The House of Nassau-Weilburg

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo
From wikipedia:

The heads of the house of Nassau Weilburg were the following:

- Counts of Nassau-Weilburg
  • 1344-1371: John I
  • 1371-1429: Philipp I
  • 1429-1442: Philipp II and John II
  • 1442-1492: Philipp II
  • 1492-1523: Louis I
  • 1523-1559: Philipp III
  • 1559-1593: Albrecht
  • 1559-1602: Philipp IV
  • 1593-1625: Louis II
  • 1625-1629: William Louis, John IV and Ernst Casimir
  • 1629-1655: Ernst Casimir
  • 1655-1675: Frederick
  • 1675-1688: John Ernst
- Princely counts of Nassau-Weilburg
  • 1688-1719: John Ernst
  • 1719-1753: Charles August
  • 1753-1788: Charles Christian
  • 1788-1816: Frederick William
  • 1816: Wilhelm
- Dukes of Nassau

  • 1816-1839: Wilhelm
  • 1839-1866: Adolf
In 1866, Prussia annexed the Duchy of Nassau as the duke had been an ally of Austria in the Second Austro-Prussian War.
From a morganatic marriage, contracted in 1868, descends a family, see Count of Merenberg, which in 1907 was declared non-dynastic. Had they not been excluded from the succession, they would have inherited the headship of the house in 1912.
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From wikipedia:

Under the 1783 Nassau Family Pact, those territories of the Nassau family in the Holy Roman Empire at the time of the Pact (Luxembourg and Nassau) were bound to use Salic law, which forbade inheritance by the female line. When William III died leaving only his daughter Wilhelmina as an heir, the crown of the Netherlands, not being bound by the Family Pact, passed to Wilhelmina. However, the crown of Luxembourg could not pass to a woman, leaving the House of Orange-Nassau without a male heir. As a result, the throne went to Adolphe, the dispossessed Duke of Nassau and head of the House of Nassau-Weilburg.
At the death of his uncle, Nikolaus-Wilhelm in 1905, Guillaume IV changed the laws of succession and named his daughter as his heir; the only other male, male-line, descendant of the House of Nassau-Weilburg was Guillaume's cousin, Georg Nikolaus, Count of Merenberg, the product of a morganatic marriage. So, in 1907, Guilliame declared the Counts of Merenberg non-dynastic, naming his own eldest daughter Marie-Adélaïde as heir to the throne. She became Luxembourg's first reigning female monarch upon her father's death in 1912, and upon her own abdication in 1919, was succeeded by her younger sister Charlotte, who married Felix of Bourbon-Parma, a prince of the Duchy of Parma. Charlotte's descendants have reigned until the present day under the name Nassau and are also members of the House of Bourbon-Parma.

- Grand Dukes of Luxembourg:

1890-1905: Adolphe
1905-1912: William IV
1912-1919: Marie-Adélaïde
1919-1964: Charlotte
1964-2000: Jean
2000 - : Henri
Wiesbadener Tagblatt has a short biography about Duchess Pauline of Nassau, the second wife of Duke Wilhelm. Pauline was born 200 years ago.

Google Nachricht
Since the demise of Grand Duchess Charlotte, members of the reigning house of Luxembourg are cognatically members of the House of Nassau-Weilburg and agnatically members of the House of Bourbon-Parma.

Interestingly: in the interview with Countess Clothilde and in the Wikipedia article, the title is Countess of Merenberg, while in the heading of the Wikipedia page, it is Nassau-Merenberg.

The noble title is given in historical sources as Count(ess) of Merenberg. To the best of my knowledge, this is correct since the Merenberg family legally were not members of the House of Nassau.

From wikipedia:

Under the 1783 Nassau Family Pact, those territories of the Nassau family in the Holy Roman Empire at the time of the Pact (Luxembourg and Nassau) were bound to use Salic law, which forbade inheritance by the female line. When William III died leaving only his daughter Wilhelmina as an heir, the crown of the Netherlands, not being bound by the Family Pact, passed to Wilhelmina. However, the crown of Luxembourg could not pass to a woman, leaving the House of Orange-Nassau without a male heir. As a result, the throne went to Adolphe, the dispossessed Duke of Nassau and head of the House of Nassau-Weilburg.

At the death of his uncle, Nikolaus-Wilhelm in 1905, Guillaume IV changed the laws of succession and named his daughter as his heir; the only other male, male-line, descendant of the House of Nassau-Weilburg was Guillaume's cousin, Georg Nikolaus, Count of Merenberg, the product of a morganatic marriage. So, in 1907, Guilliame declared the Counts of Merenberg non-dynastic, naming his own eldest daughter Marie-Adélaïde as heir to the throne. [...]

The Wikipedia article made some mistakes:

1. At the time of the 1783 Nassau Family Pact, Luxembourg was a territory of the House of Austria, not the House of Nassau. It was made a possession of the Houses of Orange-Nassau and Nassau by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

2. The Nassau Family Pact used semi-Salic law, not Salic. According to Article 42, if the male lines of the House of Nassau came to an end, the territories of the Nassau family would pass to the eldest daughter of the closest male line:
Da übrigens auch der Fall möglich ist, welchen jedoch der Allerhöchste gnädiglich abwenden wolle, dass Unser ganzer Nassauischer Mannstamm erlöschen möchte, so lassen Wir es in Ansehung derer jeweilen existirenden Töchter, bey dem von solchen geleisteten, auch künftig und zu ewigen Tagen zu leistenden unbedingten Verzicht, ohne Vorbehalt einiger Regredienterbschaft bewenden, verbinden Uns, setzen, ordnen und wollen demnach, dass in solchem Falle eine Tochter und zwar, wann deren mehrere vorhanden, dies Erstgebohrne, oder in deren Mangel die nächste Erbin des letzten Mannstammes, mit Ausschluss aller andern entfernteren, zur Succession berufen seyn solle, es wäre dann, dass Wir oder Unsere Nachkommen auf sochen Fall anders übereingekommen wären, oder sonstige Vorsehung gethan hälten, als welches zu thun Wir Ihnen und Uns hiermit ausdrucklich vorbehalten, fort Unsere und Unserer Nachkommen respective Töchter und Erben zur Festhaltung einser sochen Vorsehung Kraft dieses verbunden haben wollen.
Succession in Nassau and Luxemburg

3. At the death of Prince Nikolaus of Nassau in 1905, Grand Duke Guillaume IV came to be the lone remaining male agnate of the House of Nassau. (The morganatic son of Nikolaus was a Merenberg, not a Nassau.) As a result, pursuant to Article 42, the Grand Duke's eldest daughter Princess Marie-Adélaïde of Luxembourg became the heiress presumptive immediately in 1905. Her proclamation was declared in 1907 and the title of Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg was bestowed on her in 1908.

4. Grand Duke Guillaume promulgated new laws of succession in 1907, not 1905. Article 42 of the 1783 Nassau Family Pact meant that his daughters were already in the order of succession. The laws of 1907 established the succession of his daughters' future offspring.

