Princess Delphine & Family, News & Events 2; 2023 -

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Arms of Princesses of Belgium

Welcome to the Princess Delphine and Family News and Events thread, Part 2

Commencing August 8th, 2023

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According the the gettyimages caption (see more photos below), Delphine has taken up "the challenge offered by the Belgian Red Cross to put together a modern, low-cost back-to-school look in the Nivelles cloakroom, to highlight the advantages of these second-hand solidarity stores". Definitely a nice idea to promote second-hand stores, but due to her age and choices, the results are of course ones more like "back-to-work" or "back-to-university" ;)

** gettyimages gallery **
More back to school for teacher. Even college student a bit too mature.

Great initiative. Maybe a better if her daughter was willing, would be to have had her involved. Have them shop together. It would do more to promote youth looking to second hand clothes, then Delphine shopping.

According the the gettyimages caption (see more photos below), Delphine has taken up "the challenge offered by the Belgian Red Cross to put together a modern, low-cost back-to-school look in the Nivelles cloakroom, to highlight the advantages of these second-hand solidarity stores". Definitely a nice idea to promote second-hand stores, but due to her age and choices, the results are of course ones more like "back-to-work" or "back-to-university" ;)
** gettyimages gallery **

True, but if she'd picked "younger" clothes, people would be criticizing her for not acting her age!
Princess Delphine has written, via her lawyer Marc Uyttendaele, a letter to Prime Minister De Croo, where she requests to be given the same rights as her half-brother Laurent and half-sister Astrid. Apparently, she is not satisfied about her role in official events as of late: she was not invited to the King's Feast on 15 November and, according to her, even when she's invited to events she's treated differently than her half-sibilings:

First random thoughts:
It's curious she's realised now that she isn't invited to the King's Feast. She was recognized in 2020 and since then she's never been invited. It was always reserved for people who receive a dotation and have an active role in the monarchy, and she's always said she isn't interested in either of these things;
I'm not sure what she means when she says she's being treated "differently" at official events. During the military parade on National Day, she's exactly on the same stage as Astrid and Laurent. This year she also attended the concert to mark Philippe's 10 years as King, along with her partner and daughter;
I think it's a step too far. She was lucky enough to receive a title due to a badly-worded royal decree, but since she's not in line to the throne, she's not working for the monarchy on an official capacity and she doesn't receive a dotation, she is in a different position than her half-sibilings and she should accept it. Perhaps, King Philippe should have drawn a clearer line when welcoming her into the family, clearly saying that she was welcome at family occasions (mass for the deceased members of the royal house, weddings, commemorations, etc), but she wouldn't be invited to official events, like the National Day (Princess Esmeralda, for example, is only invited to some family events, and she has never written letters to the government about it)
Linda_26 said:
Princess Delphine has written, via her lawyer Marc Uyttendaele, a letter to Prime Minister De Croo, where she requests to be given the same rights as her half-brother Laurent and half-sister Astrid. Apparently, she is not satisfied about her role in official events as of late: she was not invited to the King's Feast on 15 November and, according to her, even when she's invited to events she's treated differently than her half-sibilings:

But what does Delphine mean when she says she is treated "differently" by the government?
She is not in line for the throne, nor does she receive a salary from the royal house.
She shows up at a few events and that's it.
I don't know what she intends.
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She seems to mean the Fête du Roi on November 15th. At least that is it for now. But TBH my first -admittedly cynical- thoughts were if she was planning to apply for a dotation like Astrid and Laurent have. If she ever does I think it is more likely the dotations will be withdrawn completely as the Rue de la Loi never has been very happy with this act of generosity of the late prime minister Jean-Luc Dehaene. The very last thing they will want is to extend it.

I agree, she has already been given so much it feels odd to make a fuss about this particular issue alone. And as you say Linda, other members of the family also do not attend. It seems a bit overblown for a Te Deum alone.
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She seems to mean the Fête du Roi on November 15th. At least that is it for now. But TBH my first -admittedly cynical- thoughts were if she was planning to apply for a dotation like Astrid and Laurent have. If she ever does I think it is more likely the dotations will be withdrawn completely as the Rue de la Loi never has been very happy with this act of generosity of the late prime minister Jean-Luc Dehaene. The very last thing they will want is to extend it.

