Scoop (2024) Netflix Film about the Newsnight Interview of the Duke of York

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo
Netflix has released the film 'Scoop' about the Newsnight interview of Emily Maitlis of the Duke of York.
The movie is based on the memoir of former Newsnight booker Sam McAlister, who negotiated and secured the interview.

An article about fact and fiction in this movie:

I watched the movie this weekend and I thought it was pretty decent, but it didn’t really change how I perceive the story at all. Andrew seems like a lonely man raised in a bubble who is entitled and has appalling judgement who just didn’t ever bother to ask any questions or care about what was happening around him because he really only thinks of his own interests.
I watched it. It made me have more sympathy for Andrew, his cringe-worthy statements aside. I didn't expect that to happen.
I watched it. It made me have more sympathy for Andrew, his cringe-worthy statements aside. I didn't expect that to happen.

He almost seemed to be trying not to damn Epstein and it’s like he seemed to forget he was a convicted pedophile. He struck me as someone who convinced himself he’d done nothing wrong and grasped at straws with the pizza and sweating stories - good grief! Portrayed as good for a laugh, infantilized, and entitled. I’d forgotten that Beatrice had been there to help her father decide about the interview. How awful for her the way it turned out! They didn’t make it clear -to me at least - if the new PR guy got to tell Andrew to run away from the interview or if he just quit when he was told it was going to happen.
As a movie, it was just OK. It builds up the drama very well, but the end sort of fizzles out.

As far as telling Andrew's story, I thought it painted him as a needy, insecure, pathetic character so far removed from the outside world that he can barely relate to concepts like truth and crime.
I found it pretty meh but that is because, like all the movies in the recent trend of turning current events into films, it offered nothing new. It was well acted (though I did think Gillian Anderson slipped into Margaret Thatcher role from the Crown at times) but was really just a retelling of what we already knew. That is fine if you are looking back decades later and people have forgotten but I never get the point in doing that so soon after its actually happened. The story of how they got the interview was pretty boring IMO and the most "wow really" moment is the interview itself, which of course we have all seen.
Interestingly Matlis is herself a producer on an Amazon three parter about the interview which is coming out later this year. I wonder if that might not offer more given its over three parts?
It was okay and watchable but just okay IMO.

I have just watched the movie and the plot in here was not fair: Three smart women against a pretty thick Prince - an absolute trainwreck for His Majesty, the Duke of York.

BTW They called him, the Prince, Majesty in this movie... Is this all the fuss, that is about the title HRH, which was stripped from Prince Harry? If yes: I did not know this and I read the Royal Forums since a long time...

BTW Note to myself: If in a position of power, do not surround yourself with personell, that has a light crush on you!

I have just watched the movie and the plot in here was not fair: Three smart women against a pretty thick Prince - an absolute trainwreck for His Majesty, the Duke of York.

BTW They called him, the Prince, Majesty in this movie... Is this all the fuss, that is about the title HRH, which was stripped from Prince Harry? If yes: I did not know this and I read the Royal Forums since a long time...

BTW Note to myself: If in a position of power, do not surround yourself with personell, that has a light crush on you!

Prince Harry was not stripped of the HRH. Also, it's incorrect to refer to Andrew as "Your Majesty" or "His Majesty." He's not the king, nor will he ever be.
Hi Sister Morphine!

Thank you for correcting me! Much appreciated! I am really not an expert. I have just seen the German version, which was with German voice actors taking the part to "voice-over" the original actors - And the Prince was called there simply "Majesty"... several times. Perhaps a translation error from the English language version into the German one? Anyhow: Thank you for answering!
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