Princess of Wales Undergoing Cancer Treatment

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sending healing and prayers of strength from Sweden 🙏

Hopefully the british (and american) media backs off now and leaves her and her family alone… One would have thought they would have learned something in 1997 but apparently not….
Very sad news for the Princess of Wales and the royal family in general. Luckily, it appears to have been caught early and the Princess has said that she will be ok. Hopefully this tempers social media's absurdness towards this situation.
I also hope Stephen Colbert will apologize now.

He may have an admitted anti-royalist bias but he also has a beloved wife who's a royalwatcher and he happens to actually be a very decent, thoughtful person (stupid part of a monologue aside), so I suspect it's possible he might.

It was still a very bad call for William to not attend. It is understandable that William was going through, and processing, a lot at that moment but William lacks the understanding his father and grandparents have/had in the importance of carrying on and appearing steady. He just needed to appear for one hour, he just had to give one hour of appearing fine, and so much of the media discourse would have been avoided. Looking at it now, the cost of not attending was far greater than the personal cost William would have endured by attending. William, like Harry, often let their disdain of the media get in the way of making balanced decisions.
No. Sorry, Hard disagree with your post.
I also hope Stephen Colbert will apologize now.

He may have an admitted anti-royalist bias but he also has a beloved wife who's a royalwatcher and he happens to actually be a very decent, thoughtful person (stupid part of a monologue aside), so I suspect it's possible he might.

Not sure if he'll outright apologize, but between this news and Rose issuing a 'cease and desist', you have to hope he recognizes it's time to drop the topic and quietly move on.
Not sure if he'll outright apologize, but between this news and Rose issuing a 'cease and desist', you have to hope he recognizes it's time to drop the topic and quietly move on.
As far as I know (I watch his monologues regularly and was disappointed at the time) he only brought it up the once.

I can see him genuinely wishing Catherine well, if nothing else, but I think it's possible he could also recognize how poor his timing ended up and acknowledge he (and the rumors) were wrong.
No. Sorry, Hard disagree with your post.
Care to expand? It's hard to engage in conversation on these forums if posters don't expand on their thoughts.
I had cancer two years ago and after a sucessful surgery I needed preventive chemo and radiation therapy. I hope it is the same with the princess and she can fight and succeed in fighting the cancer as did (so far). I'm glad that they took the time to tell the children what is happening with their grandfather and their mother. We have to understand that we, the public have to stand back and allow a private person to emerge behind the princess coat and to accept that private person to deal with diseases as she and the family sees fit.
Terrible news to be waken up with. Cancer is such a detrimental disease that difficult to overcome. I have a close family member (sadly passed away) who undergone surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These procedure affected his immune system and physical state. During this long period of time, it took a toll on my family. My sympathy goes to The Princess of Wales' family. I hope these internet trolls, celebrities (Kim Kardashian, Blake Lively, Stephen Colbert) and journalists, who spread conspiracy theories or joke about her take a long look at themselves in shame.
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My heart goes out to Catherine and her whole family. May she make a full recovery and then make another video telling tabloids and internet trolls to shove it. But she won’t because she has class.
Duke and Duchess of Sussex:
'We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace,' the couple said in a brief statement to Harper's Bazaar.


It was still a very bad call for William to not attend. It is understandable that William was going through, and processing, a lot at that moment but William lacks the understanding his father and grandparents have/had in the importance of carrying on and appearing steady. He just needed to appear for one hour, he just had to give one hour of appearing fine, and so much of the media discourse would have been avoided. Looking at it now, the cost of not attending was far greater than the personal cost William would have endured by attending. William, like Harry, often let their disdain of the media get in the way of making balanced decisions.
Maybe it's time to put this story to rest and to focus on what matters the most : the well being of Catherine in those challenging times.
I find rather out of touch, to say the least, to still debate what William should or should not have done to please some obscure Royal watchers around the World.
A good lesson to learn for everyone in those social media obsessed times, i guess.
He just needed to appear for one hour, he just had to give one hour of appearing fine, and so much of the media discourse would have been avoided.
I've been in William's shoes 4 years ago, so I know very well how he felt. It took me DAYS before I could speak to someone without a tremor in my voice. And I didn't have to face cameras and the world media. William takes his position seriously and I don't believe for 1 second that he would pull out at a last moment without a very very good reason.