Art. I . — Da Uns ein männlicher Erbe bisher versagt geblieben ist und seit dem Tode Unseres Oheims des Prinzen Nicolas Liebden ohne Hinterlassung successionsfahiger Descendenz der Fürstliche Mannesstamm des Hauses Nassau auf Unseren Augen allein steht, kann der in Artikel 42 des Erbvereins von 1783 gesetzte Fall eintreten und hat alsdann Unsere erstgeborene Tochter Prinzessin Marie-Adelheid und zunächst ihr Mannesstamm, aus gemäss den Familienstatuten Unseres Hauses geschlossener Ehe, nach dem Recht der Erstgeburt,Uns in der Krone Luxemburg, sowie als Chef Unseres Hauses und in Besitz und Nutzniessung des gesamten Hausfideicommisses nachzufolgen, jedoch ist bis zur Vollendung ihres achtzehnten Lebensjahres die Regentschaft und Vormundschaft für sie von Unserer vielgeliebten Gemahlin der Grossherzogin Maria-Anna zu führen. Sollte Unsere genannte vielgeliebte Tochter ohne Hinterlassung einer Nachkommenschaft aus gemäss den Familienstatuten Unseres Hauses geschlossener Ehe versterben, so sind Unsere andern vielgeliebten Töchter und ihre Linien in gleicher Weise nach Primogenitur-Recht zur Erbfolge berufen.
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Genealogy of the Grand-Ducal Family of Luxembourg, House Nassau-Weilburg

HRH Grand Duke Adolphe I Guillaume Charles Auguste Fréderic of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau
(Born as: HDSH Hereditary Prince Adolph Wilhelm Carl August Friedrich of Nassau)
(Since August 20th, 1839:) HDSH Duke Adolph Wilhelm Carl August Friedrich of Nassau
(Since August 22nd, 1844:) HH Duke Adolph Wilhelm Carl August Friedrich of Nassau
* Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, July 24th, 1817
† Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, November 17th, 1905
Hereditary Prince of Nassau, July 24th, 1817
Duke of Nassau, August 20th, 1839 (deposed when Nassau was annexed to Prussia: September 7th, 1866). Prince-Regent of Luxembourg, April 10th - May 3rd, 1889 and May 4th - November 23rd, 1890 (for Grand DukeWillem III). Grand Duke of Luxembourg, November 23rd, 1890 (sworn-in: Parliament, Luxembourg, December 9th, 1890)
Colonel of the 15th Regiment Infantry of Austria. Colonel of the Cavalry of Prussia, General of the Cavalry of Prussia. Colonel of the Imperial Regiment Ulans of Odessa of Russia, January 9th, 1844. General of the Army of Sweden.

St. Petersburg, January 31st n.s., 1844:
HIH Grand Duchess Elisaveta Mikhailovna of Russia ("Lili")
* Moscow, May 26th n.s., 1826
† (in childbirth) Wiesbaden, January 28th, 1845
HRH Grand Duchess Adelheid of Luxembourg née Princess of Anhalt-Dessau Dessau, April 23rd, 1851:
HH Princess Adelheid Marie of Anhalt-Dessau
* Dessau, December 25th, 1833
† Schloß Königstein, Königstein im Taunus, November 24th, 1916

Child from the first marriage:
Stillborn daughter
* Wiesbaden, January 27th, 1845

Children from the second marriage:
HRH Grand Duke Guillaume IV Alexandre of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau ("Willy")

HH Prince Friedrich Paul Wilhelm of Nassau
* Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, September 23rd, 1854
† Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, October 23rd, 1855

HH Princess Marie Bathildis Wilhelmine Charlotte of Nassau
* Wiesbaden, November 14th, 1857
† Wiesbaden, December 28th, 1857

HH Prince Franz Joseph Wilhelm of Nassau
* Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, January 30th, 1859
† Vienna, April 19th, 1875

HH Princess Hilda Charlotte Wilhelmine of Nassau
* Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, November 5th, 1864
† Badenweiler, February 8th, 1952

Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, September 20th, 1885:
*HRH Grand Duke Friedrich II Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold August of Baden
(Born as: HGDH Grand-Ducal Prince and Margrave Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold August of Baden)
(Since January 22nd, 1858:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold August of Baden
* Karlsruhe, July 9th, 1857
† Badenweiler, August 9th, 1928
*Hereditary Grand Duke of Baden, January 22nd, 1858
*Grand Duke of Baden, September 28th, 1907 (abdicated: November 22nd, 1918)
Colonel of the Infantry of Austria. Colonel of the Infantry and Colonel of the Cavalry of Prussia. Honorary General of the Army of Sweden. Colonel of the Infantry of Württemberg.
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HRH Grand Duke Guillaume IV Alexandre of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau ("Willy")
(Born as: HH Hereditary Prince Wilhelm Alexander of Nassau)
(Since November 23rd, 1890:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume Alexandre of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau
* Schloß Biebrich near Wiesbaden, April 22nd, 1852
† Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, February 25th, 1912
Hereditary Prince of Nassau, April 22nd, 1852. Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, November 23rd, 1890. Lieutenant-Représentant of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg (= his father), April 4th, 1902
Grand Duke of Luxembourg, November 17th, 1905 (sworn-in: Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, November 22nd, 1905)
Second Lieutenant of the Austrian Regiment "Graf Neipperg" # 12, November 20th, 1871. Lieutenant of the Austrian Regiment "Graf Neipperg" # 12, October 29th, 1873. Captain of the Austrian Regiment Husars "Fürst Franz von Liechtenstein" # 9, October 23rd, 1875. Major of the Austrian Regiment Husars "Karl I. König von Württemberg" # 6, September 15th, 1878. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Austrian Regiment Husars "Nikolaus Großfürst von Rußland" # 2, October 26th, 1881. 2nd Colonel of the Austrian Regiment Radetzky Husars # 5, October 2nd, 1883. Colonel of the Austrian Regiment Husars "Kaiser Franz Joseph" # 1, February 29th, 1884. Honorary Major-General of the Army of Austria, December 1888. Colonel of the Cavalry of Russia.


Schloß Fischhorn near Zell am See, June 21st, 1893:
HRH Infanta Dona Maria Ana do Carmo Henrique Theresia Adelaide Joana Caroline Inès Sofia Eulália Leopoldina Isabel Bernardina Micaela Gabriela Raphaela Francisca de Assis e de Paula Ignácia Gonzaga of Portugal
* Schloß Bronnbach near Wertheim am Main, July 13th, 1861
† New York City, New York, July 31st, 1942
Lieutenant-Représentant of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg (= her husband), March 19th, 1908 (sworn-in: Santa Margeritha, April 2nd, 1908). Grand Duchess Regent of Luxembourg, November 13th, 1908 (sworn-in: Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, November 19th, 1908) - February 25th, 1912 (for her husband) and February 25th - June 14th, 1912 (for her daughter)

Children from this marriage:

HRH Grand Duchess Marie Adelheid Theresia Hilda Antoinette Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Duchess of Nassau
(Born as: HGDH Princess Marie Adelheid Theresia Hilda Antoinette Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau)
(Since February 25th, 1908:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duchess Marie Adelheid Theresia Hilda Antoinette Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Hereditary Princess of Nassau
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, June 14th, 1894
† Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, January 24th, 1924
Proclaimed Heir to the Throne of Luxembourg, July 10th, 1907. Created Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Hereditary Princess of Nassau, February 25th, 1908
Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, February 25th, 1912 (sworn-in: Parliament, Luxembourg, June 18th, 1912; abdicated: Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, January 10th, 1919; abdication made public: Parliament, Luxembourg, January 14th, 1919)
Became a carmelitiner nun in the Holy Theresa of Mount Carmel Convent in Modena, September 14th, 1920.

HRH Grand Duchess Charlotte Adelgonde Elisabeth Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Duchess of Nassau ("Lotti")

HGDH Princess Hilda Sophie Marie Adelheid Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, February 15th, 1897
† Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, September 10th, 1979
Heir Pressumptive to the Throne of Luxembourg, January 10th, 1919 - January 5th, 1921.

Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, October 19th, 1930:
HSH Fürst Adolf Johann Maria Franz Josef Hubertus Agapit zu Schwarzenberg, Fürstlich Graf zu Kleggau, Graf zu Sulz, Herzog zu Krummau
* Frauenberg, August 18th, 1890
† Bordighera, February 27th, 1950
10th Fürst zu Schwarzenberg, October 1st, 1938
Reserve-Lieutenant of the Cavalry of Austria

HGDH Princess Antonia Roberta Sophie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau
* Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, October 7th, 1899
† Sanatorium, Lenzerheide, July 31st, 1954
HRH Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria


(civil) Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, April 6th and (religious) Lenggries, April 7th, 1921:
HRH Crown PrinceRupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand of Bavaria, Duke of Bavaria, Franken and Swabia, Count Palatine of the Rhine
(Born as: HRH Prince Rupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand of Bavaria)
(Since November 5th, 1913:) HRH Crown Prince Rupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand of Bavaria
* Munich, May 18th, 1869
† Schloß Leutstetten, August 2nd, 1955
Crown Prince of Bavaria, November 5th, 1913
Head of the Royal Family of Bavaria, October 18th, 1921
Commander-in-Chief of the 6th Army of Germany in Lothringen, 1914. Fieldmarshal of Bavaria, 1916

Antonia and Rupprecht had six children, through whom they have further descendants:

*Prince Heinrich Franz Wilhelm of Bavaria (28 March 1922–14 February 1958) he married Anne Marie de Lustrac on 31 July 1951.
*Princess Irmingard Marie Josefa of Bavaria (29 May 1923–23 October 2010) she married Prince Ludwig of Bavaria on 20 July 1950. They have three children, five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
*Princess Editha Marie Gabrielle Anna of Bavaria (16 September 1924 – 4 May 2013) married Tito Tomasso Maria Brunetti on 12 November 1946. They had three daughters, five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She remarried Professor Gustav Christian Schimert on 29 December 1959. They have three sons and six grandchildren.
*Princess Hilda Hildegard Marie Gabriele of Bavaria (24 March 1926 – 5 May 2002) married Juan Bradstock Edgart Lockett de Loayza on 12 February 1949. They had four children and four grandchildren.
*Princess Gabriele Adelgunde Marie Theresia Antonia of Bavaria (10 May 1927 – 19 April 2019) married Karl Emmanuel Herzog von Croÿ, later 14th Duke of Croÿ on 17 June 1953. They have three children and ten grandchildren.
*Princess Sophie Marie Therese of Bavaria (born 1935) married Jean, 12th Duke of Arenberg on 18 January 1955. They have five children, eleven grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

HGDH Princess Elisabeth of Luxembourg
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, March 7th, 1901
† Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, August 2nd, 1950


Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, November 14th, 1922:
HSH Prince Ludwig Philipp Maria Friedrich Josef Maximilian Antonius Ignatius Lamoral von Thurn und Taxis
* Regensburg, February 2nd, 1901
† Schloß Niederaichbach, April 22nd, 1933

Elisabeth and Ludwig had two children, five grandchildren, sixteen great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren:

*Prince Anselm of Thurn and Taxis (14 April 1924 – 25 February 1944), killed in World War II
*Princess Iniga of Thurn and Taxis (25 August 1925 – 17 September 2008) married Prince Eberhard of Urach on 18 May 1948. They have five children, sixteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren

HGDH Princess Sophia Karoline Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, February 14th, 1902
† (lung-disease) Hospital, Munich, May 24th, 1941


Schloß Hohenburg near Lenggries, April 12th, 1921:
HRH Prince Ernst Heinrich Ferdinand Franz Joseph Otto Maria Melchiades of Saxony
* Dresden, December 9th, 1896
† Neckarhausen, June 14th, 1971
Captain of the Infantry of Saxony

Sophie and Ernst Heinrich had three sons, three grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and eight great-great-grandchildren:
*Prince Albrecht Friedrich August Johannes Gregor Dedo of Saxony (9 May 1922 in Munich);-6 December 2009 in Radebeul, Germany.
*Prince Georg Timo Michael Nikolaus Maria of Saxony (22 December 1923 in Munich-22 April 1982 in Emden) married Margrit Lucas on 7 August 1952 at Mülheim. They have two children, five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He remarried Charlotte Schwindack on 3 February 1966, from whom he was divorced on 6 February 1973. He remarried Erina Eilts on 26 March 1974. He has an illegitimate son and four grandchildren.
*Prince Rupprecht Hubertus Gero Maria of Saxony (12 September 1925 in Munich-10 April 2003 in Picton, Ontario, Canada)
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HRH Grand Duchess Charlotte Adelgonde Elisabeth Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Duchess of Nassau ("Lotti")
(Born as: HGDH Princess Charlotte Adelgonde Elisabeth Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau)
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, January 23rd, 1896
† Château Fischbach, July 9th, 1985
Heir Pressumptive to the Throne of Luxembourg, February 12th, 1912
Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, January 10th, 1919 (sworn-in: Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, January 15th, 1919; abdicated: Grand-Ducal Palace, Luxembourg, November 12th, 1964).

Luxembourg, November 6th, 1919:
HRH Prince Felix Marie Vincent of Bourbon-Parma
(Since: November 5th, 1919:) HRH Prince Felix Marie Vincent of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
* Schwarzau am Steinfelde, September 28th, 1893
† Château Fischbach, April 8th, 1970
Created Prince of Luxembourg, November 5th, 1919
President of the Luxembourg Red Cross, 1923-1932 and 1947-1969
Second Lieutenant of the Austrian Regiment Dragoons, July 1st, 1915. Lieutenant of the Austrian Regiment Dragoons, November 11th, 1916. Captain of the Austrian Regiment Dragoons, February 19th, 1918 (resigned his commission: November 5th, 1918). Colonel of the Luxembourg Volunteers Company, February 12th, 1920. Inspector-General of the Luxembourg Army, 1945-1967.

Children from this marriage:
HRH Grand Duke Jean I Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma

HRH Princess Elisabeth Hilda Zita Marie Anna Antonia Friederike Wilhelmine Louise of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Princess Elisabeth Hilda Zita Marie Anna Antonia Friederike Wilhelmine Louise of Luxembourg
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, December 22th, 1922

Luxembourg, May 9th, 1956:
HSH Duke Franz Ferdinand Friedrich Ernst Joseph Karl Leopold Mauritius Hubertus Maria von Hohenberg
* Schloß Artstetten, September 13th, 1927
† Ried in der Riedmark, August 15th, 1977
2nd Duke von Hohenberg, January 8th, 1962

They had two daughters, Anita and Sophie, and seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.[2]

*Anna (Anita) Charlotte Maximiliana Euphemia Maria Helena of Hohenberg (b. 18 August 1958, Schloss Berg, Luxembourg). Married Romee de la Poeze (b. 15 July 1949), on 22 July 1978 in Artstetten, Austria. They have four children:
**Gaetan de la Poeze (b. 25 July 1980, Luxembourg)
**Alix de la Poeze (b. 8 September 1981, Luxembourg) married Francois-Xavier Fraye in 2010. They have four children:
***Armel Fraye (b. 2011)
***Benedikt Fraye (b. 2013)
***Alexandra Fraye (b. 2015)
***Marie-Anastasie Fraye (b. 2017)
**Gabriel de la Poeze (b. 3 October 1987, Artstetten, Austria)
**Raoul de la Poeze (b. 14 June 1989, Artstetten, Austria)