I agree, she has already been given so much it feels odd to make a fuss about this particular issue alone. And as you say Linda, other members of the family also do not attend. It seems a bit overblown for a Te Deum alone.

I agree. I've also read some interviews Delphine gave since being welcomed into the royal family and she always highlighted that she didn't receive a dotation and she didn't have an official role, so it seems really odd to suddenly complain (and with a letter to the Prime Minister, on the top of that!) about not being invited to an event that has always been reserved to working members of the royal family. And, as I've pointed out, since her recognition she's never been present at the King's Feast in November (for an overview, in 2020 the celebrations were cancelled due to the pandemic; in
2021 Albert, Paola and Laurent attended; in 2022: Albert, Paola, Astrid, Lorenz, Laurent and Claire; 3 weeks ago, in 2023: Albert, Paola, Astrid and Laurent).

Journalist Wim Dehandschutter also says that this letter must feel like "a knife in the back" for King Philippe, and it certainly seems rather contradictory on Delphine's part, if compared to her previous declarations:
Hmmm interesting how her relationship with the Royal House seems to have changed quite drastically after a brief honeymoon period. I'm starting to think Delphine seems quite happy to cause issues for the Royal House in a manner a number of royal relations of European houses seem to have done of late. It seemed at first she was quite happy being recognised with a royal title and the King welcoming her to family events. Now she wants to be treated like the King's full siblings who do carry out official duties. Why the seemingly sudden change, it has been apparent all this time she has not been treated the same as Astrid and Laurent and really can anyone expect her to be? Not because of her lineage but its been clear that Astrid & Laurent are the last royal siblings / younger children to receive an official allowance so why would the government / Royal House want to take on one more in someone who has seemingly been happy to make their own living and life up to now.
If I had to take a wild guess.... I would say this has to do with Albert again. I know Napoleonic code is in effect, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's already given Astrid and Laurent things far in excess of whatever part of the estate Delphine will get.

I don't think this is about a Te Deum. It's reasonably well-known that she has a warm relationship with Astrid and an... iffy one with Laurent, so why wouldn't she want equal treatment in either case?
In that respect (iffy relationship with Laurent) she fits right into the family ;). But it is puzzling indeed. We will have to wait and see before we can draw any hasty conclusions of course and see if there will be a next step.

As for the estate: I am not -as yet- sure how this would make a difference, but I am not a lawyer. And as you say there are steps that Albert could take -if he wanted to.

It is a puzzling move and it suggests perhaps a certain coldness that may have set in. Let's hope that is not the case as it all seemed to have a happy ending. King Philippe showed a largeness of spirit and wisedom in settling the matter. He does not deserve this indeed.

I do not understand if the letter was leaked somewhere or was made public by Delphine and her lawyer. If the latter is the case that also suggests the problem may be going on for a while. One would assume such a matter would first be adressed in private and only escalated after the problem was not settled to the satisfaction of Pss Delphine.

It is wise that the cabinet of the King does not touch this but leaves it to those responsible.
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If I had to take a wild guess.... I would say this has to do with Albert again. I know Napoleonic code is in effect, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's already given Astrid and Laurent things far in excess of whatever part of the estate Delphine will get.

I don't think this is about a Te Deum. It's reasonably well-known that she has a warm relationship with Astrid and an... iffy one with Laurent, so why wouldn't she want equal treatment in either case?

