Nobel Gowns worn by the Swedish Royals

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
which one is your favourite?

when having a look at the nobel prize website, i was surprised to see they keep a record of the queen's dresses since she first attended in 1976. check this and choose your favourite!
The Queen's Gowns

mine have to be (most of) those done by nina ricci and jacques zehnder. some are absolutely gorgeous!
My favorite was 2002, she has had some amazing creations to wear. Beautiful Queen
My favourite is the dress Queen Silvia wore in 2007. Simplicity of the design was compensated by a vibrant hue of the red colour. I have mixed feeling about the white dress by Yuki she wore in 2006. I would say that the upper part of the dress spoilt the look for me because it was overwhelmingly big in comparison with a skirt of the dress. In case of the red dress, the proportions were "saved" by the long kimono-style sleeves ... in my personal opinion.
I think my post has turned into a commentary of all the dresses but i couldnt decide on my fave
1979 - one of the nice early dresses
1986 - lovely purple colour
1986 - dark green colour was perfect and the shpae of the dress really worked as well
1989 - another great dress
1990- - the velvet dress with lace was something a bit differnt compared to the other dresses
2001 - a really fairytale gown
2002 - nice dress as it is a deparure from her traditional full skirt ballgowns of previous years

One of the worst in 1985 as i dont like the yellow 1980s style
Another really bad dress was 1995 - skirt was far too puffy and im not a fan of the colours
1997 made her look like some sort of really bad tapestry
Like Princess of Europe, I can´t chose just one. I love this four most:
1978 - wonderful colour to the Leuchtenberg´s sapphires
1989 - lovely colour and shape, perfect for the Queen
1998 - just beautiful
2000 - a magnificent, regal dress

I don´t like the dresses from 1985 (just too much of everything), 1997 (the queen almost "disappeared" herself) and 1988 (strangelooking skirt).

But most of the years - including 2008 - she looks great.

Well, maybe 1994 wasn´t that great either.
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Year 2000 she looked her absolute best--just a regal gown for regal woman.
I also like 2002--that dress was truly spectacular. I'm sure in person it was outstanding as well!

Can we talk about our least favorite Nobel gown??
Thanks for posting that retrospective! Seeing her style evolve is amazing, and I can't get over how gracefully Silvia has aged. She's amazing, and she looked great in almost everything. ALMOST!

My Thoughts
1976- too "disco", I know it was the 70's, but it was over the top.
1977- too 70's! too busy and it makes her look like she's wearing a curtain
1978- AMAZING colour on Silvia!
1981- She was trying to cover up her pregnancy obviously, and it was a sad and pathetic deception.
1982- Intrancing without the coat
1984- Very soft and delicate
1987- It's prettier on the display. It wasn't right for her, but it's a beautiful gown.
1995- wow-wow-wow. Love it. I would wear that!
1996- Very beautiful 50's throw-back, I could see Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn in that gown
2002- Just plain pretty and fairy-tale-like, everything you expect of a fairy-tale princess/Queen
2004- Wow, looks like something I could see one of her daughters wearing, but still appropriet and
This was a fun site to look at.

1976 is very disco
1977 and 1978 look like casual dresses, not gala dresses
1979 was really pretty, but 1983 and 1985 were horrible
1984 reminded me of Grace Kelly
I loved the colors of the 1988 and 1989 gowns
1990 just scares me-absolutely horrid
1991 and 1992 were very pretty. I loved the orange colors
1996-1998 were not attractive.
I liked this year's gown, but I think that 2004 was my favorite. It looked very sleek and elegant.
The dress from 1990 haven´t got many admirers. It´s a special dress, quite different from the others. Why - Queen Silvia lost her father in late october 1990 and choosed a dark colour and long sleeves for Nobel.

Maybe not her best choice, but a very understandable one. I may be one of the very few, but I like this dress, both the colour and the oldfashioned 19th century model.
Well, let's keep on synopsing the gowns:
1976: suits the style of the decade
1977--not quite right
1978--again, suits the decade
1979 was actually quite lovely
1981 was just not working--not her best look
1982 was a nice shape, and the style suited her
1983 reminds me of a red version of Diana's wedding gown, and is just too poufy but then again, that was the style
1984 was lovely, with an overall delicate look
1985, again, with the Diana wedding gown effect; I think this dress just overwhelmed her
1986--the year she wore the amethysts-not my favorite gown, but one of my favorite parues!! She looked lovely

1988--reminds me of the gowns Victoria is always wearing now
1989--very nice gown, good color
1990--a lot of people don't care for this gown, but I like it.
1995--beautiful gown, truly
1996--another gorgeous choice, very glamourous
1997--my LEAST favorite of them all--looks like expensive upholstery
1998--too busy
1999--I don't know, the shape is nice but....
2000 my FAVORITE. This dress is truly beautiful and suits HM beautifully
2001 while beautiful, I always felt it was a little young for her; she wore it well and it's stunning with those sapphire, though
2002--busy, busy gown but I like it--it's intricate
2004--elegant, sophisticated
2005, 2006 I'm not a fan of Yuki
i do agree about 1978 and 79 - they look far too casual to me.