*Sophie Felicitas Elisabetha Bona Maria Antonia (b. 10 May 1960, Schloss Berg, Luxembourg). Married Jean-Louis de Potesta (b. 8 February 1951) on 18 June 1983 in Artstetten, Austria. They have three children:
**Eleonore de Potesta (b. 24 April 1984, Luxembourg). Married Diego Fernandez de Cordova y Cervero on 16 June 2012. They have three children:
***Rafael Fernandez de Cordova y de Potesta (b. 9 August 2013)
***Luis Fernandez de Cordova y de Potesta (b. 19 August 2016)
***Sofia Fernandez de Cordova y de Potesta (b. 27 August 2018)
**Baron Charles de Potesta (b. 25 October 1985, Luxembourg)
**Elizabeth de Potesta (b. 29 April 1988, London, England)

HRH Princess Marie Adelaïde Louise Thérèse Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma

She married Graf Karl Josef Henckel von Donnersmarck (7 November 1928, Romolkwitz, Silesia, Germany – 16 April 2008, Sliema, Malta) on 10 April 1958 in Luxembourg. They had four children — three sons and a daughter and eight grandchildren:

*Andreas, Count Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 30 March 1959, Schloss Berg, Luxembourg) — on 17 June 1995 in Strobl, Austria, he married Princess Johanna von Hohenberg (b. 29 April 1966, Vienna, Austria), great-granddaughter of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (born 1966) and they have four children:
**Countess Laura Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 21 January 1997)
**Countess Marie Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 15 August 1998)
**Count Ludwig Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 25 May 2001)
**Count Albrecht von Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 27 March 2006)
*Count Félix Henckel von Donnersmarck (2 March 1960, Schloss Berg, Luxembourg – 28 October 2007)
*Count Heinrich Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 13 November 1961, Luxembourg) — on 12 September 1998 in Schwertberg, Austria, he married Anna-Maria Merckens (born 13 February 1969, Linz, Austria) and they have one son:
**Count Tassilo Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 24 January 2003, Zurich, Switzerland)
*Countess Charlotte Henckel von Donnersmarck (born 4 August 1965, Fischbach, Luxembourg) — on 27 November 1999, in Wolfsberg, Carinthia, Austria, she married Graf Christoph Johannes von Meran (born 26 August 1963, Innsbruck, Austria) and they have three children:
**Count Johannes Maximilian von Meran (born 28 September 2004)
**Countess Anna Colienne von Meran (born 28 June 2006, Washington D.C., United States)
**Countess Camilla von Meran (born 8 March 2008)

HRH Princess Marie Gabriëlle Adelgonde Wilhelmine Louise of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma
She married Knud Johan Ludvig, Lensgreve Holstein til Ledreborg (Count of Ledreborg), a Danish Roman Catholic nobleman (2 October 1919 – 25 June 2001) in Berg Castle on 6 November 1951, son of Joseph 6th Lensgreve Holstein til Ledreborg, a relative of Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg and a descendant of Johan Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg, and his wife Countess Christina Hamilton, of a Danish branch of Clan Hamilton. They had seven daughters, fifteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren:

*Countess Monica Charlotte Louise Maria Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg, 29 July 1952), married on 13 September 2003 Henri de Dompierre de Jonquières (b. 28 May 1950), without issue
*Countess Lydia Adelaide Maria Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg, 22 February 1955), married firstly in Ledreborg on 8 August 1980 and divorced in 1999 her second cousin, Prince Eric of Bourbon-Parma (b. 28 Aug 1953, son of Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma) and they have five children and seven grandchildren.[2] Then married secondly on 31 January 2001 Martin Bergsøe (b. 15 December 1948), without issue.
**Princess Antonia Monica Charlotte Marie of Bourbon-Parma (b. Roskilde, 10 June 1981) married ***Martin Krusbæk to 15 May 2010. They have three children:
***Inès Philippine Alexia Krusbæk (2011)
***Maximilian Allan Michel Gabriel Krusbæk (2012)
***Alix Beatrice Lidia Eva Krusbæk (2016)
**Princess Marie Gabrielle Yolande Camilla Philippine of Bourbon-Parma (b. Paris, 23 December 1982) has a son:
***Mark de Bourbon de Parme (*2003)
**Princess Alexia Thérèse Sybille Erica Marie of Bourbon-Parma (b. Palm Beach, Florida, 7 March 1985) married Fabian Davis in 2007. They have two daughters:
***Rebecca Davis (2004)
***Bianca Davis (2008)
**Prince Michel Knud John Joseph Marie of Bourbon-Parma (b. Roskilde, 12 February 1989)
**Prince Henri Luitpold Antoine Victor Marie Joseph of Bourbon-Parma (b. Roskilde, 14 October 1991). He got engaged to his second cousin Archduchess Gabriella Maria Pilar Yolande Joséphine Charlotte of Austria on October 22, 2017.
***Victoria Antonia Marie-Astrid Lydia (b. 30 October 2017)
*Countess Veronica Birgitte Maria Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg), 29 January 1956), married in Ledreborg on 18 August 1979 François Bruno de Pottère (b. Carbondale, Pennsylvania, 1 December 1949). They have three children and one grandchild:
**Bruno de Pottere (1980-1980)
**Charles Erik de Pottère (b. Luxembourg, 22 June 1982) married Layla Jean Kajer in 2015
Isla de Pottere (2015)
**Alexander Gabriel de Pottère (b. Truckee, California, 12 January 1985)
*Countess Silvia Charlotte Maria Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg, 1 January 1958), heiress of Ledreborg castle, married in Ledreborg on 4 August 1979 John Munro of Foulis (paternal grandson of Lieutenant colonel Cecil Gascoigne (b. 1877, d. 1929), (b. 21 June 1959), and had four children and two grandchildren:
**Tatiana Angela Maria Munro (b. Barrio Cabañas, Honduras, 18 May 1983) married Martin Skaarup Munro-Thers in 2011. They have two children:
***Marcus Munro-Thers (2009)
***Lucas Munro-Thers (2014)
**Alexander Munro (b. Ledreborg, 24 June 1985)
**Charlotte Tatiana Marie Munro (b. Roskilde (27 December 1990)
**Angela Charlotte Marie Munro (b. Roskilde (27 August 1992)
*Countess Camilla Josephine Marie Holstein til Ledreborg (Ledreborg, 26 February 1959 – 4 July 2010), married in Ledreborg on 11 January 1986 and divorced in 1995 Eric Rudolf Baron Bertouch-Lehn til Højbygaard-Lungholm (b. Nykøbing Falster, 15 November 1956), and have two sons:
Baron Nicolas Erik Carl Poul Johan Dmitri Bertouch-Lehn til Højbygaard-Lungholm (b. Copenhagen, 14 June 1986) married Eva Maria Marcher in 2015
Baron Philip Eric Alexander Knud Bertouch-Lehn til Højbygaard-Lungholm (b. Nykøbing Falster, 21 March 1989)
*Countess Tatiana Alix Marie Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg, 25 Apr 1961), married in Ledreborg on 14 August 1999 Mark von Riedemann (b. Victoria, British Columbia, 20 October 1964), and had issue:
**Therese Silvia Maria von Riedemann (b. Königstein, 11 October 2000)
*Countess Antonia Charlotte Jeanette Marie Holstein til Ledreborg (b. Ledreborg, 19 June 1962), a consecrated sister of the Emmanuel Community of the Roman Catholic Church.
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HRH Prince Charles Frédéric Louis Guillaume Marie of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
Prince Charles and his wife Joan Dillon had two children, who are also princes of Luxembourg and Nassau
Princess Charlotte Phyllis Marie of Luxembourg (b. New York City, New York, 15 September 1967), married civilly in Mouchy on 26 June 1993 and religiously in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence on 18 September 1993 Marc-Victor Cunningham (b. Harrogate, 24 September 1965), son of Victor Cunningham and wife Karen Armitage, and had issue:
*Charles Douglas Donnall Marie Cunningham (b. Rockport, Knox County, Maine, 8 August 1996)
**Louis Robert Dominic Marie Cunningham (b. London, 10 March 1998)
**Donnall Philippe Cunningham (b. 2002)
*Prince Robert Louis François Marie of Luxembourg (b. Fischbach Castle, 14 August 1968), married in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, on 29 January 1994 Julie Elizabeth Houston Ongaro (b. Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, 9 June 1966), daughter of urologist and Harvard professor Dr. Theodore Ongaro and wife Katherine Houston. Their children, being born of a non-dynastically approved marriage, were initially counts and countesses of Nassau, elevated in 2004 to the titles of princes and princesses of Nassau.
Princess Charlotte Katherine Justine Marie of Nassau (b. Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 20 March 1995)
**Prince Alexandre Théodore Charles Marie of Nassau (b. Aix-en-Provence, 18 April 1997)
**Prince Frederik Henri Douglas Marie of Nassau (b. Aix-en-Provence, 18 March 2002)