Her lawyer specifically says it's about the way she's being treated at official events. And for me, it's absolutely normal and justified that she's being treated differently when it comes to certain invitations, she doesn't have the same role within the institution as her sibilings and I thought she had understood it, which is apparently not the case. The tone of the letter sounds really entitled and self-important. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be her last request.
I know she's spoken highly of Astrid in the past, (and Astrid really is a kind person, I don't doubt of that), but I'm not sure if their relationship is "warm", this year at the National Day they were filmed together but didn't seem to interact.
As for Albert'a estate: how can she possibly know as of now what exactly she will get? It is likely that some of Albert's properties are in Paola's name and so will be inherited by their three children and not by Delphine (so far it is only publicly-known that Albert and Paola's vicarage in the Ardennes is in Paola's name and was donated to Laurent's three kids, who will become full ownwers after their grandmother's death) , but it wouldn't really look good on Delphine if she suddenly complained about it, since she's always said it was not about the money.
Already now, most comments by Belgians about this letter were rather negative, and rightly so
I always thought that the meeting on King's Day in the Belgian parliament was a matter for the Belgian parliament.
Not from the Palace.
(The text I saw on a website here in the Netherlands also states that the King forwarded the letter to the Prime Minister).
Gives me the impression she's barking up the wrong tree. You can also want too much (attention).
I do not understand if the letter was leaked somewhere or was made public by Delphine and her lawyer. If the latter is the case that also suggests the problem may be going on for a while.


It seems- latest development- that it was leaked to the press without Delphine's knowledge and she didn't want to create trouble (allow me to doubt about that last point, I'm sorry).
Uyttendaele then defines the different treatment of Delphine compared to Astrid and Laurent "embarassing " and says Delphine was told that she's being treated differently because she doesn't receive a dotation from the government and doesn't work for the monarchy. But, she doesn't understand why she can't be considered a "full member of the royal house". If she can't understand this very basic fact the situation is pretty serious, I would say. What's next? Is she going to ask to be made Queen because she doesn't want to be treated differently than Philippe?
She has much more freedom than her sibilings, she has a carreer, she was even lucky enough to receive a royal title and she gets invited to family events (and even at National Day Festivities, which has never made sense to me): why she still complains about her situation really is beyond me.
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I guess we may expect a complaint soon that she isn't in the line of succession... That's unfair. Her father's other children are, so why can't she?!
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That is indeed the crux. There simply is a difference between her and her siblings and that is that she is not in the line of succession. I expected her to have a role like Pss Esmeralda, but as it is she is already more involved.

Thanks for the update on the statement, it seems to be leaked indeed. So let's hope that means that things are not so dire (yet).
Some questions made by longtime members are really baffling, the point of Hereditary monarchy (with some rare exceptions) is that you can only be in the line of succession if you are born from a marriage. Delphine can not possibly receive the same treatment as Filip, Astrid and Laurent. FFS!

It's also time to stop the comparison with Princess Esmeralda, since Lilian and Leopold were married, so Delphine can't compare to her either. Esmeralda and her siblings were never given the kind treatment Delphine was given by Filip, and she still has the guts to complain? What's next? Demanding an allowance for her children?
"Mr. Prime Minister, my half-brother doesn't give me what I think I deserve, woe is me"

Delusional to say the least.
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A good response from Prime Minister De Croo about the matter:

According to the Prime Minister, Delphine was not discriminated against. She's talking about events only people who have an official position in the country are invited to, like members of the Royal Family. She's a member of the royal family, but she doesn't carry out any official duties, so it's absolutely normal that she wasn't invited.
It really wasn't difficult to figure out
A good response from Prime Minister De Croo about the matter:

According to the Prime Minister, Delphine was not discriminated against. She's talking about events only people who have an official position in the country are invited to, like members of the Royal Family. She's a member of the royal family, but she doesn't carry out any official duties, so it's absolutely normal that she wasn't invited.
It really wasn't difficult to figure out

Common sense, at last.
Some questions made by longtime members are really baffling, the point of Hereditary monarchy (with some rare exceptions) is that you can only be in the line of succession if you are born from a marriage. Delphine can not possibly receive the same treatment as Filip, Astrid and Laurent. FFS!

I didn't encounter any longtime members stating otherwise... It seems only Delphine herself is delusional in thinking that she should be treated exactly the same as her half-siblings.
Her Lawyer wrote a letter to Alexander De Croo Prime Minister saying that Dephine will be treated as Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent. Our Premier is now in USA for promotong the Belgian Projects when we will have the Presidency for Europe on January 1st. Shortly interviewed he said that Astrid and Laurent are working Royals. They have obligations and have to send the result of their costs to our Cour des Comptes/Rekenhof etc...
He will answer the lawyer when he will have the time.
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I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about Delphine's position. At there is a members-only article that says that the palace is apparently surprised about her letter "It has been clearly explained to her twice, we thought she understood."