1983 and 1985 were a disaster. i guess it was pretty much what was in fashion by then, so probably it's complicated to judge.

1984 is quite lovely, simple and feminine. nice choice. very audrey indeed.
1986: the colour is nice, but the dress doesn't impress me
1987: lovely colour, i loved the asymetric cut. i would probably have taken out the "shorter" sleeve of the skirt.
1988: i'm not a fan. she looked like barbie in that colour.
1989: nice colour. quite similar to 87 (although i prefer 87)
1990: my LEAST favourite
1993: i loved this one. it has a special something to it (although the embroidery in the top looks like a bit too much maybe - plain black (or black embroidery) would have been nice)
1994: i quite like this one also. shame that it seemeto cover the sash though.
1995: isn't this one lovely? it is probably my favourite with 94.
1999: i like this one. simple and fairytalish.
2001 and 2002: very nice choices...
2006: i liked this oriental inspired one by yuki.
My least favorite gowns:

- 1988: Joergen Bender at his worst, a strange unfinished-looking top that can’t balance the tulip-kind cut of the very stiff skirt. Strange combination of fuchsia pink with the sapphires as well.
- 1990: Almost a Victorian costume, but excused because this must have been a kind of emergency dress, due to the death of the Queen’s father shortly before.
- 1997: Nina Ricci at her worst, a Flamenco-inspired mistake with too many frilly details and a print which nobody would be able to pull off – the print is wearing her instead of the other way around.
- 2006: Yuki at his worst, unfortunately. If the gown had come in a different color than white, which just leads to an unfortunate ‘angel wings’ association, it still could have worked.

My favorite gowns:

- 1986: Joergen Bender and 80’s fashions at their best, elaborate but not overdone, more a mid-19th century crinoline dress, a gown made to be worn with the wonderful amethyst jewels
- 1993: Nina Ricci Haute Couture at its best, a risky black and white combination of the bold and the romantic, which Queen Silvia was perfectly able to pull off. Wonderful skirt with its cut falling into a billowing train at the back.
- 1995: Almost over-the-top but totally romantic, Nina Ricci obviously used the best of silk taffetas and that shows - a great updated 1950s look.
- 1999: Wonderful 40s-inspired Jacques Zehnder gown with one of the most elaborately tailored skirts I have ever seen, a most difficult cut with the heavy brocade falling into a train of several layers on top of each other in the back.
- 2001: Nina Ricci and Silvia go ‘Swan Lake’, it’s meant to produce a fairy tale image of a Queen, and the luxurious tulle layers of the skirt have a wonderful floating effect.
- 2007: Yuki at his best, a radical departure from the classic with Queen Silvia going into avant-garde haute couture. Results in a unique look in-between medieval and Japanese – difficult to pull off, but very successful.
- 2008: Jacques Zehnder at his best, the total opposite of the style the year before and just as successful, a very regal look with the gown’s exquisite embroidery, perfectly complemented by the choice of jewelry and also the opera gloves.
thank you so much i enjoy so much all the photos, difficult to decide!
My top favorite:
-1984:Like a fairytale!
-2004:In two words,magnificent simplicity!
The rest of the gowns look rather "loaded" or too shiny for my personal taste.
Which I like:
1982 - simple and nice coat
1989 - nice colour, top, interesting
1990 - rmind me XVII century style and in this dress I saw the Queen for the 1st time
1991 - nice colour and style, and train
1998 - very rich
1999 - I like skirt and train
2000 - just like all suit to each other
2005 - I'm not sure about this one, I like the colour, front of the skirt could be longer
2008 - it's intersting but not with these jewels
I liked the green color of the 1990 dress. And the uniqueness of the 2002 dress.
Princess Victoria's Nobel gows during the years :flowers:
Rösta på kronprinsessan Victorias snyggaste Nobelklänning! | Svensk Damtidning

Scroll down under the gallery: there you can find a poll where you can vote for your favourite gown.

My favourite look on her was the simple white gown in 2005.
Last year's dress wasn't bad either. The backview is great.

Last years gown was the best IMO but the color was a bit strong.
I liked the cut and detailing of the dress.
I like the 2006 dress Cprincess Victoria wore, I just love her in red, especially nice around christmas time! Cant wait to see what ALL the royal ladies wear this year, especially what tiaras, and jewelry they wear.

For sentimental reasons the 1979 gown was my favourite.Although the colour white really becomes Queen Sylvia
2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 are my favourites. :flowers:
My favs are;
Victoria - 2003
Madeleine - 2005 (2006 a close second)
Silvia - 1986 (she sure had some BIG poofie dresses!!!)
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