügte. Mabel, die bis vor wenigen Tagen behauptete, den einstigen ,,Godfather von Amsterdam" nur flüchtig gekannt zu haben, enthüllte damit weitere Einzelheiten über ihre amouröse Beziehung zu dem brutalen Drogenboss, nachdem dessen einstiger Leibwächter Charlie da Silva im niederländischen Fernsehen erklärte, dass der Gangsterboss Klaas Bruinsma und Mabel eine Liebesbeziehung hatten. Und zwar von Ende 1989 bis zum 27. Juni 1991, dem Tag, als Bruinsma vor dem Amsterdamer "Hilton"-Hotel liquidiert wurde. Mabel aber bestreitet nach wie vor diese Liebesbeziehung.

The Dutch media not only calls her already the "Gangster bride", "Mafia Miss" and "blond Femme Fatale", but also the "Reserve Queen". The talk is about Mabel, the fiancee of Prince Johan Friso. She has already admitted that she stayed "two to three times" overnight on and dined aboard the yacht of the Mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma. "With others", as she added. Mabel admitted up to a few days ago that she only knew the one-time "Godfather of Amsterdam" in passing, and thereby new information surfaced about her relationship with the brutal drug boss, which began after the one-time bodyguard to Klaas B (Charlie de Silva) explained on Dutch TV that the two had an affair at one time from the end of 1989 to June 27, 1991 which was the date on which Klaas B was killed in front of the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel. Mabel denies now like before that there was an affair.

Die Affäre um Mabel Wisse Smit überschattete auch den gestrigen ersten Todestag von Prinz Claus, der am 6. Oktober vergangenen Jahres starb. Sie zieht immer weitere Kreise. Denn überall in Holland wird jetzt folgende Frage gestellt: Hat Mabel ihren künftigen Mann, Königin Beatrix und Premierminister Balkenende belogen?

The affair of Mabel overshadowed yesterday's memorial of Prince Claus hwo died a year ago on October 6. She draws ever more public attention. Now everywhere in Holland the question is asked if she lied to her future husband, Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Balkende?

Denn in einem Kommuniqué des Königshauses war bis vor wenigen Tagen immer nur die Rede von einer "flüchtigen" Beziehung zwischen Mabel und Klaas Bruinsma. Das glaubt inzwischen in den Niederlanden aber niemand mehr.

Because a press release issued by the Royal Court up to only a few days ago, only made reference to a passing relationship between Mable and Klaas B. But nobody believes that anymore in the Netherlands.

Die Affäre ist zur Chefsache geworden. Ministerpräsident Jan Peter Balkenende erklärte jetzt, dass er den niederländischen Geheimdienst beauftragt hat, die Vergangenheit der Verlobten von Prinz Johan Friso erneut zu untersuchen. Dies sei nötig, so der Regierungschef, weil Prinz Johan Friso das Parlament um Zustimmung für seine Eheschließung mit Mabel Wisse Smit gebeten hat und weil neue Enthüllungen über ihre einstige Beziehung zu dem Amsterdamer Mafiaboss aufgetaucht sind. Mabel und Prinz Johan Friso wollen am 24. April 2004 heiraten. Nur wenn das Parlament die Eheschließung billigt, behält der zweitälteste Sohn von Königin Beatrix das Recht auf die Thronfolge.

This matter has become a matter for the government. The Prime Minister has confirmed that the Dutch secret service has been authorized anew to review the past of the fiancee of Prince Johan Friso. This was required, because Prince Johan Friso had asked Parliament to provide their permission, and because new information had surfaced in regard to her earlier relationship to the Mafia boss of Amsterdam. Mabel and Prince Johan Friso would like to marry on April 24, 2004. If the government authorizes the relationship, then the second oldest son of Queen Beatrix is allowed to maintain the hereditary right of succession.

Auch um dieses Recht auf die Thronfolge geht es jetzt. Auf Grund der neuesten Enthüllungen über die Vergangenheit seiner künftigen Gattin muss Johan Friso nun damit rechnen, dass er das Recht auf die Thronfolge verliert, wenn er Mabel heiratet. Denn Regierungschef Jan Peter Balkenende spielt mit dem Gedanken, die Zustimmungsvorlage zur Eheschließung gar nicht erst ins Parlament zu bringen, falls sich durch die Ermittlungen des Geheimdienstes zweifelsfrei herausstellen sollte, dass Mabel Wisse Smit die Geliebte des Gangsterbosses war.

Artikel erschienen am 7. Okt 2003"

It is pertains now to this matter of right of succession. Due to this new information of the past of his future wife, it could happen that Johan Friso loses his right of hereditary succession if he marries Mabel. The Prime Minister is toying with the idea, not to solicit the approval of Parliament in the event that the secret service does not find anything negative in the matter that Mabel was the lover of the gangster boss.
Forgive my innocence/naivite on this issue, but doesn't the Royal House "investigate" new partners, espescially those in close proximity in the line to the throne - i.e. Beatrix's sons more than Margriet's sons. Maybe they wouldn't investigate every gal Willem, Constantijn and Johan took a second glance at, but someone whom the princes had been dating for a while with potential for things to be serious? I hardly doubt that the royal family's handlers would let the princes marry any woman. And if they did, they would at least want to arm themselves with all the information they coudl dig up on her in order to arm themselves for a PR campaign in her and the family's defence.