HRH Princess Alix Marie Anna Antoinette Charlotte Gabriëlle of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma
On 17 August 1950 in Luxembourg Princess Alix married Antoine, 13th Prince de Ligne, (8 March 1925 – 21 August 2005). They have issue:

*Michel, 14th Prince de Ligne (born 26 May 1951) married Princess Eleanora of Orléans-Braganza on 10 March 1981. They have two children and one granddaughter:
**Princess Alix de Ligne (born 3 July 1984), married on 18 June 2016 Count Guillaume de Dampierre (born 1985, third cousin twice-removed of Emanuelle de Dampierre, Duchess of Segovia, through shared descent from Aymar, Marquis de Dampierre 1787-1845).
***Countess Olympia de Dampierre (born 17 December 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
**Henri Antoine, Hereditary Prince de Ligne (born 3 March 1989)
*Prince Wauthier de Ligne (born 10 July 1952) – In 1976 he married Countess Regine de Renesse. They have three children and seven grandchildren:
**Prince Philippe de Ligne (born 29 May 1977) – In 2008 he married Jonkvrouw Laetitia Rolin, and they have issue:
***Prince Jean-Charles de Ligne (born 11 June 2010)
***Princess Alienor de Ligne (born 2 July 2012)
**Princess Melanie-Yolande de Ligne (born 19 June 1979) married Paul Weingarten on 17 September 2011. They have one son:
***Felix Weingarten (27 May 2013)
**Princess Elisabeth-Eleonore de Ligne (born 27 June 1983) married Baron Baudouin Gillès de Pelichy on 9 July 2005. They have four children:
***Baron Antoine Gillès de Pelichy (5 July 2006)
***Baron Charles Gillès de Pelichy (21 September 2008)
***Baroness Philippine Gillès de Pelichy (4 February 2010)
***Baroness Marguerite Gillès de Pelichy
*Princess Anne de Ligne (born 3 April 1954) – 1981 married Olivier Mortgat on 30 May 1981. They have two daughters:
**Laure Mortgat (23 March 1983)
**Isabelle-Marie Mortgat (2 January 1985)
*Princess Christine de Ligne (born 11 August 1955) – 1981 married Prince Antonio of Orléans-Braganza on 25 September 1981. They have four children and two grandchildren.
**Prince Pedro Luiz Maria José Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga of Orléans-Braganza (12 January 1983 in Rio de Janeiro – 1 June 2009), he was a passenger on the Air France Flight 447, which crashed into the ocean while traveling from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
**Princess Amélia Maria de Fátima Josefa Antônia Miguela Gabriela Rafaela Gonzaga of Orléans-Braganza (born 15 March 1984 in Brussels), married on 14 July 2014 in Rio de Janeiro, Alexander James Spearman (born 27 March 1984 in Perth), son of Lochain Alexander Spearman and Pilar Garrigues y Carnicer. They have two sons:
***Alexander Joaquim Pedro Spearman (born 30 August 2016 in Madrid)
***Nicholas Rafael William Spearman (born 20 February 2018 in Madrid)
**Prince Rafael Antonio Maria José Francisco Miguel Gabriel Gonzaga of Orléans-Braganza (born 24 April 1986 in Rio de Janeiro)
**Princess Maria Gabriela Josefa Fernanda Iolanda Miguela Rafaela Gonzaga of Orléans-Bragança (born 8 June 1989 in Rio de Janeiro)".
*Princess Sophie de Ligne (born 23 April 1957) married Count Philippe de Nicolay, son of Marie-Hélène de Rothschild on 26 June 1982. They have two sons:
**Count François de Nicolay (20 October 1989)
**Count Guy de Nicolay (19 December 1993)
*Prince Antoine Lamoral de Ligne (born 28 December 1959) married Countess Jacqueline de Lannoy on 16 June 2001. They have three children:
**Prince Louis de Ligne (born 4 March 2003)
**Princess Marie de Ligne (born 29 September 2004)
**Princess Florence de Ligne (born 14 March 2006)
*Princess Yolande de Ligne (born 16 June 1964) married Hugo Townsend (born 1945), son of Group Captain Peter Townsend in 1994. They have four children:
**Marie Townsend (29 April 1995)
**George Townsend (16 March 1997)
**James Townsend (9 May 1998)
**Bartholomew Townsend (May 2001)
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HRH Grand Duke Jean I Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Grand Duke Jean I Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau
(Born as: HRH Hereditary Prince Jean Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma)
(Since January 5th, 1939:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Jean Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
* Berg Castle, Colmar-Berg, January 5th, 1921
Hereditary Prince of Luxembourg, January 5th, 1921. Created Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, January 5th, 1939. Member of the Council of State, 1951-1961. Lieutenant-Représentant of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (= his mother), April 28th, 1961 (sworn-in: Grand-Ducal Palace, Luxembourg, May 4th, 1961)
Grand Duke of Luxembourg, November 12th, 1964 (sworn-in: Parliament, Luxembourg, November 12th, 1964; abdicated: Grand-Ducal Palace, Luxembourg, October 7th, 2000)
Lieutenant of the Luxembourg Army, January 5th, 1939. Second Lieutenant of the Irish Guards, July 28th, 1943. Lieutenant of the Irish Guards, March 30th, 1944. Captain of the Irish Guards, May 14th, 1945 (resigned his British commission: June 26th, 1946). Colonel of the Luxembourg Army, July 17th, 1945. General of the Luxembourg Army, November 12th, 1964. Colonel of the Irish Guards, August 21st, 1984. Honorary General of the British Army, March 17th, 1995
Knight of the Garter, 1972.


