The Royal Family and Nuevo Futuro

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
The mother of the King, the Countess of Barcelona, was a member of honor of the organization Nuevo Futuro and now is Infanta Pilar. Every year, the association celebrates a market in Madrid, " El Rastrillo". The women of the Royal Family and of the Family of the King collaborate or attending shops of the market or with their visits and purchases.

"Nuevo Fututo is an association dedicated to the creation and maintenance of homes of reception for children deprived of familiar environment, that is to say, children that for different motives (orphanhood, abandon, lack of resources, etc.) they cannot live in a family. "

One more year the infanta Pilar has been the manager of opening the doors of the "Rastrillo Nuevo Futuro" that will be celebrated in Madrid from November 20 to November 29 by the aim to collect funds for 137 homes for children that the organization has distributed all over the world.
It is so nice to see the Queen Sofia , Pilar and Princess Letizia together.
I like Letizia's youthful look. She looks better again.
Some weeks ago she always looked so stiff and tired. NOw she looks more relaxed again which is nice.
My understanding of Spanish is rather basic & I often use google translator to translate Spanish articles to English.I was reading this Hola article on Infanta Pilar & this paragraph struck me

Al preguntarle por el estado de salud del Rey tras su reciente operación en el pie, la hermana de don Juan Carlos confesó que hace tiempo que no habla con él: “La prensa sabe mejor que yo cómo se encuentra. El pobre tiene mucha gente de la que ocuparse en España y he hablado menos con él últimamente.” Doña Pilar añadía, además, que al monarca le encantaría poder comprar con libertad, algo que su cargo no le permite hacer. "Es muy comprón", dijo.

Perhaps something was lost in translation but did the Kings sister say that she hasn't spoken to the King?

La infanta Pilar: 'Doña Letizia está preparada. Ya sabía donde se metía cuando se casó con el príncipe. Esta vida es casi como la de un convento'

When asked after the King's health, Infanta Pilar said she hasn't spoken much with him lately as he's very busy and has many things to take care of.

When asked after the King's health, Infanta Pilar said she hasn't spoken much with him lately as he's very busy and has many things to take care of.

Thanks AnaC :flowers:
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