From the Royal Genealogy threads – May 2011

  June 19, 2011 at 1:45 pm by

Although we have already reached June 19, we did not want to keep this May blog entry with news from the Royal genealogy threads from you. A big thank you goes out to the contributors of the Genealogy threads.

Royal births and pregnancies
Prince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta, the second son of Prince Amoine of Savoy-Aosta, Duke of Apulia, and his wife née Princess Olga of Greece, was born on May 24. He joined older brother Prince Umberto.

The list of current (known) Royal pregnancies:

– Dom Eudes and Doña Patricia of Orleans-Braganza – twins (1st & 2nd children)
(Editorial note: the twins were born on June 8 )

– Archduke Philipp and Archduchess Mayasuni of Austria (1st child)
– Fürst Alexander and Fürstin Nadja Anna of Schaumburg-Lippe (2nd child together, 3rd child for Fürst Alexander)
Prince Antonius and Princess Matilde of Fürstenberg, née Countess Borromeo (1st child)
(Editorial note: the couple got married on June 11)
– Princess Maria Lobkowicz and Vish Khanna – August 2011 (1st child)

Royal engagements and weddings

The King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, announced his engagement to Jetsun Pema. The wedding is scheduled to take place in October  this year.

Prince Louis of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn married civilly Countess Philippa Spannocchi. The religious wedding is to take place on August 20, 2011.

Royal Deaths
Princess Laura of Liechtenstein died May 6, while Princess Maria Isabel of Brazil, Princess of Orléans-Braganza, born Princess of Bavaria, died on May 13. The Princess was married to Prince Pedro Henrique, head of the Imperial family of Brazil, who died in 1981.

The genealogy threads:
Royal Pregnancy Announcements 2011
Royal Births 2011
Royal Engagements 2011
Royal Marriages 2011
Royal Deaths 2011
Noble Pregnancy Announcements 2011
Noble Births Announcements 2011
Noble Engagements Announcements 2011
Noble Marriages Announcements 2011
Noble Deaths Announcements 2011

For more information about the Royal Genealogy threads, please visit the thread:

Purpose of the Announcements threads
Filed under The Royal Forums
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