(civil) Festive Hall, Grand-Ducal Palace and (religious) Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg, April 9th, 1953:
HRH Princess Joséphine-Charlotte Ingeborg Elisabeth Marie-José Marguerite Astrid of Belgium
* Paleis Bellevue, 7 Paleis Plein, Brussels, October 11th, 1927
† Château Fischbach, January 10th, 2005
President of the Red Cross of Luxembourg, 1969

Children from this marriage:

HRH Princess Marie Astrid Charlotte Léopoldine Wilhelmine Ingeborg Antoinette Elisabeth Anna Alberta of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Princess Marie Astrid Charlotte Léopoldine Wilhelmine Ingeborg Antoinette Elisabeth Anna Alberta of Luxembourg
* Château Betzdorf, February 17th, 1954
HI & RH Archduke Carl Christian of AustriaMarried:

(civil) Grand-Ducal Palace and (religious) Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg, February 6th, 1982:
HI & RH Prince Imperial and Archduke Carl Christian Maria Anna Rudolph Anton Marcus d'Aviano of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia
* Château de Beloeil, August 26th, 1954

They have five children and nine grandchildren:
Archduchess Marie Christine Anne Astrid Zita Charlotte of Austria (b. Brussels, 31 July 1983), Countess of Limburg-Stirum after her marriage on 6 December 2008 in Mechelen, Belgium, to Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum (b. Uccle, 20 March 1979). They have three sons.
*Leopold de Limburg-Stirum (b. 19 April 2011)
*Constantin de Limburg-Stirum (b. 25 October 2013)
*Gabriel de Limburg-Stirum (born 2016)
Archduke Imre Emanuel Simeon Jean Carl Marcus d'Aviano of Austria (b. 8 December 1985) married on 8 September 2012 Kathleen Elizabeth Walker (b. 17 April 1986) in Washington, D.C.. They have two daughters.
*Maria Stella of Austria (b. 11 November 2013)
*Magdalena Maria Alexandra Zita Charlotte of Austria (b. 24 February 2016)
*Juliana of Austria (b. 14 October 2018)
Archduke Christoph Henri Alexander Maria Marcus d'Aviano of Austria (b. Geneva, 2 February 1988) he married Adélaïde Marie Béatrice Drapé-Frisch (b. 4 September 1989) on 28 December 2012 (civil ceremony) and 29 December 2012 (religious ceremony). They have two daughters.
*Katarina Marie Christine Fabiola of Austria (b. 22 December 2014)
*Sophia of Austria (b. August 2017)
Archduke Alexander Hector Marie Karl Leopold Marcus d'Aviano of Austria (b. Meyrin, 26 September 1990).
Archduchess Gabriella Maria Pilar Yolande Joséphine Charlotte of Austria (b. Geneva, 26 March 1994), engaged on 22 October 2017 to her second cousin, Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma (born Roskilde, 14 October 1991). They have a daughter.
*Victoria Antonia Marie-Astrid Lydia of Bourbon (b. 30 October 2017)

HRH Grand Duke Henri I Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau

HRH Prince Jean Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Jean Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
* Château Betzdorf, May 15th, 1957
Captain of the Army, June 23rd, 1979
(Renounced the right of succession for himself and his descendants, September 26th, 1986)

(without consent) Paris, May 27th, 1987:
Hélène Suzanne Vestur
(Since September 21st, 1995:) Hélène Suzanne Comtesse de Nassau
* Saint-Germain-en-laye, May 31st, 1958

Children from this marriage:
*Princess Marie-Gabrielle Cécile Charlotte Sophie of Nassau (born 8 September 1986 in Paris), married to Antonius Benedikt Clemens Douglas Emanuel Willms (born 22 September 1988 in Atlanta), son of Hayo Willms and Marie Theresia Reichsgräfin von Goëss. The civil wedding took place on 15 May 2017 in Luxembourg City; the religious wedding took place on 2 September 2017 in Marbella, Spain.
**Zeno Philippe Leopold Marcus d'Aviano Willms (born 5 June 2018 in Munich)
*Prince Constantin Jean Philippe Marie Albert Marc d'Aviano of Nassau (born 22 July 1988 in Paris)
His girlfriend, Kathryn Melchie, gave birth to his first child in April 2018:
**Felix (born April 2018)
*Prince Wenceslas François Baudoin Léopold Juraj Marie Marc d'Aviano of Nassau (born 17 November 1990 in Paris)
*Prince Carl-Johan Félix Julien Marc d'Aviano of Nassau (born 15 August 1992 in Paris)

On 18 March 2009, Prince Jean married Diane de Guerre in a civil ceremony in Roermond, and they do not have any children to date.[3] She is a daughter of general Claude Gaston de Guerre (1910-1997) and Countess Eugenie Marie Wolff Metternich (1923-2016).

HRH Princess Margaretha Antonia Marie Félicité of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Princess Margaretha Antonia Marie Félicité of Luxembourg
* Château Betzdorf, May 15th, 1957

(civil) Grand-Ducal Palace and (religious) Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg, March 20th, 1982:
HSH Prince Nikolaus Ferdinand Maria Josef Raphael of Liechtenstein
* Zurich, October 24th, 1947
Ambassador of Liechtenstein in Belgium and to the Holy See, Representative of Liechtenstein to the European Union, 1978. Ambassador of Liechtenstein in Switzerland, 1990

They have had four children:
*Prince Leopold Emmanuel Jean Marie of Liechtenstein (Brussels, 20 May 1984 - Brussels, 20 May 1984).
*Princess Maria-Anunciata Astrid Joséphine Veronica of Liechtenstein (b. Brussels-Uccle, 12 May 1985).
*Princess Marie-Astrid Nora Margarita Veronica of Liechtenstein (b. Brussels-Uccle, 26 June 1987).
*Prince Josef-Emanuel Leopold Marie of Liechtenstein (b. Brussels-Uccle, 7 May 1989).

HRH Prince Guillaume Marie Louis Christian of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Guillaume Marie Louis Christian of Luxembourg
* Château Betzdorf, May 1st, 1963

(civil) Sélestat, Alsace, September 8th and (religious) St. Louis Cathedral, Versailles, Yvelines, September 24th, 1994:
Sibilla Sandra Weiller
* Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, June 12th, 1968

Children from this marriage:

HRH Prince Paul-Louis Jean Marie Guillaume of Nassau
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, March 4th, 1998
HRH Prince Léopold Guillaume Marie Joseph of Nassau
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, May 2nd, 2000
HRH Princess Charlotte Wilhelmina Maria da Gloria of Nassau
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, May 2nd, 2000
HRH Prince Jean André Guillaume Marie Gabriel Marc d'Aviano of Nassau
* Luxembourg, July 13th, 2004
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HRH Grand Duke Henri I Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Duke of Nassau
(Born as: HRH Prince Henri Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma)
(Since November 12th, 1964:) HRH Hereditary Prince Henri Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since April 16th, 1973:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Henri Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Henri Albert Gabriël Felix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau
* Château Betzdorf, April 16th, 1955
Hereditary Prince of Luxembourg, November 12th, 1964. Created Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, April 16th, 1973. President of the Board of Economic Development, 1978-1998. Member of the Council of State, 1980-1998. Lieutenant-Représentant of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg (= his father), March 2nd, 1998 (sworn-in: Grand-Ducal Palace, Luxembourg, March 4th, 1998)
Grand Duke of Luxembourg, October 7th, 2000 (sworn-in: Parliament, Luxembourg, October 7th, 2000)
Captain of the Army. Colonel of the Army. General of the Army, October 7th, 2000.