Who are we to judge?
The only ones who have that right would be the GRF.
I am absolutely sure that Greek Royals understood completely and considering the situation didn't mind at all.
I will admit.....I teared up.
It brought me back to a Sunday morning on long holiday weekend in The US. Labor Day Weekend 1997. Waking up to that news. Princess Diana is dead.

The ghouls here in the States had been working overtime to "determine" what was wrong, with Catherine. Why ? It was simply was WAY out of bounds and disgusting.

I really like and respect Catherine. Always have. A class act.
Thankfully, She has ALSO her Middleton Family. As well as the "wider" Windsor Family to support her.

Poor William, my heart goes out to him too. Double horrific Cancer diagnosis's for his Father and Wife. That's A lot. After what he went thru as a Teen, with Diana's death played out.... publicly.
Trying to recuperate, recover and deal with the the health implications on their young family.

Under Media glare. With VILE insinuations.
The stress must be unimaginable.
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As a cancer survivor I wish her only the best outcome. Chemotherapy can be grueling and you need a lot of positivity to get through it. I truly hope the mainstream media just gives her the space and time that she needs. As for social media - well you just shut it off and don’t look at it. It is the mainstream media reporting social media conspiracies and fantasies as actual news that causes the damage.
You expressed well something that had been bothering me the past few weeks - social media is what it is, it’s been crazy almost as long as there’s been widespread internet use. The mainstream media, though, is still supposed to hold itself to higher standards, and certainly members of the so-called serious press never miss a chance to point out how very above it all they are. But I question how much difference there is between some wannabe influencer spouting conspiracy theories based on nothing, versus various media outlets devoting a significant amount of coverage to what conspiracy theories and other nonsense social media is throwing at us on any given day.

I don’t expect either social media or traditional media to change, but I do think this has opened my eyes to how thin the line between them is.

I do hope that Catherine can now have a period of actual privacy to undergo treatment and recover, physically and emotionally.
Wishing Kate and her family all the best. I think many of us here have had relatives, friends who have undergone treatment for this insidious disease or have had cancer themselves. The treatment can be grindingly debilitating but treatment is so much better than it was years ago.

Internet trolls and conspiracy theorists have a lot to answer for, and since January they have been out of control.
Having 2 family members currently battling cancer, my prayers and thoughts go out. My father is nearly 8 years into 3-5 year prognosis with multiple myeloma (no cure/remission it can only be held at bay by treatment), and my brother in law is battling sinus cancer (after losing his wife, my sister from a stroke last summer likely partly from stress from being her husband's full time caregiver as he was bed ridden for months).

Its a good sign its just prevetitive chemo. My best friend they found she had non-hodgekins lymphoma when she had wisdom teeth taken out. They thought they got it all in the surgery but did the chemo just to be careful. Six years later and she has been cancer free ever since.

Shock both Charles and Kate have been diagnosed. Hopefully their family strength sees them through coming months of treatment.
Wishing Kate and her family all the best. I think many of us here have had relatives, friends who have undergone treatment for this insidious disease or have had cancer themselves. The treatment can be grindingly debilitating but treatment is so much better than it was years ago.

Internet trolls and conspiracy theorists have a lot to answer for, and since January they have been out of control.
I so agree with you, but I am also so annoyed at the newspapers who used the SM debacle as an excuse to keep publishing stories.
I also hope Stephen Colbert will apologize now.

He may have an admitted anti-royalist bias but he also has a beloved wife who's a royalwatcher and he happens to actually be a very decent, thoughtful person (stupid part of a monologue aside), so I suspect it's possible he might.
Why should Stephen Colbert apologize? In the segment, which is only 2min long, he mentioned people were wondering where is Kate, which is true, then stated there is report/gossip that William is having an affair, also true. He mostly made fun of the spelling and pronunciation of "Cholmondeley". There was no joke about Kate's illness or appearance.
That's sad. Though I'm glad the other turned out to not be true. Too much bad news in one day.