And if a German newspaper could dig this stuff up (or hire someone to do it) the investigators for the royal house could not have let this stuff slip by.
The AIVD the (dutch CIA) has made enquiries. Anyway, the story seems bogus. Many people have come forward to say that mr da Silva harms the truth with these stories. Mabel was introduced to mr. Bruinsma by a boyfriend I believe. This boyfriend was on a talkshow yesterday ...or on the telephone that is.....and he gave a short reply cliaming that mabel broke contact with Bruinsma very soon and that he didn t know, like most others, that Bruinsma was a criminal. He also shed some light on the sleeping on the boat of Bruinsm,a.....this was during regatta's etc & he and MANY others were present as well. According to this man Mabel saw less & less of Bruinsma & was less naive than he was. .....If you read the benelux royals MB you will see that another lady claims that she and Mabel were mixed up *& she and not Mabel was the one that Mr. da Silva was talking about. Other ex-bodyguards / friends of the gngster also state that Mr da Silva lied & that Mabel only saw Mr. Bruinsma a few times..related with sailing.
This was posted by Henri M on the benelux royals MB :

The now 36-years old Ottoline Lels has stated that before the Dutch nationwide newspaper 'De Volkskrant'.
Ms Lels, now a psychologist and a senior consultant at an international consultancy-office gives openess about her relationship with Klaas Bruinsma because she felt Mabel was wrongfully blamed. Ms Lels: "Only the truth helps to get all things on the right place again".

During her relationship with Klaas Bruinsma, Ottoline Lels worked for a bureau which organized sailing-events. Later she studied psychology at Leyden University. She is not married and has no children.

Monday mr Jochem Visser, captain of Bruinsma's yacht 'Amsterdamned' already stated that Mabel Wisse Smit had no relationship with Klaas Bruinsma but with a member of the crew aboard. That was about mr Arne Klunder who himself was to be heard in the TV-show 'Barend & van Dorp' declaring that he had a relationship with Mabel at the time.

The captain, then close with Bruinsma, said: "At the time Klaas had a relationship with another lady, also one from high society. Thát was his girlfriend, who stayed with him until his death. Probably Mabel is mixed up with that lady."

Ms Ottoline Lels: "In the period just before his death I was 'the other lady' abouth which the captain is speaking now."

Other comrades from Bruinsma, like Etienne Urka and Geurt Roos already declared that he 'absolutely' had no relationship with Mabel Wisse Smit. At first Charlie da Silva, once a bodyguard of Bruinsma, declared on TV that Mabel had a relationship with Bruinsma.

Mabel Wisse Smit has -as she stated herself- slept on Neeltje Jacoba, Bruinsma's motorship. Sometimes his ship was used as 'hotel' for crews during sailing regattas.
Posted: Oct 6th, 2003 - 7:13 pm

Forgive my innocence/naivite on this issue, but doesn't the Royal House "investigate" new partners, espescially those in close proximity in the line to the throne .... Maybe they wouldn't investigate every gal Willem, Constantijn and Johan took a second glance at, but someone whom the princes had been dating for a while with potential for things to be serious? I hardly doubt that the royal family's handlers would let the princes marry any woman.
It was my impression that "Die Welt" was one of the more credible newspapers in Germany.

Two, in reading the article, I got the impression that Prince Johan Friso was asking Parliament a SECOND time for permission to marry (and it wouldn't surprise me that if it was a less than favouralble response, he could then have good reason to dump the lady .... on the other hand, it could be said, that Prince JF is being pretty open and honest and standing behind his chosen).

Three, there is a point to be said about the quality of work by the secret service ... maybe Prince JF is just giving the government a second chance to confirm the situation.
If the investigation of the AIVD is finished and they say that Mabel had no relationship with Klaas Bruinsma than I think the goverment won't hold a marriage back. And i think that mabel is speaking the truth. There is being said that the bodyguard that told the story about Mabel and Klaas B. has a really big imagination and that it's complete bullsh*t. And besides that, the tv programme that showed it (Peter R. de Vries) doesn't always tell the whole story, Peter R. de Vries is only telling the part of the bodyguard because it gives him a lot of viewers and publicity.Imo Peter R. de Vries is the biggest idiot in our country. I hope it all blows over and that JF and Mabel can get married.
lets celebrate the future countess of nassau-oranje. just saw the interview, not sure whether she says the truth but thats beside the point, they will get married and we will never know her 'dark' dealings in the past anyway. lets move on.

post pictures of the girl and woman, who, no matter how, has achived a lot in her life.

first: go to, go to treefword and type mabel and you will find pictures that show the future wife of prince friso at work, in italy with princess maxima (same hats, similar styles, the two, very similar), with Prince bernhard, with willem's countless other cousins...its obvious she was very mucha family member well before the engagement was announced. Enjoy.
the 'friend' of the royal family, escorted by members of the royal family

at prince claus' funeral, with prince of parma

causing a stirr when entering the cathedral as part of the royal family

wedding of laurentien and constantin

baptism of countess eloise, with princess maxima

around feb 2002, she attends the wedding of maxima and w-a.
find information on wisse smit:

read statement by wisse smit in brussels, 2002

Statement by Soros Foundations Network/Open Society Institute

by Ms. Mabel Wisse Smit

Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I join previous speakers in thanking the European Commission and World Bank for organizing this important meeting which comes at a most critical time.

