Tessy Antony-de Nassau, News and Events 1: April 2019 - Dec 2021

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo

Welcome to the thread for news and information about Tessy Antony-de Nassau.

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Apparently Tessy started another endeavor recently:
In January she set up global bespoke consultancy Finding Butterflies, which counts Montessori and Vodafone among its clients.
They are quick to find her; why would that be? A completely new company suddenly attracting large clients... I am sure it has nothing to do with Tessy still presenting herself as a princess.
Tessy just doesnt know when to stop. These messages ...
"Yesterday I was disinvited from the Women’s Forum Global Meeting in Mexico because they are afraid of what my Ex Mother in Law will do.���� I am not sharing this message to spread bad vibes. I am sharing it in hope that we all realise what still needs to be done in order to support one another."
Hmmm, I'm sorry I can't believe a forum disinvited Tessy because of MT. I mean, not to be rude but outside of these forums who really knows about MT to make her powerful enough for a Global Forum to be worried about what she would do? Even if they do know of MT (maybe linked to her own recent forum in Luxembourg) its completely up to the organisers to invite who they want, and sorry Tessy but this is life- you are no longer a royal and no longer important. You're former family are always going to take precedent over you.

Sounds like Tessy is determined to cast MT in a bad light which seems odd given how close they use to appear together. Whatever else has happened Tessy needs to remember that MT is the grandmother of her sons so to be a decent person and mother she should stop dissing her online. It's not fair on her children to put them in that position.

This just strikes as Tessy being bitter IMO. Honestly, she needs to get over herself, stop publicly spatting with her former in-laws (simply for her children if not out of respect or the fact they are providing her with a house and paying for her children's school and medical costs) The fact she uses this to talk about woman empowerment is just rubbish, if that were so and she felt strongly enough about it she would stop shaming another woman online.

I would love for someone to ask her what proof she has that MT had any part in it.
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i am surprised about this post as MT and tessy always appeared to be quite close.
Who knows whether they were close or not, but Tessy saying that is just stupid, IMO. What on earth can she hope to gain from it, unless her primary objective is to portray herself as a victim? It is not at all wise on her part, but then her actions over the last year or so have already shown that she is not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.

A little dignity and self restraint on her part would go a long way.
Long before any of MT's children married she did an interview about her life. She had the MIL from hell who didn't approve of her son marrying a native peasant. It was no secret about how she was treated as Luxembourg is a very small state and her MIL had a very big mouth.

MT vowed she would always support her children's future spouses publicly and I have never seen a hint of public distain from her. Good heavens, she didn't only open her jewellery vault but her closet too!

IMHO those in charge of the event read some of Tessy's invective about her ex in-laws and discovered she wasn't a very nice person and that her behaviour had the possibility of a knock on effect of alienating many of their sponsors.

If it had just been a civilised divorce I don't think this would have happened as in the eyes of the world it was effectively over with the Decree Nisi. The only thing that changed was Tessy's public behaviour.
Agree with those who say that this is a stupid post from Tessy - thoughtless and inconsiderate (even though Maria Theresa doesn't have an Instagram from what we know of, she could easily find the post or be notified of it from officials) of her. She's such a big advocator of kindness yet posts things such as this which can only have been done out of spite and anger. I also agree that this must have been a very messy divorce to have changed Tessy's character so much. A very complex person indeed.
Tessy would want to count herself lucky she didn't have Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte as a mother in law as she'd have made mince meat out of this foolish and misguided loose cannon of an ex Princess.
So obviously Tessy was referring to MT as the one who made sure she lost her title in the recent HELLO magazine interview.:ermm:

Ironically, MT once insinuated that Tessy was the daughter-in-law whom she most identified with...and now it's come to this?

It's all so very sad, so very degrading an end to a marriage. It didn't have to be this way.:sad:
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She has to understand that her title is what makes her being invited. What did she personally achieve that makes her deserve to be invited? I don't see the reason that she being invited except the title she (previously) hold.

And I would not be surprised that if she continues to blame the GD family, especially MT, for everything in her life that doesn't go as she wants in the future:bang:.
Anyway it must be very shocking and hurtful to anybody, immaterial of the Reason or the situation in life, to be "uninvited" like that….
Probably as hurtful as being talked about online by someone who is out to get you.
Tessy would want to count herself lucky she didn't have Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte as a mother in law as she'd have made mince meat out of this foolish and misguided loose cannon of an ex Princess.
Pity she didn't have but J-C was never PC and would have caused her own kind of mayhem. However, not being into fate or destiny or any of that . . . strangely I find myself saying "what goes around comes around and that Karma? Ain't she a b****.

