Alexandria Posted: Nov 12th, 2003 - 7:03 pm - OVIEDO, ASTURIAS, SPAIN: School photo Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano. Fiancee of crown prince Felipe.
link - manuel at GREMBBabelfish english version
SUBJECT OF THE DAY - Tuesday, 4 of November of 2003
The maternal grandparents of Letizia, who live in Alicante, are "proud and contentments"
The marriage found out by the television of the commitment of its granddaughter R.A.
Photo with caption : The maternal grandparents of Letizia, yesterday, in its address of Alicante.
With face of perplexity, as if still they were not believed what the maternal grandparents of future Princess of Asturias, Francisco Rocasolano Camacho and Enriqueta have above come them in hardly a day, Rodriguez Figuarredo, received yesterday to the numerous mass media that hoped before the doors of their address.
Like most of the Spaniards, they also found out the news Saturday through the informative advances of mass media. Both emphasized that a very normal and very affectionate girl treats "".
The maternal grandparents of the fiance'e of Don Felipe de Borbón and Greece, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, have been residing in Alicante for 15 years, in the district of San Gabriel, located in the outskirts of the capital. They chose the tranquillity of Alicante to live comfortably after the retirement of Francisco, or as they know all him in the district, Alpaca.
In brief declarations in the door of his address, the grandfathers of Letizia Ortiz explained that he had found out the commitment of wedding of his granddaughter with Prince de Asturias "like everybody", by the mass media, and that had still not had the opportunity to speak with her. The grandmother, with doubtless sense of humor, repeated the questions that formulated the journalists to him as if the answer was too obvious like answering it directly.
"we have found out like all. We are very contentments because she is a very normal girl, very affectionate and very list ", commented Francisco Rocasolano before asking the informers who respected their desire of not making more declarations. Finally, Francisco Rocasolano, who was accompanied of his wife, remembered solely that the last time whom when personally saw its Letizia granddaughter was the past summer, this one went to its house of Alicante to visit them.
Minutes after making these declarations, the grandfathers of Letizia Ortiz left, like every day, to buy the bread, although he avoided to make more commentaries.
The Spanish press--much to her annoyance, apparently--has dubbed Telma the discovery of the wedding and claim she is now the "golden single". And since the spanish "pink press" likes nothing better than to gossip and make a lot of stuff up there are now a few professional gossips claiming that she has started to date Felipe's best friend! I think they are just desparate to talk about something, since Felipe and Letizia have successfully avoided the press on the second phase of their honeymoon.Originally posted by Lady Jean@Jun 10th, 2004 - 10:51 am
Telma was a striking figure at the wedding.
lucys said:Telma was a striking figure at the wedding.
The Spanish press--much to her annoyance, apparently--has dubbed Telma the discovery of the wedding and claim she is now the "golden single".
She doesn't work for an art gallery. She's a communications director for an italian art magazine. She's been working as a communications representative and artists representative for this publishing company since she earned her degree in Fine Arts.Originally posted by carlota@Jun 12th, 2004 - 7:44 am
last night, telma and jesus ortiz attended to a gala dinner at the art gallery in charge of erika. apparently she has an upper rank since her sister's engagement (not very nice, indeed)...
last night, telma and jesus ortiz attended to a gala dinner at the art gallery in charge of erika. apparently she has an upper rank since her sister's engagement (not very nice, indeed)...
Erika has been working for FMR for a while, long before her sister's engagement. This time, FMR lauched a new arts magazine, Erika was named communication director. FMR is a private owned company and it must protect share holders' benefits. Thus Erika probably wouldn't have been named director if she was not qualified. Obviously the new magazine has been received lots of publicity because of Erika. Also FMR had the best timing when her sister was out of country and Spanish media was bored to death and even put her mother's ugly swim suit picture on the cover of a famous gossip magazine.Originally posted by carlota@Jun 12th, 2004 - 10:00 am
i don't know since when she has been working for the enterprise, but since letizia's engagement she has been promoted.
For the most part the entire family is discreet. The problem is that the press keeps following them around everywhere and they generally try to be polite, if not very explicite, to the press. A lot of the so called "stories" or "interviews" are nothing other than the press screaming a few questions at one of the family members' front door or workplace.In my opinion Telma is the prettiest and more discreet of the family.