She *is* not the same as Astrid and Laurent. Aside from that they only have the same father, she does not carry out functions for the royal family, is not in the line of succession and doesn't receive a dotation.
Exactly what Prime Minister Alexander De Croo says.

What I even more don't get: when she gets these questions about her absence, why can"t she give these exact reasons that thr Prime Minister quotes? It's the truth and has - IMO - nothing to do with her appearing to look down her nose at some events.

Apparently things have led to dissatisfaction. Perhaps she feels she isn't treated cordial enough but only tolerated or something like that because she just happens to be King Albert II's other daughter?
*That* would be a reason I can understand. But all this talk about potentionally damaging the monarchy sounds inflated and what could be so shocking anyway?

It starts to sound like a feeling of entitlement where I (among others) thought this all belonged to the past. Like Wim Dehandschutter also said, he fell of his chair when reading about the letter.
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Perhaps she intends to continue to ask until she gets the answer she likes ;). But in this case I imagine a limit has been reached.
What I find so surprising is that this is happening in Belgium where we have already seen this very fact - a difference between those royals who carry out official duties and those that don't in the likes of Princess Marie-Esméralda, Prince Alexandre and Princess Marie-Christine. It very much seemed to me that the RF were treating Delphine in a similar way - welcome to family events whilst also recognising a difference between those royals with official obligations and those without for more "official" events.

No doubt Delphine still thinks of her long road to be recognised as Albert's daughter and thinks if she keeps going with this she'll be a working royal with all that comes with it (not all that much if you ask me but what do I know - I suspect Astrid's lifestyle is largely down to Lorenz other than the house provided by the Royal Trust). But there is a difference - her fight to be recognised was a fight for was she was legally (and maybe morally) entitled to, fighting for anything more is just an overblown sense of spoilt entitlement.
Totally right Marengo . They show on TV Dephine saying in the past I want nothing else . The honeymoon is over ....How difficult for our King he did his very best !

Perhaps she intends to continue to ask until she gets the answer she likes ;). But in this case I imagine a limit has been reached.
I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about Delphine's position. At there is a members-only article that says that the palace is apparently surprised about her letter "It has been clearly explained to her twice, we thought she understood."

She *is* not the same as Astrid and Laurent. Aside from that they only have the same father, she does not carry out functions for the royal family, is not in the line of succession and doesn't receive a dotation.
Exactly what Prime Minister Alexander De Croo says.

What I even more don't get: when she gets these questions about her absence, why can"t she give these exact reasons that thr Prime Minister quotes? It's the truth and has - IMO - nothing to do with her appearing to look down her nose at some events.

Exactly, and the reason why she's being treated differently is so clear and straightforward (as De Croo said) that it's unlikely she really "didn't understand", but more probably didn't want to understand/ didn't accept the answer she got
Some questions made by longtime members are really baffling, the point of Hereditary monarchy (with some rare exceptions) is that you can only be in the line of succession if you are born from a marriage. Delphine can not possibly receive the same treatment as Filip, Astrid and Laurent. FFS!

It's also time to stop the comparison with Princess Esmeralda, since Lilian and Leopold were married, so Delphine can't compare to her either. Esmeralda and her siblings were never given the kind treatment Delphine was given by Filip, and she still has the guts to complain? What's next? Demanding an allowance for her children?
"Mr. Prime Minister, my half-brother doesn't give me what I think I deserve, woe is me"

Delusional to say the least.
this get worst once you also remember how albert wanted to divorce his wife at one point and be with delphine mother and neglected his own childrens his legitimate childern one of who was expected to and would become king.
this get worst once you also remember how albert wanted to divorce his wife at one point and be with delphine mother

But in the end he didn't, ad he's been happy with his wife for several decades now. In any case, it has nothing to do with the events we're currently discussing and Delphine's unreasonable requests of the past few days
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