I think this is only the beginning.
Tessy just doesnt know when to stop. These messages ...
"Yesterday I was disinvited from the Women’s Forum Global Meeting in Mexico because they are afraid of what my Ex Mother in Law will do.���� I am not sharing this message to spread bad vibes. I am sharing it in hope that we all realise what still needs to be done in order to support one another."
Wow... its hurts to be uninvited but yikes.
Hmmm, I'm sorry I can't believe a forum disinvited Tessy because of MT. I mean, not to be rude but outside of these forums who really knows about MT to make her powerful enough for a Global Forum to be worried about what she would do? Even if they do know of MT (maybe linked to her own recent forum in Luxembourg) its completely up to the organisers to invite who they want, and sorry Tessy but this is life- you are no longer a royal and no longer important. You're former family are always going to take precedent over you.

Yes, the Women's Forum is connected to GD Maria Teresa's "Stand Speak Rise Up" forum. MT's forum appears on their homepage and news section. Upcoming Women's Forum meetings are in Mexico, Singapore, and Paris this year.

Women's Forum - Building the future with women's vision

I doubt Maria Teresa is going to Mexico due to her fear of flying. I think she's only flown within Europe recently; her last overseas trip was probably Florida for her brother's funeral. However, if MT is going, it's a huge achievement in managing her phobia and good for her!

To be fair to Tessy, I can see why she'd be invited: Tessy co-founded NPO Professors without Borders, is UNAIDS Advocate and UNA-UK patron. Maybe the organizers learned of the divorce and overanalyzed the situation. Alternatively, Maria Teresa has a longer history as a women's advocate so her position is stronger than Tessy's. Naturally a forum would pick MT over Tessy although I can't see MT being bothered if Tessy attended.
Long before any of MT's children married she did an interview about her life. She had the MIL from hell who didn't approve of her son marrying a native peasant. It was no secret about how she was treated as Luxembourg is a very small state and her MIL had a very big mouth.

MT vowed she would always support her children's future spouses publicly and I have never seen a hint of public distain from her. Good heavens, she didn't only open her jewellery vault but her closet too!

IMHO those in charge of the event read some of Tessy's invective about her ex in-laws and discovered she wasn't a very nice person and that her behaviour had the possibility of a knock on effect of alienating many of their sponsors.

If it had just been a civilised divorce I don't think this would have happened as in the eyes of the world it was effectively over with the Decree Nisi. The only thing that changed was Tessy's public behaviour.
We'll never know MT's real relationship with Tessy. It could all be wonderful in public and conflict in private. The cynic in me can see the GDF presenting a peaceful image after the negativity between MT and JC and kerfuffle of Louis and Tessy's unexpected pregnancy.

Sharing clothes and jewelry could be seen as control rather than affectionate gestures. Some outfits look so ill-fitting or unattractively altered, I sometimes wonder if Tessy or Stephanie really wanted to wear that dress or they wore it anyway because they didn't want to upset MT or MT told them to wear it.
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I was hoping she'd give it a break over Holy week/Easter but no such luck!
Tessy and Maria Teresa could have had a great relationship but at the end of the day, once Tessy and Louis divorced.....its assumed that Maria Teresa would always be in Louis's corner unless he did something absolutely foul to Tessy.

Since we don't know the cause of the divorce, perhaps Maria Teresa's and Tessy relationship has changed because that just what happens when people divorce. You can still remain friendly and civil with an ex in law but inevitably the relationship has to change. They are now connected by the boys....Tessy and Louis's son and Maria Teresa's grandchildren.

I also can't imagine Maria Teresa being vindictive...that doesn't seem to be in her nature or maybe I just don't know that much about her. I can't imagine her repeating the same thing to a daughter in law that was done to her.

IMO the best thing that Tessy could and should do is...raise her sons...maintain a good and civil relationship with Louis for son's sake...continue her work with her causes..and lay low. Stop throwing volleys at your exes. It does no good to anyone least of all her children. At some point they will become aware of the tension between their mother and their father's family and that's not good.

I don't even know what to say about her brothers. Its a shame her brother was bullied but unfortunately its not that surprising. There are some real nasty people in the world. And its a shame her other brother stopped speaking to her...I can't imagine her talking about publicly is going to convince him to call her.

Sometimes she comes across as her worst enemy. I wonder if that was the issue. In some respects she doesn't seem that mature or has any type of self reflection.
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She has to understand that her title is what makes her being invited. What did she personally achieve that makes her deserve to be invited? I don't see the reason that she being invited except the title she (previously) hold.

And I would not be surprised that if she continues to blame the GD family, especially MT, for everything in her life that doesn't go as she wants in the future:bang:.

She has done a great deal. Yes, she may have only got the jump start because of her marriage, but she certainly isn't/wasn't resting on the laurels of a title. For one who was not good enough to be a princess for years, and whose sons are not in line, she proved her value to the family. No matter how badly her divorce has been handled, once cant ignore the work she has done. Well I guess one could, but it looks petty at best.

