Prince Albert's Older Children Part 2: 2023 -

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Jan 29, 2005


Welcome to part 2 of the thread for Prince Albert's older children Jazmin Grace and Alexandre.

The old thread can be found here:

** Prince Albert's Older Children Part 1: 2009 - 2023 **

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Oh here we go again! He talks now about "coming out as a public figure" and wanting to be a "global ambassador for Monaco". I am honestly waiting for him to challenge the laws of succession at some point as this interview shows his entire future focus is on Monaco and his role in it.
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Wow, well at least Alexandre isn't shy about putting his ambitions out there.

He wants recognition and a role. "Global Ambassador for Monaco,and bring Business opportunities BACK to Monaco". I didn't know that business needed to be "brought back" there? What exactly is his expertise ? At age.....20, no less.

Maybe, it is just my take, but so many of the now ONCE "aging" European Spares have been basically sidelined, or left. Either thru the Royal House decree ( Prince Joaquim) , personal choices (Prince Harry) , or bad 'circumstances', ( Prince Andrew).

Monarchies are being streamlined, and the days of having plum-high profile jobs handed out solely due to your luck as being the child of The Monarch seem to be being phased out. Quickly.
The only glaring exception, to me, is *kinda* Prince Carl Philip in Sweden, maybe, because of him for a short time being the heir ( unbeknownst to him) but then the law changed. To his Father's, King Carl Gustaf's chagrin.

I wonder if Prince Albert was aware that Alexandre would go public with his own stated goals as a prominent power player for Monaco.

Very interesting to see where this leads.
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Oh here we go again! He talks now about "coming out as a public figure" and wanting to be a "global ambassador for Monaco". I am honestly waiting for him to challenge the laws of succession at some point as this interview shows his entire future focus is on Monaco and his role in it.
I was about to talk about the article. It is preposterous. I’m sure his mother got these ideas in his head.
This is not good. I was hoping he would go against his mother's ambitions for him but it seems like he is playing right along into it. Not Good!
This is not good. I was hoping he would go against his mother's ambitions for him but it seems like he is playing right along into it. Not Good!

Not good is right. I imagine that Albert and Charlene are both concerned about this as it's undermining Prince Jacques in particular. Who is asking Alex to be an ambassador for Monaco? I don't imagine that anyone is. Can you imagine if King Charles, for example, had an illegitimate son who was giving interviews saying he saw his future as an ambassador for the UK? I understand the boy possibly resents his lack of official position and title but it won't change and if he continues like this then whatever good relations he has with the Princely family will be in severe jeopardy.
Alexandre says in the article that Albert has set up the New York contacts for him, so he must be well aware and supportive of what his son is doing.

Albert would be wise to create some kind of official role (and maybe title) for Alexandre that could give him a focus and define his activities. That would pull him closer to the royal house and keep him aligned with the sovereign, which would be productive and supportive for everyone.
Kalnel, respectively disagree. To create a "official role " or Title for Alexandre would be counter productive to the interests of Monaco. A little crowded. Prince Albert, The heir Jacques, and Ambassador Alexandre ?

Why ? How ? He is now only 20. That smacks of old school Royal 'thinking', very "old school" actually.

Alexandre, as all the other Royal Family members in Europe should be encouraged to make their own futures. Separate, on their own merits. I believe most Royal Families are taking that stand, now.

In my opinion, Alexandre is trying, *hoping* to go around accepted precedent and set himself up in an prominent position. I honestly, in this day and age, DONT see that happening. Not when all the others in Europe are doing the exact opposite. Streamlining official positions AND cutting Titles.

I'm hoping that Albert is simply introducing Alexandre to connected and influential global power players, to further Alexandre own aspirations. He is moving to NYC.
But, I can't imagine what Alexandre talked about in the Interview, is workable. At all. Or would be popular in these times in Monaco.

Hopefully, just the musings of youth and idealism from a 20 year old seeking to make his mark. Things at that age easily get misinterpreted.
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Alexandre says in the article that Albert has set up the New York contacts for him, so he must be well aware and supportive of what his son is doing.

Albert would be wise to create some kind of official role (and maybe title) for Alexandre that could give him a focus and define his activities. That would pull him closer to the royal house and keep him aligned with the sovereign, which would be productive and supportive for everyone.

Albert setting him up with contacts is a perfectly normal thing for a parent to do but I don't think Albert is stupid, he must know that if Alex draws too close to the official family and becomes too involved in how Monaco is run it will lead to huge tensions with his wife and the twins as they grow older. Nicole Coste will push the situation though I'm sure .
Oh, to be a mind reader and know what Princesses Caroline and Stephanie think of this!
By title I assume you mean job title? No way does he need a royal title.

I read Stephanie is his godmother? I ever knew that. Sounds like he has a good relationship with her which is admirable in one way - she has her own blended family and I always think is right no mater what to try and forge good relationships with family including where children have different parents / step parents etc. Notable maybe he doesn't mention Caroline and her family - nor Charlene.

I'm honestly not sure Monaco needs an "ambassador", I mean that is what the Princely Family are for surely.
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Alexandre says in the article that Albert has set up the New York contacts for him, so he must be well aware and supportive of what his son is doing.