(civil) Grand-Ducal Palace and (religious) Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg, February 14th, 1981:
Maria Teresa Mestre y Batista
* Havanna, March 22nd, 1956

Children from this marriage:

HRH Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg
(Since October 7th, 2000:) HRH Hereditary Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau
(Since December 18th, 2000:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie Nassau of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, November 11th, 1981
Hereditary Prince of Luxembourg, October 7th, 2000. Created Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, December 18th, 2000

HRH Prince Felix Léopold Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Felix Léopold Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, June 3rd, 1984

The civil wedding took place on 17 September 2013 in Königstein im Taunus, followed by a religious ceremony on 21 September in the Basilica of Sainte Marie-Madeleine in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, France:
Claire Lademacher
* 21 March 1985, Filderstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Children from this marriage:
*Princess Amalia Gabriela Maria Teresa of Nassau, was born on 15 June 2014 at the Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital in Luxembourg City.
*Prince Liam Henri Hartmut of Nassau, was born on 28 November 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.

HRH Prince Louis Xavier Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Louis Xavier Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, August 3rd, 1986
(Renounced the right of succession for himself and his descendants, August 22nd, 2006)

(civil) Grand-Ducal Palace, Luxembourg and (religious) Église de Gilsdorf, September 29th, 2006:
Tessy Antony
* Luxembourg, October 28th, 1985

Children from this marriage:

Prince Gabriel Michael Louis Ronny of Nassau
* Geneva, March 12th, 2006
(Born out of wedlock)
Prince Noah Etienne Guillaume Gabriel Matthias Xavier of Nassau
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, September 21st, 2007

HRH Princess Alexandra Joséphine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg
* Luxembourg, February 16th, 1991

A civil wedding ceremony in Luxembourg City took place on 22 April. It was followed by a religious ceremony at Saint Trophyme Church in Bormes-les-Mimosas, Var, France, on 29 April:
Nicolas Bagory
*November 11, 1988, Brittany

HRH Prince Sébastien Henri Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
* Luxembourg, April 16th, 1992
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HRH Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg
(Since July 28th, 1986:) HRH Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg
(Since October 7th, 2000:) HRH Hereditary Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau
(Since December 18th, 2000:) HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie Nassau of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma
* Maternité Grande Duchesse Charlotte, Luxembourg, November 11th, 1981
Hereditary Prince of Luxembourg, October 7th, 2000. Created Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, December 18th, 2000

(civil) Grand-Ducal Palace and (religious) Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg, 20 October 2012:
Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy
*18 February 1984, in Ronse, East Flanders.

Children from this marriage:
HRH Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital, Luxembourg, 10 May 2020

HRH Prince François Henri Luis Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg
Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital, Luxembourg, 27 March 2023
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From wikipedia:

The heads of the house of Nassau Weilburg were the following:

- Counts of Nassau-Weilburg
  • 1344-1371: John I
  • 1371-1429: Philipp I
  • 1429-1442: Philipp II and John II
  • 1442-1492: Philipp II
  • 1492-1523: Louis I
  • 1523-1559: Philipp III
  • 1559-1593: Albrecht
  • 1559-1602: Philipp IV
  • 1593-1625: Louis II
  • 1625-1629: William Louis, John IV and Ernst Casimir
  • 1629-1655: Ernst Casimir
  • 1655-1675: Frederick
  • 1675-1688: John Ernst
- Princely counts of Nassau-Weilburg
  • 1688-1719: John Ernst
  • 1719-1753: Charles August
  • 1753-1788: Charles Christian
  • 1788-1816: Frederick William
  • 1816: Wilhelm
- Dukes of Nassau

  • 1816-1839: Wilhelm
  • 1839-1866: Adolf
In 1866, Prussia annexed the Duchy of Nassau as the duke had been an ally of Austria in the Second Austro-Prussian War.
From a morganatic marriage, contracted in 1868, descends a family, see Count of Merenberg, which in 1907 was declared non-dynastic. Had they not been excluded from the succession, they would have inherited the headship of the house in 1912.
The current Duke of Westminster’s mother is a descendant of the Merenbergs
From a morganatic marriage, contracted in 1868, descends a family, see Count of Merenberg, which in 1907 was declared non-dynastic. Had they not been excluded from the succession, they would have inherited the headship of the house in 1912.

The marriage and its descendants must have been declared non-dynastic from its inception, not only in 1907 - if they had only been declared non-dynastic in 1907, the wife and children would have been Prince/Princess of Nassau, not Count/Countess of Merenberg, prior to that. (See post #9 as to what actually occurred in 1907.)
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The marriage and its descendants must have been declared non-dynastic from its inception, not only in 1907 - if they had only been declared non-dynastic in 1907, the wife and children would have been Prince/Princess of Nassau, not Count/Countess of Merenberg, prior to that.
You're right in that assumption. The von Merenbergs were not Nassau dynasts and the title was given to Natalia and her agnatic descendants in 1868.
Still Georg Nikolaus von Merenberg tried to have his claim to the Luxemburg throne recognised over that of the daughters of Grand Duke William IV. There were precedents for morganatic heirs to royal houses on the brink of extinction being "readmitted" to the dynasty as happened in Baden in 1817. There were also rulings like that of the Diet of Lippe in 1897 (recognised by the Reichsgericht in 1905) who retroactively ruled that marriages between a dynast and ladies of the lower nobility were in accordance with both House law and family practice leading to one of their descendants becoming the reigning Prince of Lippe.
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You're right in that assumption. The von Merenbergs were not Nassau dynasts and the title was given to Natalia and her agnatic descendants in 1868.
Still Georg Nikolaus von Merenberg tried to have his claim to the Luxemburg throne recognised over that of the daughters of Grand Duke William IV. There were precedents for morganatic heirs to royal houses on the brink of extinction being "readmitted" to the dynasty as happened in Baden in 1817. There were also rulings like that of the Diet of Lippe in 1897 (recognised by the Reichsgericht in 1905) who retroactively ruled that marriages between a dynast and ladies of the lower nobility were in accordance with both House law and family practice leading to one of their descendants becoming the reigning Prince of Lippe.
That’s true, but the current male line descendant will be the last agnate of that morganatic branch of the family.
That’s true, but the current male line descendant will be the last agnate of that morganatic branch of the family.

Yes with Clotilde von Nassau, known as Gräfin von Merenberg, the famous dynasty will finally become extinct in legal male agnatic descendants.

The last legal and dynastic male agnatic Orange-Nassau descendant was Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau (1880-1962).

The last legal and dynastic male agnatic Nassau descendant was Grand-Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg, Duchess of Nassau (1896-1985).
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von Merenberg was the official last name. The morganatic branch never bore the name von Nassau.

Since marriage the legal name of Clotilde, and the name by which she is known, is that of ther husband.

In agnatic line Clotilde is 100% a Nassau. She is not known as such, but she nevertheless is and remains a Nassau. When Grand-Duke Wilhelm had no sons, the Luxembourgian Government was so unsure about the Nassau claim of the Von Merenbergs that in 1907 the Parliament approved the Nassauische Hausgesetz which ensured that the succesion would continue via the daughters of Grand-Duke Wilhelm IV.

To have the Merenbergs to retreat from their courtcase in Wiesbaden against the Luxembourgian Government, they offered an annual rent of 40.000 Golden Marks.

When Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg died in 1948, the Luxembourgers had given him 1.600.000 Golden Marks in rents for his abstinence from a Nassau claim.