If nothing else, Tessy is the UNAIDS global advocate for young women. Besides her UNA-UK involvement and Professors without borders.

MT is most certainly involved in the forum. And she may very well be involved in the uninviting of Tessy. Not intentionally. The forum may have thought it would cause tension/issues for both women to attend.

Former Princess Tessy of Luxembourg reveals her eldest brother won't talk to her because she married royalty – while her twin brother is STILL bullied at work 13 YEARS on from her wedding:

I can't see this actually being true, the fact that she's still trying to get her face out their and linking it to royalty is beyond me. It's embarrassing.

I can believe it. The young woman who got knocked up and landed a prince, in a heavily Catholic country. The rumors of her being a gold digger, of her trapping him and so on. Yeah, there was a lot of talk, and her family would have gone through a lot of criticism. And it wouldn't be any easier now.

That said she isn't helping with the talk. She is pushing them into spotlight.

But she isn't going to disappear from the spotlight. And why should she? Again what benefit is it too anyone? She is an advocate for a number of top charities. It certainly wouldn't benefit them all. Nor would it benefit her or her sons financially. Her job is promoting businesses and in the media world. She isn't going to move into a two bedroom cottage and be a librarian. She should be applauded for not wanting to live off the charity of her ex in laws. She is showing her sons the importance of working and giving back.

Now if she could leave her ex family out of her work, that would be great.
Tessy has nothing to complain. Louis' uncle Prince Jean married the Dutch Diane de Guerre, daughter of General Gaston Claude de Guerre and of Eugénie de Guerre countess Wolff-Metternich. Diane herself married a Prince de Luxembourg. Diane's brother Thibaut married a Countess de Marchant et d'Ansembourg, Diane's younger sister Valérie married a Count de Marchant et d'Ansembourg. This deeply aristocracy-rooted family owns fabulous Hillenraad Castle near Roermond (Netherlands), see picture: https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagra...7&ig_cache_key=MTc2MjQ1NzM3OTQ0NTU2ODA2OA==.2

Despite all this background Diane (Jean's second spouse after Hélène Vestur) is never accepted at the Court. Probably because the Court never fully accepted Prince Jean's first wife, let alone his divorce. But you never hear Hélène or Diane in media. You never hear them wailing or complaining. They never post the one selfie after the other. Both are/were exemplaric spouses and Hélène is a great mother of four Nassaus.

Spot the difference. This attention-seeking former gold digging spouse versus the discreet Hélène and Diane. Tessy Antony does not deserve one minute of compassion.
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I don't ignore Tessy's work but equally I don't think its a reason to give her a free pass all the time. As for comparing her to the Grand Ducal couple's children, as the divorce documents stated, its expected that all but the heir go out and get jobs of their own. I don't think you can say they don't do anything when they aren't being asked to/expected to.
Tessy does do alot, and I think she does have some good intentions, but IMO she also wants a lot of attention for what she does and likes getting attention so perhaps all her work isn't quite as selfless as it could or should be IMO.
As for the Forum, I highly doubt MT got her dropped from it. At the most I suspect someone in the organisation simply realised the link between the two and thought it was might be difficult/awkward and detract from issues at hand. I mean if you had to choose between the two - a former member of the Lux family with some experience doing speeches and some charitable work. Or the Grand Duchess with a wealth of experience working for good causes who's just hosted an international forum on the issue this Mexico conference is about.
I honestly can't see MT having anything to do with it and think it reflects poorly on Tessy for suggesting it.
She has done a great deal. Yes, she may have only got the jump start because of her marriage, but she certainly isn't/wasn't resting on the laurels of a title. For one who was not good enough to be a princess for years, and whose sons are not in line, she proved her value to the family. No matter how badly her divorce has been handled, once cant ignore the work she has done. Well I guess one could, but it looks petty at best.

I think it hasn't anything to do that she wasn't good enough to be a Pricness. if they had married and then got children their marriage would probably have been approved by the GRand Duke. It was the decision of Louis to renouce his succession rights so that hzis soin born before their marriage and future children would not be different in that one would ghave succession rights and the other not.
I don't ignore Tessy's work but equally I don't think its a reason to give her a free pass all the time. As for comparing her to the Grand Ducal couple's children, as the divorce documents stated, its expected that all but the heir go out and get jobs of their own. I don't think you can say they don't do anything when they aren't being asked to/expected to.
Tessy does do alot, and I think she does have some good intentions, but IMO she also wants a lot of attention for what she does and likes getting attention so perhaps all her work isn't quite as selfless as it could or should be IMO.
As for the Forum, I highly doubt MT got her dropped from it. At the most I suspect someone in the organisation simply realised the link between the two and thought it was might be difficult/awkward and detract from issues at hand. I mean if you had to choose between the two - a former member of the Lux family with some experience doing speeches and some charitable work. Or the Grand Duchess with a wealth of experience working for good causes who's just hosted an international forum on the issue this Mexico conference is about.
I honestly can't see MT having anything to do with it and think it reflects poorly on Tessy for suggesting it.