Albert would be wise to create some kind of official role (and maybe title) for Alexandre that could give him a focus and define his activities. That would pull him closer to the royal house and keep him aligned with the sovereign, which would be productive and supportive for everyone.
What title could they create for Alexandre? There’s simply no need for that or for him to any official role in the Principality. Monaco is a tax haven for the super rich with a corporate tax of 25%, what businesses could Alexandre bring to Monaco? The “illegitimate child” of Princess Stephanie has no role in the Principality, neither do any children of Albert’s sisters.
What title could they create for Alexandre? There’s simply no need for that or for him to any official role in the Principality. Monaco is a tax haven for the super rich with a corporate tax of 25%, what businesses could Alexandre bring to Monaco? The “illegitimate child” of Princess Stephanie has no role in the Principality, neither do any children of Albert’s sisters.

Nor does Jazmin, she comes to Monaco to visit her father but has never indicated that she wishes to play a part in what happens there, she seems much more accepting of her place in the scheme of things than Alex does.
Camille has reposted something about the Tatler article in her stories - along with hearts!
I'm not surprised to hear that Camille posted that about the story. The whole thing -- Alexandre's move, his career plans, his contacts, and the story itself -- sounded like it had Albert's blessing.

With all respect to everyone's opinions to the contrary, I believe you all are thinking too narrowly about Alexandre's future and his usefulness to the royal house. Having a bright young guy -- who is the sovereign's son! -- available who can travel the world and reach out to businesses and organizations on behalf of Monaco could be extremely valuable, especially as Albert gets older. (If you follow him closely, Albert goes nonstop -- he pops up everywhere in the world on business almost every week. That may be less appealing to him as he enters his 70s and 80s.)

Keeping Alexandre close to the family also helps ensure that he's not working against it. And, since Jacques is likely to be a fairly young sovereign, having a trusted older brother around who has worked with the palace organization and for the principality's interests could help ensure a stable transition when the time comes.

If Albert decides that it's in Monaco's best interests -- or in Alexandre's or Jazmin's best interests -- for them to have titles, I'm sure he can make it happen.
I don't know how "trusted" the older half-brother can be if he steps over the line, also taking into account that Nicole has been nasty against Charlene, I really don't see a reason why Jacques should be close to him, Jacques can ask his elder cousins Pierre and Andrea for advice anyway. Princess Gabriella can travel the world and work for the Principality if needed.
I don't know how "trusted" the older half-brother can be if he steps over the line, also taking into account that Nicole has been nasty against Charlene, I really don't see a reason why Jacques should be close to him, Jacques can ask his elder cousins Pierre and Andrea for advice anyway. Princess Gabriella can travel the world and work for the Principality if needed.

But Alexandre has NOT stepped over any line as far as we know. And there's no reason why Nicole's behavior toward Charlene should have any impact on the relationship between the brothers.

Jacques won't need to turn to his cousins -- who do not work for the principality -- if his brother goes to work for the royal house.
Andrea and Pierre both have significant business interests in Monaco so I would say they definitely have an interest in maintaining the status quo..
This interview is not good. Alexandre comes as arrogant. Albert would better be careful. :whistling: As for Camille 'loving' Alexandre's pic on her Instagram stories, she probably didn't read the interview.;)
It is an odd interview, quite out of touch. Aside from his interesting comments about his position, his only comment about Togo is to do charity there. I always dislike it when rich people have only that to say about developing countries. Very Western savior complex.

Anyway, regarding his comments, I don't think Andrea, who was heir to the heir for the longest time, ever said such things or gave such interviews. It just seems very presumptuos of Alexandre.
This interview is not good. Alexandre comes as arrogant. Albert would better be careful. :whistling: As for Camille 'loving' Alexandre's pic on her Instagram stories, she probably didn't read the interview.;)

Camillie probably 'loved' this because he said nice things about Stephanie. I don't think it is any kind of proof that Albert approves of what he is saying about being an ambassador etc as another poster suggested. I also don't think that Caroline or the Casiraghis will want him around stepping on their toes, just a hunch.
But Alexandre has NOT stepped over any line as far as we know. And there's no reason why Nicole's behavior toward Charlene should have any impact on the relationship between the brothers.

Jacques won't need to turn to his cousins -- who do not work for the principality -- if his brother goes to work for the royal house.
Alexandre being his half-brother doesn’t qualify him to be a trusted advisor, Pierre is older and actually lives and works in in Monaco and I’m sure know how the court works in Monaco, unlike Alexandre. The possibility of him being an ambassador isn’t preordained or set in the stars so him throwing that out there isn’t necessary to say in the interview.