Nikolaus Wilhelm Prinz zu Nassau
x Natalya Alexandrovna Pushkina created Gräfin von Merenberg
Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg
x Olga Alexandrovna Princess Juryevskaya (daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia)
Georg Graf von Merenberg
x Elisabeth-Anne Müller-Uri
Clotilde Gräfin von Merenberg

With Clothilde not only the last male agnate in the Nassau dynasty will end. Also the noble family Von Merenberg will end. But one of her sons (for an example Gregor von Rintelen, married to Jane Gräfin zu Bentheim-Thecklenburg-Rheda) can add his mother's surname if he wishes so as a Genanntname: "Gregor von Rintelen genannt von Merenberg". That is what happens regularly when a last female dies, then one of the sons adapts the surname to continue the old name.
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In agnatic line Clotilde is 100% a Nassau. She is not known as such, but she nevertheless is and remains a Nassau. When Grand-Duke Wilhelm had no sons, the Luxbourgian Government was so unsure about the Nassau claim of the Von Merenbergs that in 1907 the Parliament approved the Nassauische Hausgesetz which ensured that the succesion would continue via the daughters of Grand-Duke Wilhelm IV.

To have the Merenbergs to retreat from their courtcase in Wiesbaden against the Luxembourgian Government, they offered an annual rent of 40.000 Golden Marks.

When Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg died in 1948, the Luxembourgers had given him 1.600.000 Golden Marks in rents for his abstinence from a Nassau claim.

Nikolaus Wilhelm Prinz zu Nassau
x Natalya Alexandrovna Pushkina created Gräfin von Merenberg
Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg
x Olga Alexandrovna Princess Juryevskaya (daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia)
Georg Graf von Merenberg
x Elisabeth-Anne Müller-Uri
Clotilde Gräfin von Merenberg

With Clothilde not only the last male agnate in the Nassau dynasty will end. Also the noble family Von Merenberg will end. But one of her sons (for an example Gregor von Rintelen, married to Jane Gräfin zu Bentheim-Thecklenburg-Rheda) can add his mother's surname if he wishes so as a Genanntname: "Gregor von Rintelen genannt von Merenberg". That is what happens regularly when a last female dies, then one of the sons adapts the surname to continue the old name.
I wonder the relations between this branch and the ruling branch in Luxembourg because whenever there are pictures of the ruling branch, the Merenbergs don’t seem to be part of it.
In agnatic line Clotilde is 100% a Nassau. She is not known as such, but she nevertheless is and remains a Nassau. When Grand-Duke Wilhelm had no sons, the Luxbourgian Government was so unsure about the Nassau claim of the Von Merenbergs that in 1907 the Parliament approved the Nassauische Hausgesetz which ensured that the succesion would continue via the daughters of Grand-Duke Wilhelm IV.

To have the Merenbergs to retreat from their courtcase in Wiesbaden against the Luxembourgian Government, they offered an annual rent of 40.000 Golden Marks.

When Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg died in 1948, the Luxembourgers had given him 1.600.000 Golden Marks in rents for his abstinence from a Nassau claim.

Nikolaus Wilhelm Prinz zu Nassau
x Natalya Alexandrovna Pushkina created Gräfin von Merenberg
Georg Nikolaus Graf von Merenberg
x Olga Alexandrovna Princess Juryevskaya (daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia)
Georg Graf von Merenberg
x Elisabeth-Anne Müller-Uri
Clotilde Gräfin von Merenberg

With Clothilde not only the last male agnate in the Nassau dynasty will end. Also the noble family Von Merenberg will end. But one of her sons (for an example Gregor von Rintelen, married to Jane Gräfin zu Bentheim-Thecklenburg-Rheda) can add his mother's surname if he wishes so as a Genanntname: "Gregor von Rintelen genannt von Merenberg". That is what happens regularly when a last female dies, then one of the sons adapts the surname to continue the old name.
The dowager Duchess of Westminster is also a descendant of Prince Nikolaus Wilhelm and Natalya Pushkina.
In agnatic line Clotilde is 100% a Nassau. She is not known as such, but she nevertheless is and remains a Nassau.

I see, what you meant was that she is a Nassau in the same fashion that, say, Princess Anunciata of Liechtenstein is a Nassau, not suggesting that she has borne or used the name. I thought it appropriate to clarify as Clotilde is incorrectly named in some articles on English Wikipedia.

With Clothilde not only the last male agnate in the Nassau dynasty will end.

I wouldn't say that she is an agnate in the Nassau dynasty as she is female (edit: it seems "agnate" is indeed employed in some contexts to describe a patrilineally related female; apologies to Duc), has never borne the Nassau name, and is from a branch of the family which was never recognized as dynastic in spite of Count Georg's perseverance. But she is probably the last legal male-line descendant of the Nassau dynasty.

She’s a senior but morganatic descendant of the Nassau dynasty.

The Merenbergs descended from a younger half-brother of Grand Duke Adolph of Luxembourg, the ancestor of the present-day Nassaus.
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I see, what you meant was that she is a Nassau in the same fashion that, say, Princess Anunciata of Liechtenstein is a Nassau, not suggesting that she has borne or used the name. I thought it appropriate to clarify as Clotilde is incorrectly named in some articles on English Wikipedia.
No, as it is clear Duc_et_Pair is talking about an uninterrupted male-line descendance (within marriage) and she herself is a male-line descendant of the Nassau family.

Given that Anunciata of Liechtenstein is a male-line descendant of the von und zu Liechtensteins and does not exclusively descent from the male line (but her lineage includes 2 females (her mother and her great-grandmother), she is not an agnate of the Nassaus and the situations are not comparable at all.

I wouldn't say that she is an agnate in the Nassau dynasty as she is female, has never borne the Nassau name, and is from a branch of the family which was never recognized as dynastic in spite of Count Georg's perseverance. But she is probably the last legal male-line descendant of the Nassau dynasty.

The Merenbergs descended from a younger half-brother of Grand Duke Adolph of Luxembourg, the ancestor of the present-day Nassaus.

That she herself is female is irrelevant. Agnates can be both male or female but only males can pass on the 'family membership' in this sense. As she herself is female, any children she or other females in the family had were not 'Nassaus' from this perspective - but she herself is.

agnate, agnation In Roman law, agnati were a group of males and females who were related through a common ancestor, and thus came under a single family authority. The modern use in social anthropology relates to patrilineal (or male) descent, but the element of male authority has been lost. An agnate is thus a blood relative in the patrilineal (or male) line. Agnation refers to a kinship system in which relationship is traced exclusively through the male line. In current anthropological usage the term patrilineal is preferred.

If you carefully read both of our posts, it is clear that I was responding to the statement "Clotilde von Nassau, known as Gräfin von Merenberg" and clarifying for other readers that she has never been named "von Nassau", legally or otherwise.

So their situations are indeed comparable in regard to the topic of my original reply: Neither carry, or have ever carried, the name "von Nassau" despite being descendants of the family.

To be honest, I am confused about which part of my post gave the impression that I was referring to the gender of their Nassau ancestors. I am aware that Anunciata is a Nassau on her mother's side and not her father's - if the latter, under the rules currently in force she would actually bear the name of Nassau regardless of dynasticity or legitimacy.

agnate, agnation In Roman law, agnati were a group of males and females who were related through a common ancestor, and thus came under a single family authority. The modern use in social anthropology relates to patrilineal (or male) descent, but the element of male authority has been lost. An agnate is thus a blood relative in the patrilineal (or male) line. Agnation refers to a kinship system in which relationship is traced exclusively through the male line. In current anthropological usage the term patrilineal is preferred.


Interesting, I stand corrected and apologize to Duc_et_Pair. However, many texts such as the original Nassau family pact of 1783 (which is available online) do use "agnate" in a stricter sense of males (and only those with dynastic rights, in the language of the pact) who are related patrilineally.
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