I read that Harry and Meghan put up a nice post. That's good. And the media can now stop playing "Where's Waldo" with her. We know why she's out of the public eye they can leave her alone until she is better. Though you know TMZ won't.
Why should Stephen Colbert apologize? In the segment, which is only 2min long, he mentioned people were wondering where is Kate, which is true, then stated there is report/gossip that William is having an affair, also true. He mostly made fun of the spelling and pronunciation of "Cholmondeley". There was no joke about Kate's illness or appearance.
He did spread the rumors to wide public outside of gossip spheres however. And there is no real evidence of this and it’s old rumors from 2019 that just resurfaced because of the conspiracies of the absence of Catherine. Him mentioning the rumors makes it look like now something has happened and that’s how many reacted. Honestly he mostly should apologize to Rose (who apparently is suing) who isn’t a public figure. At least the royals are public figures used to this and who have their own resources to deal with media. It’s not like gossip sites aren’t filled with speculation of which celebrities are having affairs (like the blind item in this case). But usually they are completely ignored by more mainstream media until there are named sources or pictures. He just as well could have focused on a “Catherine is dead” conspiracy theory.

In any case Colbert is unlikely to apologize, but probably will not deal with the royals for a while now.
Well, you asked. I find the idea that you think William should have sucked it up and gone to the memorial extremely distasteful. Thus I disagree with your post.
I can understand you finding it distasteful but my point is that William missing the service was sort of a boiling point for all of the brewing conspiracy theories online. William attending the service would have most likely delayed that boiling point for a bit.
Maybe it's time to put this story to rest and to focus on what matters the most : the well being of Catherine in those challenging times.
I find rather out of touch, to say the least, to still debate what William should or should not have done to please some obscure Royal watchers around the World.
A good lesson to learn for everyone in those social media obsessed times, i guess.
Except the debate regarding missing the service plays into the wider discussion of how the Wales's team has handled Catherine's absence. There was always going to be
lots of interest in this and the Wales's, I believe, were correct to draw such a firm boundary around her health and medical information. However, William and his team have failed to understand and manage the vacuum created around her absence. It was clarified today that William had already known about Catherine's diagnosis by the time of the service yet he and his team still chose to wait until the last minute to announce he was missing the service and for "personal reasons". That amped up the drama and added fuel to the fire.
I've been in William's shoes 4 years ago, so I know very well how he felt. It took me DAYS before I could speak to someone without a tremor in my voice. And I didn't have to face cameras and the world media. William takes his position seriously and I don't believe for 1 second that he would pull out at a last moment without a very very good reason.
Who are we to judge?
The only ones who have that right would be the GRF.
I am absolutely sure that Greek Royals understood completely and considering the situation didn't mind at all.
This isn't about the GRF in my opinion but rather how Williams actions have added, rather than tempered, the insanity on social media. I know I am being harsh on William, but his actions bear some responsibility for the firestorm around this. He just had to show up. I understand that he as a husband and father was also going through a lot but by not playing the game a little bit, the way his father and grandparents have/had, he was not helping the situation. There is a lot to be learned from these past few months and I really hope William and his team have been paying attention.
I can understand you finding it distasteful but my point is that William missing the service was sort of a boiling point for all of the brewing conspiracy theories online. William attending the service would have most likely delayed that boiling point for a bit.

Except the debate regarding missing the service plays into the wider discussion of how the Wales's team has handled Catherine's absence. There was always going to be
lots of interest in this and the Wales's, I believe, were correct to draw such a firm boundary around her health and medical information. However, William and his team have failed to understand and manage the vacuum created around her absence. It was clarified today that William had already known about Catherine's diagnosis by the time of the service yet he and his team still chose to wait until the last minute to announce he was missing the service and for "personal reasons". That amped up the drama and added fuel to the fire.

This isn't about the GRF in my opinion but rather how Williams actions have added, rather than tempered, the insanity on social media. I know I am being harsh on William, but his actions bear some responsibility for the firestorm around this. He just had to show up. I understand that he as a husband and father was also going through a lot but by not playing the game a little bit, the way his father and grandparents have/had, he was not helping the situation. There is a lot to be learned from these past few months and I really hope William and his team have been paying attention.
So distasteful and inappropriate in my opinion.
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When I got my cancer diagnosis (during Covid, no less), I was devasted. But when I met with the surgeon, she assured me that it had been caught early and wasn't aggressive. I was lucky in that I did not need chemo, but I did have surgery and radiation. These days a cancer diagnosis is not necessarily a life ending diagnosis. Cancer survivors go on to live full, happy lives.

I wish the princess an easy time throughout her treatment and I wish her a speedy recovery.
I am one as well. Glad that you are doing so good!
It had to be serious enough to warrant such a long recovery period, and as it turns out, it is. Having been touched by this disease like so many people, I feel much empathy for Princess Catherine. I hope that now she has made a public statement, the media backs off and she and her family are given space and time for her to undergo the treatment and heal.
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