Over the last decade, the Soros foundations network has been active on the ground in Macedonia. Since 1992, our network has provided more than $50 million to projects in the republic. This year, we will spend $5 million in grants. Most of these resources are allocated to areas linked to the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, including inter-ethnic programs, decentralisation, institution building, conflict resolution, elections and support for the South-East European University.

I would like to say a few words about the crucial role of local stakeholders in the peace and rehabilitation process.

We believe that the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement was just the first step towards peace and reconciliation in Macedonia. To achieve the full implementation of the agreement - including decentralisation and the holding of free and democratic elections - the cooperation of the Macedonian government and parliamentary opposition is necessary. But that alone is not enough. To achieve a lasting peace, another ally is needed. An ally who has taken a stand against war. That ally is civil society in Macedonia.

We believe that the international community needs to work more closely with civil society organisations and to devise a strategy for their support. Many program areas where international aid is most needed, including justice and home affairs, require not only an effective government strategy, but also the involvement of civil society. That is the way to build a durable peace and to foster stability in Macedonia and the region as a whole. Without this, our efforts are likely to falter.

The experience that most of us assembled here today have gained over the past ten years in South Eastern Europe demonstrates that local initiative and ownership are crucial to the long-term effectiveness of reform efforts. This approach ensures that assistance is delivered in the most efficient and responsible way possible. It also empowers and reinforces local capacity and institutions.

There is no substitute for the competence and commitment of local organisations. After all, the future of the local population is at stake. Their efforts are an investment in their own future. If we want to support lasting change in Macedonia, we - the donor community - must make certain that our resources support the efforts of the real stakeholders in the reform process.

We offer our local experience and expertise as a resource to the donor community, and look forward to cooperate with all of you.
see information about the foundation mabel works for

The Open Society Institute (OSI) is a private operating and grantmaking foundation based in New York City that serves as the hub of the Soros foundations network, a group of autonomous foundations and organizations in more than 50 countries. OSI and the network implement a range of initiatives that aim to promote open societies by shaping government policy and supporting education, media, public health, and human and women's rights, as well as social, legal, and economic reform

Founder and Chairman
George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. He survived the Nazi occupation of Budapest and left communist Hungary in 1947 for England, where he graduated from the London School of Economics (LSE). While a student at LSE, Soros became familiar with the work of the philosopher Karl Popper, who had a profound influence on his thinking and later on his professional and philanthropic activities.

The financier. In 1956, Soros moved to the United States, where he began to accumulate a large fortune through an international investment fund he founded and managed. Today he is chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC.

The philanthropist. Soros has been active as a philanthropist since 1979, when he began providing funds to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa. Today he is chairman of the Open Society Institute (OSI) and the founder of a network of philanthropic organizations that are active in more than 50 countries. Based primarily in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union—but also in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the United States—these foundations are dedicated to building and maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of an open society. They work closely with OSI to develop and implement a range of programs focusing on civil society, education, media, public health, and human rights as well as social, legal, and economic reform. In recent years, OSI and the Soros foundations network have spent more than $400 million annually to support projects in these and other focus areas. In 1992, Soros founded Central European University, with its primary campus in Budapest.

George Soros’s private political activities are wholly separate from the Open Society Institute. OSI is a nonpartisan, nonpolitical entity—in accordance with U.S. laws for tax-exempt organizations.

Soros, as a private individual, is entitled to use his after-tax personal funds to support political candidates or parties within the parameters of U.S. election law. Any public statements on political issues are also made solely in his personal capacity. The Open Society Institute is not consulted or otherwise involved, and OSI is neither able nor permitted to comment.
Actually she wont be a princess since Johan Friso isn't in the line of the throne. She will be just a commoner.
This thread has now been cleaned up.

Mabel is a new mom now and during her pregnancy she made a few public appearances -- can we update them to this thread?
Solange said:
Actually she wont be a princess since Johan Friso isn't in the line of the throne. She will be just a commoner.

Actually, though Mabel is not a princess in her own right, she still has the right to use the title "Princess of Orange-Nassau". Then again, neither is Princess Laurentien a princess in her own right, as well. Although no longer in the line of sucesssion, Johan Friso is still Prince of Orange-Nassau and a member of the royal family. Mabel and Laurentien use their husbands titles as courtesy so they may be adressed a "Princess". Only exception is Crown Princess Maxima who, I believe, was made a princess in her own right and not directly in connection through her marriage.
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