I totally agree with you! I would bet its more likely than someone who has no skin in the game dis inivited Tessy to remove any potential awkwardness, with no knowledge or input from MT. And because of any other perceived slights (for example, Tessy might have received a birthday call or card from the Grand Duchess but no longer does, etc.) its become a bigger issue.

Unless someone specifically said that the Grand Duchess told them to remove Tessy from the event, and she has proof, Tessy should say nothing. Again at the end of the day, this could affect the relationship between the boys, Tessy, Louis and the GD Family. What is more important...this Forum or the boys?
I think she deserves to be invited/involved in many of the places she goes to and be acknowledged for her work but it would be awkward with MT's involvement as well.

She certainly doesn't have to disappear from public life like Lalla Salma if she doesn't want to but some of these interviews and a lot of her SM isn't doing her any favours. Whilst not Princess of Luxembourg or being given a new title like Alexandra in Denmark de Nassau will still open doors for her as well as her own professional contacts so I wish she'd go dark on SM for a while for her and her boys' sake.
Tessy has nothing to complain. Louis' uncle Prince Jean married the Dutch Diane de Guerre, daughter of General Gaston Claude de Guerre and of Eugénie de Guerre countess Wolff-Metternich. Diane herself married a Prince de Luxembourg. Diane's brother Thibaut married a Countess de Marchant et d'Ansembourg, Diane's younger sister Valérie married a Count de Marchant et d'Ansembourg. This deeply aristocracy-rooted family owns fabulous Hillenraad Castle near Roermond (Netherlands), see picture: https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagra...7&ig_cache_key=MTc2MjQ1NzM3OTQ0NTU2ODA2OA==.2

Despite all this background Diane (Jean's second spouse after Hélène Vestur) is never accepted at the Court. Probably because the Court never fully accepted Prince Jean's first wife, let alone his divorce. But you never hear Hélène or Diane in media. You never hear them wailing or complaining. They never post the one selfie after the other. Both are/were exemplaric spouses and Hélène is a great mother of four Nassaus.

Spot the difference. This attention-seeking former gold digging spouse versus the discreet Hélène and Diane. Tessy Antony does not deserve one minute of compassion.

Diane and Helene are private citizens. They weren't involved in charity work, at least publically. They don't run businesses which rely on media attention. So no they are not comparable at all to Tessy.

I said more then once that her criticism of her exes is absurd and needs to end. :bang:

That said why should she have to disappear?? Was Diana expected to give up her patronages when she divorced? Was Alexandra in Denmark expected to give up her patronages when she divorced? The clear answer is NO. So why should Tessy be expected to give up her patronages? She is an UNAIDS advocate, a founder of Professors without borders. These aren't minor patronages that she can simply just walk away from. And again who benefits if she walks away from them? Not her charities at all.

As for her business, well you cant have it both ways. You cant claim her a gold digger and then turn around and criticize her for working. No she isn't going to be some little librarian in the park. If she lived off her ex in laws, people would criticize her for being lazy and out for money. Instead she is creating a business and making something of herself.

I think it hasn't anything to do that she wasn't good enough to be a Pricness. if they had married and then got children their marriage would probably have been approved by the GRand Duke. It was the decision of Louis to renouce his succession rights so that hzis soin born before their marriage and future children would not be different in that one would ghave succession rights and the other not.

Even if Louis gave up his line in succession, Tessy and her son could have been given some title when she married. Her and her sons weren't granted them until three years later.

I don't ignore Tessy's work but equally I don't think its a reason to give her a free pass all the time. As for comparing her to the Grand Ducal couple's children, as the divorce documents stated, its expected that all but the heir go out and get jobs of their own. I don't think you can say they don't do anything when they aren't being asked to/expected to.
Tessy does do alot, and I think she does have some good intentions, but IMO she also wants a lot of attention for what she does and likes getting attention so perhaps all her work isn't quite as selfless as it could or should be IMO.

There is a difference between her charity work vs her work.

Unlike senior working royals, she actually has to have a job. Much of her publicity and comments have to do with her job. Promoting businesses and other work she has done. That is part of her job.

As for charities how do you think they make money for their work? They get publicity from their patrons. That is what royals do. They attend events to get people talking. Nothing different then British royals. Again her hiding in the shadows and not seeking publicity for her charities wouldn't be a benefit to anyone but those who wish she would vanish.
It seems like Tessy is doing her best to stir the pot with the Ducal Family of which her 2 sons are part of and its not very clever or fair to her sons ,she should really think before she opens her mouth in future.
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