On this Day in French Royal/Imperial History

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An Ard Ri

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Jun 30, 2009
An Iarmhí
On this day,September 1st 1715 ,Louis XIV of France died at the Palace of Versailles,his reign of 72 years and 110 days is so far the longest reign of any monarch in recorded history.His remains were buried amid great pomp at St Denis outside Paris where they rested until October 14th,1793 when a Revolutionary mob violated the crypt of the Bourbons and dumped all remains in mass grave outside the Abbey church.


September 2, 1870 ~ Emperor Napoleon III surrendered to the Prussians during the Battle of Sedan. :napoleon::napoleon::napoleon:
September 2nd 1516,birth of François de Cleves , Duke of Nevers who played a major role during the reigns of François Ier and Henri II.In 1538 he married Marguerite de Bourbon-Vendôme the older sister of Antoine de Bourbon who later married Jeanne d'Albret,Queen of Navarre.


September 5th,1336 :death of Charles d'Evreux , Comte d'Etampes.Charles was himself a French Prince and the son of Louis,Count of Evreux and Marguerite d'Artois. His uncle was Philip IV of France and he was also the younger brother of Philip III of Navarre.Charles married Maria de la Cerda who was the great granddaughter of Alfonso X of Castile in 1335.Charles died a year later and was buried at the now destroyed Couvent des Cordeliersin Paris,all that survives is an engraving from the early 1700's of his magnificent tomb which was destroyed during the French Revolution.


Today in French Royal History : September 9th

1488: Death of Francis II, Duke of Brittany shortly after a fall from his horse at Couëron in Brittany.Francis II was succeeded by his daughter,Anne and his remains were buried beside his wife Marguerite de Foix at the Chapel of the Carmelites in Nantes.The chapel was pillaged in 1793 but miraculously the coffins and tombs were hidden at Nantes Cathedral and rediscovered and reinterred at the cathedral in 1813.



1585 :Birth of future Cardinal Richelieu,born Armand Jean du Plessis in Paris.


On this day,September 10th

1384: Death of Jeanne de Penthievre,Countess of Penthièvre,Goello ,Viscountess of Limoges,dame d'Avaugour and was Duchess of Britanny from until she was ousted by the House of Montfort.
Jeanne and her husband Charles de Blois spent most of the rest of their lives fighting for the ducal crown of Brittany.Jeanne lost out and died and was buried along her husband at l’église des frères Mineurs de Guingamp.


On this day,September 12th,1494 :Birth of future François Ier of France ,he was the only son of Charles, Count of Angoulême, and Louise of Savoy. François succeeded his cousin Louis XII in January 1515 and reigned until 1547.


On this day, September 20, 1792, at the Battle of Valmy, Louis Philippe of Orleans (future King Louis Philippe I) was ordered to place a battle of artillery on the crest of the hill of Valmy.
On this day, September 21, 1792, the end of the reign of King Louis XVI of France occurred.
On this day, September 21, 1792, the end of the reign of King Louis XVI of France occurred.

In reality it was only a formality as the king had been imprisoned for over a month. After his attempt to escape Paris failed, his only remaining power and support had slipped away. Except foreign.

Also September 21 in 1435 the Treaty of Arras was signed. It was a turning point for the French in the 100 years war. Philip III recognized Charles VII as King of France and ended his alliance with England. In return Charles exempted him from paying homage to the crown, and promised to punish the men who had murdered his father.

The end of the alliance was spurred by the death of John of Bedford. John was the last remaining piece holding together the alliance. The Uncle of Henry VI, he was married to Philip III's sister Anne, in attempt to cement the alliance. Anne had died three years before her husband. John's death a week before the end of the congress of Arras was the final nail in the coffin of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance which already showed cracks.
23 September 1267: Death of Béatrice ,Comtesse de Provence near Naples in Italy .Following the death of Beatrice,her husband Charles II of Anjou
had her remains brought back to France and buried at the necropolis of the Comtes de Provence at L'eglise Saint-Jean-de-Malte de Aix-en-Provence however the tomb was lost during Revolutionary vandalism in 1794.



Now destroyed tomb of Beatrice

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22nd September 1531 : Death of Louise de Savoie at Grez-sur-Loing.
Louise was duchess of Angouleme,Bourbon,Anjou,Touraine,and Auvergne and was the mother of François Ier and who had served as Regent of France of France during the 1st half of her sons reign. Louise caught a chill whilst observing a comet the site of which had filled her with complete dread and the duchess died a few days later on September 22nd .


On this day, September 24, 768 Pepin the Short died. He was King of the Franks from 751 to 768.
September 24


Today in Royal History is the 584th Death Anniversary of Queen Isabeau of France born Isabeau of Bavaria from the House of Wittelsbach as the eldest daughter of Duke Stephen III of Bavaria-Ingolstadt and Taddea Visconti of Milan. She became Queen of France upon her marriage to King Charles VI in 1385. The marriage was blessed with 8 children and two of which became Queen Consorts of England namely Isabella and Catherine.


She died in Paris on 24 September 1435 and was buried at Basilica of St. Denis.
Isabeau has gone down in history as one of the most unpopular French queens ,her funeral was nothing to write home about either transported to Saint Denis by boat with little pomp.Her coffin was one of the 1st to desecrated by Revolutionary mobs in 1793 and her remains dumped in a mass grave.

On this day, September 27, 1601, King Louis XIII of France was born at the Chateau de Fontainebleau.
On this day, October 5, 1398 ~ Demise of Blanche of Navarre, Queen of France. She was the spouse of King Philip VI of France.
On this day, October 5, 1398 ~ Demise of Blanche of Navarre, Queen of France. She was the spouse of King Philip VI of France.

An engraving of Blanche de Navarre,Queen of France praying with her daughter,Jeanne de France and King Philippe VI.

On this day, October 6, 1773 ~ Birth of Louis Philippe I, King of the French, at the Palais Royal in Paris, France
On this day, October 6, 1773 ~ Birth of Louis Philippe I, King of the French, at the Palais Royal in Paris, France

Élisabeth de France was a popular Spanish queen and had acted as Regent on several occasions in the latter stages of her life.

On this day, October 9, 1514 ~ The wedding of King Louis XII of France and Mary Tudor, the daughter of King Henry VII of England, at Abbeville Cathedral in France
Also on this day, 9 October 1757 the future Charles X was born at the Palace of Versailles the son of Dauphin, Le Louis de France & La dauphine Marie-Josèphe de Saxe.

On this day, October 14, 1404 ~ Birth of Marie of Anjou, Queen of France. She was the wife of King Charles VII.

On this day, October 14, 1499 ~ Birth of Claude of France, Queen of France. She was the daughter of King Louis XII of France and the first spouse of King Francis I.
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