The Miller Family 1: March 2003-July 2008

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Well, it is a thread under the GRF forum, isn't it? I didn't say it's bad writing about MC; whether I like it or not she is the CP of Greece the last 11 years. I only hope the Duty Free Royal Family is not considered as a part of the GRF :confused:
iannis said:
Well, it is a thread under the GRF forum, isn't it? I didn't say it's bad writing about MC; whether I like it or not she is the CP of Greece the last 11 years. I only hope the Duty Free Royal Family is not considered as a part of the GRF :confused:
Iannis, I take it from your posts that you are of the view that the Millers are a bunch of upstarts, parvenu's, as they say. That's your opinion, but the fact remains that Robert and Chantal Miller are the official in-laws of the eldest son of the last king of Greece, Constantine. Therefore they're family of the Glucksburgs, whether that suits your opinion or not.
Iannis, I know what you're saying. There is a bit of Greek blood flowing through my veins and I'm protective of my Greek heritage. Heck, I barely consider Constantine's family Greek as they have NO Greek blood ~ aren't they Danish or something? And trust me, I don't view the Millers as royal or anywhere NEAR royal ("upstarts" pretty much describes them, IMO. I believe in the past they'd have been referred to as "social climbers", though you have to respect Robt. Miller, being a self-made man). HOWEVER, I do have to agree w Princess Olga that they are connected to the GRF through marriage and are the grandparents of what could have been the next King of Greece, so I believe they do qualify for a thread in this forum.
iannis said:
I only hope the Duty Free Royal Family is not considered as a part of the GRF :confused:

As Alexandria noted, this thread is about Marie Chantal's family. I don't think anyone considers them a part of the Greek Royal Family (although, they are now forever linked through 4 very lovely children).

It's interesting how, after being the toast of New York in their 20s, the Miller beauties are now taking London by storm. Maybe there are more single princes in London?!

Other in-laws of royals also have specific threads assigned to them, such as threads that exist for the families of Mathilde in the Belgium forum, Letizia's family in the Spanish forum, Mary's family in the Danish forum, and even the antics of Mette-Marit's father in the Norwegian forum, so there is not difference if Marie-Chantal's family also has a thread of their own.

In comparison to some of the other framilies, Marie-Chantal's family is actually known in their own right and had she not married the Crown Prince of Greece, she and her family would still be covered by the media. By contrast, one can't say the same for Mette-Marit's father, who has garned media attention only because he is the Crown Princess' father.
As I said before she comes from Ecuador, I am from Chile, so I have no problem with that but what I don´t and can´t understand is why her daughter M.Chantal, does not speaks spanish, I heard her saying only some words in the spanish tv program " Corazón-Corazón ", that is because her mother never ever speak in spanish to her. That is very common in hispanics that lives in USA, they don´t speak spanish to their kids in a way that they become more American ( USA).
Pavlos speaks a fluent spanish with spanish accent (Spain).
A lot of Hispanics in America do speak Spanish to their children. In Texas, it's perfectly common for the children to arrive in kindergarten with almost no English at all. There are those parents who try to mix speaking in Spanish and English, because they understand that their children need to be fluent in English to get anywhere in this country, but it has nothing to do with being more American, it simply reflects on the fact that outside the southwestern US and New York, Spanish-speakers as a group are not as predominant a force. According to some of my friends, who are elementary school teachers, some of the children actually go home and teach their parents English.
kelly9480 said:
some of the children actually go home and teach their parents English.
I was just having this discussion with someone. A friend of mine is from Portugal and learned English while in school here. Her parents still speak very little English, esp. her mother. They live in a Portuguese community so it's not a daily problem, however, when they need to leave the community, my friend is usually called upon to translate. She's been trying to teach her parents more than just basic English for years. Do we know for sure that none of the Miller sisters speak Spanish? I'd find that odd as they (at least MC) is fluent in French. If they weren't taught Spanish by their mother as children, I'd assume it was because of her alledged need to "rise above" her past. Too bad.
" If they weren't taught Spanish by their mother as children, I'd assume it was because of her alledged need to "rise above" her past. Too bad."

That is the point, her mother did not speak spanish with her kids.
No matter where I can live, with my kids I am always going to speak spanish with them.
I saw M.Chantal at the tv ( she does not speaks spanish )and it is odd that Mrs.Miller speaks spanish with one daughter and not to the other, so if Alexandra or Pia speaks spanish they learned in another place.
I think Chantal doesn't speak about her family because there isn't much family to speak of. Also, she is not famous (unlike Carolina Herrera) there isn't much press interest in her or her family.

I live in New York not too far from where the Millers lived and can tell you that while the daughters love the limelight - not so much in the case of Pia - Bob and Chantal Miller are extremely press-shy, private people who neither hit the town nor entertain very often. When they do entertain it's a huge event but those parties are few and far between.

Also, even if Chantal spoke Spanish to her daughters there is a question of how much practice they would have gotten speaking it. They were children in Hong Kong so there's not a sizable population that speaks Spanish. At very young ages they attended Le Rosey in Switzerland where French was required of all students - they sisters also learned Italian there. They weren't living at home with their mother so she couldn't teach them her native language.
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Chantal Miller

I dont´t understand why Chantal Miller´s background is so intersting. She is not an official person. If she doesn´t want to speak about herself and to stay very private I think it is fine. Very fine.
Note: the MIller sister were {American royality }10 years ago. There is still a lot of interest you do not see report here any longer.