Plus Alexandre is much older than Jacques, I’m not sure if they have a relationship because Jacques is a toddler. Nicole’s behaviour will impact on the relationship because she keeps coming to events in the Principality concerning the family like the Rose ball and went to the media talking about Charlene, and now encouraging Alexandre with this Tatler article (aside from the Point de Veuve article) ?? It’s presumptuous and getting his hopes up over something that most likely won’t happen or isn’t realistic. It’s also childish IMO.
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To be fair I'm prepared to give Alexandre more time to proof himself and see how it all turns out. He is quite young really and obviously has been under the influence of a mother who has ides well above her station. He has probably been taught those ideas by is mother - she on the other hand should know much better and has proven herself to be a pretty revolting character who I feel no sympathy for. Publicly going out your way to ensure your on record saying Charlene's mental health issues are 'karma' is sick.

BUT that was not Alexandre, so let's see how he turns out. The further he gets away from his mother and comes under the sphere of influence of the Grimaldi's the better it may well be. He seems close to Stephanie and to be fair to her she has raised three seemingly level headed, polite, respectful children.
Alexandre being his half-brother doesn’t qualify him to be a trusted advisor, Pierre is older and actually lives and works in in Monaco and I’m sure know how the court works in Monaco, unlike Alexandre. The possibility of him being an ambassador isn’t preordained or set in the stars so him throwing that out there isn’t necessary to say in the interview.

If Alexandre begins working at the court in Monaco, he will know it far better than his cousins who do not work there.

Alexandre said in the interview that being an ambassador for Monaco is a task that Albert and he are discussing. I doubt he'd put that job in jeopardy by revealing something his father did not endorse.

Plus Alexandre is much older than Jacques, I’m not sure if they have a relationship because Jacques is a toddler.

You might want to check your facts. Jacques is eight, not two.

Nicole’s behaviour will impact on the relationship because she keeps coming to events in the Principality concerning the family like the Rose ball and went to the media talking about Charlene, and now encouraging Alexandre with this Tatler article (aside from the Point de Veuve article) ?? It’s presumptuous and getting his hopes up over something that most likely won’t happen or isn’t realistic. It’s also childish IMO.

First of all, Nicole is not crashing these events. She is receiving invitations from someone -- and since she is often alongside Albert, I'd guess from the palace -- so she has every right to be there, just like any other invitee. Half the time Charlene isn't even in attendance, so it shouldn't bother her.

As far as encouraging Alexandre, good for her! She has obviously raised a polite, thoughtful, intelligent young man, so she must be doing something right.

From what Alexandre has said, Albert is also encouraging him. Since we haven't seen any comments in the articles along the lines of "the palace declined to comment," I suspect he approves of the interviews, too.
This interview is not good. Alexandre comes as arrogant. Albert would better be careful. :whistling: As for Camille 'loving' Alexandre's pic on her Instagram stories, she probably didn't read the interview.;)

I'm afraid I agree with your assessment. He seems rather full of himself.

There is no reason to 'put himself out there' unless Albert himself makes a move and so far he hasn't. It is only Alexandre (and his mother) we're hearing from - probably in an attempt to force his father's hand?! (although I don't think Albert is that easily forced) For example, the following quote does not show any agreement or support on Albert's part; only that Alex brought it up in a conversation with his father. I'd think that he would definitely have stated his father's enthusiasm for the plan if that had been the case.

[I aspire to] work in a relationship with my dad and become this – let’s say – global ambassador for Monaco, and to bring business opportunities back to Monaco, which is what I’ve talked about with him.’
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I agree that Alexandre's prominence in recent years must be with HSH The Prince of Monaco's blessing since the latter hasn't either denied or dissuaded the press from the former's ideas. People may argue that, as a beloved son, HSH The Prince of Monaco wouldn't publicly dismiss Alexandre, but a statement as simple as "Alexandre will always be a beloved member of our family, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors" will get the point across that he has no future working in the Princely Family of Monaco.

As to whether or not he should assist the Hereditary Prince of Monaco when the time comes giving that there are more seasoned members of the Royal Family, I would say that he should. The young prince should be supported by a variety of different people, and although his aunts and cousins have a lot more experienced in court, I don't see why he can't also be supported by his brother, sisters, or anyone else who can help him navigate through being the head of the Princely Family of Monaco.
I have just read the article too and found him to sound very arrogant. I don’t know him obviously and maybe he is a very nice and kind young man but that’s certainly not the impression that the article gives.
I have just read the article too and found him to sound very arrogant. I don’t know him obviously and maybe he is a very nice and kind young man but that’s certainly not the impression that the article gives.

He has a mother who has publicly trashed Princess Charlene several times, the latest attack being fairly recently when the Princess was seriously unwell. It also seems that where he is Nicole Coste is never far behind so no I can't imagine Prince Jacques wanting him around at all when he comes of age. IMO the Casiraghi boys and probably Louis Ducruet will be Jacques' main support when he comes to the throne.
He has a mother who has publicly trashed Princess Charlene several times, the latest attack being fairly recently when the Princess was seriously unwell. It also seems that where he is Nicole Coste is never far behind so no I can't imagine Prince Jacques wanting him around at all when he comes of age. IMO the Casiraghi boys and probably Louis Ducruet will be Jacques' main support when he comes to the throne.

Nicole Coste has stated publicly several times that she has NOT trashed Charlene. The claims the Daily Mail story, which is what claimed to have quotes from her, was fabricated.
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