If a thread is started that would be great!
The Millers were never considered "American Royalty". That title is held pretty much for the members of the Kennedy family and that's it. Actually, most Americans don't even know who the Millers are, even now, after all their glossed-over high profile marriages and divorces. As someone once pointed out on another site, the Millers were really only "visitors" to the US, the daughters having been primarily brought up in Japan and then European boarding schools. Mr. Miller has been an avid anglophile for decades and I believe is now a British citizen. The mother, as we all know, is from South America. Part of the reasoning behind the girls move to England was that they weren't getting enough PR over here in the states, what with the Hilton Sisters pretty much coveting the "celebutante" roles for now. In Britain, mainly because of MC's connection by her marriage to the European royal houses, they are, in effect, treated more like "royalty." Though there's still not much PR for them unless MC is seen at some gala event. There's nothing new on them at all, and I'm sure it's not their idea. And I pretty much believe it's because, not only doesn't the average person know who they are but I don't think too many people care.
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I totally agree and maybe this is why MC was ranting against the unexplainable (in her view) popularity of such a nincompoop as Miss Hilton?

One minor disagreemtnt, I'd say the getty family would count as 'american royalty', if indeed Americans would care about these things. Perhaps a slew of Americans on the East Coast would, but here on the west coast people could care less, unless you'd created a cool company, a la Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc. Perhaps MC qualifies somewhat here, as she's eating her own dog food and has started her own clothing company. Paris Hilton eat your heart out! :rolleyes:
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Kennedy, Getty, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Post. . .'American Royalty' is OLD money in my opinion. The Millers were celebrated for a very brief time, in a very small circle because they were young and blonde and rich and there were three of them and designers loved them. Thankfully they never fell to the lows of the Hilton girls.

I have a friend who was on the East Coast at the time of the popularity of the sisters. His mother is fabulously wealthy (new money) and he was friends with some of the Gettys but has no idea who the Miller sisters or even Robert Miller are. And, if they had not appeared regularly in fashion mags. would WE know who they are?

Anyways, I like what I know of MC and would love to meet her in her shop someday. :)
You are so right Aphrodite. I'm on the East Coast outside of the mentions in W mag, no one knew who these Millers were. Even after Pia married into the Getty family, it was like, "Who?" It really wasn't until MC became engaged to Pavlos (Europen royalty, oh my) that anyone sat up and took notice. And then it was really all about the great "matches" the Miller sisters made and the extravaganza weddings of MC and Alex. Now, they've pretty much faded out. Though you have to give MC credit for her business ventures. And, more importantly I believe, she seems like a good mother, albeit high end so there probably are nannies and so forth, but she does seem like she enjoys her children and is bringing them up relatively normal.
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Sorry! The Miller sister were more like socialites a few years back.
I like to see photos, love the clothes.
The Miller sisters weren't so much American Royalty as Park Avenue Princesses - although, to be fair, the Miller's co-op was on Madison Avenue.
Is Alex still in New York? It always appears she and MC were always together at events. I have not seen photos of Alex recently.
violante said:
I dont´t understand why Chantal Miller´s background is so intersting. She is not an official person. If she doesn´t want to speak about herself and to stay very private I think it is fine. Very fine.
She may not be an "official" person, but her daughters have (some say with the blessing of their parents) strived very hard to be in the spotlight. Interviews. Photospreads. Showing up at the "right" events with the "right" people. And, of course, their "spectacular" marriages ~ two of which have already ended in divorce. If Mr. & Mrs. Miller are going to encourage their daughters to seek the spotlight, then they need to be aware that their own lives will be under scrutiny. Besides, the high-end, somewhat shallow world these people live in are all about gossip and blood-lines. The fact that Mrs. Miller DOESN'T speak openly about her background/family/past only only opens the door to unlimited speculation.
love36 said:
Is Alex still in New York? It always appears she and MC were always together at events. I have not seen photos of Alex recently.
According to something I read a year ago, she's in LA so the kids can be closer to their dad.
She looks really, really bad. She was once the prettiest of the sisters, and since her marriage, she's really gone downhill.
kelly9480 said:
She looks really, really bad. She was once the prettiest of the sisters, and since her marriage, she's really gone downhill.

I always thought Pia was the most pretty of the Miller sisters, though she's aged very badly and looks considerably older than she is. They all look older than they are, actually, even MC who still looks quite good.

Thanks Aphrodite, I'll try it again.
I've also noticed that Pia looks considerably older than she is, but,she has also been under a considerable amount a stress with her philandering husband and divorce procedings.
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What's up w the Miller Sisters? You never seem to hear about them anymore.
I know Alex got divorced, and I read rumors of Pia seperating from her husband and then reconciling, but I think they're getting divorced as well. The last I heard both have moved to London to be near MC. I always got the impression they were riding her coattails because she made the highest-profile marriage. But we don't seem to hear that much about them in the press anymore since they moved. Socialites are a big deal in the US, especially New York City.
Pia's dovirce is finalized. MC moved into a new house earlier this year and there's been no word of what Alexandra is up to;there just isn't information about them,which is disappointing.Just because they are older than some of these new girls doesn't make them less interesting.
I heard Alex and Alex are not divorced but just seperated but are on friendly terms and still live close by each other for their kids. Boy-Alex was supposedly dating a girl who was the younger brunette version of Girl-Alex. But this was a while back, so not sure what she's up to now.
According to MC's Tatler article, both of her sisters are divorced. She was quoted as saying as much.
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